BARRABALL - Brian and Carol (nee Chumbley) wish to announce the birth of Joanne Micheiie 8libs. 5ozs. Marsh il, 1976 at Oshawa General Hospi- taI. A sister, for Charlene. 12-1 x WILLIAMS - Kent and Barb- ara (nee Smith) are proud to announce the safe arrivai of thein first born son, Shawn Kent, born March 14, 1976 weighing 6 Ibs. 7 ozs. Proud g randparents are Frank and Kit Smith, Bowmanville and John R. and Bertha Williams formerly of Bowmanville. Special thanks to Drs. John Rundle and H. B. Rundie, aise nurses on the maternity floor. 12-1 Mr. and Mrs. James Grant wish te announce the forth- coming marriage of their daughter Carolyn Lorraine te James William Hale, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hale. The manriage wili take place May lst, 1976 at St. Pau's Unted Church. 12-1 Ray and Aima Heeringa R.R. 2, Backstesk are happy to announce the forthsoming marniage of their daughter Marijlyn to Andy son of Mn. and Ms . Demmen of Whitby. The wedding wiil take place in the Rehoboth Christian Re- formed Chunch of Bowman- ville. Rev. A. De Jager officiating. 12-ix Mr. and Mns. John Part- ridge, Onono, announce the Drth comm g marniage of their '--e.ldest daughter, Dianne Mar- ian to David Hugh Chales Ross, son of Mn. Robent Ross ef Oshawa. Marriage te take place May 8th, 1976, at 3:30 p.m. in Orone, United Church. 12-1 x Mr. and Mns. Richard Patfield are pleased te an- nounice the fothcoming man- niage et their young est daugh- ter, Jacqueline Doreen te Frederisk Charles, son of Mn. and Mrs. John Braybroek, ail ef Bowmanville on June 12, 1976 at Trinity United Chunch. 12-1 CAMPBELL - At Golden Piough Lodge, Cobourg, Wed- nesday, Marsh l7th , 1976, Hugh Russell Campbell, aged 83 years, husband of the late Alice Smith, brothen-in-law of Lloyd Smith, Bowmanville, and Persy Smith, Coîborne. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, Friday morning. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 12-1 ;RIFFITHý John Edward, y>iýeVerend. Suddenly on Marsh l9th at the home 0f his daughter Gwyn. John E. Griffith (in his 95th yean) husband 0f Lorna and the late Bona Milis and Vera Bowles. Father of Anne Emerson, Bona Duncan, Perth, Gwyn Griffith, Toronto. Grandfather of Ian, Chris, Greg and Doug Emerson and Bona and Sarah Duncan. Services were held at Forest Grove United Chursh, Wilowdale on Sunday, March 21st. Cremation. Donations in his memory may be made to the United Chursh of Canada. 12-1 L IR D, Alexander - Sudden- ly at his residence on Satur- day, March 20, 1976, Alec Laird of R.R. 6, Bowmanvilie, in his 30th year, son of Edna and the late William Laird, brother of William ýand Robert. Rested at the North- cutt Elliott Funeral Home, Bowmanville. Funeral service 2 o'closk Tuesday afternoon. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 12-1 ALLIN and CLARK- In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Dorothy, who passed away, February 26, 1972 and a dear sister, Lorraine, who passed away March 27, 1967. Two tired eyes are sleeping, Two willing hands are stili, For one who suffered far too much s resting in God's wiII. You neye said goodbye f0 us, For perhaps ifs just as weII. We neyer could have said goodbye, To one we loved so weIl. - Loving ly remembered by lrene and famîly. 12-1 BROOKS - In Ioving memory of Samuel Brooks w ho passed away April 5, 1955 and his wife Doreen who passed away March 26, 1975. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day, No longer in our life f0 share But in our hearfs always there. - Lovingly remembered by the Fami I . 12-1 x MERRILL- In loving mem- ory of a dear mother and brother, Nettie and Ivan, who passed away on March 23, 1968 and April 6, 1965. No farewell was spoken, And no time to say goodlbye, You, were gone> before we knew it, And God only knows why. - Sadly missed by Russel and June; Norman and Ruth and family. 12-ix I wou~ld like to express my sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for visifs, flowers, cards, gifts and transportation during my stay in Memorial Hospifal and since returning home. Also many fhanks to Doctors Mc Kenzie and Rundle and the nurses and staff of third floor. George Buckley 12-1 x i would like to thank my relatives, friends and neigh- bors for f lowers, cards and gifts during my stay in Memorial Hospital. Special thanks to Drs. Miklos, Sm gaI, Cunningham and Ugray. Al 50 thanks to nurses and staff on third f loor anld 1he speci-al unit. Hazel Murphy 12-1 x I would like to say a sincere "thank you- to my family, friends and relatives for cards, flowers, fruit and visits, also special thanks to Dr. Sylvester, nurses on third floor and emergency for the wonderful care 1 received during my stay in Memorial Hospital*.11 McNAIR - Suddenly in Carke Township, Friday, March 19th, 1976, George Edward McNair, R.R. 3, Newcastle, aged 44 yeans, beloved husband of Pauline Baker, dean fathen et Stanley, dean son ef Mm. and Ms. Wiiiis McNain. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviile, Mon- day atternoan. Interment Newtonviile Cemeteny. 12-1 'Flowers à,À Say it Best" V/AN BELLE DAILY Dlivery ta... Ohawa- Bùwmanville Arma Phone 623-4441 43-tff Since 1912 CANTO 4 i Flowers \ FAlYr b y Flower Needs JACKMAN... STOP IN AND SEE PHONE 623-3365' Carnation Fîower Shop 162 Kn St. E., Bowmanville 33 Division St. King 623-7141 4~ -If f uurham Couniy's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 year s. Funeral Home Concern for the -demands upon you... our f irst consideration. To ensure you the helpfulness you need. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 am I would like te thank aIl my friends5 and relatives who came to see me in the hospital affer my accident, ail those who brought and sent gifts, all the friends and nieighbors who called my parents. Also, -Thank you" to the B.M.H.A. Mothers Assoc. for the nice flowers. A spesial thanks to "Mrs. Beers" for aIl she did, and Mrs. Hayes, Police Offi- cer McFeeters, the nurses, and especially Dr. Anfossi, Dr. Mosienko and Dr. Sylvest- er. Jeff Logan 12-1 We wish to thank our family, friends, U.C.W. and Unit Il and L.O.B.A. 1244 for visits, cards and flowers during our stay in Hillsrest and Wellesley H05th and Hugh Murphy 12-1 x The famnily et the late1 Nivins would like te exp their appreciation for nesses shown during the et a beleved sister andE SpeciaI thanks te Dr. E, and staff et Memenial Hos for their came. Wifred Bennett Faye Glass I wouid like te ambulance crew, D's. E) J. Rundle and Long, nurs emergency, Intensive Unit, and finst floor for cane during, my staý Memonial Hospital, aisc family and friends forv cards and gifts. It was gr, appneciated. Kathleen Davey Reta ýpress kind- e loss aunt. Ewent A - e Lions Club Dance April13, 1976 $3.00OÇOUPLE Dancing 9 - Music by Frank Trul11 12-2 Auction & Bake Sale April1 3rd 11:00 a.m. at MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHU RCH Anyene with donations for auction, please phone, 623-4153 -623-2813.-623-7623 af ter 4: 30. CHARLIE REID AU CT ION EE R 11-3 DANCE Solina Hall Saturday, March 27 Music by Ray Avery's Orchestra 12-1 spital BOWMANVILLE UNIT 0F THE CANCER SOCIETY invites you toaa 12-lx -DAFFODILTEA - at the home of Mrs. E.D. thank Hubbard, 132 Wellington St., Zwert, Bowmanvi le. ,ses in Cane Wed., April1 lth, 1976 their 2 - 4. .. y in, EVERYONEWELCOME o0 My 12-2 vis neý I wauld like te thank family and friends for t visits, cards and gifts whi was a patient in OshE Hospital. Aise te Dr. Ha and nursing staff on 5G thein kindness. Donald Davey s, ýatiy Club Annnene Danse and Banquet Hall available fer your group's fund naising 12-1 activities. Book youn next - year's dates now while choise my dates are stili available. ýhein Contact Don Armstrong at le I 576-5522 or 576-6599. awa 48-tf for 12-1 We would like to thank the Baseline Community for put- ting on a potluck supper for us and the presentation which included a loveiy gift. Les and Tixie Wright 12-1 x Words cannot express my heartfelt thanks of appreci- ation-to ail my kind friends, relatives and neighbors for flowvers, 9ifts, tards, visits and inquiries. Also the medi- cal floor and intensive care staff of Memorial Hospital. Dr. Sylvester and Dr. Long for their fabulous care during my recent stay. Marlon Malley 12-1 Newcastle Recreation Fig- 're Skating Club Annual Carnival - March 27 at 7 p.m.; March 28 at 2 p.m., Newcastle Memorial Arena. Themes - Crcus in, Newcastle; Music Thru the Years! Guest skaters - Verri Taylor (Jr. Men's 1976 Cdn. Champion); Andrea Derby, Stan Tisnovsky (East Cdn. Novice Bronze Medal Winners). Admission: Aduits - $1.25; Chiidren (Under 12) - 50c, Pre-Sshool Free. 1l-2 St. John's Matha Group, "Spring Rummage Sale". Thursday, March 25th from 2-9 p.m. and Fridayo, March 26th from 9-11 a.m. Tea and cookies. 11-2x The Durham East Branch of THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY OPEN HOUSE 'Volunteer Awards Night' Wed., Mar. 31, 1976 MEMORIAL PARK 8 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME 11-2 DANCE St. Josephý's Hall Sat. Apr. 3, 1976 Admission $4.00 per couple. Music by Ted Koss and "The Cavaliers". 1- 2 Day HADASSAH SALE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31sf 9 a.m.-.9 p.m. THURSDAY, AP'RIL 1sf 9 a.m. - 6p.m. 144 King St. E. Oshawa Lange shipment et fabris in long lengths. Rummage bag spesiai $2.00. New men's wear. 12-1 BINGO N EWCASTLE COMMUN ITY HALL Tues., Ma rch 3th Early Bird Games 7:30 Regular Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Pnizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsered by NEWCASTLE LIONS 12-1 Are yeu interested in pur- chasing good gladiolus buibs, for~ 'ýring planting? Plan te attend the Bulb Auction by the Durham Region Gladielus Society te be held in the Lounge et the Canadian Legion, 84 Queen St., on Friday, Apnil 2nd at 8 p.m. 12-2 Sat., March 27th GRAFITTI DANCE, Music by Mn. D.J. Sun., March 28th TEEN DANCE 7 -11 p.m. Music by Mn. D.J. NO BAR EVERYBODY WELCOME. $1.00 Per Persan 12-1 House of Amber's Spring Stock is Here April lst You are invited te seme eut te aur home shep, north end et Hampton -Village. Shop and p arking at rear ef large, red, brick home. View our fine selection of giff items from places such as Italy, Mexico, Germany and England. We effer many services such as advice in home desorating, flewen arrange- ments, gift wrapping and hand-made bees wax candles 2 original ail paintings, "hand crafted items and much more. Come eut and browse ta your heants sentent. We wouid bepleased te heip yeu choose that speciai gift. SPRING &SUMMER SHOP HOURS t Monday and Tuesday closed. Wednesday by chance or appointment. Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. - 9p.m. Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m.-.4 p.m. s ~CaîIl 263-2981 1 12-2 Jack & MiI Club SPAGHETTI SUPPER April 10, 1976 5:00Op.m. - 6:30 p. m. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH HALL Advance Tickets Oniy -$3.00 aduits $1.00 children under 12 years. AII1,you ca n eat! For tickets caîl: 623-5045 or 623-4383 Tickets also available at Frederick's Phanmacy or James Insunance. Rebekah Lodge rummage and bake sale, Friday, April 2. 10 a.m. te 2 p.m. Centennial Hall1, Queen Street. 12-2x Dance - Pontypool Com- munity Centre, Saturday, March 27th. Gary Bristow and the Country Fever. $5 couple. Retreshments. 12-1 MONSTER BINGO New Sfarting Time THURSDAY -7:30 P.M, Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HA WA 50 tf WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 P. M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21-tf Dance, Newlonviile Hiail on Saturday, Apnil 3. 9- 12 p.m. $2. per person. Everybody weicome. 12-2 1, Alex Anderson will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my namne by my wife Barbara Anderson, Orone from March 24, 1976. 12 lx F R E E remeval of f resh, dead or disabled large animais. Thene will be a $5 charge on smali salves and pigs. Call Margwill Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. 46-tf LEU EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Regular Prise $1200 NOW 500 with studIs Special io p-r sent red;uction on first purshasýe of ealrring with the ne;ease form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 45-tf ANN BRADLE Permanent Haîr Remov 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshiawa 723-7682 1y TWO Apaloosa herses, one- year aid stud and two-year-old fiily. Phone 623-3580. 12-1 Coloial~ EQU ESTR IAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction in Equitation Jumping Dressage Schooling of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & Soid RR 3 BowmANvLLE6237336 tf FRESH SMELT NOW AVAl LABLE AT Port Hope Fisheries 119 MiII Street Telephone 885-4832 104 Swimming Pool Sacrifice Leading Manufacturer and distnibutor has abave graund alumninum pools leff aven fnemn 1975 season, 12 prise, guaman- feed installation and terrms. Cali Credif Manager, cellect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 5-tf SNOWMOBILES for sale. Save on new Yamaha's, sev- erai models ta choose from. Aise some good used ones. Vernon Asseistine 986-4437, south et Biackstock on 57. 10-3 APPLES for sale. Joe's Or- chard, east ef Bewmanville, 1/4 mile north et No. 2 Hwy. on Line 3. 623-2017. Open 'seven 12-2 days a week. 8-6x ONE g irl's Vulcan S.D.1 10 speed bicycle, 8 months old, excellent condition. Phone 623-2257. 12-1 SPY and deliclous apples. Quaiity first and second grades. Roy Orchards. Phone 263-8430. 12-2 SAVE money! Years of exper- ience and excellent workman- ship at $10.00 per hour Viking Plumbing and Heating saves you money and "your satisfaction is my guarantee to the future." Cali today for free estimates 263-2981. 12-2 fONE clay silo unloader comn- plete, four years old, used in a 30Oft. silo. Will trade for cattie, hay, straw, corn, etc. Phone 263-2603. 12-1 '72 SKI-DOO Olympia, good condtion, $300 or best offer. Phone 623-3130 after 5:30. 12-1 SECTIONAL chesterfield suite, double dresser and bed, clover leaf table, night tables, antique dressers, newly uphol- stered armchair, wooden high chair, telephone table, Gen- dron baby ca rnrage, shester- field suites, al so otýher good used furnilture. Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance Street, BowmaInville. 12-1 SEED GRAIN Oats and Barley Wesley Yellowlees 263-2023 12-2x EIGHT piece Chippendale dining room suite in good condition. Phone 623-5048. 12-1 Pineridge Tire Sales Name brand tires and wheels. Steel Belted radial ply tires. $160. per set of 4. Fre e Delivery (within 50 miles> Phone 623-4866 '74 SUZUKI 185 cc, condition. $575. Phone 4243. EXCELLENT riding lawn- mower plus miscellaneous articles such as: kitchen chairs (4), pony saddie and ;blanket, portable typewriter, occasionai c hairs (2>, orig9inal oil paintings (2) etc . Phone 623-3958 for appoint ment. 12-1 KENMORE washer and dryer only six months old, $500. for the pair. Phone 623-3638 after 6. 12-1 HAY, good quality trefoil, clover, timothy. Port Hope area. 1-753-2360. 12-1 HAY and straw. Phone J. Rozema 263-8841. 112-1 BOX springs and mattress, 54", $50. Fish aquarium 10 gai. with light, pump etc., $25. Wagon rims Chev. or Pontiac 14", $10. Phone 623-4864. 12-1 x LIKE NEW 24,000 B.T.U. Westinghouse air-conditionen. Air conditions full size home. Cal 1728-1122. 12-tf PADDY'S Market now ha5 new f *urniture, appliances, T.V.'s and stereos and aisc used f urniture and appl iances Will accept trade-i. Paddy'! Market, Hampton, phone 263 2241. .33-t USED Furniture and Appli anses. Paddy's Market Hampton 263-2241. 26-t., FILM 8 PRÔCESSING IEMM CHILDREN'S PHOTOS Camneras and Photographic Supplies 18 King St. W., Bowmanviîle 623-2404, Fuller Brush Products Contact Carence Bell 1371iberty Street Nonth Phone 623-5939 Asa lesman in Darlington Township. 12-tf SMALL riding lawn mower. - Phone 983-5560 ask for Ben. good 12-1 WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, V HF Aerials, Rotors& Repairs Apa rtment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guaranfee r 576-5606 SWIMMING pool for sale: Moving - will seil you 16 x 32 abeve ground Modular Red- wood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000. Savings of $2100. 1975 model, sali 416-625-2719, days or evenings, sol lest. GRAI N fed beef sides, 90 cents a lb. Leiand Payne, Newton- ville, phone 78622512. 4f USED piano for sale. Best offer. Phone 728-1675. ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches, and modern watshes and' ci ocks. Our repairs are done witl- modern up-to-cdate equipmenl and quaiified Swiss trained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 987- 12-1 FRESH brown eggs. J. Goid, R.R. 4, Bowmanville 623-2730. 12-1 1000 BALES qood hay. Phone f 1-885-6960 between 6 and 8 p.m. 12-1 HAMMOND piper organ, four years old, originalfy $1600. asking $1000. including music books. Phone 623-4193. 12-1 ANTIQUE bed complete with mattress and spring. One used Viking Range, 24", in excel- lent condition. $90. eash or 44-tf best offer. Phone 623-4084. 12-1 SWIMMING Pool less than one year aid. Fanta Sea above ground redwood 16 x 24, cost $4,500. Must seli immediateiy, will sacrifice- savings et $2,000. Caîl Fanta Sea Service Centre at 1-416-625-8817 days or evenings collest. il-tf COMPR ESSORS, generatans, electris motors, grindens, drill presses, heavy duty power toals, etc. Saws shanpened. We seil, buy and trade., Open Saturdays. Ace Machinemy, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 46-tf DOG &CAT SPECIAL Purina New Dog Meal 1 -50 lb. Bag -$10.75 10-50 lb. Bags-$99.00 Purina Cat Chow 4 kg. Bag -$3.74 each 10 kg. Bag - $8.46 each Offer gaad during March or until stocks last. VANSTONE FLOUR &FEED MILL 623-5777 12-2, OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL SPL SCREENEO SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE FRODUCIS AIL SIZES FOR DRI VEWAYS- &PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL& DIRT FILL- OELIVAERED OR REMOVEO TRUCKIS & LOADERS FOR RENT SNOW REMOVAL 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 1WA2 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. ýr.r- - SWIMMING Pool: Deluxe, Redwood. above g round pool. 16 x 24. 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifi.ce 12 prise. Caîl Mr. Harvey, sollect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. il-tf 'TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bedroom, complete; dining room, 9 piece, living room; wall unit, cottee TaDies, new furniture, very reason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10O-tf YOUNGS POINT, ONTARIO TENDERS FOR SU B-T RADES Tenders will be received by the undersined until il a.m. Saturday,sMay 1sf, 1976, for ail sub-trades required in the construction of three and four bedroem bungalows. Lowest or any tender net nesessariiy accepted. Ownen Builden Youngs Peint Estates Ltd., Ontario. Contact: Mr. J. Meagher Arbour View Dr. Youngs Point, Ontarioa KOL 3G0 (705) 652-8208 - (705j 652-8091 10-4 The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Tenders for addition and altenatians ta Clarke High Schoaî. Sealed Tenders (stipuiated sum) wil11 be received by M. A. McLeod, Business Adminis- trator and Treasurer for the NoIrthumberland and New- -astle Board of Education at the mecept ion desk of the boarmd offices on D'arcy St. in Cobourg, Ontario or at the offices of Jackson, Ypes and Associates, 5382 Yonge St., Willowdale, Ontario until 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 13, 1976 for the addition and aitera- tions te Clarke Hioh School. Mechanical and electrical tenders will be received at the Bid Depositony et the Oshawa and District Construction As- sociation at 3 *0pm. Monday, Ail2,176. Pans may be tained by General Contras- tons oni y fom the offices of the Arc ltects on deposit et $100 certified cheque, payable f0 the Amchitects which wili be returned when plans and specifications are returned in good condition. Lowest or any Tender net necessarily accept- ed. Jackson Ypes anci Asses. Anchitests and Engineers, 5382 Yonge St., Wiliowdale, Ontario. M2N 5R5. 12-1 Central Lake Onfa nia Conservation Authority TENDER FOR PURCHASE 0F MAINTENANCE EQUI PMENT Seaied tenders, sleanly mark- ed, will be reseived until 2:00 p.m. EST, April 5, 1976 te supply the feliowing equipment. 1 Industriai Tracter-Leader, minimum 37 H.P. - drawý bar; 11 14 H.P. iawn-garden tracter; i 6 foot Hammer Knife Mower; 1 12 inch post hale digger. Tender fonms and envelepes must be used fer the tenders and may be obtained from the undersigned. 1 Highest or any tender net nesessarily assepted. Funther inquiries shouid be di rested te: R.W. Allen, B.Sc. Conservation Areas Superviser, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 1650 Dundas Street East Whitby, Ontarie L1N 2K RESULTS COUNT! Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & District Real Estate Board Rutter Granite Coman Lmited ANNUALWINTER DISCOUNT We respectfully wish ta announce a SPECIAL REDUCTION on ail cemetery Memorials and Markers ordered and paid for between naw and April 1sf for Spring erection. This offer is made annually. We have an excellent selection of domestis and fareign granites in many colors and designs from which te choose youn Monument or Marker. If we can be of service f0 you in any way, please do net hesitate fa visit aur indoor display at 73 Ontario Street, Port Hope, or telephone us at 885-5216. 11-2 SIMPSON AM"EMORýiALS 885-6434 Port Hope Monuments - Mankens - Inscriptions - Although prises are up, we are selling at 1975 prises until March 31. Buy now for Spning Deiivery. Evenings Calil Mauni SIMPson 885-4433 49 Lavinia Street General contractors re- quired in Durham Reion. Roofers, pavers, plumbers, general etc. Must be Inde- pendent businesses. Ca Il 579-5070 9-tf SALES PEOPLEý_ -Canvassing in the Durham Reg ion. Full or part-time Advertising supplied. Ca Il 579-5070 .8 tf FULL and -part-time earn $5-$6 an hour callîng on Fuller Brush customers. Car neces- sary. For information cal 372-9969 or write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Walton St.,1 Cobourg. 12-2x You Should Be Selling LOTTERY TICKETS! Wintario & Olympic, You wiII be amazed, at the potential profit in selling these tickets! Seli them f0 your friends, where you work or at your club meetings! For further information sali: W.M.G. Marketing 110 King St. W. Oshawa 576-$'181 10-4 PART time sales opportunity available. Cali 623-2171 for appointment. il-2 HEÈLP wanted for the Orono Water Safety Swimming Club. Must have Seniors, for months of July and August. Applica- tions to be in by April 30. Send applications to Irene Konzel- mann, R.R. 1, Orono. il-2 EXPERIENCED cleaner for house or office. Phone 623-2438 af ter 5:O00p. m.e11-2x '71 PONTIAC LeMans 2 r. H T., power _steering and br:akes-,40,000. Go odto Phone 987-4383.12x 1968 PLYMOUTH, power steering, power brakes, 4 door sedan, new transmission and muffler, runs well. Phone 1-983-9564. 12-1 x '75 GMC SIERRA, 1 ton dual wheel, .350 4 bbl., 4 speed trans, power steering and brakes, 12,000 miles. Phone 623-2337. 12 lx 1975 PINTO Squire wagon, 6 cylinder, automatic, p.s. - p.ýb. radio, rear wîndow defogger, radial w.w. tires,, low mileage, in excellent condition. Will certify. $3,800 or nearest ofter. Cali 623-3958 for appointment.ý 12-1 '68 BEAUMONT convertible 350 motor, 1rebuilt, $1,000. or best off er. Phone 1-705-277-2533 after 4:30 p.m. week days. 12-lx 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne, good runner, best offer. Phone 1-983-9421ý. 12-if 1968 CHEV, as is (no plates) Bestoffer. Phone 623-3168. 12-1 1969 VOLVO, certified. Phone 623-7746. 12-1 1970 FORD Galaxie 500, very good mechanically, asking $550. Phone 987-4214 after 6. 12-1 '71 AMBASSADOR Wagon, power brakes and steering, air conditioned, $1800. Phone 723-6445 after 4. 12-1 1