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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1976, p. 9

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Ajax and the Flu ýBug Oust Bob Beers from Playoff s On March 9th, Beers' Toros hard aggressiveness resulted avelled to Ajax trailing in in a beautîtul goal by Ray -lis series three points to one. Cummings, with an assist The Toros began by domin- going to Chris Michelson. ating the play as in previous Entering the second period, games in this series and this one goal ahead, our boys 9fQwekm bg dae(mcin, BeautifulFlowers **for Beautiful People. 162 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-3365 4th Year of Successful Operations FIVE WEEKLY SESSIONS JuIy -26 to August 23 HARMAN PARK'ARE NA, OSHAWA Learn from: HANK NOWAK - Boston Bruins STEVr- CARDWELL -Hershey Bears BILL YEO- Columbus OwIs, SPECIAL GOALKEEPERS CLASS Power Skating and Fundamentals offHockey Boys 5 to 17 Years SPECAL MV-EN'S CLASS (One Week> Book early to avoid disappointment. Brochures Ava ila ble at Sport Stores Box 383, Whitby, Ontario 728-313R neyer gave up and haif way through this period Robert Giedlinger scored tbe second goal of the night. Ray Cum- mings and Scott Heard work- ed bard for assists on Robert's goal. Ajax finally did score a goal in tbe tbird period wbicb was disputed by tbe Toro teama as a wbole but allowed to stand. Tben, witb just two minutes and 30 seconds to play Ajax tallied anotber goal to tie the game and send it into overtime for tbe third time in as many games. Witb just one minute left, Cbuck Nash, who worked hard throughout tbe day, dug out the puck and Ray Cummings flipped it over the netÉ and it went in over tbe Ajax goal tender's glove. Ray Cum- mings put fortb a very strong effort in a game tbat displayed team co-operation ail tbe way. On Sat., Marcb l3th, tbe Toros bosted Ajax witb many of tbe Toro players under the weather, and Scott Masters, the spark plug of tbe team, home in bed. The team tried bard but went down with a 5-0 loss. March l4tb in Ajax was a replay of Saturday's game but with Scott Masters back in action, even tbougb be stili sbould bave been in bed, but not wanting to let bis team mates down. Tbe losing score was 7-0. But for excellent goal tending by George Kennett, tbe score would bave been bigber. Youth Bowling 1Tykes Cath- Connelly 5, Mur- Lugtenburg 0; Smith 5,, Han- cock 0; Wesselius 4, Sodhi 1. Team Standings Carolyn Connelly 50, Smitb 39, Sodhi 38, Wesselius 35, Hancock 28, Catb Connelly 23, Lugtenburg 20, Murray 11. High Games Carolyn. Connelly 162, Catb Connelly 160-162 (322 » Bantamns Boys Tippins 7, S. Luxton 0; Woolley 5, Richards 2; M. Luxton 5, Smith 2. Team Standings Tippins 55, Woolley 53, Richards 51, M. Luxton 47, S. Luxton 25, Smith 21. Higli Singles S. Richards 217, E. RQzema 214, J. Koller 209. High Triples E. Rozema 538. R. Mcbean 518, M. Luxton 514. Bantam Girls Knapp 5, Coombes 2; Luxton 7, Hancock 0; Wright 4, Taylor 3. Team Standings Knapp 59, Taylor 51, Coombes 48, Hancock 45, Luxton 31, Wright 18. High Games B. Seto 249 (522), P. Knapp 210. Junior Boys Crossey 7, Coombes 0; Hammond 7, Edmondson 0; Murphy 5, Stevenson 2; Samis 4, Richards 3. Team Standings Crossey 58, Richards 49, Murphy 47, Stevenson 47, Hammond 45, Coombes 41, Edmondson 29, Samis 17. Higb Singles R. Bond 308, J. Edmondson 237, J. Stoop 225-203, T. Sodhi 261, S. Samis 215-223. High Triples J. Stoop 614, R. Bond 613, S. Samis 586. Junior Girls Fairey 7, Brunt 0; Westlake 7, Adams 0; Richards 5, Willams 2, Ingram 4, Roberts 3. Team Standings Fairey 59, Brunt 51, Roberts 46, Richards 421/2, Ingram 41, Westlake 341/2, Adams 31, Williams 30. High Games T. Rowe 226-235 (597), B. Leavis 214-2Kt (621), D. O'Neii 222. Senior Mixed League Burgess 31,434, 17. Top 10 Avera ges A. Lorusso 213, D. Ogden 209, G. Vanson 202, P. Whalen 198, 1. Hughes 196, M. Bates 193, M. Trîmble 189 B. Wilbur 187, I. Wright 185, k. Ralston 182 J . Rowe 182, E. Mitchell 182. Maguire/Bennett Midgets, in Tight Series with Morkham League play offs for Ma- guire Water Supply - Bennett Paving midgets commenced March il in Markham. Bow- manville won tbe game con- vincingly by a score of 7 to 4. The Bowmanville scoring was led by Rich Cross with a bat trick, and Tom Connell with two goals and one assist. The other point getters were Chris Marchant with one goal and one assist, Frank Leach with one goal, Larry Watson with two assists, and Steve Mayberry, Gord MacNab, Peter Knowlton, Danny Walker, Ray Dallas and Wayne Whiteman with one assist each. In the second game of the best of five series Markham scored back to tie the series at one apiece by defeating Bow- manville by a score of 4 to l in Hampton Arena. The game consisted of end to end hockey with Markham managing to capitalize on defensive errors. The Bow- manville goal was netted by Wayne Witeman and assisted by Chris Marchant. Bowmanville again took a one game lead in the series by defeating -Markham 5 to 1 at Hampton Arena Monday, March 22. The game was especially fast and exciting with both teams moving the puck around extremely well. Peter Knowlton led the sconing with two goals while Ray Dallas and Wayne White- man eacb provided one goal and two assists. Frank Leach contributed one goal and one assist, and Chnis Marchant and Rich'Cross each provided two assists. Deane Scott played an excellent game in net by giving up only one goal. The teamn returas to Mark- ham on Thurs., March 25 and Knapp's Towîng Bantams Elîmînated byActon cf Georgetown Tourncment Knapps Towing Major Ban- In the second contest, tams participated in the Knapps came out flat and Georgetown International were traiiing 12-5 on the round Bantam Tournament and with three and a haîf minutes were eliminated in their group lef t on the dlock. The Toros semi-final by Acton. puiled their goalie and caught In the first round, Knapps fire to wrap in four tallies defeated Niagara-on-the-Lake before Acton found the open a 12-4 by virtue of identical 6-2 net with only nine seconds to scores in the two game total go. goals series. Preston led the baby bulis In the opening game Wayde with three goals and two Preston led the Toros with two assists. Beddard added a pair \/07 P- LD 1 goals and one assist. Single and one assist. H-olmes scored talles went to Greg Brunt, once and assisted on four Ken Cowle, Scott Sellers and others. Hogarth potted the Bill Wright. Jody Ross was the other taily. Paul Reid had two 0- ) chief pinymaker with three assists wbile Ross Sellers, and assists as Paul Cascagnette Wright drew single points. assists. Knapps' season which saw the In the second game John Major Bantams win 33, tie Stewart, Dean Holmes, Sellers seven and lose 17. Cascagnette, Cowle, and, M n' Wight notched single mar- e sMao kers as the Toros controlied c-îC play. Preston had three as- sists, Holmes two and Ross, Bo wingU 1 OOUý5 OF irL Brunt, Hogarth, Wright and LarPpewstoswh105 IL? Paul Beddard one each.: arPie stoswh Acton eliminated the Toros 887 (313), Ron Etcher 824 13-9 by sweeping both games (305), Dale Terry 813 and the -A UFE. ImE 01F by 5-2 and 8-7 scores. In the higb single 345, Mike Reynolds 10$A1.. first game, Knapps scored the 805, John Luffman 800 (319). first and last goals of the game Bob Burly bad a 341 single, E./DL)QA151 as Acton took advantage of tbe Carence Oke 314, Bud Hen- 10 F-P- 415 many Bowmanviile penalties ning. 302, Dick Perfect 300. to pump in five. Scoring for Cowan Pontiac Buick higb hcci.~'. tbe Majors were Holmes and single team score 1300, Beaver 4.z Preston as Wright, Beddard, Lumber bigh triple 3721. 1 ANt&4b Ross and Holmes drew as- Dale Terry top average 249, ýPZOGRAME sists. Mike Paterson played a Larryý Piper 248, Ron Good terrific game in the Toro net. 247. ~OVER ',OOO00 IN Maguîre/Bennett Win Runners-up Oakwood Trophy Maguire Water Supply - Bennett Paving Midgets parti- cipated in a Midget tourna- ment in Oakwood on Saturday, Marcb 20. The first team to pay Bowmanviiie was Newcastle who were defeated by a score of 6 to 1. The Bowmanvilie scoring was provided by Frank Leach witb two goals and one assist, Jim Maguire with one goal and one assist, and Ray Dallas, Tom Connell and Peter Knowlton each with assists. Assists were provided by Danny Pascoe, Chris Marchant and Danny Waiker. The second game qualified Bowmanviiie to compete in the cbampionship by sbutting out Keswick 3 to 0.- Jim Maguire led the scoring with two goals wbile Frank Leach provided a single. Ray Dallas counted for twoassists witb singles going to Peter Knowlton and Rich Cross. The shut out was recorded by Tim Dyck in the Bowmanvilie net. The championship game saw. Bowmanville pitted against the home town team. Poor ice conditions, smaii ice surface, and injuries incurred throughout the game, hamper- ed the Bowmanvilie team to sucb an extent that they went down to defeat by a score of 9 to 7. Rich Cross led the scoring for Bowmanviiie with tbree' goals and one assist followed by Frank Leach witb one goal and two assists. Larry Wat- son, Wayne Witeman and Jim Maguire provided the other goals. Assists went to Danny Waiker with two and Ray Dallas with one. The team was awarded the runners up trophy which wili be displayed in Hampton Arena. a fifth game if necessary will be held at Hampton Arena Monday, March 29. The win- ner of this series will meet the winner of the Uxbridge - Port Perry series for the league championship. St. Joseph's Clayton Môrgan 58, 39178; Bob Brown 57, 39060; Roy Sandison 54, 39221; Gary Conway 51, 38228; Rose Marie Conway 50, 384 57; Marg King 4912, 38594; Art Deboo 401/2, 38459; Paul Piels 32, 36529. High Triple - Marion Van- stone 653, Roy Sandison 637. High Single - Edie Deboo 264, Roy Sandison 253. Over 200 Edie Deboo 264, Roy Sandi- son 253-203, Bob Brown 248, Richard Khlmer 248, Marion Vanstone 246-245, Hugli Smitb 243, Nancy Piels 234, Brenda Khlmer 223, Lois Woodcock 220, Bill Holroyd 220. The administration of any medicine is a serious respon- sibility says St. John Ambu- lance. The doctor's orders regarding dosage, terme and method of administration miust be followed exactly. L Di w ti ai w or b, Aý tt ti b a] The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. March 31, 1976 9 ettr f th EdtorWith souls so dead, who neyer 502 Second Street "This is my own, My Native Brandon, Florida Band" Mar. 23, 1976 As they saw and heard them in Disney Land." PROUD'0F BHS BAND (with apologies to the author) 1 ý With us that Monday were )ear John and Staff- the Cordens, town, and Jim Just a note to tell you that and Fred Marlow, Blackstock. ie attended Walt Disney Please discontinue mailing onld once again, and were the copies of the Statesman mong the many tbousands in after March 31 issue, and hold he town square there to see them for us. ýnd hear our Bowmanville "Keep the latch string out lgb Scbool Band when they And the Dogs tied up ook part in the Walt Disney We're commn' home!" onld Bi-Centennial Parade and we'll pick them up - nr Monday. Thank you, They were so well received From the Sunny South, )y ail there. (Mostly ail Forest and Lillian Dilling mericans around us). And he applause and cheers for There are over 4,000 men, his Canadian band far out- women and teenagers who are ;tripped ail those for tbe other Tnembers of the St. John )ands in the parade. Ambulance Brigade in We were so proud of tbem Ontario. Last year they spent il! Well done B.H.S. Congra- over 405,000 hours on duty, ulations! providing Free Aid coverage 'Breaths there a -man (or at public gatherings througb- woman) out tbe province. TIRE, SALE RADIALS $1 60.*00 MAG WHEELS $35000, L PerSetof 4 ec w' 1 SIZES TO FIT MOST CARS Pineridge Tire Sales 27 Simpson Avenue Bowmanville Phone 623-4866 I iliUM ~TER~kSTkONAb YÛUTH TR~~~N~NQ ~~AlL. BUILD. i >14 4JLL F'FOK VftJN SAL - MrAZÎT -EIbiM -ALI. Z16krmaCOMrPLE-T- At- VQSEovD COMPI.XrE.. hINý5MTRC,1DNb SAILIN& .ANR CL w4t - CL4M5 cizew -o . Now Available at D & RSports and Ski Sliop 4, 85 King St. W. 623-3421 ýllgli Iý l qililm u z odM Bowmanville onIy $475 .00 ECIONcAICÀL o0 D5AU AL À in the dirt aon the *$ street * cuttinl' atrail, SUZUKI RM's, GT's, TS's AND TC's ARE TOUGH TO BEAT. FORGET YOUR TROUBLES. GET ON TO SOMETHING BETTER.- SUZUKI - FROM SCUGOG MOTORCYCLES THE NEW IMAGE DEALERSHIP THAT PUTS IT ALL TOGETHER THE MODERN WAY. SPRING FOR SUZUKI. SEE 88 'WATER STREET - PORTPER Et'Is, a botter way flo gof (416) 985-7379 w IS time o oget downr% to the short strolkes. HONDA FOUR-CYLINDER, FOU R-STROKE, SUPER-BI 1KES. 400F, 550F AND 750F SUPER SPORTS WITH FOUR-INTO-ONE EXHAUST. QUIET, GUTSY, RELIABLE. FOUR TO ONE YOU'RE AHEAD ON A HONDA FROM SCUGOG MOTORCYCLES, THE NEW IMAGE DEALERSHIP THAT PUTS IT ALL TOGETHER THE MODE RN WAY. BE FIRST ON A HONDA. SEE dMTOPCJL5U IT 88 WATER STREET- PORT PERRY (416) 985-7379 I'S a botter way tro goy f

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