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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1976, Section 2, p. 7

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Works to Review Parking, En forc emen, Meters and By decision of the Mar. 8 Finance Committee meeting, the Warks Committee will be canducting a review of the parking enforcement, meters and the financing thereaf for the entire Town of Newcastle. The decision came folawing considerable debate which stemmed from the approval of one item in the mileage dlaims, that of $23.55 for the new enforcement afficer hired to ticket parking offenders in Newcastle Village and Orono. The feeling that. brought about the decision was ex- pressed by several members of cauncil suggestîng that we are now one municinMaitv aind it is therefore parking author gamated. Caun. ývan M the discpssian 1 the practice ofà dlaim coming generai funds tawn rather tI parking enforc( ment's reveni charged specif area involved. Caun. Hobbs r dlaim be chargE peaple of the ar ing that "they w adding that "il right thing w( mneters in. " IFYQU , *Operate your own business * Manage someone else's businesE * Expect to start a business THENY: You are invited ta attend a Smail Business Sei Financî@ng time that the Coun. Hobbs feit that meters rity was amal- in the two former villages 1would generate more revenue .obbs instigated -for the department, as the by objecting ta enforcement afficer wauid not such a mileage, have ta wait two hours for a g out of the vehicie ta be overparked but for the whole couid ticket it on violation of than from the the meter. In that way, bath ement depart- the meter fee and thé fines ue, or being would be providing lincame. fically ta the It was Coun. Hobb's opinion that this wouid enable the area moved that the ta pay for itself within the .ed back to the department whiie at present rea, comment- such a thing as the mileage vanted it," and dlaim beîng charged ta the if we diçi the generai funds of the town 'e wouid put means that Bawmanvile residents and others are rn paying for the parking en- forcement there.. Not agreeing with Coun. Hobb's view of the situation, Mayor Rickard suggested that eminar at The Flying Dutchman Motor Inn Hwy. 401, Bowmanv~iIe, Ont. on Tuesday, March 30th, 1976, 9:00 arn - 4:30 pr registration 8:30 arn THE DAY'S AGENDA Using the case study neihod you will anal yse thi prablemsof a small business~-"The Corner Store" fa cing expiry of its lease.,The choices are either, fi pay more rent, constructaânother building, move fi another location, or buy the building presentl occupied. You will1 be exposed to the impact of thes, decisions on your financial statements. There wil be brief presentations by speakers as well as groul workshops. There will be a review of financia statements. R EG IST RAT ION: If you are interested- p lease complete thi registration slip below, and orward it as soon ai possible. Registration fees of $15 per person ar( payable at the registration desk on the morning c the seminar; Luncheon is included. For fu rthei information contact Peter Cash at telephone 576-6800. THE MANAGER IFEDERAL B3USINESS DEVELOPMENT BANK 22 King Street West, P.O. Box 980 *Oshawa, Ontario I will attend the management semninar ai Bowmanvî le on Mar. 30, 1976. Nam e(s). . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . * Address ....................... ............... For home or cottage, instail a Woodburning or Gas a smoke-free guarantee e 20-year warranty ona a> wide selection of sizi eno masonry required You can instail it in one weekend heparrange insi e screens- standard & customn e Franklins *steel forms *electric logs and heaters " dampers " pot belly stoves and more! Just about everything to.make your fireplace the fodal point of your home LThe We 2 Fir.pooe lu 900 Hopkins Street at Burns OPEN: Whitby - 668-3192 TUES. - SATURDAY Lucky Winners in Legion Glee Club Draw Probably these three winners of the Boxvmanville Golden Legionnaires Draw have already eaten their prizes by now. The lottery that was drawn by Bowmanville Legion president, Stan Dunn, on Feb. 28 was won from left to right by Albert Munneke from Orono,' second prize, hind of beef; Pauline Willatts from Bowmanville, third prize, front of beef, and first prize side of beef winner, Mike Skoblîkowskyj of Oshawa. me prt-imeenfrceent who assisted in ourI special officer "lis an experiment that cleaning of the Hall. Mrs. is working". ooh ace eotdfo The Mayor introduced a Dthy PHas oer'porte frm motion which was lost to have th'HlBor'cnrng Counciliors Ken Lyall and putting new covering on part Kirk Entwisie discuss the of the Hall floor. They, are parking situation with the agreeabie to whatever the Chambers of Commerce in ladies plan. Mrs. Viola Ashton Newcastle and Orono. reported from the committee The motion was îost as in charge of this project. She Coun Ënwise sugesed hat felt that she and Mrs. T. Baker tC o inise vggeîtatwould need three more on the virtuaiiy non existent. omte.MsD.Ft, Couni. Entwisle then offered Mrs. R. Vice and Mrs. D. an alternative to the Mayor's Taylor were chosen and lime of thought to have his agreed. worship appoint two members Mrs. Ashton reported on Of Council to discuss the tickets for our Casserole parking throughout the town. Luncheon. They are nearly all That motion went unseconded oromised., with Coun. Hobbs indicating If any of our ladies shop at that such is presentiy before the Dominion Store, it would the works committele. be appreciated if they will n However, as Mayor Rickard give their price tapes to Mrs. advised -the bylaw now before Jean Kellett to help buy lawn the works committee deals furniture for the Princess e with the how and where Margaret Lodge. parking will be ailotted and 1 Since Our 'Consumer to not its enforcement, the adopt- Magazine' subscription has to ed motion for a full review run out, it was decided to lY came forth. subscribe for 2 more years. e1 Incidentaiiy, the $23.55 Mrs. M. Fraser voiunteered to )p daim, along with others give, the report on our latest totalling $630.30 was approved magazine. for payment. The Nominating Commnittee for Officers of the W.I. for the coming year, is Mrs. Ralph ie SOLINA W.I. ENTERTAINS Davis and Mrs. D. Taylor. The îs The March loth meeting of president Mrs. Watson, le Solina Women's Institute sgetdtegop e hi f opned ith rs. red at-new leaders and assistants r son, President an-d Mrs. H. chosen. The Assistants are Milison, Sect. Treas. in reminded that they give the charge. group report at our next Mrs. Watson welcomed ail meeting. Each will be prepar- and especially our guests wha ed in triplicate. came as friends of memibers. The W. 1. wili again be After singing "The Ode" and collecting for the Cancer *repeating the collect, the Fund. Volunteers for each regula businss folowed. govpxil do this Worthwiie N A letter from f"eu -oi& p et t£conomist istttd fl'Icourses "Thank You" letters were available to us. On March l8th read from Mary Carr and there will be one, on foods, at John Knox. Maple Grove available for Our Roll C ali was to bring a anyone interested. This is in friend. The members who had the evening. Our 4-H Achieve- friends with them introduced Iment Day is April 10 at 1: 30 in them to ail who were present. Clarke High School. We hope they will join with us Mrs. Watson expressed the anytime. thanks toalal the W . ladies, Mrs. Harry Knox, leader of the group in Citizenship took charge. She called on Mrs, W. Parrinder for the Motta of the evenîng- "Talk Happiness, the world is sad enough without your woes." Mrs. p 1 ~ e Parrinder reminded us ail, p la m , that we are ail much better to hear happy conversations than troublesome ones, She concluded with a Recipe a in Poetry form on Happiness. ai parts We can't charmi or please people with saur notes. We es and styles have goad results when we do kindly deeds. The program was in the yourself f form of a social with Mrs. D.f or let us Taylor in charge. She had us tallaion.ail march around the Hall ta, formi pairs and then foursomes. Then xwe were al " Box Stoves 1 given Court Whist Tallies and 1 " accessories chose aur tables to play. There, were 9 tables. We progressed 1 " brick silces right through the Tally Pro- _________________gram amid much laughter and t] DUNDASST Fiy. #2fun. The oniy time it was quiet S ST wy.#2was in the Confiscation round. v CIN S Soon ail were invited ta go S BURNSST. Edown ta lunch. Four tables P were required ta seat us ahl. tl The delicious lunch of beauti- h fui cakes and ice-cream was ci served by Mrs. Knox and hier v~ HWY, 401 1C * gruup. _________________Mrs. Knox then announced E the prize winners. A variety of ai VISIT OUR SHOWROOM reaisons for prizes followed - t] Winners were, Clare Werry, Pl SMfGLE vfiION EV EGLASSE - YOLJr choice of frarne frro a combination of 65 sty les, shapes and colours, ocludnq mods - your prescriptior in white, rose or sunglass greeo AlnseS -onoe year replacement wvarraoty aqaiost break aqe * yoor cJoice of case frore a wvide selection -4-oz. botile of eyeffiss clearnçt 0sout0o Extrerne n d and r eral syles for or, y $ 1300 morre ES ~Los', prces on specai type Sao lenses and fashîr n lots w$3 1.OO Other King Optical Stores Iocated in: Toronto (5), Kitchener, Sault Ste. Marie~! Sudbury,, Peterborough, London, Hamilton, Niagara FaIlîs, Orillia, Chatham, Oshawa, COMPANY Woodstock, Windsor, and in Ottawa - Capital City Optical Co. 23 Bond Street East, Oshawa 728-1261 r( ai th a Sar us Sb t't Ci la: R( se G( ad: thi 's' As Jeý w, Shý 5V1 pri SV1 Bi] Ye enj Celebrated First Birthdoy Hi, my name is Christopher Brown and my mother is Lola Brown, Bowmanville. My proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown, 24 West Beach, BowmanVille and my great-grand- father is Mr. Richard Stapley of Oshawa. TPreetSehol BowmTnanville ast A proposai of 247 dweiiing for comment. units for east Bowmanvilie, a At the Feb. 26 meeting of the 47.10 acre site in the Mearns- board, it was decided ta Concession street area, bas inform the Ministry that not met with approval of the present sehool facilities would Northumberland - Newcastle not be able ta accommodate Board of Education. the chiidren from the pro- The proposai, presentiy sit- posed subdivision. ting before the town's Plan- The board also said a site for ning Advisory Committee and the purpose of a school wouid the Ministry of Housing, was not necessariiy have ta be circuiated ta the board and iocated within the boundaries others, in the usuai manner, of the subdivision. Ennisille New An unpleasantly cool morn- us fromn God and we shahl be ing awaited the second Lenten concluerars. Sunday, but this frigid March Past - The Oshawa Presby- weather was merely a chai- tery met an Tues. of this week lenge ta the 60 energetic'folks at St. Paul's United Church, who enjoyed the, warmth and Ajax. The mid-week Bible felawship of the Sunday Study and Frayera meeting Services. Abaut a dozen musi- was heid at the Manse on Wedý cal teenagers and parents as of this week at 10 a.m. The chauffeurs were canspicious Ennîskiilen U.C.W. met on by their absence in aur church Wed. of this week at 6.30 p.m. pews, but were attending a in the Church basement. Full special service at Kingsview repart next week. U.C., Oshawa. Future - The Enniskiilen The yaunger set were part of Youth Group will be holding a the Kiwaniswinning choir of card and crokinole party in Sr. Elem. M.J. Hobbs school the Cammunity Hall on Satur- who were taking part in the day of this week March 20th- Service. Ray Ashton capably in the evenîng. Prizes and >resided at the argan and led lunch. Please see Coming he Sr. Choir in singing a new Events for details. Wiil the Lymn. Jr. Church was in the members of ttd'Youth Graup care of Reva Kinsman and alsa note that the next Social 'iewed the monthly film in the Evening will be an Sunday, S.S. raom. A former S.S. supt. March 28th at 7 p.m. in the Edgar Wright was a weîcome schoal. On Arpil .8th the and fittdng substitute leading regular Study evening wiii bie te apening S.S. warship in the S.S. raom at 7 p.m. periad. Our minister's child- Guest speaker Mr. Ronald ren's stary was seasonal and Warboy (lawyer). n anticipation of sowing On May l5th the Youth 3eeds in the garden. with Exchange brings possibly 2 lants and weeds ta falw e.g. yaung people ta Oshawa Dandelion, transiated fram Presbytery. Next Sunday an àe French lion's tooth, it has appeal far a special offering tenaciaus, root and spreads for financial aid ta this- ind though attractive it is Exchange project. iseless like bad habits, which Last Tuesday a S.S. meeting ;ould be avoided or curbed. was held at Gladys Ashton's. Rev. Bigby's sermon en- Many items were discussed tled "Living abave aur e.g. S.S. Anniversary, special ircumstances," a sequel ta services, S.S. Chair, S.S. ast Sunday's sermon and annual supper in May. îsed on Paul's' letter ta the Mr. Melvîn Schell, Ottawa amans. He said we are neyer1 was a weekend visitor with eparated from the Lave of Mr. and Mrs. E. McNair. od i ihr poprt r Margaret and Orville Ash- iversity and bath just and tan and Lais Worden, Bow- njust are not spared. manville R.R. 2, attended the God is not at a great height Annual Meeting Thurs. even- ut near us and shows His lave ing of the Children's Aid rough Jesus sa he advised Society of the Durham Region at nathing should separate in Harwaod Secandary School, Ajax. Amang the many inter- esting reports was the Volun- 3bel Davis, Ida Bray, Cindy teer Services Repart by Lais shton, Faye Vice, Ruth Tink, Wordcn. essie Tink, Marjarie Cryder- Mr$. Edith Stainton is lan and Doris His. Mrs. F. spending a few days with Mr, 7atson donated a beautiful and Mrs. Henry' Stainton, hamrock Cake for an added Tyrone. ize for the nearest "May' Clifford Pethick, Bowman- rthday. Mrs. Harvey ville visited bis parents Mr. ellowlees was the wînner. and Mrs. S. Pethick, recently. Ali agreed we had a mast Miss Betty Wright spent a ijoyabie evening. couple of days hast week with Section Tm Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wright, Pontypool. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Sher- win, Picton, were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Alian Werry were Sat. evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heim- stra, R.R. 1. Sorry ta learn of ilînesses of Haydon neighbaurs Leslie Graham and Arthur Trewin who are receiving hospitai care as well as aur own Elsie Beckett. Glad ta receive last minute word that Arthur Trewin is home again., Mr. and Mrs. E.R. Taylor were Wed. visitors with Mrs. Gardon McLean and dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Abernethy, Bawmanvilie. Donald Trewin in campany with Deirtre Fegan, Oshawa, spent the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dittburner, Ottawa. Brian Burden, Whitby, Brian Beiiamy, Coiborne, Mr. and Mrs. A. Garrard, Barry and Laurie, Haydon, Mrs. R. Griffin were Sunday evening dînner guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffin and Heather. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry and family, Etobicoke, Wendy' Carolyn and James Werry and., Rick Simpson of Hampton were Sunctay dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Eari Trewin, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore, Shirley Rd., ta the Flower Show in Toronto. Miss Winnifred Cale, R.N. Wiilowdale was Tuesday guest with Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Werry.' Our littie hamiet is in the Spot ight once agaîn in the field af fame or fortune when aur pretty equestrian exper- tiseO pretenaer an Har AM L was the lCnadinetatesa fn, Borsnve, Marchin7. 9, woas the lcyewnr of Qarfie, Horkse Sho nh H 'n Hrase flyear tid Quarter CPar atJonth. arf Horsemm mw filwtteQatrCnrtlnDna TOWN OF N EWCAST LE Renewal Program !ý Notice To Town 0f Newcastle Hfomeowvners PURPOSE 0F THE ONTARIO HOME'RENEWAL PROGRAM (O.H.R.P.) The purpose of O.H.R.P. is to provide financial assistanceoto owner occupants of residentia I properties f0 rehabilitate their homes ta local standards as approved by the Ministry of Housing. The program is particularly directed toi the rehabilitation of sub- standard dwellings, with emphasis an faulty structural and sanitary conditions, and the up-grading of pîumbing, heating and electrical Êystem, FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO HOME OWNERS A system of loans (repayable and foregiven) to pay for the property réhabilitation is available to Town of Newcastle homeowners whose "adjusted -family incarne" does not exceed $12,500. The interest rate of the boan, and the amount of the forgivable portion or grant of the loan, is geared f0 famiîy income. The maximum amount of thée ba n shaîl not exceed $7,500.00 and repayment of the, ban, excluding the forgivable portion or grant, commences affer completion of improvements. FURTHËR INFORMATION RE O.H.R.P, Brochures explaini ng'the program in greater détail are available at the Town of Newcastle Municipal, Offices. Those résidents wishing fa appIy for Ontario1 Home Renewal assistance should do so in writing. AIl inquiries shouîd be directed ta: Mr. J.M. Mcîîroy, A.M.C.T, Town Clerk 40 Temperance Street,, BOWMANVILLE, Ontaria. Big Savings oDn Men's Suits Shape retainîng, yarn dyed wool worsteds, double knits and flannel suits in distingUished stripes, Glen checks, Geometric and solid col- ors. Vibrant,.new shades of Grey, Blue, Brown, Olive and.Navy. New Season's Models for Men and Teenage Men. Ail expertly tailored. Sizes 36 to 52 in Regular taîl, short or Stout builds. 2 piece and three piece. 2~' SUFOR OLY' 99. ONLY ueits FOR$19O0 ONLY Anyone may share your purchase with you. A ýM cil con PM7, Ci ces soi rom sir, y p. 1 j!L71- C cW O"SHAWA CENTRE OPEN TILL 9 WED., THURS., FR1. pue pal ils MC ÎS S 1-2 1. Ï rwo The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 17, 197,1 ýVv4%

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