M The Newcastle Independent Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago Telephone 987-4201 Bantarm Lumbermen Ail Set for NHL Playoffs Newcastle Bantam Lumbermen are looking forward to playing in the Little NHL playdowns in Little Britain during the March break. Sponsored by Newcastle Lumber, they won the right to compete recently. They have been playing in the county league, but the last game had to be called off when Millbrook couldn't make it because of icy roads. Team members include, front row, left to right, Randy Donnelly, Todd Shields, Mike Smith, Kevin Kelly, Wolfgang Ruer, Brian Carr, Marty Goschl', Jim Wind; back row, Coach Bob Shearer, David Millson, Robbie Wallace, Stephen Duetta, Terry Millar, Kevin Jenkins, Paul Peters, Norm Shearer, Brian Langstaff, Blaine Gilmore, Manager Ben Wind; absent, Robert Sharp. flewcastl(e ocia Mr. and Mrs. William Allin and ber sister, Mrs. Jarvis, i Calgary, have returned from 1 an enjoyable holiday. They spent two days in each of the b following, San Fransisco, Los d Angeles, Fiji and Hawaii. In E New Zealand they toured for three weeks, spending a f couple of weekends with son, C Dr. Bruce Allin. Their young- f est son, Lonne, enjoyed a S weeks turL with them onthe South Island. a Mr. and Mrs. Newton Selby h have returned with sun tans a from holidaying for a week in Nassau. b Sympathy is extended to i friends and relatives of Mr. S Melvin Graham who passed away on Sunday, Marc h7th. s Mr. Lewis Clarke is a 1 patient in Oshawa General I Hospital. Patients in Memor- h ial Heospita, Bowmanville, include Mn. Ernest Alldnead, N Mr. Vernen Colberry, Mn. S Eric Clarke, Mrs. Mabel rr Bedwin, Mr. Stanley Way, B Mrs. Hazel Murphy, Mrs. Alice Quinney, Mr. Alex a Patterson, and William e Martin.- Sympathy is extended to K relatives and friends of Mrs. a Emma Marsden whose funer- h ai took place on Saturday, a March 6.M r M. and Mrs. Abert Nayior a visited on Sunday with their e son, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Naylor w and famiy, the occasion being Albert's bitbday. S The funeral of Mr. George s Coutts took place in Napanee 1 on Thursday, March 4th. To his many friends we extend w our sympathy.M Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago fo and Mr. Eric Wicks visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. le Floyd Coulter, Kevin and w Keith, Toronto. R Miss Dale Powell and her Il classmates of Sir Sanford Fleming College are in St. su ersORn Ia Adele, Quebec, on a field trip n conjunction with their Travel and Tourism course. Mr. and Mrs. George Kim- ball were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton, Bowmanville. Sympathy is extended to the riends and relatives of Mrs. Gladys Allin (Martin) whose uneral took place in Orono on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrns. Harold Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar have returned from an enjoy- able Caribbean Cruise. Mr. and Mrs. George Kim- all visited on Saturday even- ng with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis, Newtonville., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade pent Friday in London where Mr. Wade attended a Grand Lodge Meeting, returning home on Saturday. Mrs. Florence Ferguson and Mrs. Betty Blaker visited on aturday with Mrs. Blaker's Bothe, Mrs. Kempston, On Friday. Feb. 27th, Mn and Mrs. Wilfred Wood attend- d Durham Club in Toronto where her brothen-in-law Mn. Ken Smith showed pictures of world trip he and his wife ad enjoyed a year ago. Mr. nd Mrs. Wood spent the weekend with her sister Mr. nd Mrs. Ken Smith and njoyed the Saturday evening with a cousin, Jessie Reid. Mr. and Mrs. William Call pent Saturday evening with ar. and Mrs. T. Storms, of Mankham. Miss Candy Storks, Rexdale was home with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Storks, or the weekend. Mn. and Mns. John Metrail- er and Ronniespent the 'eekend in Meaford whene Rnnie was participating in a Fockey Teurnament. Visitors on Sunday and upper guests with Mr. Herb Paeden and Edna were Mr., Lorne Paeden of Starkville and Mrs. Harvey Paeden of Corona, Del Mar, California. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Alma Farrow, Dorothy Vis- ser, Del Rudman, and Albert Naylor. 1 The Men's Canadian Club met at the United Church Sunday School Hall last Wed- nesday March 3rd. United Church News For the first Sunday in Lent, March 7, the Newcastle Unit- ed ChurchCChoir sangtthe Anthem, "Come, Christians, Join to Sing'. Rev Thomas Smith titled his first Lenton Sermon, When Life Gets You Down - Number One, Tiredness based on the 31st verse of Isaiah, Chapter 40: But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. The Church History, From Saddlebag to '75 is in its final stages and will hopefully be ready by April lst. United Church Women Unit Two of the U.C.W. met last Thursdny, March 4th, at the -home of Mrs. Wilfred Wood, with seventeen ladies present. Mrs. Annabelle Rick- ard spoke on Prayer. A delicious lunch was served. Anglican Church News Services on Sundav. March 7th, were followed by refresh- ments ana aiscussion on the Sermon Topic, which was Jesus Calls his Disciples to Insecurity-, What is the Purposeof all our Work in the Church? Sidesmen were Mr. Pat Blaker and Mr. Sam Cureatz. About twelve persons attended the Mission Service at St. Pauls, Brighton, on Sunday night when Archdea- con Jack Clough was speaker. Parish Servers met at St. George's on Sunday night with Mr. Wayne Linton, new father of a baby girl. Mr. Melvin Graham, a Confirmed Member of the Anglican Church and former, Church Warden for St. George's passed away on Sunday, March 7th. On Mnrch 5th, World Day of Prayer was held at St. George's, with the theme - Education For All of Life. Those taking part in the Service were Rev. Robert Hayne, .Rev. Thomas Smith, Frances Wright, Isobel Wright, Marjorie Pascoe, Narda Hoogkamp, Myrtle Naylor, Erla Jose, Hilda Call, Reta Chard, Jo Zweir, Neilie Brawley, Nell Yates, Barbara Hayne and children and Ber- tha Fisher. Mrs. Meachin was pianist. A delicious lunch was serv- ed by the Anglican Church Women. Hockey News Last Thursday, March 4th, the Newcastle Lumbermen defeated the Millbrook team by a score of 5-3. Goal getters were Norman Shearer, Brian Langstaff, Jim Wind, Marty Goschl and Brian Carr with assists going to Terry Miller, Marty Goschl, Brian Lang- staff (2), Mike Smith and Kevin Jenkins. Community Bowling Youth 125 & Over K. O'Bovle 132-152, M. Tufford 126, D. Gooch 134, S. Reicheld 151, C. Opoka 127-136, D. Burns 126-164, T. MeKenna 144, W. Luke 146-126, K. Gilmer 126-170, P. Berney 137, T. Glover 157-133, A. Rowe 168, W. Dobbie 129, R. Kidd 127, R. Nicholson 137-125, F. Glasber- gen 142, G. Martin 140, K.> Jenkins 156, K. Willems 167- 178, T. Wind 126, D. Glover 134-146, S. Goach 175, J. Boyd 187, I. Brereton 146, M. Willems 155, R. Metraillen 181-150, G. Couvier 146, M. Zegil 167-135, M. McPhee 165-177, A. Bonsma 146, K. Wade 137-167, J. Kent 132, B. Forget 215-200, R. McKennn 158-185, J. Carr 153-169, M. Wilkes 125, C. McLuhan 193, L. Kozak 134, R. Roagkamp 173-162, V. Kidd 128-143, J. Burns 149, M. Nesbitt 135, J. Walker 126-146, T. Dobbie 157. Ladies 200 & Over B. Petherick 211-222, B. Meta 253-202, N. Williams 244, J. Miller 202, D. Langstaff 216-223', J. Pollard 205, A. Langstaff 211-212-213, I. Pat- ton 210, F. Wright 209, I. Brown263, M. Foster 202, J. Stere 213, E. Kidd 273, M. Major 237, D. Mercer 218-224, D. Neal 216-236, K. Mercer 202, S. Fosten 207. Men 225 & Over E. Taylor 225, F. Wind 231, I. Faris 257, B. Stapleton 256, G. Kimball 258-253, W. Flintoff 239, S. Powell 322, T. Embley 237-243, J. Schultz 225, B. Farrow 231, J. Ogden 233-269, H. Clark 256. The Jolly Tryers 200 & Over T. Rice 230-237, R. Wright 231, C. Szymnczak 223, G. Bailey 203. M. J. Tomkins 239-210, C. Gilray 210, T. Myers 305, J. Wright 241, P. Gilroy 226. Thurs. 200 & Over G. Forget 263, F. Lewis 226,' R. Forget 208, V. Forget 207, C. MacGregor 211-218, W. Forget 237-202, M. Lewis 206, J. Danford 205, J. Forget 255, B. Forget217. Fniday 200 & Over S. Powell 231-221-292, S. Nicholson 276, H. Nicholson 210, L. Willems 208-201, A. Vogeis 221-242, R. Winten 214-255, S. Glanville 202-208, H. Call 267, B. Call 202, A. Guthrie 213-246-312, B. Delaat 214, A. Delaat 234-258, J. Barchard 224, L. Pearce 256-206, J. Holmes 219, T. Sluymers 218-248-262, A., Pearce 287-288, G. Henry 248, G. Kentner 210, R. Good 229-264-306, J. Pleasance 235- 251, M. Henry 216, T. Embley 208-227. WESLEYVILLE Blustery was the March morning on Sunday thé 7th when church goers found the smaller cars rocking the wind. For this first Sunday in Lent, Rev. R. Bartlett was assisted by Mrs. Carman Irwin who conducted the opening de- votions. The story for the children told how comfort was brought to new born infants in a New York hospital by weeks. Families of the Tom Wilsons and Clarence Nichols were among those with most trouble, with several mem- bers falling victim to winter's pest of flu. A quilt was started at Mrs Hector Darke's last week but snow and ice caused trans- portation problems so it was not completed. Thanks to the editor of the Statesman, and Mr. Kenneth Lyall we now know the name of February 29fh; that the privilege granted women in leap year was actually a law was news also. Donald Nichols with other students from Port Hope high school visited Guelph Uni- versity on Saturday, March 6. PO The Pontypool 4-Hi girls, known as the Pontypool Pin- cushions", have reached the halfway mark in their weekly meetings. The leaders, Mrs. Shirley Campbell and Mrs. T. Brandenburg, report that the members are doing quite well with their sewing and are eagerly looking forward to Achievement Day in April. The members of Pontypool's first 4-H Club are Pres. Julie Campbell, Wilma Vendevalk, Nancy Grosskopf, Dawn Bail- ey, Barbara and Beverley Bazinet and Cindy DesGroseil- liers. Eleven tables of euchre were played at Ballyduff on Friday night with winners - Hazel Fallis, Cecile Stapies, Anita Brown, Jim Propp, Leonard Cain and Bruce McGill. Pontypool firemen were called out to a chimney fire at the home of Clarence Cain on Sunday morning. We were sorry to hear that the following people have been in hospital - Anne Armitage, Bert Porter, Mrs. Zubowski, all in Civic Hospital, Peter- borough. Russell Kerr was a patient in Bowmanville last week. We wish themn all a speedy recovery - also get well wishes to Winnie Strong and Gordon Kirk who have not been feeling the best lately. We are glad to report that Richard Rusk is home from Toronto Western Hospital and Everett Mitchell home from Civic. playing a taped recording of a mother's heart beat. The same security is provided for them in later life by the heart beat of God's love. Rev. Bartlett spoke of the thoughts in the booklet pre- pared for Lenten devotions, many of them taken from the "Imitation of Christ" by Thomas A Kempis. Later in his sermon he spoke of the "Lent God Wills", and the Christian's need for it. The choir's anthem was "I believe in God the Father". The yellow chrysanthemum of the previous Sundays was still bright and cheerful and a fresh one, mauve coloured, was provided by Wesleyville group one. In company with Christians around the world, the four congregations of Hope town- ship followed the service prepared by the Women of South America. They met together at Perrytown Angli- can Church where the service was conducted by Mrs. J.H. Gardiner. The theme was "Education for all of life", and three short skits presented by Welcome United church illus- trated in a very brief but significant way, the poverty and need of many people in the world. Those taking part were Mesdames R. Newton, H. Osborne, J. McHolm, J. Con- nelly, and Berniece Best. Other parts of the service were shared by members of Canton, Garden Hill and Perrytown churches. The union choir provided leader- ship in song with Mrs. June Smith, soloist and Mrs. R. Bartlett, organist. The meditation on the responsibility of the church recalled how it had been interpreted in the past cen- turies, and to-day's grave responsibility in the light of centuries of teaching to peoples of other lands, of the brotherhood of man. Now under the critical observation of an awakened world, the teaching must be put in practice. Following the service all present enjoyed the hospital- ity of the Perrytown ladies, who served refreshments during a social time of visitîng. Th ere was a hppy party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dinner last Thursday evening when ail the family gathered te wish Dad and Grandpa Ken, n happy birthday. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dinner and two daughters of the Lakeshere, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dinner and two children of Port Granby, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Dinner of Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Dennms Croft and two daughters of Port Hope and Mn. Percy Snell also of Port Hope. Her many friends here will be interested te hear Mrs. John Robb of Osgoode, was honoured on Saturday night, Mnrch 6th. She, with about 15 Ontario receie an u ardace merit for services te her community. The ceremony Robb taught a school in Wesleyville, mnny years ago. .There bas been much illness in the district these past few NTYPO Sympathy is extended to Roy Allen of Bethany whose wife passed away this past week. Mrs. Marjorie Powers and Mrs. Edie Payne arrived home on Sunday from their southern vacation. Holidaying in Florida at the present time are Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Selzer and family. Garnet Porter is also in Florida, having travelled by bus from Lindsay. Ladies attending World Day of Prayer held in Bethany Anglican Church on March 5th were Dorothy Dewar, Dorothy Lethangue, Grace Fallis, Marie Finney, Marg. Murphy, Barbara Barsketis, Frances VanWieringen and Yvonne Fallis. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fisk were Monday dinner guests last week with Mr. and Mrs. Norm Lyon and Karen of Oshawa - the occasion being Bruce's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fisk were present on Friday after- noon at the 3 p.m. Ottawa wedding of their youngest son, Dean, and Miss Peggy Story. Allan and Susan were also guests. All stayed with the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Story, for the weekend. Dean and Peggy have an 18th floor apartment with a beautiful view of the city of Ottawa. Congratulations to the newlyweds! The C.G.I.T. members with their leaders, Marie Finney and Gail Cameron, sponsored a dance for 11 to 14 year olds on Friday night in the Com- munity Centre. The proceeds, approximately forty dollars, was given to the Guatemalan Relief Fund. Music for dancing was supplied by Ray Cameron. The local Guides and Brownies held a very success- ful bazaar and bake sale in the Pontypool United Church on Saturday. Total receipts were $105.00. The leaders were delighted with the response from the mothers and all other supporters. We would like to draw your attention to the St. Patrick's Dance in the Pontypool Com- munity Centre on Saturday OL night (See Coming Events>. Miss Betty Wright of Ennis- killen spent Sunday and Mon- day with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wright and Jeffrey. Local winners of $25 in the last Wintario were Grace Fallis and Don Challice. A meeting of the Park Board will be held in the near future and all persons who are at all interested in the recreational activities in the community are cordially invited to attend. A slate of officers will be appointed at this meeting. For further information contact Pres. Mrs. Jim Ratcliffe, 277-2340. KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens of Ottawa spent the weekend of February 28th with his mother Mrs. Thos. Stevens. Mrs. Dan Keane and family of Scarborough spent last Monday with their aunt Miss Catherine Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Art. Low have spent the last couple of weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim English. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott of Newtonville spent last Mon- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. Sorry to report Mrs. Frank Manning and also Mrs. Wm. Hoy are patients in Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital. We trust they will both soon be well again. With Mrs. Thos. Stevens this past weekend were her daughter, Mrs. Hellebust and family of Toronto, Mrs. Stevens returned to Toronto with them for a week's stay. The Couples' Club met on Saturday evening in the Sun- day School room for the March meeting. There were over forty satin for a pot luck dinner followed by the bus- iness meeting. Mr. Allen Downes, the president, called on the secretary Mrs. Pat Gardiner to read the minutes of the last meeting. Tentative plans were made for a bus trip to the Sportsmen's Show in Toronto on March 25th. Mrs. R. Elliott showed slides on Newfoundland and parts of DX PREMIUM FUELFULO FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL BOWMANVILLE CUSTOMERS CALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3381 or Dial 1-668-3381 TAYU DX FUEL OIL FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE Ontario :lue Cross WELCO ES EMPLOYEES OF Aluin Cable Reels Limted (Bowmanville) TO I I EXTENDED HEALTH CARE These employees now have the added be- nefits of extra health protection for them- selves and their families: a Blue Cross Ex- tended Health Care Plan. EHC provides protection against health ser- vices not covered by the basic government health plan, coverage for such items as pre- scription drugs, private nursing and private room accommodation in hospital. In addi- tion, EHC can be tailored to meet the needs of any employee group. "As your Ontario Blue Cross representative I am pleased to add my personal welcome, and , look forward to serving you along with the many others in this region already enjoying the protection of a variety of Blue Cross Plans." Max A. C. Clarke 311 George St. North, Peterborough, Ontario K9J 3H4 (705) 743-0677 ONTA RIO BLUE CROSS A DIVISION OF THE ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION *2498 Looking for a Corvette New or Used? Weve Got 'Em! ExIeptionally Good Seleetion, 100 Used Cars to Choose from, EarI McQueen of Pe lesMhok Motors' CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE DEALER Base Line Road Ajax 'Before You Buy Give Us et Try!" Call Me at 668-6873 - Home 623-7166 The Canadian S!atesman, Bow Nova Scotia. LQv. Montgom- ery announced a musical program being held in Kendal church on Palm Sunday even- ing entitled 'The Spoken Word'. The remainder of the evening was spent in ganws. The first Rev. G. Mont- gomerv's Lenten Message was eauted 'The Road Back' taken from the parable of the Prodigal Son. There being three stations for a person to come back to his Father's fold, self recognition, the re-union and home. Mr. Ron Frank greeted the people at the door. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wagar were in Meaford on the weekend where they drove some of the Kendal boys for a hockey game. Some of the members of Kendal L.O.L. attended the Orange funeral service in Bowmanville on Monday evening for Mr. Mel Graham who had been a member in Kendal Lodge. OBI TUARY JILL DIANE KOENDERMAN The death of Jill Diane Koenderman occurred sud- denly and unexpectedly at her home, R.R. 2, Newcastle on Thursday, February 26th, 1976. Jiil was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kilpat- rick of Bowmanville, dear wife of Leonard Koenderman Jr. and loving mother of Cindy and Melanie. She had lived in wmanville, March 10, 1976 il this area her whole life, beinW born in Bowmanvifle June 28, 1946 and had attended Bow- manville Public and Hih Schools. Jii and Leonard we - :narried March 22, 1967, alsbî in Bowmanville. After finisl|1 ing school she worked f several years in the Bank Montreal, leaving to devote a of her love and time to h family and home. Jill was member of the Rehobo Christian Reformed Churc helping as a part time Sund School teacher. The funer service was from the Reh both Christian Reform Church with Rev. A. DeJag officiating. Pallbearers were Irvin Mi ler, Barry -Pedwell, Job Schyff, Doug Holland, Dic Blyleven and John Koender- man. A, large number gi beautiful floral arrangement were received, along with donations. Spring interment will be in Groveside Cemetery, Brook- lin. Prform a death-defyi4 act. Give Heart Fund. Give Heart Fund MONEY ON QUALITY