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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1976, p. 5

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N ESTLETO)N Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- members of the family. ers returned home from On Saturday afternoon from Florida on Monday of last 2-5 Mrs.-James KÇent, Orono, week. Mr. Bowers was iii with was hostess for a party to "the flu and on Friday rtheir honorher daughter Katrina, son, Mr. Earl Bowers, flew on her first birthday. Guests down to be their chauffeur on attending îwere Mrs. Vctor the return. Malcolm, Mrs. Wayne Mal- Mrs. Fred Bradburn and colm, Shelley and Kevin, Mrs. grandson Mr. Brýdley Wat- Aylwin Haines, Annette and son, of Norland, visited On Anthony, Mrs. Vernon Mal- Thursday afternoon with Mrs. colm, Bradley and Tracey, of Ed Lawson. R.R Nestieton, Mrs. Mark Reverenid and Mrs. Victor Malcolm, Jodle and Michelle, Parsons, Blackstock, were Janetville, Mrs. Colin Haines, recent evening dinner- guests Michael and Melissa and of Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Dunny Beacock of Caesarea. Fish. Sincere sympathy is extend- On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. ed to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fish visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thompson on the death of Clarence Snodden at Sunder- Mrs. Thompson's brothe r Mr. land, Mr. and Mrs. Victor George K. Johnston, Bonfield, Bannister and'family, Lind- in the hospital at North Bay, say, Mr. and Mrs. James on Monday, March 15., Leishman, Michael and Jam- Several local folks attended ie, Reaboro. the three one-act plays, spon- Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hol- sored by Cartwright High land, Newcastle, were Sunday School in Blackstock on Fni- supper guests of Mr. andl Mrs. day and Saturday nights. The G. Fish. students and their teachers Sunday afternoon visitors are congraulated for a fine with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jacob, performance. Deanna and Rhonda were Mr. Mrs. Allan Suggitt is being and Mrs. Bruce Fish of transferred from Oshawa Oshawa. Hospital on Monday (today) to Mr. Barry Malcolm, Guelph Lakeview Manor at, Beaver- University, spent the weekend ton. with his parents,ý Mr. and Mrs. On Friday Mr. F red Gordon Lawrence Malcolm and other and fiend. Roseneath. visited Telephone 725-3144 BROADLOOM DRAPERIES BY THE YARD VENETIAN CLOTH BLINDS CUSTOM MADE DRAPES DRAPERY RODS & TRACKS 1 INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE HOWARD VICE 926 Simncoe St. N. Proprietor, Oshawa, Ont. D'ELUX'E PHNOTO"b Your. Choice of, Silk Borderless or Bonus Prints ALL AT î"MONEY - SA"VING" PrRICESOI Quality Guaranfeed by Chartles Abel Photo 67 YLng St. E. 623-2546 Eowmanvile, Ont. Huge Plants'Taking Over Newcastle Area Home Bey. Jaynes, R.R. 3, Newcastle, has a problem that he seems to be enjoying. Several years ýago, he brought some small plants from Brandon, Manitoba, but lately they've been getting so big and doing so well on CIL box plant food that they are filling one room of his homýe. The one With the floWers'in the picture is a clivia. It's about 41/ to 5' across, six feet high and this year had 21 blooms. Apparently, it doesn't flower until it's 10 to 12 years old. The other monster is a begonia. It'has white flowers but none were out When the photos were taken.1.4 with his sister and brother-mn- law,, Mr.' and Mrs. Dave Vivian. Mrs. Ethel Templeton, Mrs. Sain Templeton and son Samuel, Peterborough, wene Saturday aiternoon and even- ing dinnen guests and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Reid, Port Perry were evening visitors. Recent ýcallers with Mrs. Gordon Gillson were Mrs. Arthur Bell, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bell, Shirley and Tnacey, and Mr. and Mrs. ictor Gilîson, Toronto. Cartwright Dynos Club Mn. and Mrs. Neil Lee, Debbie and David and Debbie Sutton, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Brown, Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Reeves, with their snowmo- biles in tow travelled to Green Lake, south of Gooderham, on Saturday and were overnight guests at Lees cottage. In the evening they enjoyed trail rides. On Sunday other mem- bers of the Dynos Club anived about 10:30 a.m. There were twenty-four machines, and about thirty members. t was an exhlarating and pleasant experience riding on the Goverment groomed trails through the bush, which are as smooth as highways. Between, 4 and 5 p.m. the group left on, the trip back fo, Cartwright. Up north there is plenty of snow and no0 problemrs were encountered. This was anoth- er example oi delightful group' activity in the great outdoors. Nestieton Recreation Centre This past couple of weeks Nestieton Recreation Centre has been'a beehive of activity. Mn. Michael Brod, as leader, commenced the action when hie and a number of local young people dîd a thonough cleanup in the basement. Those assisting wene Don Jamieson, Brent Johustone, Michael Crawford, Debbie Prossen, Stephanie Rohrer, Donna Prosser, Debbie Lee, Stephen Bullock, Norman Brod, Jeff Sutton, Henry Wygende, Mark 'Shaw. The young people have met at the home ni Mn. and Mrs. Warren Rohren to form a committee as they have vlunteered to assist with the group activi- fies. The dance floor needed nefinishing and, Mn. Dave Frew did the sanding. Mrs. Norman Johnstone, Mrs. Ar- nold Williams, Mrs. Lorne Lee and Mrs. Don Frew bnushed on three coats ni urethane., The citizens express their appreciation fo these com- munity minded folk who have given willingly of their time. This proves thaf the Nestleton Recreation Centre continues to be a community project of which we are justly proud. Ladies Aid Nestieton Ladies Aid met .Thunsday ait ennoon in the Presbytenian Church Hall for their Manch meeting. The President Mns. George Heaslip welcomed all and nead the selection "March" by Harry J. Boyle. A hymn was followed by the Devotional "Lufe" by Mns. Fred'Dayes. _The minutes wene nead and "approved. Correspondence wasread by the Secretary Miss Rut), Proutt with several donafions, "Thank you" notes, and bis which were paid. A donation was made f0 the Port Penny Hospital Auxiliary and more planning for the May Tea Bazaar and Bake Sale. The April Roll Cali will be donations for the hamper of grocenies draw. The ladies plan to entertain at Port Penny, Nursing home on Tuesday, Apnîl 6th when Miss Bulmer wilL speak fo those present. The Roll Caîl dealing wîth Blackstock Heartiest congratulations to Mr. Richard Wall, one of Blackstock's older residents who is now residing at Beaver- ton Lakeview Manôr. H1e celebrated his, 9th birthday last Tuesday. Many happy returns Mr. Wall. Better health is wished for Mrs. Wes Pearce who is a patient at Port Perry Hospi- tal. the thought, "Life" was well answered and a hymn and the Mizpah Renedictictn closed this part of the meeting,. Miss Bulmar gave a fine illustrated talk on hier ýten years as Deaconess Mission- ary in Nigeria. Since we are having a senies on Women of (t he Bible she introduced us to Jachobed - Mother of Moses, Aaron and Miriam. Pictures were shown of, a progressive Nigerian town with its High Sehool Principal senior citizens being feted, childred celebrating on sever- al occasions and feasts and singing and dancing. Mass weddings, ahl couples marrîed on the samne day .is common. We saw a beautiful cemient block church with crowds attending every service, mod- ern looking homes, though made of bricks of mud and palm roofs. Miss Bulmar's big mission was with the Youth Camps which she helped introduce. Ten groups of five members each and a leader came from many miles away. They walked carrying their belong- ings on their heads - a second dress, a large pail for washing filled with food, mostly yams, and 'on top their bed roll and bedding. They learned much and delighted in the singing and dancing. They staged dance competitions to which large crowds came as spectators. Much stress is given to education. English is the language and the Govern- ment is trying to have 50 per cent of their funds go towards education. Mrs. Dorothy Lee, program convenor thanked Miss Bul- mar for hier excellent talk and colorful sldes. Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Fred Dayes provided a delightful St. Patricks lunch with appropriate decorations, serviettes and food. Mrs. William Hooey expressed the thanks of the meeting to the hostess, hier assistant and to Miss Bulmar for the most interesting meeting. Sunday Services Presbytenian, In the Pnesbyterîan Church, on Sunday morning, Miss Dorothy Bulmer, Deaconess, read the Scripture passage Mark 11: 12-35. This is the story of the blighting of the Fig Tree. This is a very difficuit event- for us to understand. Why did Jesus curse the fig tree? One answer is that Jesus was really calling his followers to, behave in a super-human way. H1e is asking us to not only bear fruit in one season but in every season. The "fig tree" couldn't get beyond the day-to- day living. Because time was getting short for Jesus H1e chose this dramatie ýway of getfing his message across f0 His disciples. United Church In the United Church Rev- erend Victor Parsons nead the Scripture passages Ephesians 1: 1-14; John 5:'30-47. V43 - "I am corne in my Father's naine and ye receive me not. V46 - For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me. Ephesians 1:4 that we should, be Holy and without blame before hlm in love." God's chosen people did not always obey His will and yet they believed, lu spite of the enror of- their ways, they would continue to be the chosen of God. It is the saine today, if we accept God as our Saviour we should behecaedin His Mrs. Mary Sheen of Toronto spent the weekend with ber daughten Miss Susan Sheen. Welcome home fe, cold, nid Blackstock is extended to several of the lucky ones who enjoyed a holiday ln Flonida - Mn. and Mns, Ray Essery, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Corden, Julie and Christie and Mns. L. Mac Arthur. Joy Werry ententained five ni her girl friends on Saturday to celebrate her 8th birthday. Happy birthday Joy., Saturday guests ni Mrs. Wilbert Archer wenle Mn. end Mns. Don Fleming and family oi Oshawa. On Sunday her guests wene Mn. and Mrs. Jim Archer and baby, Mn. and Mns. Elmer Archer ni Whitby, Mn. and Mns. Vincent Archer of Bowmanville. The Cartwright Schnol Band played at the Port Penny Baptist Church at the mnnning Worship Service. Several inom hene enjoyed a day ni -snnwmobiling with the Nestieton Snowmnbile Club held on Sunday at Green Lake at Neil Lee's pnoperty. They report lots of snnw ln that area. lVr. and Mns. Wilson Heaslip ni Lindsay wene_ Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs. Harry VanCaimp. Mn. and Mns. Maurice Samelîs ni Peterborough were Sunday dinner guests ni Mr. and Mns. Tennyson Samelîs. Mn. and Mns. Robent Fraser and Kent of Agincourt were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mahaffy. Winners at the Senior Citi- zens' Card Party on Tuesday evening were 1. John Giffin - 88; 2. Olive Gimblett - 84; 3. Elwood Tripp - 81; 4. Margar- et Moore - 80: 5. Carl Wright - 80; 6. Flossie Aldread- 80;, Low - Goldyn Faint. O.N.O. Meeting The March meeting of the ONO. was held at the home of Shirley Hoskin with 20 mem- bers and" 2 visitors present. The evening began with the jingle of harness as the ladies were tneated to an old-fa- shion.ed sleigh-nide thanks to Murray, Shirley and their family. The night couldn't have been better for such a delightful ride and everynne thoroughly enjoyed them- selves. Following the ride, the meeting opened with the reading oi the minutes of the Iast meeting and the treasur- er's report. A committee was set up to draw up a possible recreation programme and, to prepare an application, of a grant to be in by March 30, 1976., .The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 17, 1976 5 The ping pong table was served a, very delicious lunch. purchased for the Blackstock On Friday and Saturday Teen Organization and five evenings the Students of the additional tables for the Re- Cartwright High School pre- creation Centre to be used as sented an evening of drama extras. A motion was carried macle up of three one act plays to donate $25 to the Red Cross entitled - Mr. Snoopy is Society but to decline the Murdered, The Thompsons door-to-door canvass. Other and the Clue for Cleopatra. successful motions were to Fine crowds were present on donate $50 to the New Arena both evenings. On Saturday Fund and to purchase 2 small evening the plays were judged lights and a dlock for the with The Clue for Cleopatra Conference. Rooms. Events taking top marks. Top actress- coming up include a dance on es were Sue Catty, Janet May lst and three weddings., Parsons, Louise VanCamp. The meeting concluded with Top actors were Harold the Roll eall - Wear something Wright, Paul Larmer, and Green and to tell an Irish Jack Gunter. Congratulations Joke, Shirley and her group for a fine-job done. THE OPTICAL 88OUIllE 30 KING ST. WESTMIS.ZEG R BOWMANVILLEMISGZELR PHONE 623-4477 DISPENSING OPTICIANS ~REDKEN Acid Balanced,- Organic Prorein Products for Heai thier Hair FeatureProd.uct: Redken Extreme Protein Pak aIn -Salon" treatment for extrem ely damaged hoir. It confains moisturizing ingredients ond an abundance of highly con'centrated hydrolyze d profein for reconditioning. You may obtain follow-up af home freafmenfs. "Exclus ivelyat your Beauty Salon" 37 King Sf. W. 623-5455 -Bey - Donna - Marie, - Anne willI be pleased to. help y'o-u with, your hair problems. Welcome To '~a~ ~ffe ~rpief IJesf EAST: HIGHWAY 623-441 WEST- 292 KING ST. 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