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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1976, p. 3

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 18, 1976 3, 414 Whitsitt- Dick Wedding remple, Whitsitt, Oshawa. Rev. Robert kaît with long sheer sleeves, ene for G. Clark officiated and the lace trimmed cuffs, and st l6th, witnesses were the groom's beadedlace bodice. A lace aughter father and brother. headpiçce held a chapel length lter H. The bride's wedding gown veil and she carried a cascade et, lii- was a New York creation bouquet of red roses, pink son of featuring an Empire waist carnations, babies breath, and ert W., and train, la soft polyester two lover's knots. The matron of honor was Mrs. Dean Dalgleigh, of Osh- Tax Detrr se awa, and the bridesmaid Miss i~ei .ii~ Greta Ann Berg, California. The flower girl was Miss cl rWendy Brown of Seagrave. repa redWhitsitt, groom's brother and Bhe as Mr. Davi For the wedding luncheon A LU ZE D .SERViUC E held at Le Provenca Restaur- long sleeved jacket dress of Qiana in watermelon color with a corsage of white roses. il q a B ll ýThe groom's mother wore a ïý. ester gown and a corsage of icession St. W .AI red roses. In Oshawa a reception was owman iiieheld at the Credit Union Hall, ~wman iIIeand also in the Swedish Club. Chicago for the happy couple. me 623-7~6 Mariang on a honeymoon in Mayadthe bride wore gl nu, 6 -5746peach pantsuit with mate ing - accessories. Zan is employed by the Ilino tis Central Guf Railroad, Chicago, and Janet is employ- ed by St. Luke's Hospital, cng down a railroad track. Said the f irst Chicago and are residing at s sure do get me." 649 Pickwick Court, Mount replied the second. "lt's these Iow Prospect, Illinois., The bride was honored with HINTS:showers given by Miss Valerie HINTS:Jensen; Mrs. Betty Johnson, should never bie used to remove spots or Mrs. Gail Daigleish and Mrs. 1your,-gçrments. If you spill nail poish, Ivy Dalgili. our Dry Cleaner at once.,E N SK L E Bowmanville Drama Workshop presents "HOW TH E OTH ER HA LF LOVE S," Feb. 26, 27, 28 8:15 p. m. B.H.S. Auditorium Bowmanville Cleaners Ltd. 84 King St. W. 623-5520 '-~~I4IS "We Specialize in Shirt U~EAI4ER Laundering'" An unseasonable mid- February Sun. morning was no deterrent to 60 worship- pers, which included two visît- îng couples, who gathered for the morni.ngý service. Meta Rend presidèd at the organ, and G lad ys Ashton was la charge o f the Jr. Congre- gation. The 12 membens of the Sr. Choir gave a delightful nendition of the Anthem "Yes I Would Know Him, The Man of Galilee" with a lead part by the Ladies section. The Child- ren's Story by our Ministen at the Chancel was about Evang- eline Booth as a little girl as she gazed at a 'painting in Lnon Eng. of jesus' Trial, wished someone would help Jesus. Rev. Bigby's Sermon was a seSuel to last Sun. which hie entîtled 'We must Abandon Self Love". He stated that self love is manifested in many ways e.g. Wealth, power, popularity, which shuts out God and Jesus' love and the joy of real living. A s pecial welcome was extendèd from the pulpit to everyone, especially our visit- ors Bernice and Garnet Towns, Peterboro, Gary and Noreen Moon, Toronto., In the past tense now, Is the Oshawa Presbytery meeting on Tues. la St. Marks United Church, Whitby? The Mid-WeekPrayer meet- ing and Bible Study continued on Wed. at the home of Mrs. Edna Philip, with ample use of Bibles to study the book of Romans., The U.C.W. met at the Church on Wed. Mrs. David Ryan, a former teacher in our area showed pictures of hier round the world trip, full report next issue. rnfuture next Sunday is thinking day fôr Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownies with a parade from the school (weather permitting) and a special service at the regular hour in the Church. Everyoae is invited., Remember the work shop at Kingsview Church on Feb. 29 at 1:30 p.m. Baptîsm ill be Feb. 29 at the Sun. a. m. Service. Inter- ested parents kindly contact the Minister. A generous bequest was received by our congregation and greatly appreciated from the Estate of the Late Ruth Aikenhead who also, donated a t rass cross to adora our Communion Table in Memory of hier husband the Late Jim Aikenhead, before she left to reside with hier niece in Sault St. Marie. Ruth Aikenhead (nee Pascoe) was a native daughter and as a young girl lived la close poximity to, Our Church i n the home now owned by Clara Page. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tukker and -family, Bowmanville were Suný visitors with Mr. and Mrs. -Gary Groveneveld. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Towns, Peterboro were guests on Sun. with -Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb. Margaret Ashton accomp- anied Lois Worden and Rich- ard to, enjoy a visit at the Robert McLaughlin Art Gai- lery, Oshawa, to, view the exhibit of paintings by Lans- downe and Homes. Karen and Charles Ashton were Sun. visitons at Margaret and, Orville Ashton's, also an unexpected guiest, a tiny canine Scotty who, stayed on. Mr. and, Mrs. Hierman Haass, Nancy and Gary, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGil were dinner guests of Mn and ýMrs. Keith M1cGill. Mr. and Mrs. David Both- well, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Selleck and Tammy, Oshawa had Sunclay suppen with Mr. and Mrs. C. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Grose, Countice, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright, Miss Betty Wrighit, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Axford were Valentine dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murnay A 1xford, Melanie, Stephanie and Julie, Hamnpton in honour of Mrs. Grose necent birthday and Doris Axford's Father's rimmed wîtfl white maribou. 3he carred a white muff on which white and red roses were arranged. The maid of honor was the 3ister of the bride, Miss Patricia Welsh and the brides- maids, Mrs. Marilyn Mitchell, the brides aunt, and Miss Linda Richards, the groom's niece. Wearing formai gowns of red velvet, with white velvet jackets trimmed With maribou,' they carried white muffs on whichi were arranged a corsage of carnations. Theb est man was Mr. Maurice Richards, the groom's brother-in-law, and the ushers Mr. Timothy Welsh - Smale Wedi approaching bithday, Con- Murray Axford and family, gratulations., Hampton. Members of the Youth group gave the Community Hall a Lawrence and June Wright Spring cleaniag in preparation and baby Jeffney, Pontypool for a Card andCrokiaole were recent vîsitors with, Party they plan to sponsor on parents the E. Wright's. March l3th. Watch Coming Ms dt titni Events for details. Men d a few aith Mr Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beck- spninga edyswtMr ett were Sunday afternoon and Mrs. Clarence English, callers on Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bowmanville. Ashton and family Solina, also.,. Pleased to report Mrs. callers on Mr. and Mrs. Charley Garrard of Haydoa is Lawrence Wright and Jeffney, convalesciag very nicely at Pontypool. the Beau Villa Nursing Home Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, at Bowmanville from having were recent visitors with Mr. recent bone surgery. and Mrs. Frank Spry and family, Rochester NY. . M r. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Mrs. Keith Cr ydenman,' Judy and Launie and Kim Launie and Lisa, Zion wëre PolLrd were Sunday dinner g uests of ber parents Mr. and guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mrs. L. Stainton. McGîll. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry Ms ol lcOhw were entertained to dinnier by MisHlySakOhw, dauightc"r and son-in-law Mr. spent the week-end with her andt 'Mrs. G ar aeihtgandparents, Mr., and Mrs. the Rib Room Oshawa, cele- E. McNair. Mn. Bob Holiday baigValeatine's Da. and friend, 'Toronto wene Mis Ela Ochadlj an Sunday yisitons with the Mis lv rcarr. adMcNais Mrs. Milton Stainton were ai wrs okdt lno recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Whe dere socd uto elyeaa o Lorne Lamb. th.udnadutml et Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp of a neighbouring lad the late were callers on Mr. and Mrs. Archie ?McNeil. Our deepest P. Cnfin whocelebrated sympathy to his wife, daught- P.èi ConlinWho nAnnivers- er and mother? andl other, ary at the Sbrine, Oshawa and members of hîs family. The were evening dinner guests of, late Archie McNeil is a son of Mrs. C. E. Horn. the late Sandy McNeil of Miss Betty Wright, spent the wHa yay don. o week-end withMàr. and Mrs. Wews a eeno Iding -Photo by Piper Studios St. Aadrew's Pnesbyterian Church. Bowmanville. was the scene of a lovely wedding, on Saturday, Febnuary 7th, 1976 1when Reverend J. Gilchrist united in marniage Susanne Louise, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. John K. Welsh, R.R.3, Bowmanville, and Denais Arthur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Les Smale, Bowmanville. The organist was Miss Leta Bnagg and the soloist Mrs. Alana Coles. The bride given in marniage by hier father, wore a formai, polyester lace dress under a white velvet coat with a hood Haydon a complete and speedy recoveny following bis surgery i n Toronto Genenal Hospital. Peased to report, Mrs. George - Rahm, is better- apad able to be homrre to recupenate. Sonry to hean of the death of the late Lonne Allin, Bowman- ville, following, his recent illness. We will miss bis smilla g face as hie called la our village frequently. Mrs. Verna Forsyth, Toron- to spent a week necently with hier brother Russel Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moon Toronto, visited Mr. Russeli EOrmiston on Sunday a.m. Welsh,' the bride's brother, and Mr. William Smale, brother of the groom. Master Derek Mitchell, a cousin of the bride was the ring bearer. For the reception held at the Lion's Centre, the bride's mother received the guests in a formai jade green gown and an orange rose corsage, as- sited by the groom's mother who chose a formai gown in deep royal blue with a corsage of ink roses. lmor a honeymoon, desti- nation unknown, the bride wore, a beige plaid pant suit. The happy couple are now residing at 252 King St. E. Bowmanville. "Flowers with Feeling" For Àn Occasion Tel. 623-3377 CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS ?33 Church Street Bowmanville Fresh Flower and Dried Flower Arrangements ,'for FUNERALS - WEDDINGS HOSPITAL and HOME If your organizationisi nterested in a Free Floral Demonstration, pleaIse contact us. Sav $$Now oïl C.ompany Demo's% and 'Lease Vehi*clesi FOUR 1975 CUTLASS 2-DOOR HARDTOPS These Lease automobiles al1 corne equipped with 350 V-8 engine, automatic transmis- sion, power'steering, power brakes, wheel discs, side mouldings, white waIl tires, radio. Gold Lic. JLU629 Copper Li c. J LU628 Blue Lic. KOD181 Blue Lic. JLU627 Com puny'Demonstra tors 1975 MONZA Cornes equipped with V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering,' power brakes, radio. Finished in Red. Only 6,000 m.jles.,Lic. HRD750 1975 CHEVROLET NOVA 2-DOOR COUPE 350 V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering, radio', rear window defroster. Lic. HRD875 1975 VEGA HATCHBACK Finished in light green, automatic trans- mission. Lic. J LU349. 1975 VEGA HATCHBACK Finished in Bronze, 4-cyl. engine, electric defroster, auLto matietanmsso, he discs, white Wall tires, radio, deluxe bumpers,,custom upholstery. Lic. JLU456. "Courtesy for over haif a Century" ýRoy Nichols Motors, Ltd. 623.2556 728-6206 ISa g9' to iAg t5eg to 20' Be sure to attend our Fashion Show on Tuesday, March 16th at 8:00 p.m. in the Bowma nvi lie High School Auditorium. Proceeds for B. H. S. Band Tîp to Disneyworld $artr'~oft»Onb Bo;irnd Towers Shopping Ma 44 Bond St. W. Downtown Oshawa 576-7152 SQUARE The marniage of 'Greta Anne, daugbter of Mn., and Mns. Oie Berg, Carmicbael, Califonnia, to David Robent, son of Mn. and Mrs. Robent Whittsit, Oshawa, took place Saturday, September 27th, 1975 la the Churcb of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Temple, Washington, D.C. Reverend Robent G. Clark officiated, with the groom's fathen and the best man -witnesses. The bridàl gown, made by the bride's mothen was a polyester Empire styled gown, slightly gatbered witb covered buttons down the back and on the sleeves from elbow to wrists. The aeckline was trimmed witb lace and layers of peanîs. A beadpiece of one large flower, featurng small'buds, peanîs', and lace, held a shoulden length veil, and she carried a' crescent bouquet of orange roses, C elow carnations, babies reatb and two lover's knots. Tbe matron of honon, Mrs. Gary Shannon and the brides- maid Mrs. Harold Wotten wore matching pale yellow gowns and carnîed nosegays of yellow and bronze mums and bables breath. The flower.girl Miss Wendy Brown, wore a -flowered, white flock batise gowa, white flowers la ber bain and carrîed a basket of Z elow and bronze mnum 1s witb abies breath. Mrs. Lloyd Brown, ne- ceiving the guests on bebaîf of the bride's mother,, wore, a formal gown of Wedgewood blue kait and a corsage of yellow roses. The groom's mother wore a formal pale pink polyester gown and a corsa ge of pink roses. Best man was Mn. Gary Shannon, and the ushens Messrs. H{arold Wotten and Allan Crook. A reception was held at Simcoe St. United Cburch, Oshawa, and an Open House la Carmicbael, Califonnia were beld for the happy couple. Mn. and Mrs. Whittsit are now residing la Rexbunr, Idaho wbere the bride is employed as a typist and the g oo me is attending Ri ck's Many sbowers wene givea pnior to the wedding la bonor of tbe bride by Mrs. Vera Brown, the ladies of the cburcb. and by co-bostesses Mesdames Shannon, Wotten and Cook. Florist"f FERN SALE (Roosevelt and Boston Ferning Pots!! "yes , you con growý themil We wiII show you howIIIIi See ou r la rge se lection of ail f erns!! *Roosevelt Fern . Leathonfloaf Fern . Fluffy Ruffled Fern. *Boston F ern. Maidenhair Fern . Shaghorn Fern *Sprengeri Fern. Bird's Nest Fern . HoIly Fern FOR YOUR WIFEIII BRING HOME A$ VAN BELLE WEEKEND CUT FLOWER SPECIALI Selection wîi depend on supply. Always Fresh!!! EAST WEST NORTH FLOWER SHOP '.FLOWER SHOP FLOWER 1AND AND SHOP GARDEN CENTRE GARDEN, CENTRE 1,e Highway No. 2 mi Bond Sa~~g treetVB etrc Oshawa - Bowmanville VB *. ifgSee e -parate 5.Minutes VB 5Cinte School 623-4441 579-1118 728-.5159 Highway No. 2 292 King St. W, 1124 Si mcoe St. N. Latter Day Saint Ti Washington, was the sg the wedding on Augus, 1976 of Janet Lynn, da of Mr. and Mrs., Wal Dick, Mount J'Prospec nois, to Zan Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Robe: Income Pl PERSONÀ JaRI 6Con Phc Twoô drunks were wall< one, "'These long stairs It's not the stairs,' bannisters' CLOTHES CARE t4a1 Plish Remoever s nail polish damage on take your clothes to yoi Whitsitt -- Berg Wedding luimi

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