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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1976, p. 7

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'I IItems of Phone 6, We offer bîrthday greetîngs and congratulations to Mrs. Herb Babcock, of Sunset Lodge,' who-will celebrate ber 98th birthday this-Sunday, March l4th. Ail over Canada the'arrivai of spring is we]lomed each year with festivals celebrating the reawakening of nature, and a resurgence of vitaiity. Four of the most popular are the Blossom Festival at Niagara Falls, Ontario, May 7-18; the Ottawa Spring Fes- tival, May 16-24; the Guelph (Ontario) Spring Festival, April 23-May 9; and the Creston Blossom Festival in British Columbia, May 21-24. At the Oshawa Waikers' Association annuai walk race heid last Sunday at Durham College, Marcel Jobin, of Montreal won the 10 km. event, edging out Pierre Leblanc, also of Montreal, and Roman Oiszewski, the third place finisher. The 20 km. race (two laps of the return tip to Columbus) was officially won by Glen Sweazey wîth Pat Farelly, second, and Max Gould finishing third. Alex Oakiey, of Oshawa, was the finst person to cross the finish line, but was disquaiified fôr not keepîng a foot1 on the ground at ail times dtiring the final 50 metres. Ail the winners, including Mr. Oakley, wiil travel to Mexico April 5 for an Olympic warrn-up race. Arthur Stainton of R.R. 3, Bowmanviie, Ont. wbo spends bis winters, at an apartrnent at 215 N. Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach, cele- brated bis 9lst birthday at a dinner party at the Daytona Beach Lawn Bowling club. Ho'sts were bis ongtime friends, Norene and Cari Bradley, of Hampton, Ont., here with their daughter and son-in-law, Mary and Ed. 10:00 a.m. - Aduit, in Upper Room 10:00a.m. -Classes for all ages, 9and up il :00 a.r. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindergarten 11: 15 a.m. - Prirnary Dept., ages 4teo8 lla.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE Rev. Pace wiII be askinq: ",What Think Ye of Jesus Christ?" Church Membership Class In Church Hall, 2 p.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m., Bibl2 Study Group in Church ParIur Corne to Cnurch and brinq a friend. WARM WELCOME F-OR EVERYONE U.C.W. CASSEROLE LUNCHEON Wednesday, March 17, 1 p.m. v Mrs. Joyce Mc Lean, speaker. THE ST. LUKE PASSION will be presented by Senior Choir Sunday, ApriI 8,8 .rn. Guesf soloists Ross Metca f, Ross Cotton EUCHRE PARTY sponsored by Hi-C Saturday, April 3, 7:30 p.rn., Church Hall Ail Welcorne - Refreshments Served Inte res t ý23-3303J Aluin, anca six mouL u ,,) cout. of Honey Harbour, on Ontar- io's Georgian Bay. They're al over fromn New Port Ricbey and staying at Whitehall. There were 40 friends at the affair. Mr. Stainton started coming to our town with bis late wife, Aima, in 1947, and bis interests besides lawn ,bowling include bis church - Seabreeze Unîted- friends and cards. We offer' congratulations to the following Goodyear of Canada, 13owmanvi11e em- ployees for achieving the foilowing milestones. W. Hate- ly, G. Faulkner, -35 years; R. Wright, M. Grant, J. Bedford, K. Hooper, E., Luxton, A. Lymer, 30 years; Elleen McAnally, R.F. Bowen, G. Knight, 25 years; G. Stephens, 20 years; F. Weinsheimer, 15 years. Three public sehools in the Nàrthumberland-Newcastle, board area,- will host Billy Bisbop and the Red Baron, when Prologue young people's theatre arrives here on its tour of Ontario. Tbe Toronto per- forming arts group wiil per- form at Grafton sebool, Dr. Powers scbool, Port Hope, and Maple Grove United Cburcb bail, Bowmanville. Prologue will arrive for its first performance in thîs area on March 18, 2 p. m., at Bowman- ville. The following day, March 19, Grafton school will bost a mornîing performance, beginning at 10 a.rn., and later in the day, 2 p.m., the performers will play at Dr. Powers. Biily Bisbop and the Red Baron is a play about cbîldren in a hospital ward wbo rel ive the adventures of the Aces of tbe First World War. The cbildren become- their beroes, and witb their courage, tbeir passion to survive and love of life,' 6vercome the assaults of tbeîr 9:55 a. m. 11: 00 a. m. 7: 00 p.m ......Sunday School .....Worship Service ..Evangelistic Service own young bodies and regain their vitality. The children of the audience are invited to sbare in both adventures tbrough tbeir imagination and participation. The editor and staff were pleased to receive a card from former staff member Ellen Cryderman, of Enniskillen, who is holidaying in Miami, Florida. Ellen is now employ- ed with Ontario Hydro, Toron- to. As winter starts its slow fade, along cornes the Can- adian National Sportsmen's Sbow to- remind the 350,000 sbow visitors that spring and summer leisure days are on the way. The 29tb annual Show takes place Marcb 19 to 28 at Exhibition Place and this year's' Show bas many new features and attractions for ahl interests. Some $4,089,622 is now being returned to the members of United Co-operatives of Ontario i the form of patron- age. UCO's Board bas author- ized patronage of $4,089,622 to be distributed, to UCO's 42,000 direct and corporate members across the province. $1,363,208 in the form of cash and, $2,726,414 in common shares. United Co-operatives of Ontario is the largest farm supply and marketing co- operative in Ontario, with sales of over $258 million in 1975. Sympathy is extended to the family of John (Jack) Arm- strong of Oshawa, who passed away on Monday, in Oshawa Hospital, in bis 43rd year. A leadîng sportsman of Oshawa, he had coached the Oshawa Midgets to an Ontario titie in 1966-67 and had also coached the Junior B Crushmen and the Provincial Junior A Whitby team. An employee of General Motors, he played Junior A hockey for Oshawa and on the St. Catharines Memorial Cup team, and senior hockey for the Windsor Bulldogs and the Whitby Dunlops. Jack was also in- voived in Standardbred racing. Resting at, the Arm- strong Funeral Home, Osh- awa, interment was on Wed- .5 V125 TODAYS BIBLE For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and rai- ment let us be there with content. 1 TIM. 6:7-8 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for HE hath said, I wiII neyer leave thee, nor forsake thee., HEBREWS: 13:5 STRIVE ONLY FOR THE THINGSOF THE SPIRIT 0F JESUS., FOR -POSSESSIONS 0F THE WORLD MEAN NOTH- 1 NG. nesday at Mount Lawn Cern- etery. D.R. '(Don) Larkworthy of Stratford, Ontario was elected Presîdent of the Ontario Municipal Electric Associa- tion (O.M.E.A) at the 67th Annual Meeting in Toronto. Mr. Larkworthy succeeds A.B. Cousins of Wallaceburg, Ontario. The Association is the spokesman for more than 340 municipal utilities throughout Ontario, the commissioners and councillors of which were elected to operate a special- ized municipal service and tbus represent more than two million residential, com- mercial and industrial cus- tomers served by the mun- icipal distribution systems, and who consume two-thirds of the electric power in Ontario. Memnbers of Trinity congre- gation weicomed their supply minister, Rev. Wm. K. Pa ce and Mrs. Pace with a social time following the morning service. Rev, Pace, now residing in Toronto, had served at charges in Tweed, Napanee, Peterborough and Toronto before retiring from regular duties. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anyan, Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Amacher entertained Rev. and Mrs. Pace Saturday evening and Sunday.' During the School Break (March 22-26), the Robent McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa is, sponsoring a free five-day art program wherein chiidren will explore basic art tech- niques as weli as learn how to approach the art they see around them. Times and age groups are as follows: Ages 6-9: 9:00 - 10:30 arn.; Ages 10-12: 10:30 -ý 12:00 nioon. Register at the gallery from Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 5:00 p.m. Space is imited. The Durham 4-H Club wili be holding an Action Day during the winter break ýat Kirby Public Schooi on Wed- nesday, March 24th. Activities offered will incluçle fun and games, and many discussions etc. Bring your own lunch, and see the possible clubs being offered for 1976 which includes beef, sheep and goat, veterin- INCHURCH teoeso thei~ the Fatherhood of God, and the Brotherhood of Man. BAHAI Writings Further information î.O Box 36 35 Division Street SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 Sunday School il :OOa,.nXf........ Holiness Worship 7: 00 p. mi ....... Salvation Meeting Bus service provided for Sunday School. WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Scouts - Monday; Guides - Tuesday Cubs - Wednesday; Brownies - Thursday Ladies Fellowship - Tuesday - 8:00 p.m. For furtherinformation 623-5857. St. Praul's United Chureh Mnister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess SPECIAL HI-C SERVICE 11:00 a. m. Golden Vears Club - Wed., 2:00 p.m. Junior Choir - Thursday, 4:15 p.m. Senior Choir - Thursday, 8: 00 p.m. If you enjoy corne out and loin one of our choirs. SUNDAY SCHOOL Primary Children wiIl attend first part of Church Services with their parents. 9:45 a.m. SENIOR CLASSES (9 YEARS AND UP) NURSERY Parents are invited to bring their pre-school children to our play and Iearn nursery whîle they attend Church. Celebrates lst Birthday This young Navy man is Lorne Harold George Green who celebrated his first birthday on March 4, 1976. His parents are Master Corporal and Mrs. Brian H. G. Green of Dartmouth, N.S. (The Master Corporal promotion came quite recently). Grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green of Bethany and Mr. and Mrs. George Ross, New Brunswick. Letter to Newtonville, Ont., Mar. 2, 1976. Dear Mr. James: In a book with pages fragile and yellow wîth age I dis- covered a poem entitied "The Need" written by that beloved poet of the commodn people, "Edgar Guest",' over fifty years ago. He wrote the words then that 1 would like to write now if I had the abîhity. Agnes Burley Rural Grandmotber. THE NEED We were sittin' there, and smokin' -of our pipes, discussin' things Like taxes, votes for wimmin, an' the totterun' thrones of Kings, When he up and strokes bis whiskers with bis hand an' says to me: "Changin' laws an' legisia- ary (senior - must be 15 or over as of January 1, 1976.), rabtt.field çrops, potato, farmi management (senior club), North Durham com- munity club, dairy, swîne, hope caîf, landscape-garden- ing, conservation or forestry, small engines. Six schools will particîpate in the ninth annual -Durham Region Drama Festival, to, be held at G.L. Roberts C.V.I. in Oshawa next week. On Fni- day, March 12, Port Perry High School wili present Impromptu: R.S. McLaughlin C.VI . wili present Not Enough Rope; the Ontario 'Ladies' Coliege will present Inook and the Sun. On Saturday, March 13, Henry Street High School will present Childhood ; G. L. Roberts C.VI. will present This is the Rili Speaking; Central Collegiate Institute wili -present Collision -Course. There will be a public adjudication following each evening's plays by adjudica- tor Doug Mclveney, a Thea- tre Arts teacher from Brant- ford. The awards ceremony will take place following Saturday's adjudication. Two, plays will be 'chosen to represent Durham Region in the Regional Showcase of the Ontario Coliegiatle Drama Festival, which wili be held at Eastdale Coilegiate in April. In addition, plaques, present- ed by Simpsons-Sears, will be awarded for the best pro- duction in Festival, for out- standing technicai achieve- ment, and for four outstanding performances. There will also be a special adjudicator's award. Performances will begin each evening at 7:30 p.m. SHARP. OBITUARY MRS. EMMA ELIZABETH MARSDEN A long time resident .of Bowmanville, Mrs. Emma Elizabeth Marsden, aged 83, died on Thursday, March 4th, 1976, in Civic Hospital, Peter- borough, followingý a 'three month's iliness. Daughter of the late William and Laura Kempthorne, she was born and educated in Bowmanvhle, resided here al ber life, except for the last fouryeaÉs when she resided with ber daughter in Peter- borough. On December 25th, 1912 she married Wilford William Marsden. A member of the United Church she leaves to mourn, ber passing two daughters. Mrs. Audrey E. Copper- thwaite, of Peterborough, Mrs. Shirley F. Wake, of St. Marys, a brother Mr. Thomnas A. Norton, of, Florida, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Reverend A.M. Amacher conducted the funerai service on Saturday at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Interment was în Bowman- ville Cemetery. the Editor tures ain't, as fur as I can-see, Goin' to make this worid much better,,uniess somehow we can Find a way to make a betten an' a finer sort o' man. The trouble ain't with statutes or with systerns - not at ail; It's with hurnans jus' like we air an' their petty ways an' sniall. We couid stop our writin' law-books an' our, negulatin' rules If a better sort of manhood was the product of our schoois. For the things that we air needin' isn't wnîtin' fnom a. pen Or bigger guns to shoot with, but a bigger type of men. I reckon ail these problems air jest orneny like the weeds, They grow in soil that oughta nourish only decent, deeds , An' they waste oun time an' fret us 'when if we were thinkin' stnaight An' living right, they wouldn't be so terrible and great. A good horse needs no snaffle an' a good rnan, I opin- Doesn't need a law to check him or to force hirn into line. "If we ever start in teaching to our children year by yean, How to Iive with one another, there'll be iess o' trouble here. If we'd teach 'em how 'to neighbor an' to walk in honor's ways, We could settie every probiern w R I T T E N which the mind o' man can raise. What we're needin" isn't systems or sorne regulatin' plan But a bigger an' a finer an' a truer type o' man." HeIp your Heart... HeIp gour HeQ<t Fund ---m--rn-M The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Mlarch 10. 1976 7 TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax a nd, Related Accountîng Ser vices 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bôwmnanville, Ontario, LI C 1N4 PicturelThis 10% Off Ail Film P r .e si ng9 -b y Alli«ed Until 6:00 p.m. Saturda-y AT McGregor, Drugs Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store L King St. W. 623-5792 Bowmanvillej George Vandemanm sd (TeleviSion Speaker nA M RCI1 - wr ~~['1?MIDDLIE EAST]L VARMA&GEDDON at owmllIe High SchOOI Akuditorium No Admnission Charge Sundy, arch14 EXPLORiNG GOD'S UNIVERSE rMondoy, March 15 1#7 QUESTIONS ANSERE EADN SU FFIG Friay Mach19 "5S WAyS TO TELL IF YOUI ARE SAVED Nig htIV ai 7:30 P.m. pROGRAM IS FOR EVERYONE &ILLAELT PEOPLE 0F ALL FIH FOR MORE INFORMATION AL7530 ïBowmanvill 'e Baptist Church Pastor: R. Fellows - 987-4790 AN INVITATION TO OUR SUNDAY, MARCH 14 7:00 p. m., Special Music - Testimonies Gospel Message 9:45 a.m. - Sunday School CI'sses for Ail Ages 11:00 a.m, -Morning Service at Ontario Street School -Bowmanville, Pentecostal Church 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sunday Services Mid Week Tuesdfay, 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p.mi. Bible Study A WeICome for You in a Friendly Church W- 1

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