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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1976, Section 2, p. 8

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T8 Tl Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, January 14, 1976 WipUe Ouf oAg*%reemenf Wifh h eveloper Who Failied fo Meef Terms A bylaw regarctîng an agree- -ment between the Miistry of Housing and Northdown Homes Incorporated of Bow- mhanville was Tabled Jan. 5 by Newcastle Council on second reading. The tabling motion on the second reading was introdu- ced by Coun. Kirk Entwisle who reported to council he had received word that the agree- ment between the Ministry and the developer had fallen through. Coun. Entwisle had been advised by Planning Director George Howden that a Mr. Manson of the Ministry had reported failure of, the develo- per to complete certain terms of the agreement by Dec. 31 which makes the agreement defunct. The bylaw was therefore tabled to allow the clerk to obtain such information in writing through Mr. Howden. Somne Confusion Exists Over G"Ift Procedures Among recommendations forwarded to Newcastle Coun- cil from December Committee meetings Jan. 5 evening was one from the Community Services Committee of Dec. 15. The recommendation re- garded approving a certain ,um for tZ purchase of a retiremeat gift from the town for Orono Deputy-Fire Chief Gord Watson. Couni. Ivan Hobbs remark- ed, as the gift has already been purchased and presented ta Mr. Watson at a banquet Dlecember 7th, that if wouid be nice if such matters could corne before council prior to the occasion. ,Coun. Kirk Entwisle, who Stili goîng strongc and wiFlI be throuhu January.tcfrth money-saviflg spejcais and clearanoes! aiong wîtn Coun. Ken Lyl voiced disappointment in not having been invited to the presentation, concurred with Coun. Hobbs' concern. Coun. Don, Alun, former chairman of the Commuaity Services Committee advised that a short time factor had been involved without waiting for council approvai. As f0 certain councillors not having been invited, Coun. Alin advised that he, as chairman of the committee at that fime had been requested to attend along with Mayor Rickard as represeatatives of the Town. That explanation seemed to satisfy Coun. Lyall and Coun. Entwîsle. Concerned About High Death Rate With the adveat of early winter saow makiag condi- tiýons ideal for winter sports snowmnobile operators across the province have taken advaatage of the situation and have made an early start on the seaso's death and injury rate attributed directly to snlow vehicles. New saow vehicle legisla- tion has receatly been passed by the Ontario Goverameat in ani effort to preveat somne of the needless slaughter causedý by snowmobiiers anaually. To acquaint the public with some of the important points of the new. legislation, the OPP request alil saowmobilers to becomrfe acquaiated with the foillowinrg: Regist'atovn Al snowmnobiles Ill have tbe reistered aitthe nearest icence issuiagofcle, regard- less of whether they haebe registered before, ualess the owner has areayjçgjsered the veicleé for 1976. AIl snow vehicles must be registered within 6 days of purchiase or, saje, lanaddition ta registra- tionl you must have a permit to drive a motorized saow vehi- cie uless you are driviag if only on property owaed or ocuiey yourself. DrIving Gxeaerally, you may not drive on the servîced portion (fromn shoulder to shouider) of a King's Highway or secon- dary hîghway, exceptto cross, aald this you must do only at a 90 degree angle. You must nof' operate a mot orized snow veicle on, a treeway. Yeu mnust be 16 years of age or oider fe drive a motorized snow vehicle along a highway, and yon must hold a valid Ontario driver's licence. Speed Limits No faster than 15 miles per hour on a highway where ,,peed limit for cars is 30 miles per hour, la parks, conserva- tion areas or exhibition grounds. No faster than 30 mniles per hour on highay wvith limits over 30 mies per Collisions Report f0 police ail colli- sions on or off the highway rhat resuit la injury or damnage appareatly exceeding $00. Identification YZou must show your dri- ver 's licence to police or consýervation officer, or pro- vide your correct namne and address if not carryiag your iýen.ce. When on someone elses p roperty with yeux snow vehicle, you must identify yourself fo the property owner whnasked f0 d1o so. Failure te do so to an officer or owner can resuit in arrest. Trespassing Trespassing on land without written permission of the owner- can resuit la a fine up to Owner's Liability The owaer of a saowmobile is jointly hiable for someone else usin g his machine, in the event of damages or penalties for breach or provincial or municipal laws, arisiag out of operation of the vehicie. Insufrance You must be insured under a motor vehicle liabilîty policy before driviag a snow vehicle on a highway or'public trail. Safety ,Helmet Miust be worn by driver and ail passeagers while on ma- cine or towed conveyance, while on a serviced roadway or public trail., During the remainder of this witer seýason the Ontario Provincial Police Snow Vehi- cie Paf roi Officers, will be concetrating on offenders comnmitting saow vehicle vio- lations or excessive speed, careless oap erat ion of snow an ddriving under the influence of alcohol. You can help. If you are planning to become a snow, vetuicle operator, the Ontario Provincial Police suggest that you join a snowmobile club in your area, preferably one which is a member of the Ontario Federation of Snow- mobile Clubs. These clubs are safety miînded organizations wit excellent training programs for ail ages ofsnwmbiers. They can be contacted through the local Chamber of Commierce or clerk of your munficipality. Remember-a motorized snow vehicle is not a toy, it is a powerfui machine that can kili and requires respet. r.H. Graham Commissioner OBITUARY JOHN WXESLEY (WI S) CAMiERON A lifelong resident of thÏe Zion area, John Wesiey (Wes) Cameron, died suddenly at the Oshawa General Hospital, Tuesday, Jan. 6, 1976. He lived at R.R.1, Hampton. Born- Jan. 19, 1899 in Darlingfon Township, hie was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron. He worked for General Motors of Canada for a number of years and siace then had become a farmer in the Zion area, where hie was a member of the Zion United Church. He is survived b y his wife, the former Mabel Flintoff, whom he married in Zion United Church Feb. 3, 1929: one son Jack of Shelbourne Ont.; one daughfer, Mrs. Fred Ward (Jo yce), of R.R.6, Bowmanville; one brother Fred of R.R.1 Hampton; and two sisters, Mrs. Bernard McQuin (Mary) of Brampton; and Mrs. Russell Staînton (Florence), of R.R.1, Hamp- ton. Two brothers, Reford and Ray Cameron, died before hlm, Mr. Cameron rested at the Mclntosh - Anderson Funeral Home. Service was held in the chapel Friday, with inferment inion Cemetery. The Rev. Paul Erb officiated.' OBITUAIRY CECIL DOUGLAS GRAY A former member of the Varcoes basebaîl team, 1938 Ail Ontario Champions, Cecil Douglas (Lefty) Gray died at Toronto General Hospital, on Sunday Jan. 4, 1976. Mr. ray, a resident of 232 Oshawa Blvd. S., had been ln failing health for the past year. Bora ia Oshawa, April 2, 1910, hie was the son of t he late Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Gray. He was a forme~r General Motors Oshawa employee aad an employee of the Oshawa General Hospital. A member of Kiagsview United Church, Mr. Gray was prominent la Oshawa basebaîf circles la the 1930's., He is survived by one son, Daniel Doulas Gray and one s te p -son, Ross McMaster, bot of Oshawa, five grand- children, and two sisters: Mrs. Wiaifred Covyeow, Mrs. Gordon Burns (Velma) and one brother, LeslieGray. He was predeceased by three sisters: Mrs Evelyn Forshee, Mrs. Edaa Shearer and Mrs. Ruby Rutherford and three brothers: Milton, Harold and Aubrey Gray. Funeral services were held ia the chapel of McIntosh Anderson Funeral Home, Tuesday, followed by tempor- ary entombment at the Union Mausoleum, with intermeat at Hampton Cemetery. Memorial donations f0 the Ontario Heart Fund will be gratefully ackaowledged. STORE HOURS: MONDAY9i, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY Y a.m. to 6 p.m. FRIDAY 9a.m.to9p.m. SATU RDAY 8:30Oa. mto 5p. m.j For a cleaner, fresher home ... instail a Miami-Carey 2-speed range hood. It wiII help eliminate greasy smoke and stale odoûrs that harm walls, drapes and furniture. Choose a ducted model- for direct exhaust to the outside or a ductless model where outside exhaust is flot possible. Convenient, up-front controls for push button ight and 2-speed fan. Choose from Coppertone, Avocado, White or GoId. HangestGoId Quantities imited on clearance itemns ... while they last 246 KeiNG STREET EAST 623-3388 Free Delivery with Al Orders Over $20 FINANCING l YOU MAýY- B EAV E R CREFI MASTER CHARGE CHARG EX hs HONORED, Section Two ýý ml- 1 Il ils

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