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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1976, p. 7

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<Mr. 'and Mrs. Douglas Nichols, Kingston, were Sun- day visitors wlth bis father Mr. L.B. Nichols, Carlisle Ave. Mrs. A.W. Hammnond, To- ronto was a weekend guest of Mr-. and Mrs. Harold Ham- moônd and farnily. Miss Sharon Hammond, Centennial School of Nursing, Scarborough was home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hammond, Oshawa were Sunday dnner ,uests of the Hammonds. The big day-bas arrived at [ast for the Bowmanville Higli School Band.,Aftet months of NawRuz (The Baha'i New Year) The Baha'is of Newcastle, Region of Durham, will join memnbers of the BahaI Community throughôut the World in celebrating Naw-Ruz, their New Year. They observe New Year at the advent 'of sprinq when it coincides with the vernal equinox, a time which' mankind naturally assoclates with renewal and rebirth. St. Pal's Uited C'hurch Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. Organist: Oerald K. Burgess WORSHIP SERVICE Glden Veârs Club meets We4nfé«4~Y ai2.00 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Prirnary children will attend f irst part of Church Services with their parents. 9:45 a.m. SENIOR CLASSES (9 YEARS AND UP) NURSERY Parents are invited to bring their pre-school childreh to our play and learn nursery while they attend Church. Bowmaunville Pentecostal Church 75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sundaây Services 9:55 a.m ...... Sunday SchooI 11:00 ila. ...... Worship Service 7:00 p.m. . .. Ëvangelistit Service Mid Week Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Bible Study A Welcome foir YQu in45am..........Suychoo 7:00 p.1......SalatinMeein Bu srvceprvieo 9:4 a.m ..........School. hoo WEEKLY ACTIVITrIÉS Scouts - Monday; Guides - Tuesday Cubs-Wednesday; Brownies - ThUrsday Ladies Fellowship - Tuesday . 8:00P. Ma rch 29th - 7:-00'l). m. Film: "Tlhe SoUnds Of Love" L% For .m. -AdtinUper oon 2-87 A K rinCermatn 1115ar.- riiaOEpAAT.,gS4 llam.- OR HIPSER IC wl uresentedby Senior Choir Guest solists WRoss Metcalf, Ross Cotton Items of Interesi, Phone 623-3303 Col lect Over, $2,000 for Haart Fund planning, fund raising, prac- tising, etc., the band leaves this Thursday at approximate- ly six, o'clock for Disneyworld, Florida, U.S.A., We wish them ail- the best, .and. anyone wishing to see themn off, should be at the B.H.S. about six to give themf a rousing send-off. It has been an energetie- program and one that de- serves credit to ail concerned. -Lindsay Terreau ,lias been appointed chief clhemist at the flowmïaniville plant of Good- year Canada. Terreau, a McGiIl University graduate with a bachelor of, science degree, started with Goodyear as a design engineer in conveyor belting at Bowman- ville in 1969. In 1970, he became compounder for the departmient, and, four years later, was named section head of compounding, a poàt he held until his new appointment. Seven lady, pilots were amrong the graduates of Oshawa Flying Club who were honoured Saturday evening March 6th, 1976 at the Annual Presentation of, Wing8 and Awards. President Alan G. Wingate wçlcomed approxi- mately 375 members and guests, including representa- tives.from the Cityof Oshawa and from the Ministry of Transport. In bis remarks to the graduates - 52 Private Pilots, 6 Commercial Pilots, andi two Instructor Ratings - he urged themn to continue their exploration of and parti- cipation in the world of fiight, stressing the importance of going on to higher levels of fiight training, acquiring 1e.C.F.'C.A. Certificates of Proficiency, night enidorse- ments,' and learning to fly varion different types of aircrait. We congratulate R. Cam- eron on reaching the 30. year Milestone of Service, and E.L. 'Caauley, with 10 years with towmanvi11e plant 'of Good- year Canada. On Saturday at the Strat- haàven Nursing Home Booth at the Comffiunity Fair winners of draws were Mrs. j. Welch, Miss N. Caron of Bowm anville and Mrs. M. Kean, Newcastle. The items were made. by residents of Strathaven and- donated to the fair.' nhe renewal of a summner employment programi to help college students obtain ex- perience in municipal govern- mient was announced recently by Ontario Treasurer Darcy McKeough. Mr. McKeough said the program known as Involvement in Municipal Administration (IMA) is de- signed to assist students in public or business administra- tion or urban or regional planning courses at unliversi- ties or conimùnity coIleges. It rusfr iApr-iï,L oSeptemnber Oadi owin i orm, ter OtroGovernmient will re- imburse the municipalities, 80 per cent, of the students' salaries Up to a maximum of $100 a week for each student. About 150 planning students and 15o0-public or business administration students are expected to benefit from. the programn. "tlut these figures are flexible anld will be altered if thedemand so indicates," said the Treasurer. Last year about 150 munficipalities and 330 students took part in the program. Eligible students can apply at university and college emloymfent offices or the offices of the local municipality. In the Wintario Draw, held on Thursday, February l9th in Timmins, D. Wood of 63 Little Avenue, Bowmanville was the lucky winner of $1,000. Former area school teacher, Bill Lycett, is residing in Zephyrhills, F'lorida, and apparently gettîng-right imbt the thick of things including a- recent Lineoln Day IYinner when the Tourist Club Geins ehoruvk sang vralnumbers. Celebrate 64th Anniversarv On March 2nd, 1976, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Pethick of Enniskillen celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary quietly at their home. Although no party was held, they did, receive messages of congratulations and personal visits from friends and relatives. tickets for Thursday, Marcb 18th. This drawy will be held in Toronto. Dueko Uiliyaited (CIamda) will spend $6.5 million in Canada during 1976 pre- serving, creating and main- taining the' vital waterfowl nesting areas of this nation. The budget recently approved, at the Corporation's Annual Meeting beld in Winnipeg, will bring the total amount of money expended in Canada by this international, private non- profit conservation organiza- tion to over $38 million since its inception in 1938. DU's program for 1976 will include the development of approxi- mately 90 new projects across the country. In addition, Ducks Unlimited will expand its wetland con servation activities in Ontario and Ouebec. witb the establish- ment of provi ncial' offices. DU activities wili now e directed at preservîng oiwr watedfowl heritage from( '( George W. Rend, a Vice President an-d D'irector of Manufacturîng of General Motors of Canadta, who retired August 31, 1963, died March 14, 1976, in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Read was an active member of the Society of Automotive Engineers, the Masonic Order, a life memfber of the Oshawa General Hospital, a founder of the Oshawa Boys' Club and a past president of the Osbawa Lawn Bowling Club. The Women's Hospital Auxiliary donated a Gourmet Basket to the Community Fair hast Saturday to be raffled off. The winner was Boyd Ayre. Winners of the Lion's Club N.H.L. Hockey tickets for the Mapie Leaf Games for March are R. Wilson, Bihl Waller, Tim's Rentais and Frank Hoar. Toro Games, Bob Richards and Mae Conway. ZION Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raby, Coiborne, were visiting rela- tives at Roseberry Hill, re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Men- eilley had their famiiy visiting tbem last weekend. Mr. David Gerow, who is empioyed at Pigeon Lake Marina, was home over the weekend. Congratulations 'to Mr. and Mrs. Elswortb Caswell of Churcb Street, Orono, who ceiebrated their 5th Wedding Anniversary, Saturday after- noon, March 6, 1976. The reception was beld àt the I 00OF. Hall, Orono. Al members of their family were present including, their daughter Carol, wbo came by plane from Moncton N.B. for the occasion. Some of their Zion friends wbo attended were, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthven, Mrs. M. Irwin and Mrs. C. Irwin. Mr.'and Mrs. C. Meneilley and son John spent Friday in Toronto. BETHANYI Mrs. Pat Mantle spent a week recently in Oshawa with bier daugbter. Evelyn. and family. The Frank Whites have returned home f rom a lovely holiday trip that took them to Hawaii, New Zeaiand and Australia., Mrs. Violet Carr spent iast week with bier daughter, Mrs. Marie Gilmour and famiiy of Weston. Get well wisbes to Mrs. T. Jackson in Civic Hospital, Peterborough, Room 512. Mrs. Jackson had the misfortune to faîl and break lher hip. Also, get well wishes to Mrs. Margaret Lane, Mr. Donald TODAYS BI BLE For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on Hlm shail not be ashamed. For there is ho dîfference ,betWeen the Jew and the Gî-eek: for the same Lord over, aïll is rich unto aIl that cal upon HlM. For whosoever shaîl cail upon the name of the LORD shall be SAVED. R'OMAN$: 11-l11-13 RËPE4T AND BÊ SAVEOD Lowes and Mr. Beatty Fee, ahl in the same hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fair, Etobicoke, were Sunday visi- tors with Mrs. Irene MacDonald.' ýSympatby is extended to Mr. Hugb DeGeer on the passing of bis brother recently., Aý hearty welcome to the village to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Locke. The, Lockes have purchased the former Gordon Smith home. The Guild of St. Paul's, Betbany, is having another Bake Sale and Tea. Watch for their posters and signs. They are contemplating having one of these every month until June if ail goes well. Bowling The mixed league resuits are Ladies High Single, Diane Wilson, 247; Mens High Single, Chris Little, 211; Ladies Higb Triple, Diane Wilson, 695; Mens High Triple, Pete Bor- row, 550. Games over 200, Buelah Robinson 228, Anne Engiesman 222-205, Marilyn McGill 220-207, Sandra Ashby 207-205, Dave McReelis 206, Ruth Sinclair 203. Senior Citizens Bi-Weekly The Higb Lady, was Belle Smith; High Man, Leonard Driver and the Runners-up were Florrie Driver and Charlie Smith. OBITUAIRY FREDERICK ELVYN CAMERON A resident of the Zion district ail his life, F'rederick Elvyn Cameron, aged78 passed away on Sunday, Marcb 7th, 1976 in Memorial Hospital, 'Bowmanviile. fHe had suffered a stroke six years ago. The son of the late James and Lydia (Balson) 'Cameron, he was born in Clarke Town- ship, and educatedin Zion. On' February 14th, 1925 be mar- ried Florence (Flossie) Son- ley. Serving overseas in the lst World War, he was employed by General Motors of Canada over 25 years. He had farmfed before joining G.M. Retired in 1966, he was a member ofZion United Cburcb, a member of the Oshawa Senior Citizens Club and the U.A.W. Social Club No. 222. Surviving are bis wife Flossie, two sisters Mrs. Florence Stainton, Mrs. Mary McEwen, and a grandson. He was predeceased by three brothers, Wes, Reford and Ray and a daughter, Helen Mary Hircock. Reverend F. Paul Erb officiated at the service heid on Tuesday at the Morris The Canadian Statesman, Bowmianville, March 17, 1976 7 Funeral Chapel. Palîbearers were Messrs. Robert Cameron, John Stain- ton, Henry Sonley, Lloyd Gilmour, Robert Bartman and Arlie Cowle. Interment was in Zion Cemetery. TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 1Income Ta x a nd Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 1BowManville, On tarlo, LIC lN4 Kuri >Bea4uty Shop tartlng Morch 17th to 27th Trake a look at your chilId. Does she need something done to her hair? Let the professional Hair Stylists at Kut 'n' Kuri do it... .and take advantage of our Children's Special Days CHILDREN'S CUT -_'$2.75 OnIy CHILDREN'S PERM'......$ 12.50"' and Up CHILDREN'S WASH AND SETS $3075 and Up Stop by 71 King St. E., Bowmanville or Ca Il 623-5019 "The Shop with the Friendl y Atmosphere"' Appointments Not AlwaysNecessary The Bowmanville High Sehool collected $1703,'50 for the Heart Fund from people in the area inacampaign science teacher, C,. R. Johnson (front left). Student council president Ted Chant (front right) also presented a cheque for $350 collected during school spirit week to add to the fund for a total above $2000. John Morris (back right) was head of the school's drive for the Guatemalan Relief Fund which raised $326.81 through a "Student Fast Day". Bowmanville High Sehool principal, Earl Wolff (back lef t) was also present for the picture.- Photo by Shawn Marshall

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