PAGE TWC> Supplement of The Canadian Statpesman, FOb. 18, 1976 (Jovenene. s'tvle fialvor cooks domain Cooking heat bal anced. B eat summertime heat, cool off kitchen HIOME IMPROVE MENT '76 most air conditioners other than compacts and port- ables, report the air con- ditioning specialists at Hotpoint. Andi a built-in installation is a project well within the capabiities of by putting in permanent air conditioner, When summer heat and -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Y YL U THERE'S NO NEED TO BUY n ew cookware with this Whirl- pool Smoothtop. A flat.bottom pan is ail that's requîred for uniforni cooking heat. Smo",oth -oolktop unit cie ans fast and easy% BENTON HARBORï, MICH. - If your kitchen remodeling plans eall for boýth> attractive appearance and practical use, one, of the new smoothtop ranges should fil each requiremnent., The dlean, ali-in-one unit 1ook of a smnoothtop is de- signed for the homiemazker, whbo doesn't wanit to dlean burners, heating elements or drip pans. H-eatîng elements are hici- den beneath a smooth cer- amic glass cookin)g surface, eliminating- ridges or crev- ices where dirt or food spilîs might collect. Spills and spatters stay on top where they can bceleaned off as easily as cleaning a couni- ter-top . . . with a damp eloth or towel and some rec- ommended cleaning com- pound. Whirlpool Corporation of - fers both a buit-in surface unit and a set-in range. The set-in model features the smoothtop surface unit with, a continuous cleaning auto- matic oven. Fli bottom cookware No special cooking uten- suls are required. Your-pre- sent pots and pans may be used if they have flat bot-> toms that stay fiat 'when heated. Surface heating units have been computer de- signed to provide infinite, uniformi- heat transfer 'to your foods. In dividual sig- nal lights for each surface unit tell at a glance which unit is "oni" and its'location on the cooktop. KITCHENS COME.0F AGE Think about the time your family spends in the kitchen and thien beginto believe it's the imost popu- lai- room of thie house. ~ Lng.gonie are fthe days whnwomen l Saved over bot stoves and scrubbed floors on their hiands and knees. Today's kitchens are light, airy and, invîting for ail the family. The more the merrier, they seem 'to say, amidst the hustie and bus- tie of gourmet cooking, cof- fee clatching, nurturing of plants -and herbs, or even eating on the run). If your kitcheni misse s as an activity center, perhaps a little time and money ini- vested to ui'date it can reap mini-miracles. Remnemrber thiat repairs in thiis room, more thanany other, will off er greater resaler value for your home. Youi need flot get inover your head economically if you tackle simpler p1rojects that let you do the installation yourself. One of the quickest and most visible improvements is a new floor covering. Sure-Stik tiles by CAF Cor- poration corne with adhe- sive already on the back. AIl you have to do is stait firom ithe rooi ii cen iter, Nwork towar(l the edges, pesn and sticking tiles into place. Withîn hours,- you'îl have a beautifully stain-resistant tile floor. If you select any of the extensive GAF"cut" floor tuledesigns, you'll es- tablish a comfortable theme.underfoot that you eau develop throughout. Stick with solid paints, smooth,1 wipe-cleanable countertops, cabinets with- ouit knobs for a total stream- lined effect. Texture may be înjec ted with woven cusb- ions and lots of greenery. Your remodeled kitchen will vibrate with warmth and beauty. Be cer yet, you'll be free to enjoy your family and company be- cause it's a breeze to keep. decan froým the floor on up. SHOP ALONe FOR FOOD SAVINGS Economists suggest that housewives do their super- market shopping without the youngsters or husband along-studies have shown that they, can increase'a food bill by 40%. As every mother knows, youngsters invariably press goodies,' on Momn, while Dad tends to be an impulse buyer. So, leave 'em iiat homne . .. and save!
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