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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1976, p. 3

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B'orrowing Lîmît îs Set At $ 700,000 in-Manvers A $100,000 limit t6 the ameunt ef ,money that Man- vers' Township can borrow was set at a Manvers Town- ship Council meeting on Feb. 3 in Bethany. Counciliîmposed tbe limit on the amount of money that the Townsbip can borrow from the Torento-Dominion Bank uintil taxes are levied. The propesed limit became byiaw 1567-76 when it was passed after tbree readings. Manvers council rejected a subdivision proposai by Rolland Thurston and Asso- ciate for tbe Charles Palmer prenerty witbin the Betbany Deveiopment Plan area. Reeve G.H. Neais and Township Pianner, Tom Rob- inson tod Mr. Thurston that although tbe land on wbich tbey.proposed to buiid a new subdivision was suitable, the present lands wbicb were aiready on file for subdivision were in excess of the lots approved for development at the present time. A.four to five year waiting period was given betore Roand Thurston and Asso- diate could build i tbe proposed area. 1 Mr. Tburston was toid that this waiting period could be Telephorue 725.3144 ~ draperies- BROADLOOM DRAPERIES BY THE YARD VENETIAN & CLOTH BLINDS CUSTOM MADE DRAPES- DRAPERY RODS & TRACKS SINTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE 'HOWARD VICE 926 Simrca. 3t. N. Praprietor Oshawa, Ont. ATTENTIONI1 HOME OWNERS SAVEBY INSTALLUNG ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Siding - Soff its - 4~'-...,,AJ Seamless Eavestroughs - Facia Boards IV-U /~-Windows and Doors Kaiser Direct Factory Branch INSTALLATION IF EURD IIDDERAEWINDOR & DOOR PRODUCTS SUPREME Oshawa Limited Warehouse and Showroom L894 Simcoe Street N. Phone 723-9843' COMPLE PROCESSING SERVICE QUALITY t COLOR PRINTS Featuring: ~PARKER ALBUM PAGES k REPRINTS AND ENLARGEMENTS X- PRINTS FROM COLOR SLIDES K- DUPLICATE COLOR SLIDES X- CUSTOM ENLARGEMENTSý WATCH NEXTW E EK F OR ... NATUE POTo AND SALE 623-2404 78 King St. West IF PEOPLE SEEM TO PMUMBLE ARE HARD TO UNDERSTAND JACK STEWART HEARING AID SPECIALIST Don't aiways blarne thern, even a rnild hearing loss can make conversation sound Let us put your mind at rest. Have an Electronic Hearing Test with a Beltone Audiometer. This takes but a few minutes, and there is no obligation. Corne in and s ee us at our regular service centre at ling Dutehman r' y1ngMOTOR INN Liberty St. and 401 Bowmanville Thursday, February 12, 1976 1-4 p. m. or Phone 623-3373 and l'Il corne to see youý kone -Hearing Aid Serwvice 849 Alexander Crt. Peterborough, Ontario 745-3244 made longer or shorter, de- pending on the economic situation in -the future and whether the present subdi- viders go ahead with their develepment plans. Council also rejected an application by Mr. Bruno Carchidi to divide a 45 acre piece ot land trom a parcel of 99 acres of land. Council based the decision to reject the ap plication on the beliet that if tbe land was divided any more the agricul- turai potent ial of the farmiand wouid be reduced. Council discussed the rsibility of rezoning the east ~alf of lot 14, concession five witb the solicitor for tbe Bennett Paving Co., Mr. Josepb C. Victor. Mr: Vctor told council tbat he wouid talk witb bis clients at tbe Bennett Paving Ce. te see if a better p reposai for extracting gravel in that area couid be worked eut tbat would be more suitabie for the residents of the stb and 6th concessions., Russell Kennedy, represent- ing the Miiibrook and District, Arena Committee asked coun- cil for permission te go abead wîtb a canvassing campaign in Man'vers Townsbip. Council passed a motion aiiowing thbe committee te canvass in the area for the purpose of gatbering funds te rebuild the arena in Milbrook. By John Manuel, C.G.A. Income Averaging Annuities lI tbe lst two weeks, we bave considered RRSP's and RHOSP's as a medium for tbe average taxpýayer te set aside savings and defer tax until later years. Income-aver- aging annuities differ from these in two maj*or ways. a), enly certain kins et income may be deterred, and b) the tax is deferred for a detinite period, a litie eacb year being breugbt into income in equal ameunts. A large number of receipts are eliiible.for' this kind et nlan. including lump sum payments froi1î a pension or simîlar plIan or retîrement bonus, refunds from an RRSP at death, unappiied RHOSP receipts, recaptured deprecia- tion, taxable capital gains, income as an atnlete, mus- ician or entertainer, and a number of iess trequent types of specialized income. 1If you bad any efthtese in 1975, you may buy an income- averagîng annuity, tbrough whicb you may invest into a plan wbicb will return a specified ameunt eacb year over a perîod et net more than 15 years. For instance, an investment et, $1,000 migbt provide a return et $110 for 15 years if invested at a modest 7 p er cent. The investment et 1,000 would be deductible in 1975, -and $110 would be taxable eacb year as it is received. Tbe învestment, et course, must be properly registered with a speciai receîpt slip issued. Te amount, eligible for investment into the ninn iq thi' ri'19t-FC cn Hyland - Richardson -Wedding Beautitul baskets of autumn fatber, the bride wore a gown cluster of daisies in ber bair. flowers decorated Pontypool of white silk poýlyester, with a Bridesmaids were Karen Cburch on Sept. 6, 1975 for tbe scooped neckiine, trimmed Richardson, cousin of the 2 o'ciock wedding oÏ Linda with scalloped daisies and lily bride, June Hyiand, sister of Grace Richardson,, daugbter pointed sieeves. A juliet cap the groom, and Debbie Rob- ot Mr. and Mrs. Wiltred beid a full lengtb net veil ertson, ail of Pontypool. Jun- Richardson and Raiph Lerey formýing a long train. Sbe Hyiand, son of Mrs. Wilma carried a bouquet of yeiiow Hyland and the late Leroy and orange. roses and baby Hyland, both of Pontypool. breatb tied with an orange ribbon, and wore a peari Reverend Gordon Ficko neckpiece, ber grandmetber otficiated at the double ring wore on ber wedding day. cereeny.Maid et honor was ber sister The soioist was Miss Pam Debbie carrying a bouquet of Stinson' et Yeiverton, organist white daisies, wearing a long Mrs. Yvonne Failis of Penty- gwn 'of, green and yeliow pool. tiowered polyester over yei- Given in marriage by ber.....ow siik polyester, and, a R-egional 'Go vernmene Defeénded b y-,Rîckard R egonai oernment asservices li the areas invoived %( cratd greatr ffi cc nd bas been reduced he said. iflcra lowerede cost o running Combintng th1iaca re- 12 pe( Sernment services within sources of the five municipgal- cent, ew castle, Mayor Garnet ities in Nëw<&astle has lead ocosts Rickard told a gathering at a increased efficiency within and1 Rotary Club meeting in Co- the region, Mr. Rickard said. cent, bourg, Jan. 30. Jobs have been done more 1r~ M.Rickard told the Rotary efficientiy since the regional said. Club'audience that since the government was formed, even "Rt amalgamation of the five though soine people believe exper municipalities into the region that the region had to employ more of Newcastle, the expensive more peo ple to increase emp] problem of services getting9 efficienc,he said., exrn duplicated by different mun- ButMr,.- Rickard claimed figurt icipalities was coming under that the numnber of part-time mo the control of the regional muiia employees bas been Th, govermnment. cu=don.optili "There were four different "The -town of Newcastle unitin Officiai Plans, four different todlay1 is operated more rural zoning bylaws, four different efficiently by far 'than tbe- soive cierks departments, four dit- town could have been before," futurE ferent' public works de part- he said. "W( rnents and tbree different fire The mayor quoted percent- option departments, " he said, and ail age figure@ to sup)port bis We a witbin the same area. 1 remarlks about regional gov- better Now that an amalgamation ernment. meltir iaKnÂ, townships of Clarke and Darlington, the town of Bow- manviile, the village of New- castle andithe police vilage of Orono, the d9upllication of amount of the specified li- come minus tbie equivalent of one year's annuity payment. This bas the efc of spread- ing the income over a total of 16.years including the year the original income is received, and up to 15 years tbereafter. The oniy age restriction is that if you are over 70, the maximum time tbe plian may run is the number of' years to your 85tb birthday. As with otherplans cf this type, you bave until Marcb lst, 1976 to buy an annuity deductible from 1975 income. Most in- surance companies can pro- vide these registered annui- ties. Cbartered Banks may, not, but can usually refer you in tbe'ceue of RRSP or RUOSP refunds. Shouldjyo be eligible for this kind oanuity, be sure to take ahl the details of the income witb you, as tbe calculation, of the eligible amount requires a fair degree of accuracy. finally, we sbould note that this is flot a once-in-a-iifetime investment. If, in any future year, you bave similar in- come, another annuity may be bought in the same way. Q: ffI transfer my interest in our famiiy home to my wife's name can I qualify for a RHOSP pÏan? A: The only requirement is that you may not deduct RllOSP payments if, at any time during theyear, you owned a home. Transferring in -1976 would mean no deduction until 1977. Also, you should be cSrefu1 about the extended meaning of "home" as outlined last week. Lu ior bridesmaid was Susie Bowins, of Oshawa, cousin of the groom wearing formai giowns of yeilow and green fowered polyester over yei- iow silk polyester. They car- ried baskets of white daisies, baby breatb and orange sweetbeart roses and a cluster of daisies in their bair. The fiower girl was Lisa Jo Zubowski, cousin of the bride, wearing a Hoily Hobby dress of goid and wbite, carrying a basket of daisies, sweetheart roses and baby breath, with a headpiece of yeiiow and wbite daisies. Best man was Bryan McKay of Pontyol and the ushers wrPau1 and Harry Richard- son, brothers of the bride, Randy Bradley, Wayne Fallis, ail of Pontypool. For the reception and dance at 401 Inn in Peterborough, the bride's mother received the guests in a formaI gown of autumn rùst, wearing white orchid corsage and gold accessories. The mother of tbe t room received the guests in a ormal gown of medium blue witb fiowered sheer jacket, corsage of pink roses and silver accessories. For a boneymoon trip to The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, February 11, 1976 3 Florida, the bride wore a 2 and gold accessories.4 The piece, floor length dress of, newlyweds are residing, in autumnn rust polyester knit flrockville. kg yCQeCu'týti hue Ve First golfer: "Shahl we play again next Saturday?" 11 Second golfer: "WeII, 1 was going to get marrjed on Saturday, but I can put it off." CLOTHES CARE HINTS: Stains from beverages wiII damnage garments q uickly. Take themn immediately to your Dry Cleaner for expert'professional attention.' Don'? Forget Bowmanville High School Students alre now canvassing for the HEART FUND February 9th to l3th BE GENEROUS -Bowmanville Cleaners Ltd. É I 84 King St. W. 623-5520 CL«TIES. "We Specialize in Shirt CLEANER Laundering", t Local fgovernment costs ,ased from 1971 to 1972 by -r cent, in 1973 by 19.8 per LAfter amalgamation our ;went up only 3.4 per cent last year, by eigbt per tan amount less tban our wth of 8.31 per cent," he Regional governent, is ensive, but it provides far * services witb a greater )hasis on municipal gov- ment than before. The reS rove it. We are saving Je mayor said tbat be was nistiC tbat tbe problem of ing the needs of urban and ai residents would be ,d some time in the 'e. ie bave a great variety of ans in, providing services. are gaduaily getting a er understanding. We are Jng parocialism."l Accept VanBeIIe Gardens Unto International Groýup Soutbfield, Michigan -- Fier- ists' Transworid Deiivery Association (FTD), the worid- wide fierai delivery erganiza- /tion,. announced today that Van Belle Gardens Ltd., bas, been seiected as a member in the Association. The ewner of the new FTD member sbep, iocated at R.R. 6, Bewmanvile'is Mr. Harry VanBelle. Tbrougb the guaranteed FTD service flowers may be sent to any piace in Nortb and Soutb America and to prac- tically every country abroad. There are neariy 14,000 FTD' member florists in the United States and Canada. Overseas the organization is represent- ed by another 24,000 florists associated with Interfiora, its international affiliate. Tbe FTD-Interflora network of 38,000 florists provides a floral deliiVry service to virtualiy' every country in the worid. GET CASH TOIJAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN CLASSIFIED CALL 623-33Ô3 L)Ai Tax Corner FABRIC CLEARANCE SALE Ail Fabric 30%, OFF Sale Ends S;turday, Feb. 14 SINGER CENTRE OSHAWACENTRE -.e- ý

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