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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1976, p. 14

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DEADLINE FOR CLASSUFIED Tues., 112 no PAR O * 0 - -mnfa0l*c ..e A 'HOME in Newtonville at $225 per month olus heat and hydro. 3 bedrooms, available now. Phone Bayside 1-613-394- 3023. 5-2 BOWMANVILLE area, 3 bed- room bungalow, attached gar- -age, 2/ acres of land, property leased by year, immediate possession',phone R. B. Spencer Real Éstate Limited, 623-7694. 6-1 TWO bedroom apartment, ideal for quiet, married couple, one child welcome, no pets, $175. monthly with dryer $5 extra. Frig. and stove included. Available immedi- ately. Write -Advertiser 599, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 6-1 'IWU bedroom apariment, centrally Iocated, available immediately. Phone 623-3211. 6-1 THREE bedroom townhouse, ideal for family living, Iocated on a quiet court in Bowman- ville. Close to schools, $275 a month. Available immediate- ly. Cail Marylin, Simpson 623-3393 Bowmanville or Toronto 9239174. W. Frank Real Estate, Realtor. 6-2 LARGE furnished bedroom, kitchen privileges, central location. Phone 623-5527. 6-1 Furnished Bedrooms by month, week or day, shower and bath, licenced premises, reasonable rates. CASTLE HOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 1-tf U.RGENTLY -REQUIREDÎ 1 WVe have cash buyers for homes in the Bowm~anville area. Perhaps, your' home would bring top dollar? We'Il be pleased to appraise-it for you and help you locate the -home ot your dreams". For friendly efficient sale of your home, caîl P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowmani- vil le 576-6120. 17-tf ialU let us help you- ma ke the selection SIMPSON MEMORIALS 49 Lavinia St., Port Hope, Ont, 416-885-6434 Evening~s Caîl, Mauri Smpson, (416) 885-4443 BA B Y b 1 1 1 L R .waulueu, SoUth en d of town. Call1 623-7210. 6-1 WE require a foreman with leadership qualities. Respon- sibilities would includle, pro- duction scheduling, material records and shipping co-ord- inator. An understanding of mechanical machinery would be an asset. Top wages and benefits available to qualified person. Write Advertiser 600, c-o Canadian Statesman,-Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. LlC3K9. 6-2 PRINTER-PRESSMAN fam- iliar with job and web offset presses. Apply The Canadian Statesman, King St. West, Bowmanville. 6-1 HOUSEKEEPER for 2 child- ren aged 4 and 1, Hours 7:30 - 4:30. Salary negotiable. Cali 786-2657 (Newtonville) after 4:30. 6-1 GENI DIV. Avon Products Ltd. - Plan your vacation now. The world's largest direct selling company, lets you earn as much money as you wish, through our exciting new division "Geni". Cali Mrs. McCart 576-4229. 6-2 WANTE D - experienced lube and oil person capable of performing rust inhibitor ap- plication and light mechanical repairs. Age no barrier. Train- i ng available. Apply in person, Earl Elson, 'Service Manager, County Chrysler Dodge Ltd. 6-1 CAR ETAKE R Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned until Wednesdlay, February 18, 1976 for the position of Caretaker, 40 hr. per week, at the Bowmanville High School. Good knowledge of school caretaking procedures and cleaning methods. Ability to work from verbal and written instructions and to get aîong with people. Reply in writing, stating qualifications, address, and telephone number to: M.A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Box 470 834 D'Arcy St. N. Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2 6-1 SALES people wanted for Durham Region. Full or part time basis. ýAdvertising pro- vided. Canvassing. 579-5070. 6-tf GENERAL 'contractors wanted for Durham Region. Electricians, plumbers, paint- ers, carpenters, etc. etc. Cali FRONT end 'and alignment technician, 5 day week includ- ing Saturdlays. Fiat rate shop. Phone for interview appoint- ment 623-2510. 6-2 BOOKKEEPER - must have some experience. Maie or female, 30 hours ýper week plus. Cal Mr. Harry VanBelle 623-4441. 6-1 SMALL Whitby area church, requires or ganist, choir leàd- er. Reply Box 598, c-o Cana- dian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ont. 5-2 R. urGraidte Company Limited ANNUA-ý'L VWI.NTER DISCOUNT' We respectfulîv wish to announce a SPECIAL REDUCTION on ail cemetery Memorials and Markers orctered and paid for between now and April 1st for Spring erection. This offer is made annualîy. We have an excellent selection of domestic and foreign' granites in many colors and designs from which to choose your Monument or Marker. If we can be.of service ta you in any way, please do not hesitate to-visit our indoor display at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope, or telephone us at 885-5216. - 5-6 INFANT car seat. Phoneý 623-5654. 6-ix USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Fa dd y's Market, Hampton 263'2241. 33-tf CASH for gold, silver, coins, guris, choc s, jewellry, dishes, furniture, cracks, paintings, sealers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-ff A CAB for '74 1/2 ton truck. Phone 263-2940.1 6-1 SKI Bindings in good condi- tion, for use on trick skis. Must be step-in type binding s. Phone 623-5603 after 5 p.m. or 623-3303 durinq day. 6-2 GOOD used furniture, cribs, playpens, highchairs, dishes, other articles. Phone Towne Used Furniture, 623-4681 Bowmanville for instant cash and service.> 5-4 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles, Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes- SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKE.%MA AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 45-tf ALLIN CO--' MOILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE M CHAN.,.ICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups - Brakes - Etc.) AIl1 work done by Licensed Class "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. AIl1 parts and labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHOi?,NE 623-5045 i IWFI1dIiUIld I Coatings Firm offers high commission poten tial, fringe benefits and excit- ing contests for mature indi- vidual in Bowmanville area. Air Mail name and address ta President C. D. Deitz, Consoli- dated Protectîve Coatings Ltd., 2300 Schenker St., Ville LaSalle, Quebec, H8N 1A2. 5-4 GOODYEAR CANADA INC. The Industriai Products Divi- sion has an immediate open- ing for a machinist and a miliwright in the Bowmanviile Plant. R~ate of pa y: $6.635 per hour and $6.585 per hour respectively. Jobs offer excel- lent company paid fringe benef ifs as Weil as off-shîft premiums. lnterested parties shauid appiy in persan ta: C. E . Trim Goodyear Canada Inc. 45 Raynes Ave. Bowmanville, Ont. 6-1 CUSTOM upholsterîng, recov- ering, re-styling, very reason- able, work guaranteed, 20 years experience. Free esti- mates. Please caîl collect 1-986-5072. 26-tf C & J Pa inters Interior and Exterior FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-7483 D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION' Nlew Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repa irs of ail1 types. PHON E 623-2263 20-ff PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261 RETIRED lady or man re-29t auired for cleaninca store. 9t l~de725-8710F»...%,----- 5-2 HAIRDRESSER wanted for, Artistic Beauty Salon. Exper- ienced only. Phane 725-8710. 5-2 WATKINS Products need dealers, men, women, full or part time. Cail Peter Mac Eacherp-, Sales Manager, 623-4894, write 48 Lawrence Cres., Bowmanville. t Radio-TV Announcer SPECIAL TRAINÏcNIG Brand new climate conérolled, comffletely equipped (RADIO- TV STUDIOS. Full I»gram- m instctions in 'MiUSIC, TNEWSand COM- MERCIAL delivery. Prelîmi- nary voice auditions. Resu- mes, tapes, and job placement, 1assistance. .6 Month Day Course .10 Month Night Course .Student Loans Available HOME STUDY Course in- cluding workshops and studio training on course completion. Phone, visit or send coupon today., GREER LIMITEDP 3rd Floor, 55 Queen St. E., Downtown Toronto <416) 363-3721 Name .................... Street..................... City ...................... Phone..........l. Age.. Bowmanville 6-1 CARETAKERS Applications will be received by the undersigned until Thursday, February l2th, 1976 for the positions of caretaker at the following schools: -Courtice Secondary School R. R. 3, Bowmanv il1le ÀO hours per week -The Pines Senior Public Schooi R.R. 2, Newcastle 40 hou rs per week -Clarke High Schooi, R.R. 2, Newcastle 40 hou rs per week Good knowledge of school ca'retaking procedures and cleaning methods. Ability to work from verbal and written instructions and to' get along with people. IReply in writing stating qualifications, address and telephone numnber f0: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education, Box 470, 834 D'arcy St. North Cobourg, Ontario. K9A 41-2 FURNITURE stripping - ail oid paint or varnish removed, minor repairs as weii. Phone 983-9362. 6-3x JACK.BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CL EAN E PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P-0. Box 43 - Bowmnanville 30-tf B08 BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing -'Heating Pressure Systems New Work.and Repairs Service and Estimates Cal 1623-2641 m RON'S FLOOR CARE lncludes Homes, Offices, Etc. Rug and Carpet and Upholstery Shampooing Wall Washing ..EA.T.. Pr% LLTi623-2503 r'.ui urcoite ai 623-7966 Wm. G. Terhune CARPE NTRY Renovations T Rec. Rooms Phone 623-5375 5-4x C & CJANITOR SERVICE Carpet,- Upholstery ProfessioniaIIy Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 3-tf RESULTS COUN KG RENOVATIONS Rec. Rooms, l Kitchens, Etc. Multiple Listing Servlcq 623-6056 Oshawa & District 50-tf Real Estate Board INSULATION, blowing method with rock wool, work- manship quaranteed. Seal- daire Insulation, phone 705- 742-0272. Representative Harry L. Wade, phone 987-4531. 43-tf ' will bab ysit children in my home. Phone 623-4617. 6-1 x WILL babysit in my own home. Rehder and Scugog area. Please phone 623-7864. 6-1 WALLACE BOTHWELL General Repairs and Painting PHON E 623-3980 6-1 J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY) Custom Cutting 12 Cents 1-b. FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 6237056 6-8 9 NEEO A PRESSURE SYSTEM? REPAIRS TO AILL MAKES Harvey Partner Orono 983-5206 Zenith 14620 41 -tf ýBiII's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanville Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Units - St'rm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Colored Glass and GIazing. 17 tf, WATER Wells bored, 30" tile. Ward's Well Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16tf Ref rigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Colers PHONE BERT SYER Days .............. 623-5774 Nights , .. ......623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf City Wide Door Service Supply Steel Doors, Frames and Toi let Partitions Also installations and repairs NO RESIDENCE 623-2625 45-tf DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 26-f DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Sidinu-Soffit-Facer Eavestrough - Windows Doors - Awninrjs 623-4398 For Free Estimate S1 "Sel ect Yo-ur Champion" ieCALF SALE . f.Saturday, Feb. 2 1, 1: 00 p. m. At Peterborough Livestock Sale Arena, Hwy. 7, Peterbor- ough, Ont., seli1ing 35 steer and heifer show calves su'itable for 4-H pro jects and other caif and ma rket steer competition. Ail of these exotic crossbred, Angus and Hereford calves have been selected for their show patential and ail are halter broke. Many champ- ions, incîuding the 1975 Grand Champion Queen's Guineas have been purchased at simi- lar caîf sales praduced by. Gald Bar Lîvestock. Cata- logues are available. Sale Manager: Liptay Auctianeers Ltd., R.R. 1, Bowmanviile, Ont. Auctioneer: Steve Liptay 416-263-2117. 6-2 Auction Sale of Bankrupt Stock and Garage Equip!_t. at Western Tire & Auto Supply, 85 King-St. W., Bowmanville. Feb. 14. 1:00 p.m. Barrett Brake Drum Lathe for Disc or Drum Brakes, Big 4 Tire Changer (nearly new), under- coat spray gun, flear tire balancer, battery charger, Floor & Bumper jack, 4 axle stands, valve grinder, com- pression tester, impact wrench, air chisel, 2 block and tackles, spark plug cleaner, timing light,, acetylene gauges,. '69 Chev. 3/4 ton pick-up H.D. trans., filing cabinet, cash register and adding machine, heavy duty Floor cleaner, 20 steel bins, 1 ton Stoker coal and Oak I um ber. Compiete store stock 'of: household applicances, vacu- um cleaners, electric broom, bicycles, tricycles and acces- sories, table saW, car acces- soriles, g ardening supplies, hockey equi p ment and skates, helmýets, golif clubs, life jack- ets, fishing gear, guns and ammunition, quantity of tools, many other articles. Terms: Cash. Cliff Pethick, Auction- eer. 6-1 Auction Sale, February 14, 1: 15 P.m., Saveon Products Warehouse, 'Highway 28 Bewdley, consisting of chests of drawers, side board, tables, chairs, rocking chair. dishes, gîassware, lamps, beds, appli- ances and other items stili being consigned. Roger Ban- nister, auctioneer. 6-1 PeterKowa 1, Real Estate & Insurance Ltd. OSHAWA - Cozy 2 bedroomn bungalow with paved drive and partiall y compheted rec. room. North end location. Only $44,900. NEWCASTLE - 6 ýroom -brick bungalow with f irepiace and rec. room. Also 'a 40' x 20' ingraund pool. Priced ta seil. Terms arranged. BOWMANVILLE -4bero home on a large lot located near school. Weil decorated. Oul heating. Very suitable for a growing famiiy. . 6-1 Private Bowmanv ilile 11/2-year aid det'ached, 3 bed- roam b-ack split, finished family room, unfinished den, attached garage. Paved drive- way. $53,900.i Phone 623-3814. 6-1 EIGHT room 11/2 storey country home, fireplace, 114 acres, good, weil, double g a rage, barn. Quiet location in Gores Landing. Phone 1-342- 5252. 5-2 TWO FOR ONE On thre( acres of land is this d-oublE home,' one sidewith 3 bed rooms, fully broadloomed liv ing room and lovely 12 x 1, panieIled family room witF fireplace and patio doors spacious kitchen and utilitý room. The other side ê comfortable 2 bedroom homE for incomne or your parents, Located on Hi 9hway 2 west ol BowmanvilIe. Two f or the ane Iow price of $64,000.00. ORONO- Ranch style bunga- low, 3 bedrooms, extra large living room and dining area, two battis, big kitchen with lots of cupboards, attached 2 car garage on lot 128 x 130. $59,900.00. $610-00 monthly income. Good size aider home converted into three apartments. Situated on a very large lot with good shade trees. Close to schools, shopping and park. Terms arranged $63,900.00. TWO YEAR OLD 5 bedroom home, family room with fireplace and patio doors, knotty pine finished games room, cathedral ceiling, in living room, 2 car garage with sun deck on roof, in goad area' close f0 schooi 5$85,000.00. 6-1 [W REALTOR 9234,Kng ÎSt E., BowmanvIle 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 Bowmanviile - $40,000, Detached Starter home on nice lot. For details cali Kay Brown. Bowmanville - Super Value $52,900. 3 bedroom Backspiit Link home. Family room, attached gara ge, 11/2 bahs. Excellent location. Cali Ken Brown, Ranch Bungalow -- Orono 75e x 200 Lot. 3 bedrooms, .,double- car. -garage, finishedi family room with Fieldstone fireplace. Asking $63,900. Cai Tony Klompmaker. Bowmanville - $49,900 Extra large, 2 year aid semi-detached 4 bedroom, 2-storey home. Master bed- room 19 x 12. 2 Baths. A pleasure, to show. Cali Jan Oudshoorn. Caesarea L akefront Cottage Caesarea Lakefront Cottage 8BUr before the Spring Rush. Ony55,000. down. RemodelI- led, furnished, safe, sandy beach. Asking $22,000. Car Elfie Jost. 40 Acres - Bethany Hilîs Located on main Highway, large spring fed pond. Resi- dential building permit avaîl- ,able. Low, down payment. Oniy $45,000. Cali Bill Grady. $34,500. Full Price - Bowmanville 5 room brick Twin home. Close to schools and shopping on attractive big lot. Low taxes. Good 'Terms, Cali Albert Kerekes. Bowmanville - $44,500. 3 bedroom brick Bungalow. Hardwood floors. 4-piece Bath. Recreation room with bar. Fenced, hedged lot 46 x 140. Mature trees. Terms. CailI Phyllis McRobbie. Bowmanville - 45 Acres $3,000. per' Acre. Compare with properties in the vicinity that have sold at prices far higher. lnciuded is a large frame dweiiing under renova- tion. Terms. C ail Paf Yeo. Rural Home 15 minute drive from Oshawa, Newcastle Village and 401. 10 y ear old 4 bedroom brick ungalow, extra large finish- ed recreation room, largelot. A-1 condition. Asking $54,000. Caîl Clare McCuýlough. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are equppd ta handie your hm ed anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. . oattoCos TWO building lots 100' x 15' each 2 miles east of Bowman- ville in quiet country setting. No agents please. Phone 987-4661 or 987-4386. 6-1 12'ALUMlNUM cpr-top boat Phone 623-5846 anytime. 6 if Direct Toronto Lino 923-9174 43-tf Pat Marjerris on 623-4115 Ken Nicks 623-4050 Dollie Davey 786-2256 (Newtnnville) Two year old, brick and f rame bungalow, large wooded lot, basement apartment. Real value at $49,000. O'DELL STREET Neat three bedroomn brick bungalow in good residential area. Close to downtown. Recently decorated. Good starter or retirement home. On ly $44,900. BOWMANVI LLE' 30 acres, level farm land, ideal home site or mini-farm. Con- venient commuting to Oshawa or Bowmanville, $3,000 per acre. VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Building lot 75' x 160' 'on sewers and water, $20,000. COUNTRY ESTATE Custom built home, 2-years- old. Pillars at front door, cedar and stone, decor, 2 fireplaces, family room with bar. Walk-outs to lower patio and upper balcony. Scenîic two acre lot with b irch trees. Ponty pool area, 25 minutes trom Bowmanville, $93,500. 6-1 k2-74 137 KingSt. E., Bowmanville 623-7694 - 623-7661 REALTOR CENTRALLY located, 3 bed- room 9 year old brick bunga- low, 1 bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance with a t 'hree piece bath, finished rec room with bar, beautifully decorated home, nicely landscaped lot. ASKING $57,900.00 for this 3 bedroom brick bungalow, fin- !shed rec room with brick fireplace, 4th bedroom in basement, electric heating, separate laundry room and fruit cellar, close to schools, churches and 401 exit., ASKING PRICE IS ONLY $46,500.00 for this 4 year old brick and aluminum 2 storey semi, walkout from dining room area to patio, complete- ly fenced yard, finished rec room and laundry room, large workshop, nicely landscaped. 6-1 MORGAN, Percy F. - at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville on Tuesday, February 10, 1976, Percy F. Morgan in his 86th yeýr. Husband of the late Jean Morgan, dear father of Roy, Orono; Velma (Mrs. Don Myhes), Bowmanville; Doreen (Mrs. Jack Bairston), Orono. Resting at the Barlow Funeral Homne, Orono. Service in the Chapel Thursday at 3 o'clock. Interment at a, later date, Oronio Cemetery. 6-i i 623-3911- "Waverly Gardens"', ln BowmanviIle Built by Marianna Developments Your Gua rantee of Quality Construction HUMES FROM $47,985 $4,150 DOWN Features include: Clean Dependable Electrîc Heat Large family kitchen *Finished family room *Completely broadloomed 11/2 baths -Fireplaces Attached garages -Fully sodded lots -Completely serviced Open for Inspection This Weekend and Oaily 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. - ALSO Open House ai Newcastle Saturday &Sundcay 1-4:30 p.m. Choice of 2 Deluxe Models to Choose From. MAR IAN NA DEVELOPMENTS Built by Division of Veltri & Son Limlted Well known for quality, construction and superior workmanship.' REL STATE lMTEDJ 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LlC 1T8 623-4428 Country Acreage - This beauti- fui lot is a real bargain if you can wait out the freeze. Only $9,000. for 31/2 acres on a well maintained township road, north of Garden Hill. One of several we have. Caîl for further information. Orono Backsplit - 3 bedrooms. Very weIl finished rec. room with Franklin Fireplace. Also finished study. Large kitchen plus separate diningroom. At $48,900. this home will seli fast.- Caîl tod ay. Bowmanville Farm - 94 acres" in an excellent location Iust north of town. Good brick h.ouse and barn. $139,000. with terms. Make an offer. Emily Township - We have some beautiful sidesplit homes for sale on large country lots, just this side of Peterboroug h. Finished fam- ilyroom wi t h fireplace. Only $49,900. with $5,000. down. After hours cali: Edmond Vanhaverbeke 1-797- 2333 Terry Black 623-7686 Josie Dpxtater 1-983-9593 Dennis Francis 623-3857 Dorothy Hartford 623-3651 Darlene Prager (705)277-2861 Roy Strong, (705)944-5549 Ray Finney (705)277-2280 George Van Dyk 623-4428 6-1 Bowling Mixed Leaigue resuits are as follows: Ladies High Single - Beulah Robinson 251; Men's High Single - Steven McGill 235; Ladies Hiýh Triple - Kim Wood 638; Men s High Triple - Steven MeGili 637. Games over 200 - Heather H-orsien 208, 241; Diane Wilson 234, 217- Bunny Ambrose 231; Howvarcf Robinson 207,227; Bill Stasiack 226; Ruth Sinclair 222; Fred Marshal 220; Jean Jones 215; Margaret Weather- ult 212; Muriel MeReelis 208; Sandra Ashby 202,; Vern Little 201. Ladies Afternoon Bowling High Lady for the Ladies Afternoon Bowling was Marion Fisher and runner-up was Audrey Davidson. Vestry Meeting Rev. Wayne Chatterton took the chair for the opening prayers and commented, on the conditions, progress and needs of the Parish of Manver and Cavan at the annual Vestry meeting on January 29 in the Paris h Hall. The reading, correction and confirmation of the minutes of. the last Annual Meeting, a letter from the bishop, reports from the Advisory Board and, Envelope Secretary were the order of business. The church wardens are Jack Bragg, Chris Wood. The deputy is Bruce Smith. The sidesman chairman is Ivor Williams;' Lay member of Synod, Rene Smelt and the envelope secretaries are Eleanor Bragg and Betty Morton. The wardens and Kathy Morton are- on the Advisory Board; Mr. J. Snushall -is the auditor; and Noel Wood and Bob Sisson are on the Parish Executive Committee. Rene Smelt is to serve on the new Deanery Council. Mrs. Ina Palmer is the Sunshine Convenor. Members on the Historical grou for this year whîch is the Nhurch 's lOOth Anniver- sary are Laura Morton, Eleanor Bragg, Ivor Williams, Bowmanville - loveiy 4 bec room tri-level back spl it, larc kitchen, rec room, famil room with firepiace an sliding patio doors to th inground cement pool, eas access to Hwy.,« 401, askir $65,500 with termis. Millbrook area - new bedroom brick bungalow no% being compiefed on large 170 300 foot lot. Weii1 bu;lt, up areê Cail for information. Chemong Lake - exceller home for the sports mindc family, deep lot with 100 fee water frôntage., Rec roor with fireplace and patio door to the beautifuily iandscapeq and terraced beach area witl boat lift and dock. Ampi storage space for ski-doos aný other equipment, askin( $66,000 with terms. Orono - income home, bedroom brick bungalow or large 75 x 165 foot lo overlooking the park. Lowei level has a self containec apartment. Vendor wiil holc mortgage at 8 per cent immedate possession. Cail t see this one today. 6-1 news. After living hiere ai-ïiost three years, I still find, I'm Imissing things because of flot having read about them in advance in the paper. Yours tru y, Mrs. L. Francis. Ed's Note Many thanks 'for the' suggestions. Any more from others? 1 0 Ken, Sinclair, Chris Wood and Rev. D. Sissmore. The presentation of reports from all the congregational organizations and some gen- eral, business which included. matters for referral to the Parish Executive Committee aind response to the bishops letter concluded the meeting. * Guild Meeting With six members, present and one new member, the February meeting of the St. Paul's Guild, Bethany, was e held at, the home of Mrs. C. ly Morton at 7:30 p.m. on id Tuesday the 3rd. e Lt was decided that the sy secretary, Mrs. Helen Will- ig iams, shouId Write a thank you note to the A. C. W. for the gift of money they gave towards 3 the purchase of ý the new WJ surplices for the choir. The x surplices have arrived and are be wore for the first time on Sunday, February 8 at Morn- nt ing- Service. ýd We have been asked by et some of the older members of rn thie church when we were rs going to have a bake sale, as >d they don't hiave'any place to nh purchase baking now that the, le restaurant is gone. Lt was id decided to hod a ake 'sale ig and tea on the 28th of Februr and a hake sale, tea, and=caf show on the 20 of 2 March. We are hoping that anyone with a craf t for show and sale wiIi take part and will ýcontact a member. d Mrs. Williams is to contact tthe Gideons through Mrs. ý0Bragg and Rev. Wayne Chat- terton for Bibles for the iChurch mainly'for the lOOth Anniversary which St. Paul's is celebrating this year. Mrs. Bragg -moved that Betty Morton and Mrs. Debbie Wood' be convenors for a Fashion Show being planned, for April if possible. Lt was decided to ask all the ladies of the church fo, recipes for the new cook boo1 and hope that they wilI contribute their favourite two or three. The meeting was closed and Mrs. Morton, Betty and Kathy served lunch. Next meeting is at Helen Williams' on March at 7:30 p.m. Senior Citizens Despite the blustery, cold weather a good number attendeci the Golden Star Senior Citizen's meeting. With Mrs. Bertie Neals pesiding at the piano, a new theme song opened the meet- ing. Mrs. Dorena Clark acted as secretary. Birthdays for the mnonth of Feýbrua,à,ry were recognized., The president, Mrs. Belle Smith, stated that she had been speaking to Mr. Dixon, the manager of Block Income Tax, and hie had offered to come to the next meeting on Feb. 18 to answer questions relatîng to Income Tax Forms. Final arrangments have been made for a trip to the Peterborough Ice Capades on Sat., Feb. 7 and dinner after the entertainment. Eight ladies came to the hall at 10:30 to-,quilt. On the 18tý_ the samne schedule will be followed. At this meeting material and wool will be displayed for anyone wishrng to take somne work home in preparatioh for a bazaar in the f ail. Purse handbag handles are being made by the men and the women will finish them. Beads were finished -the craft group. The dart game will be in use at the next meeting as the teams have been formed. Although some members were absent, Mrs. Ruth Tray- nor's group gave us an interesting programn. Mrs. Mildred Syergave a humor- ousreadinglon -'1fhe Valentine Cupid" r. Les Challice rendered a, harmonica solo and Mrs. Ruth Traynor read a poem on "February". Euchre was enjoyed for the rest of the afternoon. High Lady was Miss Hazel Preston, a visitor from Stonewall, Manitoba, and Mr. Les Chai- lice was High Man. Fuirt.her information will he

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