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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1976, p. 13

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BROOME - Daug and Trudy (nee Humenick) are, pleased ta annaunce the arrivai of their daughter, Stephanie Pat- ricia, born at Memonial Hospi- tai, BowmanviIie, on Sunday, January U1, 1976, weighing 8 Ibs. 41/2 azs. Grandiparents, are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hume- nick, Bawmanvilie and Mr. John Broome, Tyrone. Many thanks ta Dr. J. D. Rundlo and DE MILLE -- Bill and Canal (nee Beliman) are praud ta annaunce the birfh of their son, Steven William, 8 ibs. 4 azs., born January 5, 1976 at York C ounfy Hospital, New- marketf* First grandchiId for George and Jeanne Bolman, Harold and Agnes De Mille, ail of Bowmanville. 9-1 x YEO - Grant and Carol are_ pIeased'ta annaunce the arri- vai of a 7 lb. 8 oz. boy, Chistapher James., A brother forSheri and Lori. The praud grandparents are Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Yea, Orono and Mn. and Mrs. Malcolm Cha- pin, Trail, B.C. 2-1 ALLEN- Suddeniy at his home, Nort h Street, New- castle, on Monda y January 5fh, 1976, Jesse AIlbert Allen, aged 87 years, husband of the late Ethel Rhodes, dean father of, Isabel Allen. Resting at tho Morris'Funeral Chapel, Baw- manville, for service on Thursdayat il a.m. interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Legion service 7:30 Wednes- day. -2-1 CAMERON, John Wesley (Wes) - Suddeniy at Oshawa Generai Hospital on Tuesday,' January 6, 1976, Wes Cam-. eron, in his 77th year. Hus- band of Mabel Flintoif. Fathor of Jack, Shoîbourne, Ontario; Mrs., Fred Ward (Joyce), RR No. 6, BowmanviIie. Brother of F red, RR No. 1, Hampton; Mrs., - Bernard McQuin (Mary), Brampton- Mrs. Russell Staintan (Florence), RR Na. 1, Hampton and the lafe Retord and Ray Cameran. Aiso remembered by 12 grand- chiidren and t ive great-grand- children. Rested-at the Mc- Intosh-Anderson Funoral home, 152 King St. E. Oshawa. Service in. the chapel Friday, Informent Zion Cemetery. 2-1- FRANKLIN, Russell- Sud- denly at his home on Sunday, Jan.,il 1976, Russell Franklin of 4 Ve4eran' Ave., Bowman. villie, in his88th year. Husband of the late Annie McMartin, dea rfather of Mrs. H. Francis (Helen>, BowmanviIle. Rested at the Northcutt Ellioft Funo- rai Home. Completo tuneral service,1:30 o'clock, Wednes- day affernoon. Spring inter- ment Forest Lawn Cometory, Orangoville. 2-1 GRAHAM, Leslie- At Port Penny Comrnunit1 Nursing 1976, Les1lie G ra h a mof R.R. 1, Milibroak, beiovod husband.of the, late Iva Bernice Gibson, dean faf her of Mrs. Wiltred Gillis (Moretta) af R.R. 2 Milibrook, Donald of R.R. 1, MilIbroak and Raymond Gra- ham of Lambeth. Dean brafh- er of Mrs. Edna, Bradley of Bawmanville, Oscar and Mer- vin 0f Blackstock and Cia- rence Graham 0f Part Perry. Aiso survived by 12 grandchil- dren, and tive greaf grand- children. The late Mn., Gra. ham is resting at Comstock Funeral 'Home, 356 Rubidgo, St., Peterboraugh fan service at St. Thomas Anglican Church, Millbroak, on Th uns., Januarv l5th at 1: 30 i.m. Rev. David Sissmare afficiating. Intorment St. Paul's ( tery, Cavan. 2-1 LOUCKS, Gertrude Florence - 'At Memanial Hospital, BowmanviiIe on January 12, 1976, Gertrude Laucks, Les- kard, age 95 yeans. Wife of the late Walter M. Laucks, dean mother of Hilda (Mns. Bort White), Oshawa, Helen (Mns. Norman Foe), Genry (Mns. Ray mond MacDonalId), Angus andElva (Mns. Clane Grant) ail of Leskard. Also survivod by eleven grandchildrenand seven great, great grand- chiidron: Resting at the Bar- low, Funeral Home, ýy0rono unt il Wednesday morning thon ta Lang Chagpl for service at 2: 00 p. m. nterment Onono Cemefery. 2-1 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mal- kiewicz are happy ta announce the engagemert of their dau- ghter, Susan Caroline, ta Mr. Alan James Pears, son of Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears, Orono. 2-1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milli- ken, Bowmanviile, announce the engagement of their dau- ghter Janice Catherine, ta John E. Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wiliams, Dunbartan. 2'l Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Taylor, Bowmanville arepleased ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Christi!ne fa Jetf Hodgson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hadgson also of Bowmanviile. Wedding is ta take place, February 14, 1976 at St.. Joseph's Roman Cathalic Church, Bowman- ville. 2-1 1Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bail, Orono, are pleased ta an- nounce the torthcoming mar- niage of their yaungest daughter, Susan Jean, fo Leslie Hrebicek, son of Mrs. Rosa Hrebicek, Toronto and Mr. John Hrebicek, Brat-- isiava, Czechoslovakia. The wedding ta take place Feb- ruary.14, 1976 in Orono United Church, Orono. 2-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jake Buma, Rî. R. No. 1, Enniskillen and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, R.R. No. 6, Bowmanville are pleas- ed ta annaunce the engage- ment of their children, Trrixie and Leslie. The wedding will take place at the Christian Retormed Church in Bowman- ville at 4 p.m. an Sat., Jan. 31, 1976. 2-1 Hawthorne - Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Le- wis, Salisbury, N.B., an- nounce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Lee ta Robent Ronald Hawthorne, son of Mns. Ronald Hawthorne, Bow- manville and the late Mr. Hawthorne. The ceremony taking place in Toronto, Satur- day, Decem ber 20, 1975. 2-1 x CLARKE - In, loving memory 'of a dean husband and father who passed away suddenly January 16, 1962. To dearly loved ever ta be torgatten. -Sadly missed and always remembered by his wife Eteika and son James. Wewish to thank family and friends for cards, gifts and all their work for the, successful evening on the occasion of our 4th wedding anniversary. Gladys and Tom Westlake 2-1 I would like to fhank the Emergency Floor Nurses, nurses on lst floor, and special thanks fo Dr. Mosienko for the care while 1 was a patienf at Bowmanville Memoriai Hos- pifai. Mrs. Ethel Goodmurphy 2-1 Winona Kay thanks ail who sent such nice Christmas gifts and greetings, and wishes each of you a wandertul 1976. 2-1 I would like to express my appreciafian and sincere thanks f0 my relatives, friends and neig hbours for cards,' f lowers, gifts and get well wishes wh ile I was a patient in Memorial Hospital. A speciai thanks ta Ors. Hubbard, Long, and Rundie, ta staff in intensive care and on medical flbar for the wonderful care 1 received., Fwe 2-1 We would l.ike ta express sincere thanks to triends, ne ighbau rs and relatives for thei r Many acts of klndness shawn fa us during aur recent bereavement of a dear hus- band and father, Clarence Turner. Aleen, Sam, Bey and family 2-1 I wish fa thank my relatives and triends for their visits, kind thaughts, cards, gifts and flawers while a patient in Memorial Hospital. Special thanks ta my daughter Judy, nurses in Emergency and 1sf floor, Drs. Westgarth and Murphy for their excellent attention. Anna Marie Dunlop 2-1 We wish ta fhank aur dear friends, neighbours on Church St. and aur familles for the beautiful plants, lavel y floral arrangements, cards and giftsi Also aur thanks ta the Martha Graup of St. John's Church . You made aur Soth anniversary a day ta remem- ber. May God bless one and ail. Olive and Bob Rogers 2-1 x ADAMS - In laving memory of aur dear parents. Charles Frederick wha passed away Jan. 5, 1938 and Beatrice El la who passed away Jan. 30, 1961. The golden gates staad open, God saw you needed rest; His garden must be beautitul, He only fakes the best. - Ever remembered by Ruby, Earl, Pearl and Ait and families. 2-1 Since 1912 HEYKOOP - In memory of the Heykaop famiiy wha died January 13, 1974. -Remembered by Dean F lowers Jancas. 21 by JACKMAN... PHONE 623-3365 162 King St. E., Bowmanviîîe 45-tt VAN BELLE DAILY D.livery ta ... Othawa - Bmmanville Aria Phone 623-4441 CARNATION For AIl Your Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Fîower Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 tf Durham CoUnty's Oldest Funeral MORRIS FUNERAL CHAI 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVIL TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREj Phone 623-5480 Day or Nigl Serving this district for 96 ye. Funeral Home Thoughtful selection of cemetery sites, fan variou a concern ta many people ... oaften fan in advancý We have available information on ail local1 cerm simpîy on request. This is part of aur service ta the communil I Service PEL HOLROYD, Fred - Toaa ioving husband, tather and grandfather who Ieft us Jan- uary 15, 1969. i try ta hold back the tears, dean, Since you lft me here ail alone i miss yau 50 much oh my darling, f;hold up my head and go on. I have my dneams ta remem- ber, 0f the lite we had tagether beo re We had a gaod lite and wore hippy, i hold uo mv head and go on. No one knows what's in my heant dean Ma ybe thoy k i don't, cane, But i know my own feelings my darling I can hoid up my head, and go on. -Lovin g y remembered by his wife Dais and famiiy. If you have a drinking problom, please, càll A.A. 728-1020. 45-tf The Durham Women's Movoment will stant a Con- sciousness Raising Group in your area. If inforosted or for more information caîl 728- 2111. 46-tf ANN B .RADLÉY- Permanent Hiair Removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX -LE 4-f ýAS 'EAR PIERCING ht SERVI1CE, ýa rs. Hooper's Jewellers ars, Ltd. Regular Pnice $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Speciai 10 per cent reducf ion DIJ 'IÉ on finst punchasé of eannings wifh the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appaintment s easans 45 If :e of need. iteries, GET CASII TODAX FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH y. STATESMAN 2-1 CLASSIF TED Newcastle Social Planning Cauncil meeting, Thursday, January 22, 8 p.m., Court Raom No. 2, Police Building, Bawmanville. 1 1-3 Club Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall ava.ilable for your graup's fund raising activities. BookXy aur next year's dates nawwhil choice dates are stili available. Contact Don Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf Orono Amateur Athletic- Association, Winter Dance, Newcastle Town Hall, Satur- day, January 3,1, 1976. Music by Ted Koss and the Cava- liers. $7 a couple. Refresh- ments and lunch available. 2-3 Plan now fa attend the Disney Warld Concert an February 1sf at 8 p.m. in the B.H.S. Auditorium, sponsored by the Band Parents Associa- tion. Ross Metcalt and his Associates will, feature Tommy Cinnamon, Canada's Outstanding Banloist. Tynone C.ommunity Centre, Annuai General Meeting fa b e heid on Sunday Jan. 18, 1976 at 8 p.m. in the new hall. 2-1 Tyrane Cammunity Centre Officiai apening on Saturday Jan. 17, 1976 at 2 p.m. untjî 5 p.m. Everyone welcome. 2-1 Dance in Kendal Orange Hall, Saturday, January 24, spansored by the Orange Lodge, Music by the Couples Club Orchestra . Everyone welcome. 2-1 Mid-winter dance, Satur- day, January 24, 8:30 p.m. Newcastle Cammunity Hall, prizes, lunch. $6.00 per couple. Everyone weicome. Sponsor- ed by the Durham East N.D.P. Riding Association. 2-2 MONSTER BINGC New Starting Time TH URSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHAWA 50 tt WOODVIEW COMMUNThY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 17:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21 tf DANCE SOL INA COMMUNITY HALL Sat. Jan. 17 Ray Avery's Orchestra BINCO NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., Jan. 2th Early Bird Gamnes 7: 30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 2-1 BIG TWO DAY Hadassah Fa bric Sale WEDNESDAY &THURSDAY JANUARY21st &22nd 9a.m. -9p.m. 144 King St. East, Oshawa New suppîy of ovely uphalstery fabric, good rummage selection. Mens &boy's suifs and 2-1 Daytona Beach BUS TOUR FEBRUARY 14-29 $299.00 Per P#rson Sharing Twin 10 Days of Fun & Sun at a New Ocean Front Hot'el Sightseeing Tours f0 Disney- world, Cypress Gdns., and Historic St. Augustine. For Information and Local Boarding Point BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL 47 King St. W. or DENURE TOURS LTD. Lindsay, Ont, 705-324-9161 DRESSERS, recliner, five l ece chrome suite, capfain's bed, double beds, occasional chair, Wesfinghouse spin dryer, utility table, telephone table, car bed, straller, also ather good used furniture. Towne Used Furnifure, 19 Temperance Sf., Bowman- ville. 2-1 ONE stove, one 54" bed trame bookcase, bunk beds, one set of sliding closet doors. Phone 623-7853. 2-1 Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 A salesman in Darlington Township. 1FILM P ROC ESS ING CH ILDR E N'S PHOTOS Ca meras and Photogra phic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-.2404 Oshawa TV eeS. Antennas - Towers ROTORS INSTAL.LED UHF -VHF. Colored Aerials Apts. and Homes Pre-Wirecl rREPAIRS Workmanshi p Guaranteed Ail priced ta SAVE you Motiey Phone 623-5122 L. HAMILTON, MANAGER 38-tf INSTALL AN Q f"ýFURNACE BO ILE R HUMIDIFIER su l H EATE R AIR CONDITIONER AIR CLEANER Financing Available FURNACES CLEANED PARTS AND SERVICE POLICY CALL -ARVEY ýPARTNER Youn ESSO Service -Dea fen FREE ESTIMATES Orono 983-5206 - Zenith 14620 24 Hour Service ANTIQUE CLOCI -REPA ýParts availabie que dlocks, pc and modern c lac :Our repairs a Énocdern up-to-d, ,and qualitied wafchr HOOPER'S J LTI * 29 King 5 Phone 6 Towens Aenial R Apartmo Prg Askj Guý OAT straw and hay for sale. Phono 263-2719., 1-2x WHITE birch tiroplace waod. Phono 1 -786-2459. 52-4 GRAI ý4fed beef sides, 90 cents a lb. t.eiand Payne, Newton- vil le, pno 786-2512. 44-tf 1973MERÏCURY -Hurri-cane Snawmobiie, 40 horsepower. Phone Part Hope 885-5908. , 2-1 ALUMINUM siding, doors, windows, awnings, railings, nain carry ing systemrs. Lameý Aluin, 1P rince Street. Phono 623-3871. Suprome Window and Door Co. 2-1 1 '7Q ;? TNT 399 c.c. Good candi- 1t tion, rebuilt engine, $325. - Phone 987-4243. 2-1 TWO Datsun snowtires, used one season, size 612, $20; Cub shirt, hat, scarf, beit and pouch, size 14, $5; one girl's gymn suit, Clarke High, size 16, $2; one pair of buckle ski-boots in gaod condition, size 2, $5; 1-983-9575 after 3 p.m. 2-1 MOVING must seli, stove and fridge, 1 y r. aId, excellent condition. Phone 623-3758. 2-1 TWO snow tires mounted H78-15, $40. Phone 623-5058 after 4.. 2-lx BASEMENT rummage sale, new and used clothing, boots, shoes and ather items assor- ted, sizes. January 17, 145 Liberty St. South. 2-ix VIKING Plumbing and Heaf- ing, Hampton location, fast, dependlable 24 hour servicp- Free estimates. 'Cai Ructy 263-2981. 1-3 PADDY'S Market now ha new furniture, appliances T.V.'s and stereos and aisq usedtfurnitureand appliancesj Wil11 accept trade-ins. Paddy'~ Market, Hampton, phone 263î. 2241. 33-tlf USED Furniture and Appli-! ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 26-tf~ COMPRESSORS, gononaforsl, olectric matons, gninders, drillI presses, heavy dufy - power fools, et c. Saws sharuenod. We sou, jü and trade. Open- Satundays. Ace Machineny, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phono 723-0933. 46-tt '72 MASTER Coach, 23 foot, fuiiy equipped. $4,900. Phone 623-4911. 2-1 VIOLINS for sale or trade. Phono 263-2052. 2-1 48-ff KS I RE Dtat HON EY, unpasfeurizod, white for msas t-ý in standard containers, Edgar 2cket watchesý James, 2 miles east of Liberty wafches andý Street on Taunton Raad. ks. Phone 983-5872. 2-2x ire done witil late equi prentM ONE large capacify Air Com- Swiss t rained' esr 5 HP Moton, customn miater. i It rabbit cages with feeders EWELLERS and waters, 1-2 turrow drag 'D. piaugh, 1-1968 Viva car, gaad St. East mochanical condition, 1- Time $23-5747 card punch clock. Phono 34At 623-5674. 2-1-x CANAD IAN grandmothon IHITE'S ock, aval mahogany diing TOWER S quoen-size mattress, box spring wif h trame, Kenmore vacuum cleanor. Ail items neani y brand new, excellent , UHF, VHF candition. Phone 623-6304. Is, Rotors & 2-1 epairs ______________ ient & Homes SIMPSON Soars console e-Wired model, 23" black and white TV About Our cames wifh Gavin U.H.F. jaantee cobverter, bat; in gaod work- Phone ing orden. Phono 987-5237 atter 576-5606 Scrap paper - .50 cent 576-5606 bundies. Statesman Office, 66 King St. W. 2-1 E. WHITE COU RT ICE, 30 tf 1975 MOPED. Phono 623-4967 affer 6 p.m. 2-lx PROPANE gas dnyor (Sim- %an. 30 plicity) used aniy four months. M. Phono 725-3742. 2-2 W38 COLD STORAGE YOGA Tuesdays - Jan. 20 ta Mz Evenings 8.-9:15 p.n Fee -11 Weeks,$2( TELE PHON E 263-26 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel NE WCA§TL E COUNTRY GEMS Friday - Saturday January 16 -17 Dancing 9 - i WOMEN ALIVE MINI CONFERENCE IJNEW BEGINNINGS" Wednesday, January 28th, 1976 2 p.m. - 9p.m. EASTDALE COLLEGIATE, HARMONY ROAD NORTH, OSHAWA Speaker: EILEEN GUDER Price $6.00 Includes Suppen TICKETS Selina Fulton 725-7008 Oshawa HAY for sale $1.50 per bale, gaod mixed ha y aven 3,000 large bales. Easy load ing canvenience. Phone 723-1176, 723-5945. 2-1 APPLES Mac lntosh, Delicioue and Spy Frank Hiemstna R.R. 1, Enniskillcn 263-2260 Oâ%SIAWA SCREENED SAND GRAVEL & STONE 1IMESTONE PRODUCTS AIL SIZES FOR LIRIVEWAYS ' &PARKING LOTS rL- TOPSOIL & DIRI FILL DELIVERED OR REMOVEO TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR REN T SNoW REMOVAL CALL' Registration 2-2:30 p.m. Grace Bridges 1623-3062 Bowmanville SNOWBLOWER, Tara 21" Snowpup, reasonable. One tire, new A78-13. Phone 623-2913. 2-Ix TWO snowmo6biles, good run-' ning condition. Phone 623-5674. 2-1 x 1975 CHEV Caprice con- vertible, 11,000 miles, power steering, brakes and windows plus of her options. Phone 987-4492, Newcastle. 2-1 1964 RAMBLER Classic, run- ning Condition, dlean interior, as is-, $150. Phone 623-3303. 52-tf '74 CHEVROLET. 4 door hardtap, tully equipped, plus air conditioning, snow tires and trailer hitch. Low mile- age, certified. Phone 623-2905. 2-1 x '71 FORD Station wagon, A-i condition. Will certify. Phone 623-3122. 2-1 PUPPI ES, border collie type. Phono 623-2730. -1-tf BEAGLE pups, 3 months oîd. Phone 623-5674. 2-ix TH R EE rabbits f ree ta a gaad home. Phone 1-983-9575 after 3 pM. 2-1 FREE removal of tresh, dead or disabled large animais. There will be a $5 charge on small calves and pigs. Call Margwill Fur Farm, Hamp- ion, 263-2721. 46-ff TWO bedroom, uptawn. Phone 623-4953 or 623-2790. 2-1, BOWMANVILLE- 6 room madern apartment aver Mah. er's Shoe Store. Phone 623- 7523. 51-_tf THREE bedroam house in Newtonvillo. $225 per month plus heat and hydra. Availabie naw. Phono 613-394-3023. 1-2 LARGE brick tarm- house, $300. per month. Availabie immediateiy. Phono 416-223- 0710 betwoen 9 a.m. -,5 p.m. 1-2 AVAILABLE immediateiy, two bedroom apartment, built-in fridge, cabie TV, heat and hydro includod. Aduits anIy. $216 monthIy. Phono 623-75M4. 2-1 LARGE 2 bedroom, every- fhing included, $226 manthly. First and last month's re'nt. Aduits aniy. No pets. Cali Mr. Umphrey, Apt. 6, 81 Ontario St. 623-7819. 2-1 ONE bedroom apartment, dining and Pving raam, kitch- on and bafhroom. Availabie immediafely. Phono 623-7540 after6. -2-1 ONE bedroom apartment in farmhause 'in the, villlag e of- Orano, ail utilities paid. Xval ablo attor Jan. 15. Phone 1-519-824-1349. 2-1 TWO bedroom aparfmE Simpson Ave. area, incIud utilities. Availabie Marci Phono 623-5573 or 623-4697 Store For Rent, BOWMAN VILLE OnIy 31/2 yrs. old, 800 sq., fi small plaza. Ideal for vani store or office space. $30 monthîy. Apply At: 237 King St. E. Bowmanvilîe Ask for Mr. D'eon. Furnished Bedrooms by month, week or d shawen and bath, licen, premnises, reasonable rai CASTLE HOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 la aM SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 2-2 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. ent, ing Ih 1. 2-2 tin -iety )0.00 -1 x Warkabie land by respansible tarmer. Write Advertiser 594, c-o The Canadian Statesman, Box 190, BowmariviIle, Ontar- io, L1C 3K9. 2-4x WORKER with.good common sense wanted fan general mechanicai maintenance. Excellent warking conditions,, permanent position. App1 at AVP Extrusions Ltd., New- castie. 416-987-4776. 2-1 WORKER withgaad com mon sense wanted for our toal room. Must be familiar wifh lathe and milling machine. Excellent warking conditions,, permanent position. Apply AVP Extrusions Ltd., New- castle. 416-987-4776. 2-1 MATURE person ta cane for ;one taddler in aur home. Write Advertiser 596, c-o The Canad- ian'Statesman, Box 190, Baw- manvilie, Ontario LIC 3K9. 2-1 R.N. WANTED Part Ti me, 3ta li shift Phono: MRS. DENNIS S623-2553 1-2 PERMANENT POSITION TE LE VIS ION TECHNICIAN FOR ONE 0F Ontaria's Top. Independent Telèvision Deal- er's ~' Modern air conditioned service departmnent -- must be able ta handie coloured T.V. -- Top wages, excellent working conditions. State Expenience. Apply ta Box 589, c-o Canadian Statesmnan, Box 190, Bowman- ville, Ont. LiC 3K9. 1-2 School Bus Drivers Charterways Ca. Ltd. have a requiremnent for responsible persans to train as school bus drivers for the area of Bowrhanville, Oshawa and Whitby. Full training, by qualified persans. Cost of license paid by' company. For interview calîl: CHARTERWAYS CO. LTD. 248,Simpson Ave., Bawmarnviîle 623-3811 or 723-7171 2-1 Conscientious App icator's Drea m Ours is an International sales firm, in business since 1904. Our mon soul Goodyear Raafing praducts, Blacktap sealants, Chemicals and Cleaners. Our Goodyear Roofing lino is unique. Instead of ane black and one aIuminum caating, seil a multitude af extnemely fine products ta fit vinfuaIly every need. Special "Labar Saving" Plan atters aven $4000. worth of equipment Free of Charge an qualitying orders -- on boan basis, ta speed application of praducts and save maney tan custamers! This is of special value ta sales nepresenfafives who aiso'have- separate con- tractînq businosses. It helps them seli and service "big ticket" industriai accounits. No door-to-door canvasing. If inferested, write Cansolidated Protective Coatin gs Ltd., Dept. B14, 2300 S chonker Street, Ville LaSaile, Quebec, Canada H8N 1A2. CASH ton gaId, silver, cains, g uns, dlocks, Ieweliry, dishes, f unnifure, cracks, pain tings, sea Ions, appliances. FriendIy Flea Market, 23 King West_. 725-9783. 38-tf USED, Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Man.ket, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf ............. ......... . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ .., ............. ................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . *PUREBRED Yorkshire boars serviceabie age. Phone 263- ,2719. 1-2x EQU ESTR IAN TRAINING CEN'TRE LARGE 1INDOOR -ARENA BOAR DING instruction in Equitationi Dressage Scbooli'ng of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & SoId 2R 3_BOWMANVI.LE6237336 Buy'direct tram Manufac- tuner - Rutter Granite Ca., Ltd. has a huge selection of fine, quaiity monuments, lange and smail ta fit any need. Came by aur display yard at 73 Ontario Sftreet, Port Hope or felephone 885-5216 for a monument that endures. 35-tf lot us help you ma ke the selection SIMPSON MEMORIALS 49 Lavinia St., Port Hope, Ont. 416-885-6434 Evenings Caîl, Mauri Sim psan, (4 16) 885-4443 SNOWMOBILE suif for 9-10: year aid girl, metaIiic blue, $8.00 on best offer. Orono 983-5837. 2-1 WESTCLOCK electric kitchen dlock, with sweep second hand, brand neW, $5.00, 623- 7011. 2-1 GOOD used turniture, baby articles, o'ther articles. Phone Towne Used Furniture 623-4681 BowmanviIie for in- stant cash and service. 2-3 MOUNTED raw cuifivator ta fit Farmal Cub tractor. Phono 1-986-4257. 2-if icd Cars, Tru'cks, Tractors, Motorcy'ctes. tes. Snowmobiles For Wrecking PUr poses SMALL SCRAP METALS 1 -tfHIGHEST PRICE PAID lf ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence -623-7112 45-tf DR,"UM LESSONS Ail1 Privofe Instruction by FuIIy Quolif ied, Drummer!1 çfMicael 'E. '14ood r 'PERCUSSION IST and' - DRUMMER' 623-6407 Sis .* ... a .. ...S ...a FULL and part time persans, fo service Fuller, Brush cust6mers. No investment, For, information phone 416-372-9969 or write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Walton St., Cobourg, Ontario. 2-2x CLEANING lady required. Phone 623-4950. 2-tf LICENSED spray painter ta, work f lat rate, above average pay. Excellent working condi - tions. Apply Bill Smith, Cowan Pontiac Buick Ltd., Bowmani- ville. 623-3396. 2-2 COMPAN ION for elderly wo- man, to live in, duties negoti- able. Write Advertiser 592 c-a Canadian Statesman, P.O0 Box 190, Bowmanville.' 1 -2f THE Toronto Star requires a person for light rural deli- vre.Approximately 2-3 hours per day, early atter- noon, six days per week. Reliab;e transportation essgn- fiai1. Phone 728-5117. 1-2

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