HOMEIMPRVEMET'76Supplement of' The Canadian Statesman, Feb. 18, 1976 Famnily lifesteyle gidles dec'orating ideas Home' s saf ety, seeurity linked to improvements The paint company 's widely-known color stylist, Margaret Hutchison, pointsi out that fashion leaders are using Deep Tones in a numb-1 er of ways.1 "Consider. these jewel tones'for complete walls,' she suggests. "Then, create PAGE THREE the two-tone look with a white for woodwork or other molding. In addition to being so- fashionable, the deep paint hues-also soak up any excessive light and glare in the room." Miss 1ýutchison, who re- presents Martin Senour Paints, notes' that Deep Tonebrown or cocoa are be- comîng. popular for entire walls treated in this wàv. HERE'S ELEGANCE IN A CLOSET that could neyer bc' achieved with conventional doors. Thie, is Heritage by Leigh DE E P TON E Produets, a pre-finished steel i-fold with deep enibossed panels, installed by an average hi.andymnan-homeowner for P A INT: A S IM PLE under $50. Mvodern bi'-fold doors DE VICE TO TRANSFORM ROOMi boost ava ila ble space If you're looking for a sm Doors which mnust open doors, full-lôuvered, panel- pie way to achieve a new full width into a room, and louvered, colonial, provin- look for your home, paint is sliding doors which restrict cial and mirrored. Six of an easy and- inexpensive access to haif the area at a these models may be had inl answer. tixue are two of homeown- a new textured leather-like ers' most familiar comn- graining that is permanent When you select your col- plaints about closets. - a part of the mdtal itself. ors keep in mmid that the With modern bi-folds, these and many other an- noyances common to con- ventional doors are elimi- ~Y i a r e nated. And when, the bi- folds are of steel, such a,-s the Full-Vu styles m-)ade by Leighi Products, their biene- fits becomne even more im-Hndeso pressive. udeso Bi-folds actually add to a0k roomý's usable living area alsBale Endsi because they decrease byRmn ts haîf the floor space needed Rm at, when fully open, a feature M t t.i ýwhich also allowýs for prac- M t t.i tically unrestricted place-tck ment of Iurniture.-tok When made of steel, they wýo't% warp or stick, f e- quent problemns with wood Wle Guarante construction, nor will -the-y ailOur produce the vibration and rattle wvhich usually accomn-isaltos panries the openxng and closing of bi-folds made of isaltos light synthetic mnaterials. SEE our fine While bi-fold steel doors are becomning alxnost stand- selection of ard closet equipmient in new houses, don't overlook their vnlforn opportunities for improve- bv muent of your present homet, either in adding new stor-Amtrn age spaces or remodelingArson ,-. existing ones. and Amtico. Leigh bi-folds corne corn- ýbC pletely pre-finîshed and offer significant cost sav- ings without sacrifice of qlity or designi. They are C<fE t rm te L a igMiiîi easily installed with a pat- ented balanced suspension ~ at[g~*V~I~~c I systemi, and quickly adjust- ed for continuai smooth operation. Their Williams- *Jkt~ * w burg white enamel finish is fine for use "as is,"1 or tu serve as a base for your own color. A wide choice of types 2 % D so n readily meet your own par7- ticular decorating needs. Leigh bi-folds are available at from about $20 to $50(B Sue oPeen through building supply(B Suet rsn 1 dealers and home improve- ment centers in nine dis- DIU YOU KNOW THAT WE OPERATE 1WI tinctive models. Included are three emn- bossed panel styles, flush WOOD CHLSELS OH Anl ali-steel wood chisel, C lH forgedi from a single piece of tool steel,ïs aheavy-duty wood cutting tool designed k ' < for rough work. Neyer use ~ 1on mectal. Discard chisels 133 TAUNTON RoAO WFSI with chipped, battered or mushroomned heads. v