8 The Canadian Statesman, BoWmanville February 4, 1976 FLASHBACK - 25 YEARS AGO Bowmanville C.O.F. hockey team were defeated for the first time Monday evening at Brooklin Arena by Exide Battery, Oshawa, 8-7. Ken King was in goal for Bowmanville. Scoring for Bowmanville 'were Craig from Lëvitt in the first period. Levitt scored two more in the second period with good work from Craig, Rahm, Kitson and Gerardi. Bill Lyle scored four in the third,' two unassisted for Bpo"'manville, two, assisted by Stacey and MacDougal. FLASHBACK - 10 YEARS AGO - Champ- ions of the Canadian Tire Curling Bonspiel held Saturday at the Bowmanville Curling Club was the team of, Skip Art Code, Vice Jean Peterson, Lead Ida Goddard and second Laurence God- dard. Boyd Ayre's rink was second, Roy Couttie's third and Fred Morrison's fourth. CURLING NEWS - from the ladies Senior Com- petition S.O.L.C. *A., event held Monday, January 12th at 9:30 at Dalewood. The rink skipped by Vivian Cowan, Ellen Ormiston, vice, Ella Trevail, second and Lila Huxtable, lead, defeated the rink of Margaret Thompson. of Dalewood, and at 2:30 defeated the rink of Jean Clarke, Peterborough. On Tuesday, the Bowmanville rink were defeated in the first game by Effie Hezzlewood, of Oshawa, and on Wednesday by Agnes Jackson. In the finals the rink of E. Hezzlewood defeated A. Jackson, to win the competition. INJURED - Josh Samuel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Samuel, and right winger of the Orange Crush hockey team in Bowmanvilleý was injured ivhen, he went into the boards during, a recent game, breaking his right arm at the elbow in two places. He was taken first to Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville and then, to Oshawa Generai IHospital. We wish the young hockey player a complete reWôvery. RECF 1ý DS DESTROYED -due to a recent fire in t)', house of the Registrar-Treasurer of the Eastern Ontario Baseball Association, a11 records, financial books etc., were destroyed. This means ail players from Junior to, Tyke will be required to present their birth certificates and it is suggested they obtaîn them now and avoid deiay later on. CROSS COUNTRY - skiers are enthusiasti- cally preparing for the Kawartha Ski Toue~ on February l4th and lSth, over the Kawartha Ski Trail, which rians from Apsley to Buck- horn for 35 miles. Established checkpoints on the trail wiIl provide bot drinks, chocolate'bars, and oranges. Skiers will also be able to rest at these checkpoints where a service crew will be available. Radio communication and a helicopter provided by the Ontario Helicopter Services will be in action. Entries are expected to reach about 600. Entry forms are available at sporting goods stores. PROVI 1NCIAL CUARLING; - BowmanvilIe Country Club was represented recentiy in provincial competîtion at Port Perry by a rink skipped by ElIlen Ormiston, Lila Huxtabie, vice Shirley Stainton, and lead Ruth Stainton. Winning their fir.st game against the rink of Janet Rowland, Annandale, they were defeated in foilowing games by Lakefîeid, and Oshawa teams. BOWMANVILLE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION -The B.B.A. at a meeting on February lst elected their executive for the 1976 season as follows: Past President - Frank Hooper, President - Max Yourth, Vic-President- G7eorge Brooks, Sect.-Treas. - Ted Dadson, Directors - Jim Hooper, Ron Hooper, Don Fraser and Larry Dewelî. They will be entering four teams into the E.O.B.A. for the 1976 season, Tyke, Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget. Anyone interested in helping in any way with these teams should plan on attending the next meeting of the B.B.A. on Sunday, Feb. l5th, 10:30 a.m. at the Police Station, Court Room 2, V (use back stairs).F Tro phiecs for Al Sports featuring IStyle and, EConomy BowingLeaigues NOW is the fime fa conslder, your frophy requlrements. WVe are equlpped fo handie ail your needs at.considera bUe sovings. ENGRAVING DONE ON -PREMISES 19 Kîng St. E. Bowmanville 623-5747 il I cr Constitution Midgt Begin Play.-Offs Teachers to PIay Bene fit Match Against CFTO Crew Every Friday night for the past while, Johnny and the boys from M. J. Hobbs hav e been getting together at the Dariington Arena for a game of pick-up hockey and a few glasses of milk M? with their colleagues from The Pines Senior Public Schooi. On Saturday at 6:30 p.m. at the Newcastle Arena these saine fellows wiil combine forces to try to defeat a team from CFTO-TV. Admission to the event is $1.00 and proceeds wiil go the Cystic Fibrosis, Last year, the Pines-Hobbs teami lost' a 7-6 squeaker to the Solina Road BoysWi A m ateu r BxigTite Photo by Lîz Armstrong Mîxed Major 1Top 10 Larry PiMper 248, Bernice Buday 230, Peggy Haynes 227, Ian Welton 222, Ma urice Annaert 221, Pat Bagneli 220, Pat Forsey 218, Ernie Perfect 218, Ross Hall 217, Joan Sutcliffe 216. Team Standings B. Buday 9, 12,467; Sutcliffe 9, 12,141; Sheehan 9, 12,046; Fairey 8, 12,351; Forsey 7, 12,107; Bickell 7 12 047; Brooks 6, 12,573; Joli 4, 1Ï,798; Alldread 4, 11,510; Opoka 4, il, 904f Bagneli 3, 11,760; Haynes 3, 11,648. High Triples Larry Piper 790, Maria Opoka 720. High Singles Larry Piper 293, vi Coole Legion Ladies Team Standings Joan Sutcliffe 8, 11,086; Mary Gray 7, 11,074; Diane Howarth 5, 11,052; Nyhl Shee- han 4, 10,282. High Single Joan Sutcliffe 285. High Triple Joan Sutcliffe 763. High Average Joan Sutcliffe 223. Averages Joan Sutcliffe 223, Anne Plazek 213, Nvhi Sheehan 21.3. Diane Howarth 197, Mary Gray 196, Denise Annaert 195, Vir$rnia Fairey 193, Irene Whitney 193, Bernice Partner NE9CSTL JeanAO Burton 182. Markam o SuDayngt H ARMptoEa 7T pm Constitution Insurance Mi- nor Midgets defeated Mark- ham 11-2 to win the first of the three out of five game-series. The Toros opened the scor- ing at the 3min. il secs. of the first period. Dean Rutherford scored with assist by Dan Strike, and AI Brunt. Minutes later Brad Godfrey scored for the Toros. With 6:40 minutes lef t in the first period the Toros scored two more. Brad Godfrey scored along with Scott Stevens. In the second period Mark- ham began to show some life, scoring early. But due to a rash of uncalled for penalties the Toros scored several times more. This string of goals was created when Mike A dams scoré-d followed bv goals from Rick Bain 2, Gary Dusseldorp, AI Brunt, Brian Dennis and Ed Visser. Other assists were g iveni to Brad Godfrey 3, Dan Strike 3, Gary Dusseldorp 1, Ron Visser 3, Pete Nemisz 2, Rick Bain 2, AI Brunt, Dean Rutherford and Ed Visser. Britt Murphy and Russ Gordon shared t he goal, each playin a good game. Inte next game played in the Constitution Insurance Minor Midgets defeated Mark- namn 8-3. While the game was fast, there were 46 min. in penalties. Brad Godfrey scored 16 secs. into the first period assisted by Gary Dus- seidorp 20 secs. later. Gary Dussedorp scored after Brad Godfrey gave him a pass in front o0f an open net, Ed Visser assisting. Minutes later Mark- ham scored on a ion g shot. Gary Dusseldorp scored on hîs next shift 1tive minutes later, Brad Godfrey assisting. Scott Stevens scored the last of the first period goals, after mak- ing excellent moves around the Markham defence to score. At the beginning of- the seconid, Markham scored to make it 4-2. Bowmanville went on to score four more goals to Markham's one. Bowman- vilie's goals were scored by Brian Dennis, Ron and Ed Visser and Gary Dusseldorp. Assists going to Pete Nemisz Brad.Godfrey, Rick Bain and Ed Visser. Britt Murphy, was in the Toro net. Next game is to-night in Swimmoe ng ýClasses For Young Adu ts and Aduits at PINE RIDGE SCHOOL, Monday and Wednesdav eveninas 6:30 toû 10:30 p.. Pre-Beginners; Beginner; Junior; Intermediate; Senior; Bronze (must have Senior); Stroke Improvement. 11 years of age and over. Registration wiIl be held Monday February 9f h f rom 7:00 to 9: 00 p.mn '. in the Recreation Office, Town Hall, Bowmanville. Fifteen week course, fee is $10.00. Classes start on Monday, Feb. l6th. For further information please cal 623-3379. COne Owner, Low Mileage USED CARS, 1974 PONTIAC PARISIENNE BROUGHAM 4-DOOR 15,00Ù miles on this beauty that teatures 455 V-8, automatic transmission, power steeri ng, power brakes, dual exhausts, AM-FM stereo, radial tires, vinyl roofbody mouldings, rear defogger, rustproofed. Lic. HRC235. 1974 CAMARO V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear speaker, mag wheels, white lettered tires. Just 20,000 miles. Lic. JBA774. 1973 BUICK LE SABRE CUSTOM 2-DOOR HARDTOP Only 19,000 mites on Tnis full size iuxury Buick. Lic. DZRO3B. 1972 VALUANT 2-DOOR 6 cyl., automatic transmission,. power steering, power brakes, radio, white wall tires. 50,000 mniles. Lic. AUS765- 1972 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR 1-ower steering, power brakes, radio. Lic. COWAN. Pontiac-Buick 166 King St. E. 623-3396 Bowmoanvi lie "The Home of cLIFF MOORE * Old-Fashioned Hospitality" Rtobert andi Paul Campbeil are two bo(xing en]thusiasts whjorentyac won Canadian amateur boxing championships in their classes of weight. R~obert ciaimed the championship on Jan. 24 while City-TV cameras were taping the program for broadcast this Saturday. Paul won his titie after 32 matches, after which none of the boxers in his class of weight wouid box against him.1 Two young men from Solina Road are Canadian amateur boxing champions after win- ning matches against other amateur boxers in Toronto, earlier in January. Tbe two brothers, Robert, 12, and Paul, 14 are the sons of Karen and Ro5ert Campbell R.R.6, Bowmanville. Robert Campbell won the Canadian championship titie in bis weight class of 85 lbs. on Saturday, Jan., 24th in Toron- to. Robert boxed three rounds of three minutes each and was unanimously voted the championship b y the three judges responsible for choos- ing the winner. Besides the titie of Canadian amateur boxing champion, Robert also bas two other SPO RTA LK CANCELLATION - The Recreation Uiepartment Girls Gym Class has been cancelled for Saturday February 7th and 2lst, but wiii be heid instead on Wednesday, February llth and Wednesday, February 18th at 7:30 in B.H.S. MOSPORT - The Bulova Championship for Formula 100 and 2.5 Sedan racing cars will hé held for the fifth consecutive year during the 1976 racing season at Mosport Park, and offers more than $20,000 in prizes and contingency awards as well as a $7,500 Driver to Europe Scholarship provided by Mosport Park Limit- ed, which hosts ail seven races. The schedule opens April 25th. CAMP IT UP WITH CHARLIE - is the theme for the 1976 Camping on Wheels'Show which opens in the Automotive Building, Exhibition Place, February 4th for a five-day run. Charlie Farquharson, the country philosopher and comed- ian from Parry Sound, wiil be at t h e show evenings and on the week end along with the Rhythm Pals as part of the entertainment at the Coleman Campground. The main attraction to the show for most visitors will be the wide variety of Canadian-bujît, CSA approved travel trailers, motor homes, camper-vans and camper trailers. Show officiais state there will be more soft top and hard top camper trailer units on display in this year's show. tities'to his credit. He won the City-TV amateur boxing cbampionship for bis ciass of weîght earlier in January and as well hoids the Bolier Makers Boxing Club cbampionship titie. The bout if which he claimed his Canadian champ- ionsbip titie was taped by City-TV in Toronto and will be broadcast'on their channel at 7 p.m. on Saturday. Feb. 7th, Paul Campbell won the titie for the Canadian amateur boxing championship if bis weight class of 120 Ibs. in January. After boxing in 32 matches without losing, the boys that be was supposed to meet in the finals were withdrawn from the comp- etition by their coaches, giving the championship titie to Paul. Now the two brothers just have to sit tight on their tities until tbey defend thein as Canadian amateur champions next year. Until then, Robert and Paul Campbell will continue to box at the Lake Vista Boxing Club in Oshawa as they keep in shape for the future. Night Hws High sIngIe P. Whaien 285, High Triple A. Larusso 685. Team Standings I. Wright 11037, 12; B. Wilbur 11,201, 10; M. Trimble 10,655, 8, M. Bates 10,451, 7; K. Raîston 10,969, 6; A. Burgess 10,281, 5. -Top 10 Averages A.. Larusso 226, D. Ogden 208, I. Wright 196, M. Trimble 195, G. Vonson 195, B. Wilbur 191, M. Bates 191, P. Whalen 190, K. Raiston 190, J. Burton 189, 1975 Demonstra tors ONLY ,5,LEFTII 1975 ASTRE 2-DOOR Automatic transmission, deluxe wheel discs, radial tires, radio. Lic. HRD871. 1975 BUICK CENTURY 2-DOOR V-8, automatic Transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, radial tires, defogger, deluxe wheel discs. Lic. HRD925. 1975 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DOOR V-B, autornatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, defogger, radial tires. Lic. HRD793. 1975 PONTIAC CATALINA 2-DOOR V-8, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, rear speaker,ý radial tires, vinyl roof, body side mouldings, bumper guards, defogger. Lic. HRD779. 1975 PONTIAC -PARISIENNE BROUGHAM 2-DOOR V-8, automnaic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, radialI tires, mag wheels, vinyl roof, body mouldings, defogger, bumper guards, heavy duty suspension, custom mirrors. Lic. HRD881. ICEDRIC RUSSELL Thne Weather's Cold But.. Our Deals Are HO10T! ________________BROWN______ STEW PRESTON CLIFF MOORE 0 1