SNewcastle Indepel Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago Asks LLBO for Deadline Extension Immediately following a meeting in the Newcastle Village Community Hall Feb. 3, Durham East MPP Doug Moffatt and Hall Board mem- ber Nida Hoogkamp with LLBO Executive Director Russell Cooper observing, began preparing a letter to council to request the liquor licencing board for an exten- sion on the date of new legislationtbeing enforced on them. The extension is desired to permit, if necessary, a new vote on the liquor question in the village to be taken. Council resolved at a special meeting on Saturday morning to have Clerk Joe McIlroy, and whatever staff he finds necessary, research the some conflict befween what records o the former villa ge the residents of the villa ge can bylaws to determine what tfhe recall and what Mr. Cooper exact status is. This was felt a claims the LLBO records necessary first step as there is show. lewcast/e octal ani[Personal On Feb. 1, the ladies of the Monday Euchre Club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Ellen Duxbury. Miss Dale Powell and girl- friend, Sir Sanford Fleming College, Peterborough, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Mr. andMrs. Wayne Pearce, Vicki and Kirk, Beth- any; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pearce and Michael visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert PRICE On cloth coats and jackets, dresses, pants, blouses and sweaters. It only happens once a year at Breslin's. Selected groups are designated for clearance. The selection includes branded lines, designer's collections, imports, etc. Aside from this once-a-year Half Price Sale on selected items, there is a whole store of savings that must be seen. While you are enjoying the bargains, look ahead a little and see our early Spring arrivals. Sale starts Thurs, 9 a.m. for 3 da ys. -All Sales Final- ter Charge Chargex LADIES' WEAR ing St. W. 623-5854 Bowmanville ndent Telephone 987-4201 Pearce on Sunday. Patients in hospital incluc Master Ronnie Verbee Master Jeff Bowler, Miss Pa Abbott, Mrs. Winona Ka Miss Elsie Rowe, Mr. Erne Alldread, Vernon Colberr Alex Patterson, Eric Clark Mrs. Graham of Southav Rest Home and Mrs. Mab Bedwin. ýMrs. Betty Brown is pr gressing favourably at S John's Hospital, Willowdale Miss Julie Hamilton, Bov manville, spent the weeken with ber god-parents, Mr. an Mrs. Jack Crago. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennet Omemee visited on Saturda with ber mother, Mrs. Nelh Spencer. Mr. James Murray returne home from hospital last Fr day. Mr. Neil Britton and Ton Belleville, were Saturda visitors with Mr. and Mr Harve Britton. Mr. and Mrs. George Buck ley and Mr. and Mrs. Walte Murphy were in Toront Friday night, the men enjoy ing the Tonos Hockey Garn and the ladies visiting. Mrs. Fred Thomas, Eusti Florida accompanied he daughter Mrs. Ann Harrison Mississauga, visiting Mrs Nellie Spencer last Tuesday Sympathy is extendedn t Mn. and Mns. Fred Yates an family on theBdeath of he father, Mr. Bert Parkee Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. William Atkin son, Sundridge, Ontario visil ed on Sunday witb Mn. ant Mrs. William McCracken. Mr. and Mrs. William Cal spent Saturday with Mrs all's sister and family, Mr andMrs. M. Downs, Toronto Mn. and Mrs. Glen Farrow andJan, Newtonville, spen Sunday witb hen parents, Mn, and M s. Wm. Call. Mr. and Mrs. R. Brentor Rickard attended the Nor wood Lions Charter Anniver sary part y on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mar- tin, Mr. and Mrs. LavernE Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bowen, Cavan, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Floyd, Bowman ville enjoyed the weekend a the Floyd's cottage, Wilber force. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Dusen, Fonthill were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs George Buckley. Birthday greetings to Sam my Glanville and Mrs. Ellen Duxbury. Mrs. Mary Wade and son, Grant, Barrie, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mrs. Howard Toms has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Tom Wallace and family, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gar- rod Jr. and ber mother, Mrs. Raye Friedlander enjoyed a holiday in Rio de Janeiro. While there, they attended a wedding and visited with Mrs. Friedlander's brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gregario Fried- lander. Misses Linda Williams and Candy Storks, Rexdale, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Storks. Mr. Harry Burley, Port Ho pe, visited bis brother, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Burley on Monday. As we watched the Dance Pairs Skating at the Olympics, we were pleased tosee Miss Barbara Berezowski and Mr. David Porter keep their posi- tion of tenth. Anglican Church News The A.C.W. met on Wed., Feb. 4 at St. George's Parish Hall for a business meeting. On Feb. 18th the ladies are invited to the A.C.W. meeting for a cake-decorating demon- stration by Mrs. Doreen Lake. United Church Women Unit Two of the U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Clinton Burley on Thursday, Feb. 5th. About sixteen members were p resent. The programme had been prepared by Mrs. Wilda Jonsonand was pesented by Mrs. a bel Wade, Mrs. Marlon Mallette and Mrs. them ewas Love for the montb of February. The Legend of Loves Me was sungand u repeated. Mrs. Mallette said a prayer. The business part of the meeting was a discussion and planning of catering toa Lions and Credit Union din- ners. A tasty lunch was served. Newcastle United On Sunday, Feb. 8, Rev. dependent, based on the "Ten Days for World Development Theme" Feb. 13 -Feb. 23. Mn. Harry dose, who recently visited Cuba, gave a good description of that island. Though the school children receive better education than previously, little church act- Ivity is noticed. The choir sang the Anthem "The Lamb." Canon Subir Biswas, Vicar of St. Paul's Cathedral, Cal- cutta, India, will be n Canada for the Ten Days for World Development Period, parti- cipatng in seminars and other events across the country. In the area where Bishop Biswas ministers, there are 2.2 million people living in bustees or slums. In one bustee 22,000 people live in 500 houses, one room per family and one latrine for 15-20 families. The Fsst Newcastle Brownie Pack Report by Grace Ton On December 10th we got Shaw's Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ayre, E dam, Sask. spent a few days recently with their cousins Lloyd and Arline Ayre. Mrs. Andrew Munneke, Orono was guest of honour at a birthday luncheon last Tuesday, at Killeen's. Other guests were Isabelle Challice, Evelyn Dunn, Barbara and Michael Munneko, Phyl Sin- field and Barbara Wood. Jannette was the recipient of many good wishes and al her friends would *oin in wishing her better health in 1976. Our community was well represenedraththe Disney- wrdConcert held in B.H .5. on Sunday evening, Jan. 31st. It was a very enjoyable affair and since we understand that Gradclmt our Mothers' gifts ready fo (hristmas. After we finmshe( that, we sang some Christmas songs and then we had oui closing. On December 17th, we wen around town singing Christ mas songs. When we got cold we went in and had some dougnuts and hotchocolate They gave out the presents. de We all opened them and saw k, what we got. m Some news from the last Y, news bulletin - Mrs. Rudman. st deputy district commissioner, Y, came in and enrolled our e, Tweenies. Mrs. McOuat, our en district commissioner, came el in and enrolled our leaders. Hockey News - On Thursday, Feb. 5, the t. Newcastle Lumbermen de- - feated the Orono team by a w- score of 3-1. Norman Shearer id scored a goal unassisted. id David Millson had one goal assisted by Brian Carr. Paul t, Peters was another scorer Y assisted by Norman Shearer. îe The Play-Offs for the New- castle Lumbermen start this i- Thursday at Newcastle Arena ï-at 7:30 p.m. EASTMAN'S GULF MAJOR n, BANTAMS y Game 1- Newcastle 5, S. Cobourg AA Minor Bantams 1 This was a good, fast k- skating game. Newcastle r started to take control in the o seconid period. Goal scorers y- for Newcastle are Mike e Mackey 2, Don Rowley, Dean Walker, Craig Flynn, one goal Seach. Assists to Robert Towns r 2, Tom Glover, Philip Dost, , Doug Nicholson, Don Rowley. . Scott Moir was in goal. . Game 2 - Newcastle 14, Bowmanville Selects 0 d What can you say about a r game like this, Bowmanville just wasn't in it. Goal scorers or Newcastle were Philip Dost 3 goals, 2 assists; Tom Dw er 3 goals, Dean Walker 1 - goa, 2 assists; Doug Nichol- son 2 goals, Scott Foster, Tom Glover, Mike Wade, Craig Flynn, one goal each- * Game 3 - Newcastle 0, Whitby AA Major Bantarns 3 Even though Newcastle was t shut-out by Whitby it was the - best game the team has played in a long time. We were - even with Whitby in play- First star of the game had to - go to the Whitby goal tender., L. Another reminder of the Bantam Tournament in New- e castle on Feb. 14 and 15. e Teams entered are Newcastle, d Thornbury, Woodville, Mark- - ham "B", Stouffville "B", t Sunderland, Keene, Colborne, - Warsaw, Orono, Wellington, Little Britain, Lindsay 'B" - Millbrook, Stirling, Cobour, AA Minor. Also, anyone wishing to billet boys over Saturday night please call Bill Flynn at 987-4934 or George Towns at 987-4462. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY BOWLING Youth 125 and Over C. McLuhan157, L, Kozak 184, B. Pollock126, V. Kidd 135, D. Rowe 146, J. Walker 150-125, P. Willems 163-161, S. Reicheld 125, C. Opoka 140, D. Burns 172, T. McKenna 128, S. Stommel 126, K. Gilmer 127, B. Pollock 145-153, A. Rowe 167-135, W. Dobbie 135-150, R. Nickolson 143-155, F. Glas- bergen 152-127, G. Martin 139-126, K. Jenkins 133, K. Willems 181, T. Wind 155, D. Glover 177-160, M. Gooch 131, S. Gooch 131, I. Brereton 246, K. Rahme-153, G. Couvier 125, M. Zegil 130-175, M. McPhee 144-178, K. Wade 159-155, B. Forget 228-155, D. Nickolson 198-166, R. McKenna 134-131, J. Carr 133-130. Ladies 200 and Over I. Brown 213-245-207, D. Mercer 211, H. Couroux 253, K. Mercer 200, S. Foster 202, N. Williams 250-257-227, B. Petherick 208-226, L. Ellis 236-209, G. Kelleker 214, B. Major 258, M. Major 239, F. Wright 218. Men 225 and Over G. Kin2ball 238, W. Flintoff 230, G. Cowling 268, B. Farrow 309-246, J. Ogden 278, H. Clark 261, F. Stapleton 263-233, T. Embley 334, J. Graham 237 S. Glanville 254, J. Forrester 2'58, E. Taylor 233. The Jolly Fryers-200 and Over C. Richter 213, J. Richter 232, J. Wright 204, P. Gilray 200-203, R. Winter 200, C. Szymczak 201. Thurs. Mixed 200 andOvr e 204..223, T. Bond 209, B.' Glanville 214, J. Forget 224- 22-28g C. MacGregor 208-204, E. Cornish 202, S. Dunlop 211. Friday Mixed 200 and Oere 217-273-306, M. Henry 237-286- 221, E. Embley 216, T. Embley 220-214, E. Darlin 0,G Kentner 222-239, R.203ood 278-254-290, J. Pleasance 204 B. Delaat 213, A. Delaat 265, J. Barchard 206, L. Pearce 231-222-294, F. WrighNickolsr 215, H. Nickolson 225-238-264, Munro 311, H. Call 217-266, B. Call 206, B. Madill 226, A. Gurthrie 203-289.j son assisting with lunches. Thanks to al who sponsored this group. All good wishes are extend- cd to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barrie who are celebrating their sixty-sixth wedding anniversary this week. We wish them both continued health and many more happy years together. Annabelle and Garnet Rick- ard left on Sunday for a week in Florida. Our weatherman surely gave them a blustery send-off. Mark Hendrikx, John David Killeen and Stephen Wood were among those who enjoy- ed the Hockey game in Newcastle Sat. evening when the C.F.T.O. TV team tied the Pines-Hobbs Teacher's team. Wes eyville In spite of snow and high winds, road conditions have been kept under control. There is more difficulty in parking space around build- ings and in keeping driveways clear, when snow doesn't have a clear place to be blown away. Most people's bird feeders are well patronized for much of the feed in fields is covered up. The crow who brought so much entertain- ment to the community all summer and fall didn't make it through the season. It wasn't for lack of food but some sickness. The bird world has its own problems; a bluejay was seen on a feeder vainly trying to pick up food by the beak was open all the time. Evidently, it wouldn't close and the bird starved for when picked up, there was no eght. Af ter some postponements a quilt was put in the frames at the home of Mrs. T. Wilson last week for the first in 1976. Alain who has been ill for some time is better and back to school. Five ladies from here attended the annual meeting of Cobourg Presbyterial held at Warkworth Unted Church The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 11, 1976 11 last Wednesday Feb 4th. Mrs. so that parking places were Clarence Nicnols drove to available at Welcome United Port Hope, taking with her Church. This past Sunday Mesdames Ken Dinner, G. morninu manv were unable to Tuf ford, E. Barrowclough, A. get out of their own driveways Ford, and there joined ladies so the attendance was smaller from Port Hope United but choir members were there Church to go by bus. in regular numbers to lead the Mrs. M. Langdon, Mrs. Geo. service of song and provide Watkins and Elda Launder of their usual fine number. Rev. Port Hope and vicinity met Bartlett's message to the with Mrs. E. Barrowclough at children and later his sermon her home on Thursday to to the adults, reminded all discuss a small project in how the world's people, here connection with the East at home and far away, all the Durham Historical Society. time and accentuated at times Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne as in the recent natural and family and Ivan Hale disasters, need the loving care were entertained by Mr. and of their fellow men. The theme Mrs. Brian Edey at their new was '"How Much do you home in Bowmanville on Care" Saturday evening Feb. 7th. Murray and Jean had just returned last week from an ail Crushe too brief holiday in Hawaii. G r rh m Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrowclough visited with On Sunday, Feb. 8, Gra- Mrs. V. Morton in Orono on ham's Atom B's journeyed te Saturday afternoon: and Mr. Markham where they were and Mrs. Tom Turner of soundly beat 7-1. Bowmanville visited with The only goal scorer for Mrs. C. Dickinson and Clarke Graham's IG.A. was Jeff on Sunday. Logan from Doug Brown. Helpful people with snow Graham's were out shot 35-12. equipment have had a steady Billy McArthur for Graham's job keeping snow shoved back IG.A. played well in the nets. on Ail 3 Floors Drastic Reductions MONEY ON QUALITY DX PREMIUM FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 CALL U$ DX FUEL OIL FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE Mas 7Ki George Skelding graduated recently as an honor student from Westlane Secondary School in Niagara Falls and is now continuing his education at Guelph University. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Skelding, Niagara Falls, and gr4ndson of Mrs. Betty Brown, Newcastle and Mrs. Elizabeth Graham Blackstock. Ross Metcalf was the moving force behind the entire show, his old friends from Shaw's would offer congratulations on another worth while com- munity project at Ross's credit. The Shaw's people are also pleased to be affiliated with such a community - minded group as the Kinsmen who presented the band with a sizeable cheque during the concert. Those attending the annual meeting of the Durham Central Fair Board recentlyin Orono United Church were Lloyd Ayre, Gordon Barrie, Russ Dow, Jim and Garnet Rickard, We are pleased to report that Mrs. F. Northcutt has been released from hospital and is spending a few days with her daughter Arline. Vincent Bisschop, son of Lawrence and Fiena Bisschop, placed second in the Pinewood Derby for the West Durham District at Orono last Saturday. Vincent won a lovely trophy and was pleased to say that he dîcin't reany mind losing first place when the winner was James West- g arth' who is also in the 3rd ub Pack of Bowmanville. Congratulations, Vince, you and your folks turned out a pretty nifty little car! Several local girls took part in the Dance Marathon at the High School on Friday and Saturday. It was quite an endurance test but about a dozen couples were able to complete their 24-hour stint. Rosemary Killeen was one of the successful dancers with Janet Bragg and Nora Simp- i \lw4t,