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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1976, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 18. 1976 à two vem-cTe crash on Queen Three Cars Street totalied some $800 (Fromn Page One) damage. The aglevehile ws ~ Const. Mine VanDyke in- The aglevehile ws in vestigated the collision in- turn shoved forward through vligvhee prtdb the open doorway into the rear vayolvnecesoperated by of a1972Chevdrivn by Millbroek and Joanne Allen cf Robert Randalcf Newcastle. 36 Simpson Avenue. While the 9:40 a.m. incident The Allen vehicle, a 1971 left the Flint and Randaîl Ford registered te Paul Shee- vehicles with miner damages, han o f 16 Albert Street, approximately $2.00 to th sustained damage of $500 licence plate of the Flint wiete'4Bba rvnb vehïcJe ' -the Nagle vehlicle Weln te'7n owetdriby a sustained some $1,000 damage Wa o os r eceivow ed y an te the left front, side and roof, wY, oos eevda as the door of the car wash estimated $300 damage. came down on top cf it. The vehicles were travelling feliowing the collision. in opposite directions when No charges were laid in the the collision eccured in front mishapý investigated by Const. cf 96 Queen St. Robert Schumacker. Aise on Saturday, at 6 p.m., Wl!! H ecr Hovv ~ (From Page One) She explained that the , pelicy gave the municipality T/lANKSPOL S the necessary funds te develop FOR YA VIN G services fer recreation, police, CONFPENC 11VOUR fire and se on without burden- CONFDENC I/VCf/R ing the taxpayers. NA MET.HATS T E Mr. Holmes, 'who toured SECRE area, is the proud organizer cf TroO O R what happened there and is eC0"R Bramalea, cennected wîth the province as a consultant. Coun. Cowman insisted that iis importantfer Newcastle * , Counci ,ass he believes develpent cf this area will comne, te hear h'rw the policy -and the organrization cf the development teck place in Bramalea. /$41111*\ H R EY c She feels that a similar type CART Jwcul 3lck even moreappeal- IF NIR ng ini this area due te the ORONO 983-5206 terrain here. ESSO HOME HEAT Mayor Rickard advised that SERVICE hie supports the route cf Coun. Cowman's thoughts and Teiephone 725-3144 ~ draperies BROAOLOOM DRAPERIES BY THE YARD- VENETIAN & CLOTH BLINOS CUSTOM MADE DRAPES- DRAPERY ROOS & TRACKS INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE HOWAR[D VICE 926 Simncoe St. N. Proprietor Oshawa, Ont. MBOWMANVILLE'S FINESTTAXý SERVICE NOW MORE THAN EVER IT'S TIME TO SAVE THOSE HARD-EARNED DOLLARS ON YOUR INCOME TAX WHEN YOU USE OUR PERSONAL TAX SERVICE YOU'RE ASSURED 0F: *,,Experienced, Staff * Accurate FPreparation *Ail Returns Double Checkede *Confidential Service *Reasonable Cost *Year Round Personal Service McSWEENEY INCOME TAXK BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA 237 King East (across f rom Beaver Lumber) Weekdays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 351/2 Simcoe N. 1214 Simcoe N. 723-3113 Weekdays 9a.m.-.9 p.m. mOPEN SATURDAY 9 a.m- - 5 .m.mý suggested that she attend some cf the conventions avail- able te municipal representa- tives where she wouid see many similar methods. Coun. Ken Lyall was some- what stronger in support cf Coun.. Cowman's opinion, suggesting that this area went the route cf planning for which the government g ave funds. He feels that "i f we'd had people like this twc years ago we would be two years down the Pil e", whereas at present with t h e planning methcd the town has followed, "we're nowhere. " Mayor Rickard however suggested that if Count. Lyal was indicating that Bramalea had net conducted a planning process hie "has his head in the sand" At any rate Coun. Cowman's motion te have Mr. Martin cf OHAP bring Mr. Hoimes with him te address council, carried unanlimously. Hobbs & LyaII (erom Page One) tee for the bylaw amendment would only crceate additional problems and with Coun. Lyall secending, moved that 1ne action be taken. Couin. Lyall agreed with Colin. Icbbs on the su ggestion that the féee would only force people te turn their unwanted degs loose rather than bring- ing them te the pcund for adoption. He insisted that the animal control department is a service department, which in similarity te the roads department, should not be expected t c run in the black. Coun. Lyall did effer a compromise, suggesting that the charge relate only to those dogs whîch have te b e picked up, feeling that if the people go te the trouble te bring them in there should be ne fee. tomn. Bruce Tink ccncluded the discussions by suggesting that the recommendation should be given a trial period at least and c hanged ater if it dees net work eut. Therefore despite an attempt by ëoun. lfcbbs and Lyall te table the bylaw after second reading, a motion that was defeated by a 5-2 vote, the bylaw passed third reading with a recorded 5-2 vote, Lyai and Iobbs being the only opposition. Ratepayers, (Frem Page One) brother Ernest, te the Rate- payers' Association meeting in Bcwmanville's council chambers. Under the bylaw the brothers are prohibited from usingd the land they have leased for a miniature golf course or driving range. The bylaw states that the land can cnly be used for agricultural purposes or for a, regular golf course. The motion was carefully worded hy the association tg indicate their support c f -an amendment te the bylaw in this particular case, but net necessarily te proposais that might come Up in the future. St. Pasu!I's Ho!ds Mission Festival This ccming weekend the cengregation cf St, Paul's United Church is sponsoring a Mission Festival with em- phasis on the work cf, the church in Brazil. Featured Ê uests for this occasion will be Rev. and Mrs. E. Colwell. The Rev. Ted Colwell was bern here in Bowmanville, and went te Peterborough Teacher's College after which he taught in the Bowmanville area for three years. He then returned te schoel at Emman- uel College, Universit cf Toronto, graduating wit his Bachelor cf Divinity. Upon ordination into the United Church ministry he served at Clerk Wl! (From Page Oe 1) The sale cf spirits, beer and wîne under a dining room licence for consumption on licensed p remises where food is available, 2) the sale cf sprtbeer and wine under a lonelicence for consump- tien on licenced premises and 3) the consumption cf spirits, beer and wîne under an entertairnent lcunge licence for consumption on-licensed premises. Under the LLBO's new regulations, Special Occasion Permits for such premises as the Villa ge Ccmmunity Hall will net b e issued fer liquer where the area has net registered an affirmative vote on the above options. Mr. Mcllrcy suggested that te enable local organizations in the village te obtain such permits fer serving liquor, and net cnly beer and wine, at banquets and dances, a vote must be approved b y 60 per cent on at least the first option. Support for including all three options in the vote being voiced by Len Jones cf the Elmhurst Hotel, Yves Lamn- ouroux cf the Queens Ictel, Pat Gardiner cf theý Town League Hockey and Citizen Bob Osborne, Coun. Kirk Entwisle added te his motion Rev. and Mrs. E. Colwel Coe lli, Ontario, until 1965 when hie was appointed by the Board of World Mission as missionary minister to Itaperuna, a small interior, city 250 miles from. Rio de Janeiro., Brazil. He spent three years there, and then following a home furlough back here in Canada hne returned to Nova Iguacu, Brazil, ývhere hie served until June, 1974. ~Mrs. Ted Colwell, Molly, was born and educated in Spencerville, Ontario, and after graduating from, the renowned Queen's University Kingston, Ontario, attended the Ontario College of Educa- to have the cierk prepare the draft bylaw, that it include ail three options. The n"ext question was when the vote should be held, some members of council suggest- ing that it be held .in conjunction withý the munici- ýalelections coming this LIecember. Although the majority of council seemed to favor that time, as a means of keeping the cost of the vote down, Mr. Moffatt did net believe that the Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations, Syd- ney Handieman, would con- tinue to issue the special occasion permits unless the vote is held within a couple of months. Lt was felt, despite M. Moffatt's insistence that the minister would not wish to wait that long, that if the ministry agreed to such a date, they would be obligated to issue the special occasion permits in the meantime. Who would bear the cost of the election was a third quest ion that arose, Coun. Ken Lyall questioning why the public should be penalized with such cost., Mayor, Rickard commented that the town had iherited this problem from the village and therefore the cost should be bora by the entire munici- pality, insisting that many, throughout the town as a whole benefit from the func- tions at the cemmunity hall. WIN TWO AWARDS It was announced this week that The Canadian Satesman had won two awards in the Ontario Week- iy Newspapers annual competition. The awards were for best photography and best sports coverage in the 6,500 to 10,000o circulation category. Next week, the OWNA will hoid its annual convention at the Skyline Hotel in Ottawa where the awards will be presented. Save your heart. Ask your Ontario Heart Foundation for free information on the warn- ing signs of heart attack and stroke. 'Jhc 7 tyQe ghOppe Bowmanville's headquarters for the very Iatest in Hair Styling, is pleased to announce that they are now the exclusive dealers for REDKEN products. Let us show you the Redken way f0 great Iookjng hair and skjn. The Redken Laboratories is' dediCated to the sCientIfiC approaCh to hajr and skin Care. Ail Redken produCts are Carefully formulated for your hajr and skîn. Redken shampoos; Conditioners, hairsprays, and styling aids are acid balanCed. They ara non- Alkaline wjth a PH that's compatible withthe slightly acidiC mantle of hair and skin. They are also enriched with derivatilves designed to provide your hair with high luster and manageabi ity. AIl Redken Producis have been scientifiCal ly formnulated for pro- fessional use. That's why we use them and reCommend them to our customers. Corne in today. Let us show you how we use ail the protein derivatives; low PH Uon-aîka- line) Redlken Products to help keep you Iooking great. §tye hoppc 37,King St. W. 623-5455 Bc owmanviIlle 81 I -' tien and then taught High Schooi here in Bowmianvilre. The Colwells have three children,- Tom, Susan, and Heathier and at the present time are serving the Hastings- Rcseneath Pastoral Charge cf the United Church of Canada. The weekend at St. Paui's will start with a famil'y potluck supper on Saturday evening at 6 -.k followed by an iliustrates' taîk on "Brazîl in Contrast". Everycne is invited te attend. On Sunday morning Rev. Cclwell will be Sarticipating in the 9:45 a.m. unday School, and will be featured speaker at the il a.m. wcrship service. It ail adds up te an exciting and informative weekend. ORONO NEWS- Mr. and Mrs. Wmn.P.Irwin and hier sister Mrs. Fred Lycet arrived home on Mon- day following a delightful two weeks vacation te Hawaii. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Herbicek the former Miss Susan Jean Bal on their marriage on Saturday afternoon, February 14, 1976. B.Th. officiated with Mr. James Wilson at the organ. The reception was in the Kîrby Church Hall. Af ter a trip te Hawaii, Mr. and Mrs. Herbi- cek will reside in Toronto. Mr. O. W. Rolph bas returned home from the Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville.. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morton were Sunday noon dinner guests cf their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Minion cf Peter- borcugh Micghael Stersbergen, age five - son cf Fred and Patricia Stersbergen (nee Jones) brother cf Bill and Rodney - passed away at Kingston on February 9th. After resting at the Barlow Funeral Home the Service was held at Lang Chapel Spring Interment Orono deetery. Lynn and Sandra Willianms spent over the weekend with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris. Mr. Percy F. Morgan, age 85 - husband cf the late Mrs. Jean Tysick Morganp assed away at the Memorial Hiospit- ai, Bowmanville, on Tuesday, February loth. Rested at the Barlow Fun- eral Home with the Funerai Service 'on Thursday after- neon at the Lang Chapel. Rev. H. Robert Iayne, B.A., L. Th. Spring Interment Orono Cýemeterv. TOWN OF NE NOl Y NOTICE 0F APPLICATION te the Ont. arie Municipal Board by the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for approval of a by-law te regulate land use passed pursu- ant to Section 35 of The Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Newcastle intends to appîy to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of By-Law 75-93 passed by the Town of Newcastle on the lst day of December, 1975. î Any person may within fourteen (14) days after the date cf this Notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objection. Any person wishing to support the application for approval of the by-law may within fourteen (14) days after the date of notice send by'registered mail or deliver te the Clerk of the Town of Newcastle notice of his support of approval of the said by-law together with a request for notice of any hearing that may be held giigthe name and address te which such notice shudbe given. The Ontario NMunicýipal Board may approve of the, said by-Iaw but bafore doing sa it may appoint a time and place when any objection te the by-law will be considered. Notice of any Hearing that may be held will be given only te persons who have filied an objection or notice of support, and who have left with or delivered te the Clerk undersigned the address to which notice of hearing is te be sent. The last day for filing will be the 4th day of March, 1976. DATE D at the Town of Newcastle this l8th day of February, 1976. J. M. Mclîroy, A.M.C.T., Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 EXPLANATORY NOTE The intent and purpose of By-law 75-93 is to establish a Zone wthin the Towrrship of Darlington Zon ing By-Iaw where Tourist Camps may be permitted and te permit îand comprising part of lot 5, Concession Ca mp. The By-law also establishes the permitted uses requirements and restrictions with regard te land use for the purpose of Tourist Camps. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE By-law Number 75-93 Being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law Number 2111 of the former Township of Darlington WHEREAS the Council cf the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems itadvisable te permit the use of certain land in the Township of Darlington for the purposes of a tourist camp; NOW THEREFORE, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby E NACTS as foîlows: 1. Section 2 of By-Iaw 2111 of the former Township of Darîington is hereby amended by adding after sub-section (b) thereof the foîlowing sub-section (b) (a): (b) (a) "CAMP LOT" means a parcel of land within a tourist camp occupied by a tent, a tourist vehicle or a tourist tra ilier. 2. Section 2 of By-law 2111 of the former Township of Dar lington is hereby amended by adding after sub-section (z) (f) thereof 'the folîowing sub-section (z) (f) (a): (z) (f) (a) "TOURIST CAMP" means any parcel of land which is used to pro- v ide accommodation for the public or memrbers of an organization in tonts, tourist traiders, or tourist vehicles whether or net a fee is charged or paid for such accommodation. 3. By-Iaw 2111 of the former Township of Darlinigton is hereby amended by adding the folowing Section 11D: SECTION 11D TOURIST CAMP (TC) ZONE (1).USES PERMITTED No person shaîl within any Tourist Camp (TC) Zone use any lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure for any purpose except one or more ef the following TC uses, namely: Mrs. Alex Watson cf Bow- manville with her son Mr. Archie Watson cf Waterdown called on Orono friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris visited his'mother Mrs, A . Harris, Oshawa on Monday. Mrs. Denise LeMay Arnott - aofe 27, wife cf William Arnott - Orono - passed away at Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 4th, 1976. She rested at the Jones McClure Funeral, Home, Georgetown, with Fun- eral Mass at the Sacred Ieart Church on Saturday. Mr. Grant Moffat and sons Bob and Donald cf Oakville visited Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Moffat and family on Sunday afternoon. FLOWERS DRIED FRESH *TROPICAL *GREEN PLANTS S 3 STORES: Highway No. 2 King St. e., Oshawa Simcoe St. N., Oshawa DELOITE, ASKUNS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Building OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Partners: Josef Adam, B.Sc. (Econ.), C.A. Gordon F. Sedgewick, C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.CA. Phone 728-7527 -839-7764 Telephone 668-3346 TIMOTHY J. O'NEILL CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 214 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ontario 'LIN 5R7 P.O. Box 2à EWCASTLE ICE (1)USES PERMITTED (a) RESIDENTIAL USES: a tourist camp (b) NON-RESIDENTIAL USES: recreational uses serving the occupants of a tourist camp (2) ZONE PROVISIONS No pers9n shahl within any Tourist Camp (TC) Zone use any lot or camp lot or erect, alter or use any building or structure except in accordance with the foiîowing provisions: (a), CAMP LOT AREAS (Minima): W1 a touristtrailer -2,200 square feet (il) atourist vehicle - 2,200 square feet (b) CAMP LOT FRONTAGE (minimum): - 25 foot (c) SET BACKS ON CAMP LOTS (minima): No tent, tourist traier or tourist vehicle sha,1 be placed dloser fthan 20, feelt te any driveway nor dloser than'10 fý_ee tût the limnits of any camp lot. (d) LOCATION 0F CAMP LOTS (minima): No part of any camp lot shahl be lecated dloser than 50 feet te any public road, nor 100 foot from any residential use on another property. (e) LOCATION 0F BUILDINGS: No building shall be located dloser than 50 feet te any public road, nor 100 feet from any residential use on another property. (f) LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE (minimum)x - 30 Per Cent (g) ACCESS: Ail Tourist Camps that provide accemmoda- tion te the public, as opposed te members of an organization, shaîl have direct access on te Class A Public Street. (h) ACCESSORY USES, PARKING, ETC: In accordance with the previsions of Section 4 hereof. (i) EXCEPTION: Notwithstanding any provisions of Section 4(f) te the contrary a builing which is accessory te any permitted use in the l'ourlât Camp (TC) Zone may be erected within the Zone whether or not the lot upon which the building is located fronts upon a Cîass A Public Street which has been opened and which bas a width of 66 foot or more. 4. Section 3(a) (i) of By-Iaw,2111 of the former Township of Darlington is hereby amended by adding after the words "Zone D Deferred Development", the words "Zone TC Tourist Camp"; 5. Key Map 5 of "Scheduîe A" te By-Ia-w 2111 cf the former Township of Darlington is hereby amended by changing te TC the zone designationi of the lands indicated "ZONE CHANGE TO TC" on the attached Scheduîe 'X' hereto; 6. This By-Iaw shahl come into effect on the dfiy it -is passed by Council subject te the appreval cf the Ontario Municipal Board. THIS BY-LAW READ a first time this lst day of Decem ber A. D., 1975 THIS BY-LAW READ a second time this lst day ef December A.D., 1975 THIS BY-LAW READ a third time and finalîy passed this istdayof DecemberA.D., 1975. SEAL G. B. Rickard Mayor J. M. Mc 1 roy NSCHEDULE X Clerk TO BY-LAW NO. 75-93 ZONE CHANGE TO TC O 1283.» 9ft- MM ROz 1282.25 ft. M ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS 9 &10 SCALE IN FEET LOT 5 CONCESSION X DARLINGTON 200 0 200 400 600 THIS 15S SCHEDÉULE "X" TO I i * ~BY-LAW NO.75.93 PASSED THE ist DAY 0F DECEMBER __________ i 75, NOW APPEARINGI FACE to FACE feotu ring Doug Pettigrew WED. - THURS. - FR1. f-HEFebruary 18 - 19 - 20 Liberty St. S. at 401 Bowmanville "Latest in Hairsty!ing'

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