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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1976, p. 7

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-J SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 1:ooa.y. - Adul,in Upper Room i0O. m. - classesfer aillages,9aïnd up 11:00 a. m. - Nursery Baby Care, Tod!dlersa nd Kindergarten 'il: -5a.m. - Primary Dept., ags 4to 8 iia.,m,-WORSHIP SERVICE Puit exchange with REV. PAUL ERB' f rom the Ham pton Charge A WARM WELCOMIE FOR EVERYONE Wednesday, 1oa.m., Bible'Study Group in Church Parlour Frlday, Jan. 16,2 p.,m., full Executive Meeting of U.C.W. and Unit Leaders Tuesday, January 20, U.C.W. General Meeting Committee of Stewards Monday, Jan. 26, Officia I Board Meeting January 23, Congregational Pot Luck Supperand Annual Meeting* Week of Prayer Services, January 20th to 23rd in the Pentecostal Church, Liberty St. S. St. Paul's United Minister Rev. N. E. Schamerflorfl, B.A., M. Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess SECOND JIN A bvECIAL SERIES 0F SERMONS ON " Man and His Religion"'ý 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP "What is Man?"ý nstaliaorrof u.C.W. Off icers during realular service. SUNDAY SChOflI 9:45 a.m. Senior Classes (9 Years and Up, Primary Children wiIl attend f irst part of Church Services with their parents. NURSERY Paet r nvited to bring their pre-school children te or play and earn nursery while they atend Church. I Itemis o flnrterest Phone 623-3303 Oshawa, were Sunday supe guests of the Ross Aho famiy. 1Mr. John Sim, Bowmanville had supper Saturday, with the Ted Buttlery family, on arrivai home from Holand. Sorry to hear Mrs. Charlie Garrard had the misfortune to faîl. She is wished a speedy recovery. Mrs. Lloyd Simon attended the 6th weddling anniversary of Mr. and Mrts. Tennyson Sarnelîs, lackstock. Club 21, will hold their January meeting on Monday night, Janiuary 19th. Ail wel- corne, come and bring your ideas. A card party will be held at the centre, this Saturday Mnow pioughs are out pioughiag the ronds, af fer the vveekenri storm.i ;peaks on Scout Jamboree in Norway Wayne L. Hooey, son oi Mr. an r.A. L. H-ooey, and mnarried to the former Anne Best, Orono, was among the 122 lawyers who were honored by beine named Queen 's Counsel in the Honors List aanouniced b Attoraey Gene- rai Roy Mecveiutry )on New Year's Day. Mr oey is a grad unte of Bowmanvilie RihSehool. H1e afteaded Westerni University, London, and Osgoode Hall. and was called fo the Bar la 1964. H1e is a partner la the Toront o law firm of Lashi, Johaston, Sheard and Pringle. The Newcastle Recreation Departmet Baton and'Tap aDa nce program for the witer has begun at the Lions Centre on Fridays from 5, f0 7 and at the Town Hall on Saturdays from 9' to 12 noon. Anyone wishing to join shoud- contact the Recreation Office. Miss Cathy McMurter, Thunder Bay, spent the holi- ays with hier parents, Mr. adMrs. Stan MeMurter, Liberfy St. N. We ext ead sincere congratu- lations f0 Mr. and Mrs. Carence Roper on ceiebrating their 50th wedding anaiver-, sary in Whtby on Saturday. Begîinnîng on January lsth and contînuîag tînt il Vaien- fine's Day, the Ontario March of Dimes will be asking for your supprt via newspaper, rait, "MIVarching Moth- rs"and by ppeaîl letters la yer ma'Lbo! 'This quarter- ceur y 1"blitz" is the most extensive ever undertakea by the March of Dimies, but then, Sc is the aeed. More than 750,100 aduits in Ontario have evident in the Reality'of 1 Baha'u'ilah. BAHAI Writings Further information P.C. Box 36 a phiysical disability. The causes are mriad: auto or industrial accident, birth de- fect, muscular dystr'ophyi multiple scierosis, poliomyeli- tis, arthritis, stroke, heart attack, oid age. The victims of- these and other crippling accidents and diseases are the people the Ontario March of Dimes is HELPING TO LIVE LIKE PEOPLE. 1Carl Heath. Reeve of Has- f ines -lias decide-d to run against Port Hotîjïe's Reeve V. A. Vosburgh for, the position of Warden of Northumberland County for 1976. Campbellford area trustee Cy Johnson bas been acclaim- echairman of the Northum- berland and Newcastle Board of Education and Port Hope Trustee Harriet Reisier, vice-, chairman. ýMr. and Mrs. Aubrey Saw- er, Debbie andKrta spent the Christmas and New Year's hoidnaysswith her parents, Mr. and Mr Ji wan, Dart- mouth, N.S. Postai rates f or foreiga mail weat f0 20 cents foýr sending a letter overseas, if the letter weighs one ounce or less. A registered letter now costs 75 cents, the new rates effective Jaauary 1sf, 1976. 1 Two hundred new em- ployees will be hired by General Motors by January, l9th bringing the total of hourly rated emrployees at the' Oshawa plant to nearly 15,000. The Bowmianývilie Business and Professional Wâomen's Club will again be presenting a novice Quartette and %Chorus C6ntest which is sponsored by the 0shawa Chapter. Entlries are expected from Pet erbo- rougrh, Trenton, Brockville Kingston and Oshawa as well as guest quartettes of Barber- .sh~eOshaw Men's Hostel moved f0 ifs new quarters at .381 Simncoe Sfý. S. on Monday and will be holding open house on the weekend. Remember to buckle up for safety. Although legisiation, was passed January lst the i "er warning motorists Ito. buckle up and have.until Feb. lst for charges f0 be laid against offenders. Mr. and Mrs. Keith (Mar- lene) Lindquist~ Central Si Butte, Sask. and Miss Patricia Gibson, London, speaf the Christmnas holidays with their ý arents Mr. and Norman ibson. We are pleased to report the recently published book entit- led "A P lace Called Solina', has been selling extremiely well, enabling the author f0 gay the cost of publishing the book. A most interesting book, you should purchase a copy now, as y ou will most certain- ly-be deîighted with the book. The tenth wedding anaiver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Adoifo Carcone was celebrated on Sunday, Decemnber 28th, 1975 at 14 Hllcourt Crescent, Wit[by. Present were their family Debra, Elizabeth, Wil- lie and Paul, the parents of Mrs. Carcone, Gordon and Emiily Abernethy, Bill and Gord, Grace Steele, John, Loretta and Tina Nazzareno, Marion Lannio, Geraldine, Ste- yenl, Edward, M4ichael'and Anai, John and Lorna Spiteri, Steven, Ceci] and Katherine, Crystal Aberaethy and Shel- ley. The table was decorated wîth an anniversary cake and flowers. A corsage and a boutiniere were presented f0 the happy couple along with many gifts. Following supper a social evenxing was enjoyed by ail. Winners of Lions' N.H.L. hockey tickets for January are S. Trip M McLay, D. Kemnp, Il. Locke for Toro games, J. Ard and E. Wood. LIjZABETH VILLE Church services were held as usual. Rev. R. Bartleýt spoke on, 'What. to do wheni you are down. " The choir sang an anthem. Our miinister and his wife are going to England in, the near future and Rev. J. Ram jit will speak next Sunday and a Rev. Brown thle follow- ing Sunday. Next Suniday, our organist Mrs. Cruse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Challice will celebrate 60 yrs of wedded life together1 at Mr. and Mrs. Crulse's home.,' on Tuesday the Women S Institute met at Mr. and Mrs. W. Longyea's home. A goodE crowd gathered. The presi-t dentMrs. H. Thickson presid-, ed. It was Mrs. H. Wite's group, Educational and Cul-, tural Industries. The roll cal was. "Where you would like to spend som.e of the wînter". The lovely big flag which Mr. and Mrs. Kamer, our store keeper's presented to the W.I. for Christmas a displayed. The minutes were read by the secretary Mrs. J. Morris. Several' items of business were attended f0. We f an tofoster our foster child 1 or another year. We also plan i to visit the Golden Plough' Lodge February lgth. Ma-,1 terial- is to be purchased to mnake a couple of quilts. For thje prograîw Mrs. White 1 brought to our attention î several interesting stories1 from the new book by Mrs.1 Anderson and Mr. C.. lur,2h 1 w _ servedà. Most of our students have1 finally ereturned to school., Miss Mary Alice White spenit aj weekend in IVontreal biefore ging to Ottawa. Miss Debbie Ingram spent a few days witl' Mr. and Mrs. B. Mercer, Montreal, before going back to Toronto for school todlay. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Merceri were with Mr. and Mrs. O.Ï Mercçr over the weekend. 1 Mrs. J. DeKoker, Sunder-1 land, spent Saturday with Mr.1 and Mrs. H. Thickson. In the afternoon Mrs. DeKoker and Mrs. Thickson visited littie Alyson Westheuser la Oshawa Hospital, She is to have an Mr. Jack Cann is in the hospital. Mr. and MIrs. Osley Mercer were with Mr. and, Mrs. E. Elliott, Oshaiwa, on Sunday. Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew were with Mr. and Mrs. B. Macintosh, Cold Springs. Mr. and Mrs. H. Muldrew entertained their whole famîly World- ReUlgon Day (Universol Peace) Sooner or later Mankind must corne to One Uiversal Peace, unless the human race is meant to be destroyed by the increasing power of its own destructive inventions. This Universal1 Peace must need take the form of a Spiritual Law sustaining organization, ln the >best sense. Think not, that the Baha'i principle for Universal Oneness is a mere outburst of ignorant emotionalism or an expression of vague and pious hope..,. It calis for no Iess than a spiritual reconstruction of the whole world of humanity, the age of which is now fast appracing maturity. 1 The Gi ft o té this enfiglendaeith knowledge of the Oneness of Mankind and the fundamental ONENESS 0F ALL RELIGIONS., -'Baha'i World Faith' Week oif Prayeroi The eèk f Pryerfor Christian Unity wiII be held, at the Bowmnanville Pentecostal, Church, 75 Liberty St. S., fromà Tuesday, January 2th: mntil Fridav. January 23rd. Rev. Anthony Capon., of Toronto, wiII be the Guest Speaker from Tuesday, until Thurs- day. Rev. Wesley Oake wiII preach on Friday evening. The theme wiII be, l"Christians ln the 70S." An offering wiII be recpived every evening. Time of services - 8:00 P m. Ail are cordially invited toattend. of an accident. We would ask that Vau do not run your snowmoble in young tree plantations as many tax doilars have been spent to establish tree cover on these open areas. Cross-Couintry Ski Tra ils A series oif Cross-C-ountry Ski Trails, varying in length from one to five miles will be marked and maintained this winter by the, Ganaraska Region Conservation Authori- ty.These trails will b e located in a separate area of the forest in order to prevent conflicts with motorized snow vehicles. The trails will share the saine access route and parking facilities as provideci for the snowmobile users. Funds for the maintenance of the above two types of winter trails in the Durham- Ganaraska Forest are being provîded this winter under the Ontario Government's "Winter Trails Grooming Plan". :For further information and maps, please contact the Lind-say District Office. Lake Scugog Winter Fishery R.W. Beecher, Fish and Wildlif e Supervisor The days shorten, the snow Hlies, the temperature drops to well below- freezing, and winter tishermen prepare their huts for the' icé fishing season ahead. Once again this winter Lake-Scugog is open to _e, fishing for yellow pickerel ,and panfish. As in previocis years, Con- servation Officers of the Ministry of Natural Resources, will keep a watchful e ye on the winter fishery which is expected to once aeain pro- vidie many h ours of ' oute.oor" recreational op Qrtuflities for citizens of 'Southern Ontario. Ice fishermen of Lake Scugog are reminded that this year, for the fîrst time, all huts placed on thé ice must by registered with the Ministry of Natural Resources at Lind- say. There is no charge for registration and application forms may be obtained by contacting the Ministry of Natural Resources, 322 Kent Street West, Lindsay or by calling _705-324-121. Newcastle OPP The Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police investigated 13'motor vehicle accidents and at- tended several general occur- rences during t he period Jan. 5 to Jan. 11. Thirteen motor Vehicle ac- cidents were investigated 1hi which six persons were in- jured. As a result- of these collisions nine persons have been charged 'with HLighway Traff.ic Act Offences. Tetgeineral occurrences invetiaed included offences such as; theft. wilful damaee. assault and trespassing. CRIME PREVENTION TIF: Can you Identify Your Prorerty? lie soMething is lost or stolen, report it to the police inimediately. The best way to identify property is by a serial number. Record al serial numbers for future.reference. If the articles do not have serial numbers, mark them so they can be psitively identi- fied should t h e need arise. SAFETY TIF: Pedestrian Safety PEDESTRIANS! -If you're walking where there are no sidewalks, remember to walk on the lelft, facing on-coming traffic. If possible'stay OFF the roadway, which is,'the paved or travelled part of the Highway. Where you have no alternative and must walk on the roadway, walk as close the, the left edge of the roadwa'y as possible. Remember, where there are no sidewalks walk on the left, facing on-coming traffic. G.W. Brunton Community Services Officer OPP AIIowinq Period of Grace Otn Sent BeIt, Lawu Knapp's Bantams napp Tôwng ajor Ban- tamssplit a air of exhbto cntest wit Oshawa teams this past week. Last Thursday, the Toros nipped Oshawa Carpet Ware- house Minjor Midgets 4-3 in a well played game. Scoring for BowmanvilIle were Paul Reid with a p air, while Ken Cowle and John Stewart pumped in singles. Assists went f0 Jack Pinch, Dean Holmes,' Jim Hogarth, Bill Wright, Scott Sellers and leid. Kevin Gib- son and Miké Paterson split the net minding chores and turned in.strong games. Gib- the side as he llterally robbed the Oshawa squad of a couple of sure goals. Excellent hockey was again the order of the day last Saturday, as Oshawa Lions Minor Banfams Triple A team were la town f0 nudge Kaapps 2-1. The scoring was confined fo the second period as fthe tenîns bugged the twine fhree times lanfwo minutes and twenty-four seconds. Paul Reid was the Toro marksmen, on a play set up by Dean Holmies and Paul Cascag- nette~. A stropg effort was put in by both feamns. Toros next gamne is this Wednesday at e Darlnagon Sports Centre as Markham and Bowmaaville baffle if ouf for first, place la the final league confest. Game fime is 7:30 n.m. Jack Horner He satin his corner looking for a pîum wen ail the time the real plums were ai te: FOUR CORNERS at MURRAY JOHNSTON'S 1/2 YEARLY SALE of qualiy MEN'S WEARý You have to see to believe -- Sale- starts Thursday lS1th January. (And the plums have gold stones in them At last Thursday's meeting of the Bowmanyille Rotary Club, Jack }Jartwell -prese-ntedý an interesting talk and side show about the World Scout Jamboree held in Norway last summer wflici' he attended with the Canadian contingent. Over, 1300 Canadian Scouts took part in the international event which drew 17,000 participants from around the world. Natourall Resources, Rot y 5 King St. West YOUR; LOCAL I.D.A. DRUG STORE For Your Convenience, You May Pay Your Bell Telephone Account Here. The 'Canadian Statesmanl Bowmanville, Jnay1,17 Those New Yea r's Sl By John Squirrelly in town, 1 euarantee." stable my pol oie.I I, have always pridedimyseif "Really,' 1 said, impressed. keeps up, Imyha, Ik on being able to zero in on As 1 walked up the street second job.", 11e sokh after Christmas barýains with with the brown coat in a box hed dispa.iringl., the instinct of a hom i g pigeon under my arm, another store A few stores îrhro heading for its roost. Brow- window eaufiht my eye. High- the Street, I noticeda sing' through stores that ad- Ilighting the àisplay was a coat decorator affixring a prký vertise UpT 50 per cent Off the one 1 had juSt to a sportsjaktwil !! inl a g signs in their pruchased, but with a prc th s me s t e on ha show windows, I 'unfaiingly ta~ on it reading: $68! 1 went in.buh o orydlas sorted out the real sale article ',How much is this regular- tag read $32. i w 1,, from the fake and left the ly",, I asked, pointing to the inquired, and w,.as tokithatý store clerks puzzled as to how coat in the window. regular price was$9.ý~ 1 did it. The answer was "That is ýourregular price,~ ever, since the-ir Jrir a simple'. The Fall and Winter sir," the clerk replied, ,Ou was Just startingIpce Eaton's catalogue always sale doesn't start, until next two pairs o fsacsolt hung in a place where it could week. However if 1ou see d iscover0that a shopacroýs th. b coemplated for a few something you f ike, l'11 give Street was selling te a~ minutes each day and, Of you a 'discount on it. We thiîng for sîx dollars :s course, every day there was a guarantee our prices to be the Gradually, 1 be-gan to ri new page to read. By memori- lowest in town. Take this lize that I\was Ïtoo; pooi;,l zing the prices of most goods, I sports jacket, for example. 1 prepared to deal i*i4 knew immediately whether a could let'you have, that for a town's haberdashe.,,,rs avý January sale item was bar- littie as forty dollars." more. By not kehgarâ gain priced or not. 1 ponted out that the same of the prices of tigIw However, twoyersaoWe model had sold two years ago paying more thani-needt had indoor plumbing installed for less than thirtý dollars. pay. Mymid wa_- made cl- and the catalogue, simply ý "Too, true, sir,' he said. We got ho e to didn't fit in with the decor, "Inflation's the villian, that's into the kîtchen cý-dano' with the result that my market what it is. Why, my member- ced to mny startl- iff research has ,lbeen sadly ship fees at the Hunt Club don't care if it clashe-s wiýîh VW, neglected. 1I am now at the have just skyrocketted. You decor or not, toi?~r mercy of the shopkeepers, as 1 wouldn't believe what they catalogue goes baclc cP"JlÏ discovered. cag ady utto john!' The other day I made my annual survey of. the stores who were advertising clear- F ADULT EDUCATIONAL COU SELN ance sales and huge discounts. AVAILALIHO G The fîrst store was offerin~ 25 per, cent' off on am YOUR LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL' overcoats, an item thaît I needed, so 1 went in *and Bowmanville High School examined the stock. "How 623-4416 much," I enquired, indicating >" a brown wool coat. "Orily a Clarke High School hundred dollars," the clerk 98-44 beamed. "0f course, that Corie eodrySho includes the discount. It was - 85146eonar Shof $133 last week."7854 1 made a quick mental referral back to the 1973 Fal and Wînter catalogue. "But, two years ago," I protested, "that samne coat TLP O E63 5 was only $59!"T LPH N "That s ver y true, sir," the clerk said, 'But everything has gone up in two years. Why, £yCIA ,look at the?,ieo a these J n' A U L days. I can tafford o drive my Cadillac to work an y more and taking it down to Florida Icm a is alînost ruinous. Confiden- tially," and here hie lowered Related Accountig Ser-viýces his voice to a conspiratorial whisper, "I'm lettîng this coat g o for nearly what I paid for it. 67 King St. East - Suite 2 You won't find a better price Bowmanville, Ontario. LIC 1N3 Managed Forest Tax Reduction Frograîn On May 8th, 1975, Ontario Nattiral Resources Minister Leo Bernier aanounced the implemenfafion of the \Man- aged Forest Tax Reduction Pro ram. Th e approved legisiafion administlered joinfly by the Ministry of Natuiral Jlesources and the Mýinistry of T reaSury, Economics and Intergovera- mental Affaires (TEIGA) pro- vided'for a 50 per cent fax rebate to a w oodlot owner if forested land as defiaed in the Acf was under proper forest management. 1The purpose of the program was f0 provide an incentive for woodlof owaers f0 produce -the greatest possible yîeld of wood and wooîproduefs from their forests. Many Ontario pri- mary and secoadary forest industries are dependent on raw materials from private land. If is hoped that the preseaf yield of 100 million cubic feet anauallyfro privafe forest land holdings could be doubied .fhrough proper forest management. 1As of December sth, 1975, 6653 applIications were re- viewed y TEIGA. 0f this total,' 1066 were In process, 2010 were ineligible, 72 more, approved but stili in process and 3505 cheques had been mailed ouft.T"ot al monies approved and-or ýpaid out amounfed f0 $290,239.14 for an average of $81,14 per eligible owner Furfher inquiries about the program may be directed to fhe Subsidies Branch, Mini- stry of Treasury, Economics and Inter goveramenfal Affaires, 56 Welesley Street, Toronto or your local office of the Minisfry of Nafural Re- sources. Sniowmrobile and Cross- Country Ski Trail P'rograpI Durlîan-Ganaraska Forest Snowmobile Traits - Once again this year the Minisfry of Natural Resources will b e marking and maintaiaingl appruximately 35 miles of snowmobile trails on the Durham-Ganarasica Agree- ment Forest locafed directly east of the junction of High- ways 35 and 115, A ten acre parking area has been pi o- vided adjacent to the Cold Spring Correctional Camp for the publi's convenience. The parking area is located approximafely 11/4 miles north ofurham Region Road 9 on the'Clarke-Hlope Township boundary, 6 miles east of the village of Kirby. The Snowmobile trails will be groomed using a double trac edAipine snowmobile puuling a groomer attach- ment. These trails will be well-marked w ifh briglhflyý colored signs showiag traîl direction, hazards, stops and no snowmobiiing areas. Aay- one enfering the trail sysfem from other than the parking area starting point is asked f0 obey ahl directional arrows in order to reduce the Docîihilitv We hove in s ÔI pcmplee'ne of Baby Care Products ï.Wide Selection of Quaàlity Cosmetics' .Expert Photo-Finishing and ofcourse Heodquarters For Ail Your Family's, Drug and Health Needs AlexMcGego

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