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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1976, Section 2, p. 8

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8The Canadian Statesman. Bo% Trinity U.,CW. Line, Newcastle Council voted in favor. of voicing strang object'ion ta it. ?t was first mÔôved that the correspandence from W. L, Dick.of the Res ources Devel- oDment Secretariat at Queen's Park mereiy be received for informationi. 'Ihat motion caused a ie vote, defeated by Mayor Rickard. Couni. Ken Lyaîl then corn- mented that the matter was yet another shafting snow job on couincil and inovedf that they reply advising thîey ýhave strang res;ervations about the Salandhtfindings on the raùte tca be 'taken for the trans- mission une and urge that a More northeriy route be followed. vînanvilie, February 25, 1976 Section Two jF. ruary et SALE ENDS MARCR f3rd Specially ýpurchased items on sale to extent of stock. Canadian Tire promises to make every effort to continue suppiy of advertised products, but reserves the right to limit sale quantities. 'nie general meeting of Trinity UJ.C.W. was held F'eb. 16th i the church hall. President Mrs. A. Blair wel- comed 'lie large attendance and opened- the meetinig with thoughts on "To give a child a dream,'" and followed with a prayer. Unit 7 led by Mrs. A. Strike and Mrs. D. MeGregor pre- sented the worship service with Mrs. Strike reading from Micah Chapter 6, verse 8. The hXmn "'Corne let us sing of a wonderful love" was sung accompanied by pianist Mrs. J. Munday. The seripture Exodus 20, verses 1 - 17 was read by Mrs.. McGregor followed with prayer. Mrs. Strike gave an inspiring devotion on The Circle of Love.,The circle begins in our home stressing the value of life', purity of heart, honesty and truthfulness. Mrs. Strike, based hier talk on the Ten Commandmfients. Hymn "O Master, let me walk with Thee" was sung followed by prayer. Mrs. Strike introduced aur speaker Mrs. Lois Worden on the staff of Family and Childrens Services. Mps. Wordenlworks with the Child- ren's Aid Agency located in the Midtown Mal in Oshawa. She gave us an insight into hier work, with, neglected and abused children, also With ur.,nmarrîied mothers, placing, the children in receiving homes andhelping thiem find the right foster parents and eventually the adoption of the children.,Volunteers who can give a few hours a week are urgently needed for driving thechldren to the'receiving homes. A question period followed. Mrs. W. Oake thank- ed Mrs. Worden for hier interesting and informative talk and presented hier with a gift. Mi's. H. Hammond called on Mrs. Oake who is leavingour commïunity and Mrs. C. Trew- in presented bier wth a gift from our U.C.W. Mrs. R. Coombes presented Mrs. Oake with a Life Membership pin. Mrs. Blair conducted the business consisting of reports from various committees. Roll cail was -taken. An- nouncements were -made: March 5th Worid Day of Prayer at St. Andrew's Church, 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Helen, Batten of AshburnO wiii pe the speaker. March !'th - Casserole luncheon at i1 p.m. and general meeting. March 2lst - Sunday execu- tive meeting at 2:30 p.m., March 3lst - Presbyterial meeting at, Harmiony Road Church at 930arn. withi Rev. and Mr. owet, îsioar ies frmJapan nas guest speakers. The missionary prayer was giveni by Mrs. C. Trewin, and the meeting ciosed with sing. ing of "Blest be the tie that binids," foiiowed by prayer. HAMPTON W.I9'1 The regular monthly meet- ing was held aon February 3 with aur President Mrs. Bry-, ant in the chair. We opened by singing'ý the Ode and repeating the Mary Stewart Colect in unison. Mýinutes were rend and approved. The Roll Cali - An Imitation of a Farm Animal was well answered. The Na-miniating Committee for thedý comring year is Mrs. Chanit, Mi-à Clemens and Mrs. Yeo. Mrs. Chant was chairlady for the North Group and cailed on Mrs. Mackiin for the Motta - Friendship. Mrs. Best aur speaker was then introcluced bykMerts. Chant. Mrs. Best spk aus an lber trip ta Japan. Tokyo looks very simrilar ta New York or Chicago except there are no sky scrapers. The population is 1112 million and the Japanese are very cultured and. very well dressed. The Motomaster guarantees to keep smears away! Contains detergent for real dlean- ing power. Ready mixed. Save now! eg$239 Bsardahi Top OiU Bardahl-1 Bardahl-2 Lubricates upper cyl inder and valve areas. Improves gas mileage, starts. Add to gas in tank. 4-fl. ozs. World famous for reducing engine friction and wear. Frees rings, valves, lifters. Controls sludge. 15-fl. ozs. Garbage Can, Reg. $5.99 Weatherproof 16.6 Imp. gallon can. 'Swaged' type with reinforced ribs. Snug-fitting lid. Avocado with black lid. Shop now. Save $2.02! Phn 2 3-2 518 Service Dept. 623-4601 Oîl stabîlizer reduces excess oil-burning upto 100%. In- creases compression and power.,,15-fl. ozs. Save!. Needs no adapters; fits most windshields and wiper arms. Example: Dart and Valiant 15" blade 1972-75, reg. $3.29... $2.79. Deodorizer Ma)oes 'good- scents' in ho meor car. Reg.77 89e. Save! 55* Trouble Lamp Brightens under-hood problems., 20-ft. cord. 1%33 Reg. $4.19 $sd4.00 off C.G.E. Fan PHeater Regular 9 $29.99 Keeps you cozy and warmn in the draftiest places. 1500-watt ele- ment. Safety cut-off switch' At- tractive tear drop style. Your choice of popular sizes: 3/s" to 3/4" and 6 point sockets 9 mm. to 15 mm. Shop early! Wrench Special94 Vour Choice 2Eadh Set, A. 5-PIECE OPEN-END WRENCH SET Sturdy drop-forged steel. Durably plated to resist rust. Sizes 1/4" -to 11/16". Super price! B. 5-PIECE COMBINATION WRENCH SET Chrome-plated drop-forged steel in 8,~16", 1/2",- 9 /16" ý/ 12-pt. box-ends. Shop early! ility KnifeSpecial, -m - _ ý Yellow plastic handle with retractable multi-position blade. Handy around the home, cottage, workshop. e *Extra Savîngs! orCash Bonus, COUPONS ouse your Canadian Tire, CAPDJ M R. . JHNSN ENTERPRISES 160 Church Stre-ýet Bowmanville STORE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wedînesday, Thursday, Saturday 8:3Qa.m. to6:00 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., 1 lm 1 Ille il Our best seller offers excellent power delivery. Tough thinwall polypropylene case is strengthened by a unified one-piece cover. Armour-sealed termninals guard against separation and contami- nation by oil, acids,, dirt. Replace your old 7r.

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