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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1976, p. 5

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o7 id te hear that wish them both the best of anley and Mrs. health. iave both return- Richard Rusk was agair m hospital. We taken back to hosvital or COMMERCIAL PORTRAITS WEDDINGS & SPECIAL OCCASIONS BARRYVR ciheattwe Pûgajî R. R, 1, Orono, Ontario LOB iMO 416-983-5240 I~I SHE USED HER HEAD TO CHNO HER SHIAPE. What Anita Fusco-and other Weight Watchersc memnbers -are r saying about the new Personal Action Plan moduIes,;ý "The modules'help me get through without overeating. Anita Fusco Registered Nurse LOST 36 pouiids ENROLL AT ANY CLASS jn cnoI t OYtssu. Frst meeting Fee $7.Alf other meet- - speclol senior citizen & st,,dent rte - fi,rt nrerg$4 Ail other meetings $1i 50. FOR CLASS INFORMATION CALL 275-5222 - Toronto AREA CLASSES BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA Memorial Park Y.W.C.A. Liberty St. S. 199 Centre St. Thursday Tues. 9:30 a. m. 1:30 &7:30p.m. Wed. 7:30 p. M. HELP THE HEART FUND Help your Heart & The Heart Fund. Weight Watchers in Southern & Central Ontario, the Maritime Provinces & Newfoundland wjll donate 10« a lb.-ta, the Heort Fijnd for eoch lb.. their members lose during heart month. __ Join us today. We've gotso much that's new to help you reach your goa1. NEW PERSONAfL ACTMiON PLAN Wgh Wegth,ý 976 i We are g JE Mrs. Jim Sta Ivan Kellett h ed home fror Our Services We ~~FIAlrp"n rand Goodyea TlIephone 623-447 Bowmanville ewvs If Monday. We wish - him a speedy recovery - aiso Mrs. n Richard Rusk, stili a patient in Civic Hospital, Peterborough. A former resident, Mrs. Lillian .McMahon, passed away in Bowmanviile thispast week with buriai on Friay, Feb. 6th. The deceased was in bier 92nd year. She and bier late busband, Albert, at one time owned the store now operated by Sam and Helen Stewart. Winners at the recent card party in Ponty pool were Audrey Woods,G race Fallis, Ge r Fallis, Herman Webb adid Powers. Last Friday night winners at Ballydff were Bertha McGiii, Lucille McMuiien, Grace Failis, Fen- ton Falis, Norman BT7own and Bob Forrest. The aext card party in Pontypool is on Thursday, Feb. l2tb and in Baliyduff on Friday, Feb. 2th. The local Chamber of Com- merce is holding a benefit dance this Saturday night for the Senior Men's Bail Team. (See Coming Events). *Congratulations to Master Hjalmar Brandenburg, the oniy member of the local Cubs to win a prize ln tbe derby competition with other cub packs. Hjaimar placed 4th in overali design. Master Robbie Stanley succeeded in getting to the quarter-finals with bis car. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Yarrow of Oshawa were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carence Pleadweli on Sunday. We welcome Chris and Vicki Campbell to the village. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell (the form- er Vicki Northey) are residing in theupper apartment of Terry isk s apartment build- ing. Terry bas moved to the ground floor. Mr. and Ms. Jim Fajt have been enjoying-a holiday in the Caribbean. Sonia Vizino of Toronto was a recent visitor in the village. Sonia is planning to b e married in May. Mrs. Dorothy Lethangue and other family members recently attiended the funerai in Bowmanviile of the late Mrs. Henry Adams, a sister- in-iaw of Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. Alian Bazinet were in Cobalt from Thursday to Saturday -of last week attending the funerai of Allan's cousin, Russell Baz- mnet. Congratulations to a local boy, Dean Fisk, son of Gerald and Jessie Fisk, and to Miss Peggy Storey of Ottawa, who are planning a quiet March wedding lanOttawa. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Beggs attended the funerai in Toron- to on Monday of the iate Mrs. Lee Poigrain (the former Emily Hamilton). Mr. Pol- grain passed away just two w'eeks a go Many lchi- boys and their parents are busy several nigbts of the week and on weekends taking part in and attendîng hockey games. Many of our local boys play on Orono and Miiibrook teams. It was more than the 5th time that Walter Piersma, on left, had given blood at the Lions Community Centre and an award was in order. Jim Butler, supervisor for the bloud donor service of the Canadian Reci Cross Society was on hand to present the certif icate of menit to Mr. Piersma. Seven members of the family from Newcastle give blood regularly, but Mr. Piersma so far holds the family's record with 52 donations since the clinic opened in 195-9. -Photo by Shawn Marshall NDP Leader'Brings Dauqhter to Dinner 1O-year-old Julana Lewis, left, accompanied her father Stephen to the Bowmanville Chamber of Commerce annual dinner meeting at the Flying Dutchman last Thursday evening. At right is John Pogue, the outgoing president of the Bowmanville C of C. During the meeting, a draw-was held on a set of Olympic coins - the winner was Councillor Ann Cowman who declared a conflict of interest because she had purchased her ticket with a "Milani dollar." She resolved the dilemma by donating the coin set to Julana, who was delighted with the gif t. Buigdgàcet Cufs To Eye and Regionai council rejected a recommendation from the social service departmnent last Misses Beverley and Barbara Bazinet also play for Jr. Girls of Miilbrook. I would be very glad if parents would cail me at 277-2183 and let me know how the varlous teams are doing. A 4-H Cl4ib bas been formed in Pontypool with 'leaders, Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Brandenburg. This is a first for Pontypool and the girls and their leaders are very p roud of this achievement. Mee tings are held each Thursday evening alternately at the leaders' bornes in Pinewood Estates. The girls wili be busy sewing for eight weeks. Each member is to make clothing for herseif that would be classed as "Leisure Wear". On Achievement Day, April loth, eacb 6irl wili be Siven the opportunity to model er g arment in a fashion show. Congratulations to Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Branden- burg for initiating a 4-H Club for Poatypool girl s. Rick Sidler, brother of Mrs. Doug Pingle (Pingie's Gro- ceries) was the lucky winner of $10,000 ln last week's Wintario. Rick is presentiy a studeat at Sir Sandford Flem- ing Coliege in Lindsay. Capt. H.L. Frape of Toronto spent the weekend with bis' sister and brother-in-law, Dorothy and Keith Dewar. deserve to pay Iess for car and fire insurance They do at Abstainers Because our experience has shown that abstainers have fewer accidents, fewer home fires. That's why we can in- sure for Jess.t If you're a non-drinker, can( you afford not to look intot Abstainers' insurance for yourt home and your car? Osborne & Shank Ims. Agency Ltd. r 108 Liberty St. N. s Bowmanville - 623-2527 ABSTAINERS' gNSURANCE COMPANY The only Canadien Company providing automo0bie and ire insurance exclusively to abstainers. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February il.,1076 5 refuse a $3-million offer from progressive thinking, Milani and Milani Holdings, In reply, Mayor Pickaacl Cam Milani commented on bis merely commented that m impression of Mayor Garnet relation to Mr. Milar ".1 ani Rickardvr uhoanaaeI As Mayor Riekard led vr uho naae- couricils refusai of the offer, Mr. Milani sees hlm as "a Respect your b(dy Eat professor of self interpretation s ensibly, exercise a~ d n't of proposais which makes him smoke. You'1l feel e~r an a master political juggîer reduce your risk i -~ without appearing negative on disease. Dental Wednesday that Certain med- ical services for welfare recipients be part of cutbacks in t he department's budget. The recommendation from the department came as an attempt to eut the welf are budget by $500,000. The provincial goverament bas put a 51'2 per cent increase restriction on the grants that they distribute making a substantial cutback la the welfare budget aecessary., But the region's welfare budget bas become se unreal- istic with the recommended cutbacks, the departmnent will probably rua out of money by- Novem ber, regional social service commissioner, Doug Johns said at last Wednes- day 's meeting. Regionai couacil rejected a recommendation from the department that dental ser- vices for weifare recipients and their families be iimited to $25 per person except wbea extractions were needied. Another recommendation that couacil voted down would have provided giasses only to people who had been on welfare for at least si.x manths or to those whose last job paid less than $3.50 per hour. The two areas would have amounted te a total cutback of $20,000 from, the welfare budget. The council, bowever, de- cided that cutbacks shouid be made te other departmentai budgets before money was taken from areas la the welfare budget that would affect the bealth of people. Co.un. Jimf Potticary (Osh- awa) told the council that prierities should be set when cutbacks were recommended. "We would be making a mistake if we neglected te take care of peopie's dental heaith, especialiy la the case of children," bie said. Coun. Keith Ross aise sug- gested that council keep la line witb priorities wbea budget cutbacks were aeeded. "We have toecut tbings such as bard services la order te take care of the iadividual's physical condition," lhe said. Commissioner Johns was aise against making cutbacks la the medical services givea le sid that the provincial government bas laws govera-' îng general welfare that states that cuts can only be made la certain areas. Coun. Reg Rose (Scugeg) told couacil members that the had te recognize that cuts ha2te be limited te certaia areas within the welfare budget and that these cuts had Le be made before it was riecessary "te dismantie the social services department." Perform a death - defying act. Have your bleod pressure cbecked. And bep your heart by belping yoi r Heart Fund. Master Polîtîca I Juggler Following a secial meeting of Newcastle Cîouncil Satur- day at which tbey voted 6-1 to 9:0 a., o Monday-Tuesday-Thursday Wedesday1 9 a.m. fo 12:030 p.m« Fri*day 9:00 a.m. fa 8:30 p.m. Saturday 1--0 to 3 30 King St. West i

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