ESTATE OF ETHEL MAY MARLING Creditors and others hav- ing dlaims against the Estate of Ethel May Marling, late of R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Ontario, deceased, -Who dieéd on or about the 28th day of Decem-. ber, 1975 are hereby natif led to send the*ir fully certif ied state- ments ta the undernamed on or betare the Ilst day of March, 1976, after which date the estate ýwill be distributed having regard only ta the claims of which the Executor then has notice.' DATED at Town of New- castle, this 2nd day of Febru- any, 1976. William John Cooper, Exocutor for the Estate of Ethel May Marling, by his solicitors Lovekin and Cureatz, Barristors and Solicitors, Box 9, Newcastle, Ontario. 5-3 CiARETAKERS Applications will be received b y the undorsigned until Th unsda y, Fobruary l2th, 1976 for the positions of caretaker at the tollawing schoals: -Courtice Secondary Schooî R.R. 3, Bowmanville 40 hours per week -The Pines Senior Public Schoal R.R. 2, Newcastle 40 hours per week -Carke High School, R.R. 2, Newcastle 40 hours per week Good knowledge- of school caretaking pracedures and cleaning meihods. Ability ta work fram verbal and writfen instructions and ta get along with peaple. Reply in witing stating qualifications, address and telophone number ta: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle, Board of Education, Box 470, 834 D'arcy St. North Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 4L2 4-3 [IRE'D of staying in the house? Wauld you like ta make full time maney at a part timoe iob5. No investment. Only time vihSarah Coventry Jewel-. -ry(_a. 623-3868. 5-if Give yourseîf a head-start to a successful career in Medical1 or Dental Off ice Assisti ng, Day Course - 6 Mônths Night Course - 10 Months Brand new air-conditiofled, facilities Classroom and Practical training included Advisory counsol by doctors and dentists Student loans available Home Study Course in Dental Office Assisting Now Available Phone, Visit or Send Coupon Today CAREER LIMIEDA 3rd Floar, 55 Queen St. E. Downtown Toronto (416) 363-3721 Nm.............. St reet ......... .... City............... Phono ............ Age .. Bow. WATKINS Products need dealers, mon, womoen, full or part timo. Cail Peter Mac Eachern, Sales Manager, 623-4894, write- 48 Lawrence Cnes., Bowmanvillo. 4tf International Coatings Firm offers high commission poten- fiaI, fringe benefits and excit- ing contests for mature indi- vidual in Bowmalville area. Air Mail name and address ta President C. D. Deitz, Consoli- dated Prof ective Coatings Ltd., 2300 Schenker St.,Ville LaSalle, Quebec, H8N IA2. 5-4 MATURE womnan noeded for occasional dayý ahd ovening babysifting. Ms t have own transportation. Phono 623- 5654, 5-1 EXPANDING CANADIAN 1 OIL COMPANY needs dependable persan wha can wonk without supervision E'arnn$14,000 in a yoan plus. oonus. Lantact customners in Bo,,-wmanville area. Limitod auto travol. We train. Write: E. F. Dick, Pros., Southwestemn Petroleum Canada Ltd., 87 West Drive, Brampton, Ontario. L6T 2J6, a e e RETIRED lad-, or man re- q uired for cleaning store. Ph one 725-8710. 52 HAIRDRESSER wanted for Artistic Beauty Salon. Expor- ienced only. Ph one 725-8710. 5-2 SMALL Whitby area church requires or ganist, chir lead- er. Reply Box 598, c-o Cana- dian Statesman, PO. Box 190, Bawmanville, Ont. 5-2 WE are. looking for persans interested in learning ta become a dairy worker. For further information please caîl 1-986-4856. 5-1 BABYSITTER required in my home (preferable) or in yours in Waverly area, days only. Phono 623-6212. 5-1 x DURHAM GROWERS CO-OPERATIVE STORAGE LIMITED Requires Manager Reply in confidenct to: J. H. Jose, R. R. 2, Newcastle Wm. G. Terhune CARPENTRY Ronovations - Roc. Roor P'hone 623-5375 I~I c~E Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commercial anc; Domestic Refrigeration - MiIk Coons PHONE BERT'SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights .............623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 12-tf City Wide Door Service Supply Sfeel Doans, Frames and Toi let Partitions Also installations and re'pairs -NO RESIDENCE 623-2625 45-tf OMESTIc &COMMERCIAL REFRIGEÉRATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 1 26-tf DARLINGION MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES, CHIMNEY CLEANING ,Phone 623-2176 45-tf INSULATION, blowing methad with rock wooi, work- aship guaranteed. Seal- à ,re Insulatian, phono 705. 742-0272. Roprosentative Harny L. Wade, phone 987-4531. 43-t; WILL babysit in my home by the day or week. Close ta Central School. Lunches senv- ed. Phone 623-3231. 5-1 x PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddilngs Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261, 29-tf KG R E NOVAT IONS Rec. Rooms, Kitchens, Etc. 623-6056 50 tt SEËNIOÔR Accounting Clenk desires work in Bowmanville area, elier fuli oi pant-timo. Willing f0 do sma Il sets of books at homo. Also exponi- enced in financial statements and recanciliat ions. Have own transportation, if nocossary. Cail Marilyn at 623-5164. 5-1 x D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Roc Rooms Repairsofai ltypes. P HON E 623-2263 20-tf ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE NEED A PRESSURE SYSTEMA? 'REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983:5206 - Zenith 14620 41 -ff BilI's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Shoet and Float Glass Soaled Units -S'rm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and Gla.zing. 17 tf WATER Wells bored, 30" tle. Ward's Weil Boring. Tlb phono 342-2030. Representa- tivo I-arry L. Wado. Tole- phone 987-4531. 16 if C & J Painters Interior and Exterior FREIE ESTIMATES Phone 623-7483 4-4 CUSTOM uphoIstering, recov- ering, re-styiing,' very reasan- able, work guaranteed, 20 yoars ex perience. Free esti- mates . Piease cali coilect 1-986-5072. 26-tf - JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CL EANE D ms PLUMBING REPAIRS ns PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 5-4x MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box43 - Bewmanvllle 30-tt BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbinig -'lHeating 1Pressure Systoms New Work and Ropairs Service and Estimates Cai11623-2641 33-tf C&8;C JANITOR SERVICE, Carpet - Upholstery Professionally Cleaned f REE ESTIMATES lPhone*623-3624 BOWMANVI LLE 3-tf Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Sidinq-Soff if-Facer Eavestrough - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate 45itJ RON'S FLOOIR CARE Includes Ho mes, Of fi ces, Etc. Rug and carpet and Uphlstery Shampooing Wall Washing CA LL 1;'on Tu rcotte. at 623-7966 49-tf Auction sale, farm machin- e ery, trucks and turniture, e estate ot Mr. Otto E. Madsen, R.R. 5, Bawmanviloe, (go -north an Liberty St., Bowman- ville 2 miles, second house north of town lino) on Satun- day, February 7 at 1:00 p.m. In care otfPublic Trustee, Toronto, Ont.- 1Machinery - Massey Harris, W.4 tractor. McCormick trac- for (in good nunning condi- tion), 3 pt. hitch mnowen, International seed drill (gaad condition), large nubber tire wagon (2 wheel), cultivator (on nubben), International baler, harrows,, trip rake, grinder, 3 furnaw piough. Lfan ge quantitios of hand toals and miscellaneous. Trucks - 1946 Chev. 1/ tan (condition raugh), 1949 G.M.C. 1/2 ton (conditian tain), 1968 G.M.C. 12 ton (30,000 milet and running). Funnituro - rnotigoraton, eloctric stove, iran and brass bod, wash stand, canner book- shoît, chost of drawers, chest- entield suife, wooden drap lbat table, cracks, dishos, tolevi- sian, lange cast iran sugar making pot, hay and stnaw (srfiall quantity). Tenms cash, no resenvo, sale outsido. Sale wiIl stant 1:00 p.m. sharp. Myles King, Auctionoor, 725- 5751. 5-1 Auction sale of baikrupt stock and garagoe quipmont of Western Tino and Auto Suppîy, 85 King St. West, Bowmanviile on Feb. 14 at 1:00 p.m. List ot articles in next wook's pa per. Cliff Pthick, auctioneer. 5-1 E AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups - Brakes Etc.) AI l wank done by Licensed Ciass "A' Mochanic At youn home or place of business..1 Ail parts and labon guananteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowmanvi lIe Auction Sale for Mackey Van and Storag e, 477 Bloor St. W., Oshawa ,Th ursda y, Fob- ruary 5 at 5 p.m. Refrigerator, electric stove, chrome suite, bedroom suites, high boy, Lazy eoy chairs, 3. piece chesterfieid suite, 4 dressers, china cabinet, acc '.onaI chairs, singiel/4adfi size beds, (camplete), 2 colar televisians, (make nat iisted), printing machine, drop-leaf table, sewving machine, mantel radio, portable T.V., vanity, bicycle, racking horse, crib, doîl carniage, child's table and chairs, linoleum, lawn mawers, washing mach- ing, rocking chair. List not complete due ta articles in starago at time of publishing This is a large sale plan t attend. Ail furniture welcame. Sale every Tuesday and, Thursdya6 p.m. Salesraom open Monayta Friday, 12 noan - 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Myles King, Auctianeer, 725-5751. , ,5-1 Auction Sale - Saturday Feb. 7 at 1: 15 at Savean Products Warehause, Hwy. 28 Bewdley, cansisting of chests of draw- ers, sideboard, wardrobe, tables, lots of chairs, picture trames, ail lamps, cracks, Idishes, g lassware, combina- tian TV-radia and record player, beds, and aCher items àtill being cansigned. Rager Bannistor, auctioneer. Auction sale ot gardon equipmont and hausehold items of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hibben, R.R. 6, Bowmanville at the narthoast corner, Hwy- 2 and Sauina Raad, Feb. 7, 1976 at 1: 00 p.m. Fard 2,000 Tractor Live pawer P.T.O., 2 tunrow plow Deerbourne, 61/2 ft. double disc now, carry-aIl, ail with 3 paint hitch, 5 h.p. Viking chain drive Rota-Tiller, 7 h.p. Tara, 24" Snowblower, new, Procision Gardon seeder, Lawnboy 22" Self-propelled lawn mawer, wheelbarrow, Blitz-taggor, 6' workbonch, gardon tools etc. G.E. auto- matic washer with suds savon, G.E. dryer, Kenmore 30" Cappentane range, Regent refrigenatan apartment size, Kolvihator upriqht freezer, Vikinq -dohumidifior, 5' kit- chen cupboard unit, Steel china cabinet, steel and woodon cu pboards, chromo kitchen ta ble, 3 chairs, che- sterfield and chair, shelf unit, desk, double bed, s pring and mattress. niaht tables, codar ':hest, lamps, Admirai 4-speo record plàyer, Pro-am exer- cise bicycle, drapes, rugs, pots, pans, dishos, many other items, snowmobiîe suifs, miî'tts, boots, helmets, gas cans, etc. Complote planetari- um with 2 48" fixturos, large assontment otf flower pots, hanging plantons, tomn stand, potting soul, vegetable andi f lowen seeds purchased this year' and many other items. veryth ing is oither new or like new. Dness warml y, sale autsido. Lawrence Ha rris, clerk, Cliit Pethick, auction- oor. 5- RESULTS COUNT!. ïAUltiple Lising Serv ce Oshawa & District Real Estate Board f R fA kTQ P 623-2503 $610.00 monthly incame. Good sizeolader home converted into thneo apantments. Situated an a very large lot with gaod shade trees and close ta ail amentios in Orona. We can arrange terms. $63,900. 3 ACRES of land and a fine tamiiy home, Iocated on Highway 2 between Oshawa and Bawmanvillo. Older home of trame construction has 3 bodrooms, fuliy broadlopmed living noom and Iovely 12 x 14 pannoliod family room wîth free-standing tire p lace, glazod doors to patio. Work- shop, smail barn ta rear of pnoperty. lntog rai 2 'bed- noomod self-contained apant- ment wîth private gardon to rent for added income. $64,000. ORONO- Ranch stylo bunga- low, 3 bedroams, large living noam and dining area. An ail eloctric homo with extra heat saving features. Atachod double garage. Large lot. This home is in quiet anea wifh easy access ta 401 for cammu- ting. $59,900. NEW homo nearing compte- flan ail, electric, 3 bedroam. $56,000. TWO yoan aid 5 bedroom home, family room with finoplace and patio daors, games room complotely braadloomed and codar waiis, tull basement, 2 car garage, sundeck and many more teatures. Caîl ta soe this one. $85,000. BOWMANVILLE, small house, contrai location. Full pice $18,000. Phono 623-7276. 5-1 M21794 13A4Xing St. E., BOWMaInVi le 623-7694 - - 623-7661 REALTOR VACANi1 LAND, ASK!ng $13,500 for 2 3/4 acres of high and dry pnaperty. LARGE 11/2 storey homo, 18 acres more on less with some cedan bush, small barn with loft, good for hanses, electri- city in barn. Phone owaw 1 $58,500. - Botter than new - 6 room - 2 storoy with broozo- way and attached garage. 3 bedraoms - absolutely spot loss condition. Nicely landscaped. Pleaso cail Bill McFeeters af Schofield-Aker Limited, Real- ton, Daytimo 723-1111 - Even- .ings 725-1726. 5-1 EIGHT room 11/2 starey cont hom oe, firplac, 11/4 ace res goad woiI, double garage, ba rn. Quiet location in Gores Landing . Phono 1-342- 5252. 5-2 MUST sel ýbodroom house, double garage, freplace, -9/ per cent first mortgage, 10 peor cent second mortgage, I ow down payment. , Phono 623-5510. 5-lx Peter Kowal, Jr. Real Estate& Insurance Ltd. SEVEN nooms, one and one-haîf storey homo, large lot, close to, school, north-west anea of town, asking $44,500. IN Newcastle, six raom brick bungalow, full basomont, electnic heat, on Ianrg elot, with îngraund pool. Tormns an- rangod. TWO bedroom bungalow, Taunton Rd. West,' Oshawa, paved drive, a gaod starter or retinement home, asking $44,900. After Hours Cal: J. Barton 623-3098 P. Kowaî Jr. 623-5868 -Waverly Gar-dens"r in Bowmarviîle Buiît by Manianna Deveîopents Your Guarantee of Quality Construction HOMES FROM $47,985 3/4 $4 m'fi50 Features include: Clean Dpendable ElectrcflHeat -Large famniîy kitchen -FInished famnily roomn -Compl1etely broadoomned - 1i1/2 baths Fîreplaces -Attached garages -Fully sodded lots *Completeîy serviced Open for Inspection This Woekend and Daiîly 10OA.M. to 7 P.M. ALSO Open House at Newcastle Saturday &Sunday 1-4:30 p.m1 Choiceo0f 2 Dluxo Models ta Choase From. MARIANNA DEVELOPMENTS Bulît by Division of Veltri à Son Limlited Wall known for qua lîty construction and superior workmaluhip. 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174, 43-tf Duties Cornie Before Coffee Altbougb the coffee was available at Manda y evening's session of Newcastle Council it was not partaken of until after adjournment. Jaycee Jim Robinson wbo recently talked cauncif inta purcbasing a small caffee e erc for the meetings, was ind enougb ta again prepare the brew. However, despite bis numerous indications that it was ready, a break. was nat taken during the meeting. Fohhowing an unusually early adjournmont, however at about 9:30 p.m., cauncil members and the handful of anhookers remaining at that time, did avail tbemnsehvesa refreshing cup. 234 King St. E., BowmanvuIIo - 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 New Homo $44,900. BawmanvillO, close to busin- ess section. Broadloam, 4 bedrooms, semi-dotached home. Terms. Caîl Bill Turan- sky. 5 Acres With Bungalow Park-liko setting, 3 miles tram Bowmanville, trees, stream, F3 0"d. 4 bedoom homo with ovely stone firepiace, smaii barn.* Asking $89,500. Terms. Cali Bill Turansky. Square 100 Acre Farmn 7 naom home, cattle barn, hanse barn, 95 acres of good workablo land, 15 miles ta, Bowmanville. Asking $139,000. Terms. Caîl Bill Turansky. Bowmanville 2 yoar aId, 4 bedroam, 2 stoney, brrck and aluminum home. 11/2 baths, broadloam- ed, recreatian raam 34 x il with f ireplaco and walk ouf pafiodoars that lead to 55 x 120 feniced yard, overloaking pankland and fast flowing creek. Double attached gar- age. Pnicod at $64,500. Terms. Caîl Phyllis McRobbie. Bowmanville - Owner Transferred Reduced ton quick sale, is this 2 storey, contre hall pa,80 year-old home, 2 tirep=co, 2 full ba'ths, 24l x 14 beamed living room, upstaîrs apart- mont at present, ta help detray oxpenses, PLUS 3/ acre hodged and tenced lot. Askinq $61,900. Terms. Caîl phyllis McRobbie. OronO Area Onily 2 yrs. aid with 9 per cent mfontgage. 4 bedraoms with bathroomn ensuite p lus anot hon 4 pce. bathroom, largo 241/2 x 551/2 basemoent, ready for finishing into your choico. Lot 75' x 1001. Reasonably pniced at $51,000. with torms. Cali Bill Grady. Newcastle Area Large lot 1000' x 150, fenced, 1beautifuliy landscaped. 3 bed- 1raoms, attached walk in -garage, fîreplace, finished roc rom snporch. This brick is pin abovo average c on3it on and oni y 4 years o Id n paved road Ai this for only Bowmanville Attractively set on large'lot with mature trees, th is 3 bedroomn homo presents an icleal starter home or far retirin g ople. Plenty of space f0rcog ardiening, large g ara g. Asking nly $39,950. Terms. Caîl Jan Oudshoorn. Bowmanville - Superb Semni Spotless, 3 bednooms, 11/2 baths, attachod garage, tam- ily room, slidîng glass doors to front balcony and back yard. Waul1d you bel ieve, a ski ng i ust $46,500. Cail Ken Brown. 93/4Per Cent First Mortgage,' Bowmanville $54,000. for this oversizo, 2-storey home with famîily room, walkout ta patio, ultra modemn kitchen, L-shaped living and dining room, largo bodraoms, double garage. OnIy $4,500. dawn. 2 years aid. Fine location in Bowmanvillo. Caîl Albert Korekes. Are You Considening a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped ta hand le you hoe neds anywhere in Caaaand U.S.A. * Coast to Coast Real Esta-te Service REALTOR S RSATET LIlTED, 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC MT 623-4428 HIGH ST., BOWMANVILLE Older 11/2 storey 4 bodroomn trame' homeé.Large living- moom with tireplace. Needs some ropain. On large hodged lot. Asking $44,900. N EWCASTLE Extra largo hailywood style kitchen and 3 bodrooms with lots of closet spaco. Finishod mec. room 12 x 24 plus 2 athér finshed roams in basoment are some of the teatures af this brick bungalow just isted. Situatod on large lot. Only $49,900.00 BOWMA NVILLE Live in this aider semi and ment the of hon hait. Salid brick building but needs same work. Good terms., 53,000.00 down. 5-1 $49,500, Little Street, lovoly semi-split bovel homo, living, dining raam, broadloom, kit- chen with largo diningaroa, built-in buffet, 4 bod rooms, one 4-pieco, one 3-pioce bath- raom, finished mec noam, basement camplotoly insula- ted, excellent condition. Thompson Realty (Cobourg) Ltd. 262 Division S t., Cobourg. Cail 372-3355. 5-3 BOWMANVI LLE - $44,900- 3 bedraom homo, spotless throughout, large lot provid- ing ample privacy. Ideal starter home. BOWMANVILLE - $52,900 - la rge stately 9 roomh brick, nicely decorated, new alu- minum windows, lot 165' with 2 storey barn. Great setting for antiques. HAMPTON VILLAGE - $64,500-custom built angel brick bungalow, spanish theme in recreation room with natural corner freplace, large country lot. A fine tamilly home. SOLINA RD. - HOME ON 10 eCRES-aIder homewith buiît in stove and aven, modernized throughout, pro perty tully ton ced, located between Oshawa and Bowmanvillo. FARM N EAR TYRON E - 120 ACRES - Century home, 13 rooms, modemn heating sys- tom, 2 barns, goad creek, on fully fenced proporty with tremendous amount of front- age on 2 roads. WHITBY - $47,500 - weil constructod brick bungalow in preferred residential area, Franklin tireplace in partially finished recreatian roam. In- spect to-night'. SPACIOUSRANCHER ON 1 ACRE - $69,900 - located between Oshawa and Bow- manville, 2 fireplaces, central air conditianing, walk-olut tram dining room to sun dock. Breathing space here. Caîl 728-7328 for full dol-ails. 15-1 HOUND, reddish beige with white paws, answers ta narne of "Sam", aost in Newtonville area, January 31st. Phone 1-786-2636. 5-1 EXPERIENCED Male or Female Hairdresser, Top Wages. Apply in persan ta the Hairport Styling, 133 Church Street, Bowmanville. 6-1 ROBERT LIONEL ROY The third generation ta live on the original Roy homnestead at R.R. 4, Bowmnanville, Robert Lionel Roy aged 81, passed away suddenly on Thursday, January 22nd, 1976. The son of the late William John and Robena Roy, hie was born on the homestead where hie lived al bis life and educated at Betbesda S.S. No. 10 and Bowmanville High School. On April 25th, 1931 hC married Charlotte Jane Ellingham. Sel f-employed as a fruit grower, e neyer retired, PLrovincial. Court ville, February 3, 1976. Judge G.W. Inrig presided witb Assistant Crown Attorney T. Howells and dut y counsel M., Walters. The judge welcomed the grade six students from St. Joseph's who had corne ta observe the proceedings. Robert G. Allison, 37, R.R. 4; Bowmanville, pleaded 'guilty ta a January 2lst charge of driving after cansuming over .08. Const. MeFeeters ab- served him driving on Liberty St. S. He swerved and struck a snow bank at a slow rate of speed. He eut a corner sharply. Tests were .15 and .16. 'The fine was $150. and costs, in default 15 days. He was given 30 days ta pay. Darcy Nadeau. 24, 6646 Caledonfia Rd., Nia gara Falls Ont. had a double charge read out Navember 28, 'did break and enter a dwelling house and~ commit the offense of assault causing bodily harm'. He pleaded guilty' ta, the offense, of causing bodily harm. A residence on Liberty Place had been entered via an unlacked front dôor and Nadeau was in tbe bedroom aof the owner. Const. Logan investigated. Nadeau had been at a party next door and just went in the wrong bouse on bis'return. The judge told him, 'peapf-e hed the rigietà ta b e in tbeir beds witbout being molested.' Tbe fine was $150. and casts in default 15 days. He was aiso put on probation for two years, ta keep tbe peace and be 'of goad beba- viaur. Wmn. Medwid 55 R.R 1 Bowmanville, who.w'as foundâ 'guilty' December 30 of point- ing a firearm, was to-day given probation for twa years ta, keep the peace and be oi good behaviaur, report ta probation officer montbly, or as often as officer thinks is necessary. He is not ta take a gun from bis residence execpt when lie is hunting witb companians. Following this period bie will be given a canditional discbarge. Howard Jas. Priest, 206 Albert St., Oshawa, pleaded 'guly' ta taking an outdoor radio speaker from an appli- ance stare on November 12. He was under -the influence of drugs. His previaus record was read out. He was on probation at the time. The fine was $150. and costs in default 15 days. He was given one mnonth 'W pay, He, was-given a further two years probation, ta keep te peace nd report working at, bis occupation a if e time. He was a member of tbe United Church. Surviving are bis wife Charlotte, a son William Robert Roy, a daughter Mary Helen, Henderson, and tbree grandchildren. Mr. Roy rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel with Rever- end L. Bigb y conducting tbe funeral service ýon Mon y. Paîl-bearers were Messrs. Aldin Hoar, Gordyn Brent, Ralpb Glaspell, Donald Stain- ton, John Broome and Lloyd Smith. Spring burial will be in *Bethesda Cemetery. warned not ta use drugs. Percey Frayer, R.R. 2, Orono, pleaded 'guilty' toaa February 2 char ge 'did com- mît assault on Donald Jas. Frayer, age 12.' Ho returned ta bis residencein an intoxi- cated condition and got ini- volved witb bis wife and later assaulted the son wbo had ta receive medical attention. He waM given suspended sentence fr twa years and placed on pobation for. two years, ta keep.tbe peace and be of good behaviaur, ta report ta -proba- tion officer each month and take an ycaunselling ho bas ta offer. Ho is ta attend at the family and cbildren's service bureau in Oshawa. Ho is not; ta consume alcohol during tbis period. Jas. Chas. Vickers, 23, RR. 2, Bowmanville, pleaded 'guilty' ta driving w bile dis- qualified on September 13. Ho was stopped. an bighway 401. He bad previously been sus- pended June 17' for non payment- of a fine.' He was given 14 days in jail ta be served intermittenly as long as be is gaing ta a job. -R jonn Duneàti Liftos, 17, R.R 2, Newcastle, pleaded ' ilty' ta twa charges of raking money not excoeding $200. on eacb occasion. It was taken from a locked floor safe at a service station on bighway 35, in January A nigbt attendant abserved .bi banging around and wben investigated admit- ted ta the charge. Ho was given suspended sentence wîth probation for two year ta keep the peace and be oI good bebaviaur, ta report ta officer each month. He is not ta associate witb James Laverne McGilh. A curfew of 10 p.m. was sot Sunday tc~ Thursda niebts, witb 12 p.m. curfew or riday and Satur- day nigbt and eacb curfew is until 7 a.m. Restitution is ta be paid by Linos or other persan in the amount of $278. and if other p orson. is found 'not guilty'Lines i s ta pay it ail. Win. Carl Allen, 21, Osbawa, pheaded 'guilty' taJariuary 10 charge of baving marijuana in bis possession. P.C. Ricard stopped a car in whicb. Allen was a passonger. Ho appeared ta be in an intoxicated condition. Const. Ricard saw a plastic bag in bis packet. For the first offense a conditional discharge is apa riate and until it is made lega., you ha vo ta beave it alone. Heýwast on f robation for two yars, ta eave ma rijuana ahane and if in trouble on anyathermattor this charge can be revokod and sentenced on tis charge. Chris M. Dwyer, 18, Nw- castle, pheaded 'guihty' toaa January 6 charge 'did have in your possession marijuana'. Const. E.G. Martin was the investieating officer. Ho found two joints. Ho admitted ta using it for a lengtby period. Ho was put on probation for twa years, ta ,kieep the peaco and not ta use any drugs unless frescribed by a doctoir. Ho wihl be given a conditianal discbargo at tbe end -of probation. The judge warned ifyucorne back for samne ofes, yau wihh acquire a criminal record.' Bargains Galore for Under $1 01 FREE ADVERTISEMENT COUPON, Print your advertisement in CAPITAL LETTERS -- one word per space. Include the price expected for the article which must be$1 0.00 or less. Address and-or telephone number must also be included immediately affer the article being offered for sale and will be published within the advertisement. Unsigned coupons will be destroyed. Illegible or wrongly-completed coupons wiIl be destroyed. Please note that telephoneorders will flot be accepted and only ONE item wiIl be publi!shed for each coupon subm itted. This section is not open to Traders, or for the sale 0f pets. This FREE' offer may expire at any time and without prior notice. Mail this coupon to: "UNDER $10.00 ADS"I c-o Classified Dept.,. Bowmanville Canadian Statesmnan,.Box 190, or bring it in tothe Canadian Statesmnan Office. Signature Address MISS THE STATESMAN FOR A WEEK, AND YOU MISS A BARGAIN m