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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1976, p. 10

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10 The Canadîan Statesman, Boximanvilie. March 3, 1976 TruII's Rd.'South Being Used IIIegaIIy as. Garbage Dump Residents of Trull's Road South, jusi west of Courtice are quite upset and' angry because people are using the ditches just north of the railway tracks for a garbage .... ... and it's been going on for several years. They are not certain who is doing it, but one lady found a letter with an Oshawa apartment building address on it, and she plans to investigate. These photos show some of the debris that has been dumped almost on their front lawns, everything from broken toilets to used tires stili on the rims., -Photos by Rick James NESTLETON on Wednesday Mn. and' Mrs. Harny MeLaughlin were evening dinner guests with Mand Mrs. Tom Hodge and Mrs. Ira Argue ta honor their son Tom an bis thirty-fifth birthday. Congratulations. Mrs. Lawrence dooledge visîted Saturday afternaoon with ber brother and sister-in- law, Mn. and Mrs. Herb Spruit, Oakwood and nemain- ed for evening dinner. On Sunday Mn. and Mrs. Sterling Morris and family, Toronto, were supper guests of ber mother, Mrs. dooledge. Mrs. Naysrnitb Henry and son Bruce, Janetville had eveniag dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thoflxp- son wene Tbunsday morning visitons with their grand- daugbter Mrs. Rab Mains and their great grandsan Stephen, Blackstock. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow, Dundas, were Satur- day mor ning visitons of ber parents Mr. and Mrs. G. Thompsan. On Tuesday Mn. and Mns. Ross Curtis, Oillia, were luncheon and evening dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip, Mrs. Alvin Bruce and Miss Marjarie Bruce, Port Perny were Saturday ýafter- noon visitons. Mn. and Mrs. Dave Frew, Dwayne and Andrew, Viewlake visited for Sunday evening dinner. Dur- ing the evening they showed beautiful slides of their recent trip ta Hawaii. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Foote, of Stouffville, spent Wednes- day afternoon and evening with Mr. and*, Mns. Balfour Moore. The Moores and the Footes becarne friends on their recent trip ta Florida. On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Bridget Brinke and daugbter Efla, Oshawa, visited the Balfour Moores. on Sunday evening, of last week, the Nestleton Recrea- tion Committee held another meeting in the hall. Plans are undenway -ta have the teen- agers become involved. On Saturday several voluateers cleaned the basement and scrubbed the floor. Tentative plans are in the offing ta have a dance la the basement and the younger folk are forming a commitýee., Mrs. James Catty, Black- stock, reports that the Craf t Classes wîll finish on Friday. Ia the Caesarea Commuaity Hall, on Friday afternoon from 1-4 the finished work will be on display. Tbey will be sold ta those iaterested. Coffee and nefreshrnents will also be provided. YELVERTON1 Several couples from the cQrnmuaity atteaded the bene- fit dance on Ops Community Centre for a local popular hockey player who was injur- ed several weeks ago at a hockey gameL and has been unable ta work since. Miss Mona Malcolrn accom- panied by ber parents the Harvey Malcolms were aven- night guests of Mn. and Mrs. Enston Coulter, Arden, and sister of Brighton and were present for a special birthday party for Erston's 9th birtb- day - yes bis ninth. He is one of those rare- individuals who was bora on Februany 29th and bas a birthday oaly once every fourth year. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Gray were visitors la Brampton this weekend ta visit Mr. and Mrs. Randy Longfield and their braad aew graaddaugbter Katharine Dawne. 013ITTIARY JAMES ROSS REYNOLDS A former Darliagton resi- dent, Jamés Ross Reynolds, aged 68, died in Clearwater, Florida, on Suaday, February ist, 1976, followiag a moath's illaess. Bora in Darlington, and educated in Sauina, Bowmaa- ville, and Quee's Unversity, he was the son of the late Mn. and Mrs. John Reynolds. Hi s wife is the former Sadie Moore Brodie. Spending the winter montbs in Flonida, bis resmdence was in Belleville. frorn 1960, ne- siding la Hampton uati 1952 and la Arva from 1952-1960. Surviviag besides'bis wif e are three sons, David, R.R. 3 Napaaee, John,, Dollard, Des Armeaux P.Q., but preseatiy posted overseas la Indonesia and Robent, of Belleville, three sisters, Mary (Mms A.E. wbtneii), Toronto; Mae (Mrs. E.M. Somerville), Whitby and Mss Bess Rey- nolds, Oshawa, he was prede- ceased by five brpthers. Mn. Reynolds 'was retired from bis posmtion of city manager of Belleville. He was a member of Bridge Street Ontario Young Fariner Conference Recently' the Minister of Agriculture and Food, Mr. Wm. Newman, caiied for a one-day Conference of Young Farmiers across Ontario to discuss the future of agricul- ture in the Province. Details of the conference have been finalized with the program, being heid on March tb, at the Prince Hotel ia Toronto. The program will be a Young Farmer's Conference,- witb the farmers carrying on their own program and presenting ta Mr. Newman their thoughts and views on agriculture in Ontario. Present Cheque to Help Building Fund President Moana Adcock of Kingsway District Council, Canadian Foresters, presents cheque for $350. to Stewart Carson for the Oshawa & Distriict Association for the Mentally Retarded for their building fund. Other me-mber s of Kingsway District Council who attended the meeting were-Daîse Matthews, Helen Ovenden and Emma Balson. Agrici by Rod Stork Investmnent Tax Credit for Farmens Durng the past two moatbs we have been paiatiag out a nUmber of tbings that farmers can do ta heip cut down taxable incarne for the taxation year 1975. One of the tbings that we have rnationed bas been the Iavestrnt Tax Credit which was aanouaced in the June 23rd budget. Under the proposai machinery', equiprnt, and buildings acquired af ter June 23rd, 1975 can quaiify for the Investmeat Tax Credit. t should be poiated out, however, that' farmers who are fiiing themr 1975 retura rnust complete form T2038 headed lavest- ment Tax Credit la order ta qualify for the credit on tbemr 1975 tax retura. We do have the forms avaiabie at, the Agricuiturai Office or they rnay be obtamned from the District Taxation Office in Belleville. We, do want ta stress, bowever, that these forms mnust be fiiled out in arder for you as a farmer ta qualify for the Iavestrnent Tax Credit, Sa either contact aur office or phone your Dstrict Taxation Office at Zenith 04000 and ask for the Iavestmeat Tax Credmt application form T2038. inter-Provincial Pipeline 1Rulings In a reçent addition of the Durham Regian Federation of Agriculture Newsletter, Don Welsh, firstvce-President of the Durham Federation points out that information received from the Provincial Ontario Federatian of Agriculture and the Miister of Revenue for Canada indicates that the manies farmers receive from the pipeline crossiag their property is taxable. t appears that there are at least two ways la which the tax can be paid. The arnouat received for the easemeat and for darnage ta the praperty can be treated as Capital Gains in the year received or the realization of any Capital Gain or loss can be deferred until the taxation year in which the farrn is sald. However, the amouat ne- ceived as compensation for damnage ta crops must be iacluded in the taxation year recempt and no deferai is possible. t is up ta the individuai ta decide whea he thiaks it best ta pay the tax. If the pipeline bas crossed your praperty during 1975, and you have questions as ta whether or not yau mwiii be taxable or wbat would be the best way ta handie the tax situation, contact the Agricultural office or the Durham Region Federation of Agriculture 'La do follow up for yau sa that you will nat miss out lnanay way that could be used ta cut the tax. Market Sharing Quota Policy We bave recently received a notice from the Ontario Milk Marketing Board whicb was sent ta alrnilk producers in the Province with regards ta the Market Shaning Quota Policy for the rernainder of the 1975 - 76 Dairy Year, as weil as, what might bappen la the 1976 - 77 Dairy Year. Marketing, Shaning Quota wili continue ta he allatted automatically la 1975 - 76 Dairy Year toanay producer wba requires it. That is if your are full up an your Market Sharing Quata for the present Dairy Year, more quota wili be allatted ta you sa that your production wili be covered for the rernainder of the year. Howeven, effective April lst, 1976, Market Share Quota will u.tural be negotiable between ail licensed producers. The rnetbod of negotiability of, M.S.Q. bas yet ta be deter- rnined, but an annoucernent cancenning next year's trans- fer systern will be made as saon as passible. Effective November lst, 1975 and for the remainder' of 19715-76 Dairy Vean, M.S.Q. is transferable aniy between members of the immediate family an as part of an on going dairy enterprise where rnilk production from the fanm continues unia- terrupted, and the board bas 1confirmatian that the farm and the entire rnilking berd has been transferned ta the new awner. La the case of, the, second alternative, the M.S.Q. used on the farrn duning the 1975-76 Dairy Year can betransfenred ta a persan who is taking aven the comiplete farrn operatian. When we receive more in- formation on the 1976-77 policy for Market Share Quota, we wili be passing it on ta, you tbraugh the News doluma, and tbe Milk Marketing Board will be sending infarmation ta ail producers la the Province. 4-H Agnicultural Club Onganization Lt is time once agama ta stant thin.kiag about orgaaîzing the 1976 4-H Agricultural Club Pragrarn in Durharn dounty. Recent meetings with the Durham Club Leaders' Assoc- iation, and the Durham 4-Hl Members' Couacil have laid the grouadwork for a very busy 4-H Agricuiturai Club Program lan 1976. The 1976 Program wmll kick off with a 4-H Action Day ta be held on Wednesday, March 24th, which is durng the school break in Durham douaty. The Action Day wiil be held at the Orono Pubic Scboal, startiag at 10:00 a.m. la the morning and gaiag until 3:00 p.m. Events durng the day, wiil include a rnorning pnogram caasisting of social recreation, dancing, and a number of games put on by the Durham 4-H ,Members' douncil. Members and parents are asked ta brng lunch for noon, and we are tentmvely planning an houn of skating at the skating rink followed by a brief summary of what events NEWCASTLE Ne and prograrns wiii be crin up durng 1976 and cmlro of enrolimeat forms by"Il members. If you are irterest- ed in jaining the 4-H- Agicult - urai Pragrarn in 1976 or want ta leara mare about the prograrn, please cnatthe Agricuitural Oftîý;ce ndtai'o Don Glover wbo 's te4-H Coordinator for 1976,Ify ne bave young people in youu' farnily wbo are bet-,,.en dmi ages of 12 and 19 as oi JanLuay lst, 1976, 4-H rnight be a pragram for you, and if yondioI have questions abou-t it contact the Agr.cuuii -l RECREATION DEPAR Office or corne on out to the 4-IH Action Day on Wednesday, March 24th at the Orono Pub lic Sehoolz 1)urham Holstein Club Annual Bus Trip Plans have been completed t' i a bus trip for members - :n usts of the Durham i le n Club on Thursday, Vl -areh 25th. The trip this year will travel toi the Peel and HaltonCounty areas, visiting such farms as Sunny Maple HIPteins, Ro-wntree Farms I td.ý, Peel Lodge Farms- and Spring Farms. The bus will be $8.00G which includes the noon raeal. It is imperative the directors of the club know by Mai ch 8th how many people wil bt tking part in the tour, so that the bus can be ohtained. Notices have been sentot the members of the Ho'te--n Club and you should rtinthe application form as soon as possible or phone Don Welsh, at 263-2325, as soon as possible. Monies will be cl.tdthe day of the trip. THOMý-AS 1 OSEPH GOSSON in poor health for approxi- riately four mionths, Thomas Jose.ýph Gosson, aged 54, ,~ ed away on Friday, Feb- mary 20th, 1976 in North York ~erai Hospital. Boi n in Cache Bay, hie was the son of Lydia Bernier, and tLh l ate John Gosson. Edu- f-ated at Webbwood, Ontario, (Ontario College of Art) hie wa s marrîed .July 2Oth, 1950 ta ijcîviria Hachey. A resident of RýR !t , Kendal for four years, lie had previously resided in Scarborough for 17 years. For 2f, vears hie had been (rniýoyed by Prinplle and 3oob Ltd., as a retouch artist 'Laalogue). He bult and "sgned his own home, built -ni ure, did wrought mron work tnd'fine art. A nîeirnber of St. Joseph's R anCatholie Church, -i~ at ville, he was a former r ýmbr of the Canadian jowe quadron, and served j4n Canada with the R.C.A.F. Siut viving are bis wife, a son,ý ithn Lawrence and two daîîiilcs Helen Charleen, Mr. Gosson rested at the M~orris Funeral Chapel until serv c on Monday in St. ophs Church, Father a 'iGsson and Father ri n ehelic officiating. P141-hearers were, Messrs. i n R mne, Joseph Navid,' dîiz Walder, Alb 'ànic Gionet, Alcide and J. Emile Hachey. Intermient was lanl3owman- ville Cemetery. [MENT OOonoour Sun. March7U House Bandt: Fay Adams and The Ccnf-y H with Fay, Glory and Don Adams,,LnS-m i les on Steel Guiîtar, Joe Howe on Lec tmr Guest Artists: John Noonan - Country Entertazne fro Rosneath Maxine Winterbottom -f rom The Haý4 ace% Party Janice and Rodney Craig 2n9 l from Hamn Harold Fife -and his 4-strc --?ango f rom Da îsy 1"D" Jamboï ree Aduits - $1.25 Chi ldren - 50c Door Prizes utSOL XTUCTION PiOCS 'NORESIDUE. thEycro-Mist Carpet e 'ing System ise most Ororough method you con use. Bccuse th e cleaner wand cnlcins apowerlui vacuum hea, t leraIly whLsks dirt and iluîstu ie u ud ou, CALL 613-2 SALECSTSriE 55 KING STREET EAST WANVILLE March Is Red Cross Month T he Bowmanville& District Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society wilI from nowon be known as THE DURHAM EAST BRANCH. The change of name was acted upon in an effort to keep the Red Cross up fdae cco)rding to the changing moods of the time. This rnc ere' b-people of the Region of Durham from the Oshaa Ln~ ns ~ ~h lo~-C~Le ne, a nd'f rom La ke Onta rio to the Mne Lneaîs ea-dnLudngpart 0f -Cartwright. Please fce-ere f0cail1 upon us at any ti me as we a re here to serve

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