DEADLINE - FOR CLÂSSUFIED * -e FULL and oarf-time.» Earn $5.ý$6 anhour calling on Fuller Brusn customers, car neces- sary. For information cal 372-9969 or- write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Walton St., Cobourg. 7-2x PART-TIME salesperson wanted f0 represent Markham area equipment dealer, indiu- ding Gravely tractors, Stihi chain saws, Onan generators. Phone 1-416-294-1407. WE require a foreman with leadership qualifies -and ex- p erience in steel, material handling. Understanding of mechanical machinery would be an asset. Top wages and benefits available to qualified person. Write Advertiser 602, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. LiC 3K9. 7-2 MATERIAL handlers requir- ed for steel warehousing. Good lob opportunity with chance of advancement. Good wages and 'benef ifs. Write Advertiser 603, c-o Canadian- Statesman, 'Box 190, Bow- manville, Ontario, LIC 3K9. 7-2 SALES people wanted for Durham Region. Full or part time basis. Advertising pro- vided. Canvassing. 579-5070. \6-tf International Coatings Firmi offers high commi ssion poten. tial, fringe benefits and excit- ing contests for mature indi- 'Ividuai in Bowmanville area. Air Mail namne and address to President C. D. Deitz, Consoli- dated Protective Coatings Ltd., 2300 Schenker St., Ville LaSalle, Quebec, HON 1A2.ý 5-4 WE require three persons maIe or female f0 work at packing and processing in a garden fertilizer plant. Phone 987-5164 atter 6 or inquire at Port of Newcastle, Toronto Street, Newcastle. SALES PEOPLE -Canvassing in the Durham Region. -Full or part-time. -Advertising supplied. CaIli 579-5070 8-tf RESPONSIBLE woman for cleaning one day a week. Preferably in Tyrone area. Phone 263-2320. 8- x A. V. P. Extrusions Ltd. New- castle requires experîenced maintenance mechanics and machinists. Excellent work- ing conditions. Apply in per- sonor caîl 987-4776. 8-1 WELCOME Wagon personnel required for part-time work to greet newcomers to Bowman- ville. Must have use of car. Ca l Mrs. Potter 623-3644. 8-1 PART,,TIME salesperson wanted to represent Ma rkha m area e quipment dealer, in- cluding G ravely tractors, Stihl chain saws, Onan generators. Phone 1-416-294-1407. 7-3 There's the exciement ofNwate aIae W ILL babysit in my home one meeting people, travel, new NwateS vg challenges in: l~ pre-schooler. Liberty-Conces- MDrag Lin ing, sion area. $25. a week. Phone Hote -Motel yard and 1/2 yard. 6234834. 8-2 Operations & 1 Ref rigeration and Arrange, now for sumnmer RO'FL R Managemen Applianc Service ponds. We buy cars for RN« LO Manaemet AplinceSerice wrecking, we wiIl place roîl- CARE Day course - 6 Months Commercial and Domestic off boxes for salvageable Icue Night Course - 10 months. Refrigeration - Milk Coolers mefal. HmsfinclesEc Brand New Air Conditioned PHNEomTesE,97-74ORg fndcre, and Facililes Das.......2-74Upholstery Shampooing Stuen LansAvilble...t............ 623-3177 7-6 Wall Washing e AIL JOIN A.FAST-GýROWI NG INDUSTRY THAT NEEDS WELL-TRAINED. PEOPLE Phone, visit or se'id coupon todaýy GIREER Q NIÀADA LIMITED 3rd Floor, 55 Queen St. E., Downtown Toronto (416) 363-3721 Name............. ........ Street .................... City ................... Phone ..........Age. Bowmanvlle 6-1, MATURE person required as bookkeeper, own transporta- tion essential. Apply to the Manager, 'Beaver Lumber Company, Limited, 246 King Sf. E., Bowmanville. 8-1 WOMAN-MAN for office cleaning, once a week. Write Box 604, c-o Canadian States- man, Box 190, Bowmhanville, Ontario. 7-2 HOPS E barn with 12 stalîs for rent and approximately 40 acres of land. For further- information caîl 623-2921. B_1 ONE bedroom apartment. Available March sf. Contact Dykstra's Food Market 623- 3541. 8-1 FOUR bedroom brick house, 1 mile from Solina, $250. Phone 263-2137 between 5 - 8 p.m., 7-2x Furnished Bedroomns by month, week or day, shower and -bath, licenced premises,1 reasonable rates. CASTLE HOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 1-tf YOUNG man with truck to do odd jobs, for minimum wage. Phone 623-6518. Ask for Paul. 7-lx a growing influence in the convenience store industry has an immédiate franchise opening in Bowmanville. Following are somne of the opportunities and benef its which a PI NTO) franchise offers. location selected for sales and'growth potential merchandising and operation's programs Io acfieve salesand finania and accounting services, budgets, insurance, banking. -security of owning your own independent business. The successful candidates wiII be self- starters who are willing to devote the time and effort necessary to produce an excellent return on'investment. lnterested parties can obtain furthér information by writing or calling collecf between 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. f0: Mr. Gien Morrow 519-455-1720 m. Loeb (Londonl) Ltd. 1000 Clark Side Road Box 5025 Londoni, Ont.81 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-tf NEED a babysitter? After school, weekends. Experienc- ed. Phone after 5:00 p.m. 623-5428,, 3 Edsal Avenue, Bowmanville. 8-ix LIKE f0 get away for a weekend?-Will care well for your child in my home. Overnig ht FrL p.m. to Sun. p.m. C ail 623-2687 evenings, weekends. 8-ix C&CJANITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery Prof essiona lly Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANV IILE 3-f PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261 29-tf KG RENOVATIONS Rec. Roomns, Kitchens, Etc. 623-6056 50-tf J. A. HAYES (SMOKEY) Custom Cutting 12 Cents Lb. FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7056 6-8 Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. Sidinq-Soffit- Fader Eavestrough - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Rooms Repairsof alitypes. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf Wmn. G. Terhune CARPE NTRY Renovafions - Rec. Roomns Phone 623-5375 5-4x INSULATION, blowing method with rock wooî, work. Tanship guaranteed. SecU. daire Insulation, phone 705. 742-0272. Representative Harry L. Wade, phone 987-4531. 43-tl 9 ç - iz 5- e ie tf INCOME TAX RETURNS In Home or Pick-Up and Delivery Complete returns upf0 2 T4 slips and including Ontario Tax Credif 58.00 Pensioners 55.00 Speciaists in Farm Returns. FREIN'S Bowmanvil1le 623-6803 Oshawa 579-8241 7-7 ALLIN -COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERY MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups,- Brakes - Etc.) AIl1 work done by Licensed Class "A" Mechani At your home or place of business. AIl parts and labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowmanv îl SIMPSON MEMORIALS 49 Lavinia St reet 885-6434 - Monuments - Ma rkers - Inscriptions - Although prices ar e up, we are seiiing at 1975 prices ui 31. Buy now for Spring Delivery. Evenings Cali Mauri Simpson 885-4433 ýVICE Ron Turcotte at 623-7966 49-tf FURNITURE stripping - ail old paint or varnish removeci, minor repairs as weil. Phone 983-9362. 6-3x Bill's GLASS and MIRRORS LTD. 7.Division Sf., BoWmanvilîe Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Floaf Glass SeaIed Units - Strm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mîrrors, Patferned and Colored Glass and Glazing. ll-tf WATER Wells bored, 30" file. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030., Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531.- 16-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FTJRNACES SCL EANE D PLUMBIN G REPIAIRS PHONE HAMPTON MAIL 63-2151 MALADDRESS:, P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanvllle 30-f BOB BÉERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systems New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Calil 623-2641 33-ff DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES SALES & !SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanvilîe 26-ff' DARLI NGTON MASOINRY Brick, Block,,Stone CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 lid _________________ City Wide Door Service Supply Steel Doors, Framnes and Toi let Partitions 52-tf Also installations and repairs NO RESIDENCE 623-2625 45-tf CUSTOM uphoistering, recov- Port Hope ering, re-styling, very reason- able, work guaranteed, 20 years ex perience. Free esti- mates. Please '-cal colIect 1-986-5072., 26-tf Rutter Granite Company Limited ANNUAL WNTER DISCOUNT We respecffully wish f0 announce a SPECIAL REDUCTION on ail cemetery Memorials and Markers ordered and paid for between flow and April 1sf for Spring erection. This offer is made annualîy. We have an excellent selection of domestic and for eign granites in many colors and designs from which ta choose your Monument or Marker. If we can be of- service ta you in any way, please do flot hesitate to visit our indoor display at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope, or telephone us at 885-5216. GE RMAN Shepherd black and tan puppies, 7 weeks old, dewormed, shots, sired by an English import, CKC register- eo, Amer!idan-Canadian dam. Phone 263-8179. 8-2x PUREBRED Dalmation pup- piles, red and white. Aso one female, two-years-old, excel- lent disposition. Ail suitabie for children. $25. each. Phone 263-2091. 8-2 Tender Mechanica I Contractors Re lace dotnestic water pump and heat exchanger af the Pine Ridge School, Bowman- ville, Ontario. TENDER No. 31 C-486. Seaîed tenders wil be receiv- ed until 2:00 p.m. LOCAL TIME, MARC H 10, 1976. Tender documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent Street, West, P.O. Box 7000, Lindsay, Ontario. NOTE: For further informa- tion regarding this tender, please call Mrs. E.M. Neale at the above address. Telephone: (705) 324-9188. The Iowest or any Tender flot necessarily accepted. Ontario FREIE removal of fresh, dead, or disabled large animais. There will be a-$5 charge ýon small calves and pigs. Cal Margwill Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. 46-tf Wednesday, March 10 10: 30 a. m. Hoîsteins Dairy Equipmnent Farm Machinery Complete Farm Auction for the estafe of the late Carl Down, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. From Hwy. 401 'take Exit 73 (Courtice), take South Service Rd. 1/2 mile west - then south f0 farm. 70 Hoîsteins. 40 reoistered, 30 N.l.P. grades. This is a well established herd for 35 years and has been on test for over 203 years. 40 Milk cows,,10 bred heifers, balance open heif ers and calves. These are, big cows - several fresh and many due August f0 October. Herd will be classi-' fied before sale. E.B.l. Sires. Delaval 2800 lb. bulk tank, SS milk pails, SS sinks, Surge milker _ 3 units Vacuum line for 38 cows. Ford 5000,tractor wlfh cab - like new, only 500 hours; M-H 30 tractor; N-H 268 baier with thrower; 2 hay wagons with thrower racks; J.D. 7' Haybine (1 year), Fahr Centipede rotary rake; N-H 5 bar side rake; N-H hay, elevator; New Idea condit ion- er; Hydreine 3 furrow plow; N-H manure spreader; Beatty silo unloader 16'; Case ham- mer milI; wagon loads, etc. Sale will start promptly wifh small goods and machinery &-I 10:30 a.m. Dairy Equipmrent 12:30. Cattle at 1 p.m. Ebene- zer U.C.W. will serve lunch. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbri dge (416) 852-3524. 7-3 Auction Sale, Saturciay, February 28 at 1: 15 at Saveon Products Warehouse, Hwy. 28, Bewdley. Consisting of chest of drawers, rocking chair, chairs, tables, dlock, dishes, glassware, appliances, books and other items still being cionsigned. Roger Bannister, auctioneer. 8-1 Pat Marjerrison 623-4115' Ken Nicks 623-4050 Dollie Davey 786-2256 (Newtonville) LIBERTY STREET Immaculate, spIît-Ieveî, double garage, paved drive, 2 firepiaces, extra large lot, $67,900. COUNTRY BUNGALOW Neat, 2 bedroom frame house on 1/2 acre lot, 2 car garage and workshop. Ideal retire- ment or starter home, $39,900. full price. O'DELL STREET Neat fhree bedroom brick bungalow in good residenfial area. "Close f0 downtown. Recently decorated. Good starter or retirement home. Oniy $44,900. TYRONE VILLAGE One bedroom bungalow, large lot wîf h heated workshop. Ideai for hobby shop, furniture refinishing, antiques, etc. $36,500. fuill price. BOWMAN VILLE Serviced building lot. 2 blocks from downfown. $20,000. 8-1 COUNTRY LIVING minutes toOshàwa, deep 400 ft. lot with small barn and garage, nicely kept 2 bedroomn starter, living roomn carpeted and panielledi, oul heating. Spring possession. STEAL 0F THE YEAR Bow- manvil le, 7 year old bungalow, completely finished basement 16 x 32 inground pool with heater, large 85 x 235 ft. lot priced to selI at only $56,250.00 Immediafe possession. HOBBS DRIVE, very dlean 4 bedroom, 2 storey, broadloomn throughout, 2 baths, fenced yard, paved drive, attached garage Must be sold. BOWMANVILLE $4C,500. A, bedroomn split, larger than most detached homes, formaI dining roomn overlooking rais- ed living room, carpeted throughout, full basement, finîshed rec i-oom, 20 year quarantee on above ground Fantasia ptooî on a uncompar- able 150 t. irregular shaped lot. lnterested? 8-1 W3 King Sf. E., BowmaniilI* 623-7694 - 623-7661, REALTOR ASKING ONLY,546,500.00 for this 4 year old, 4 bedroom 2-storey semi, walkout from dining area f0 patio, complete- ly finished rec roomn and Iaundry' room also a large workshop, nicely landscaped lot completeiy fenced, eiectric heating, carport: BEAUTIFUL HOME IN VIL- LAGE, wall f0 wall brick fireplace in finished rec room, walkouf from dinfing room, work area ini basement and storage room behind car-port, excellent famiiy home close f0 schools and shopping, 3 bed- rooms, separate d ining room. ATTENTION BUSINESS MEN: Commercial properfy with 5' fronfage on Main Street in Bowmanville. Ideal office location, goodparking at rear, phone nowl 8-1 $4,000 dowrý two year oid semi-detached, 4 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, garage, priced for quick sale. Caîl 623-6127. 7-tf PRIVATE - Simpson Ave., immaculate, 2 year old, four bedroom detached, new appli- ances, 9 per cent mortgage. $56,900. Phone 1-ý92-2168. 6-4, - *, * e - e- e e C OS - - e.- - - - e * .0. USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. 33-tf 12- ALUMiNUMcar-top boat Phone 623-5846 anytime, 6 if GOOD used furniture, cribs, playpens, highchairs, dishes, other articles. Phone Towne Used Furniture, 623-4681 Bowmanville for instant cash and service. 5-4 LARGE oak dining room table with matching chairs. Contact Mrs. Stanley Milison 263-8880. 8-1 x CASH for gold, silver, coins,, fuun, cloc' s, iewellry, dishes, uniture, crocks, painfings, seaiers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-tf REALTOR 623-2503 ORONO -r- Ranch style buna- low, 3 bedrooms, extra'large living room and dining area, kitchen wif h breakfast nook, a dlean WeilI kept home with a double attached garage on lot 130 x 128. $59,900.00 TWO FOR ONE - On three acres of land is this double home, one side with 3 bed- rooms Iliving room, kitchen and a lovely fam il y room with fireplace and patio doors. The other side a comforfable 2 bedroomn home for income or our parents., Located on Hwy. 2 west of Bowmanville. $64,000.00 NEW HOME - in the finishîng stages, just in time for you to choose the color schemes. Three bedrooms and a very convenient hollywood kitchen. Situated on a large country lot with a beautiful view of the countryside. $56,000.00 BUILDER'S OWN HOME - The very best of materials and workmanship went loto the building of this2-year-oldsplit level home. TMhee are 5 bedrooms,.family room withý fireplace, ames room ail completely %roadlomed, two car attached garage with sun deck on roof and many other features too numerous to mention. In Orono $85,000.00 8-1 ORONO AREA - unusually large kitchen with many cu pboards in Iovely 2 storey 4 bedroom home, heated garage with workshop, floor to ceiling stone fireplace in L.R. and many extras on lot 100 x 150. WeII built-up surroundings. Cal for. more information. ORONO\,C AREA - 4 bedrom bungalow, rec. room, patio and sundeck, fireplace in L.R., exceptionai view over- looking a vaiIey, asking $63,900 with terms. NEWCASTLE - duplex on the mýai 'n street, zoned commer- cial, suitabie for offices etc., asking $45,900 with terms. BOWMANVILLE -older home in north end area, close f0 school, 3 bedroom and separ- ate ýdining room, asking $45,000. MILLBROOK AREA - 3 bed- room brick bungalow now being finished, lovely homes in the area. Cali for more information. BOWMANVILLE - very cen- traîîv Iocated, legal duolexý eith separate entrances, two and three bedrooms, ail newly renovated, asking 59,900. 8-1 705-932-2132 Mil lbrook 705-932-2132 Lisa Court is Elegance Personified and on if is this 1260 Sq. Ft. Marianna custom built bungalow for $44,900. wifh 3 bedrooms, lovel y fln- ished interior. Basement par - titioned wifh flu for firep lace in future family roomnI. For further particulars caîl Ted Storey Res. 705-743-6786. Hardware ýStore Stock and Business plus 3 sforey bridk building with 2 apartments. Excellent business potentiai oniy one of ifs kind in village. Asking $31,900.00 plus stock. Loveîy 4 Split with L-shaped living room and dining room. Custom kitchen, 3 bedrooms, basement partitioned off and family room has firepiace flu. Plus features are atfached garage, sodded lots, low taxes and excellent financing. For information on the above cali Elleen Powell af 705-932-2127., Older Red Brick wifh Ginger- bread Trim set amid sfafely pines on large lot. 4 bedrooms, very spacious home through- ouf wifh nearly al1 the original beauty untouched. As king $58,900.00 with excellent f in- ancing. Cali Corinne Beardow Res. 705-932-2130. 8-1 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycies R,,ESU LTS COU NT! Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes ACKERMAN SCA T RCES utpe Stn HIGHEST PRICE PAIO Yard 623-5756 Oshawa & District Residence 623-7112 Real Estate Board 45stf tf REA TATE LllTEDý 181 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARI0 LiC iTS 623-4428 North End Bowmanviîîe- Older 11/2 storey 4 bedroom frame home. Large living- room with fireplace. Needs some-repair. On large hedged lot. Asking $44,900. Make an offer. Newcastle - Wan t a large kîtchen with Ioads of cup- boards? This is just one of the terrific features of this 3 bedroom bungalow centred on a 75 x 200 lot. Finîshed rec. room and two extra bedrooms in basement. Only $49,900.00 $5000.00 Down - We have some beautiful sidesplit homes for sale on large country lots. Finished familvroom with fireplace. Located in Emily. and Cavan Townships. Cali for furfher information. Country Living -1 can be enioyed in this 4 bedroom 1"/2 storey home. Large living- room, separate diningroom, stone" fireplace in f nished famïIyroom with sliding glass doors leading f0 deck around inground swimming pool. 40 min. north of Bowmanville. Asking $55,900.00 Orono - Just listed. Nidely decorated 3 bedroom bunga- low. BroadIoom throughouf. Diningroom. Fenced yard. $45,900.00 234 King St. E., owmanvillé 623-3393 Direct Toronto Line 923-9174 Hobby Farmn Riding Academy. il1 acres 114 mile north of Bowmanville. Older frame aluminum clad home. 2 barns, tack room inground swimrming pool, ask- ing $99,500. Cail J an Oud- shoorn. - 9.2 Acres - Newtonville Just listed. 4 bedroom 11/ store y home close f0 No. 2 and 401 hig hwa ys. Year round f lowing streamn, large single g a rage, barn sutable for horses or cattie. 400 feet road frontage. Asking $67,500. Cali Bud Virtue. $45,900 - Orono 3 bedroom bungalow, large landscaped lot near 115 high- way for easy commuting. Good ferms. Cail Albert Ker- ekes.: 3Ô Miles fromn Oshawa 9 Scenic treed acres, white 3 bedroom bungalow on a hili, 1 mile f rom highway 115. Lovel y view, asking $59,000. Cali Bill Turansky. Newcastle - Super Buy 3 bedroom bungalow on good size lot, double garage. Only $53,900. Cali Ken Brown. Orono - Starter Home King size lot. 3 bedrooms, attached garage., Asking $41,900. Cail Kay Brown. 9 Per Cent Mortgage Excellent finiancin1g. 4 bed- room semni backsplit, 2 years oId, 11/2 baths. Recreation room. Located in good famil y area. Asking $45,900. Cail Bill Grady. Bowmanville Owners moving,- anxious to seli. Aimost new 3 "bedroomn brick bungalow on landscaped lot close f0 bus and shopping. $52,900. Terms. Cail Elfie Jost. Owner Transferred Bowmanvilie. Spot less 3 bed- room brick and aluminum home. Sunroom, 16 x 17 living room, broadloomned. 66 x 165 fenced yard. Double atfached ara ge. Asking $52,900. Call hyl lis McRobbie. >Orono $49,900." 3 bedroom home, 11/2 storey frame and fieldstone. Double car garage, sundeck, office, recreation room. Cali Charlie Reid. Are You Considering a MOVE or TRANSFER? We are Equipped f0 handîe your home needs anywhere in Canada and U.S.A. + Coast to -Cqast- Real Estate Service URGENTLY REQUR' We have cash buyerb,-4çf homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'14 be pleased to appraise if for you-- and help yc*i locate the "home of your dreamfs". FcSr. frîendly efficient sale of your homne, cali P. & R. Reaity Company, Reaitor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Nwy., Bowmariv v ill1e 576-6120. il-tf intil March