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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1976, p. 13

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ALLIN - Keith and Jan are pleased to announce the birth of their son, David Carl, 7 lbs. 3 ozs., on March 27, 1976, in Memorial Hospital', Bowman- ville. Special thanks to Dr. Cunningham. 13-1 COLE --- Ralph and Elaine proudiy announce the arrivai of their daughter Tammy Michelle, 7 lbs. il ozs. March 12. Proud grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cole, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mackey, Gormiey. 13-1 x COLVILLE- Brian and Ruthe (nee Henderson) are pleased to announce the arni- val of their daughter, Melissa Ruthe, born Monday, March 29, weighing 7 lbs. 11/2 ozs. at Memarial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 13-1 x HARRIS -Ron and Julia (nee Hawke) wish to announce the birth of Glen Malcolm, 7 ibs. 81/2 ozs. March 9, 1976 at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A brother for Richard and Kim. 13-ix LYLE - John and Heather wish f0 announce the arrivai of their second daughter, Marcy Jean, 6 lbs. 91/4 ozs., on March 25, 1976. Proud grand- p arents are Mr. and Mrs. Thornas B n micombe an d Mr. and Mrs. Alec Ly le, great grandrnother Mrs. Lillian Sel- lers, ail of Bowmianviiie. Special thanks to Dr. Sylves- ter and maternity staff, Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanviile. 13-1 MERCER - Bruce and Bon- nie proudly announce the arrivai of their third son, James (Jamie) Laverne, 7 1lbs. 14 ozs. on March 16,1976 at Oshawa General Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Routledge, Dr. ýorsythe and Dr. McGill- vray. 13-ix WARWICK- Dave and Donna (nee Knapp) are pleas- ed to announce the birth of their second son, Trevor Ernest, born March 17, 5 lbs. 71/2 ozs. Proud grandparents: Mr. and Mrs. Rosel Knapp, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Warwick, Bucking- ham, Quebec. 13-1 Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pres- cott of Brooklin, are happy ta announce the forthcoming- marriage of their daughter Janice Dariene to Robert Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bearnish, Oshawa. The wedding will take place, April 10th at 3:30 p.m. in Brooklin United Church, Brooklin, Ontario. 131 GRAHAM - Les!ie Roy. (Veteran of Worid Wam 1). At Oshawa General tHospital an Wednesday, March 24, 1976, Leslie Roy Grahamn of Hay- don, in his 82nd year. Beioved husband of Ethel Ashton. Dear father 0f Roy of Haydon and James 0f Vallieyfield, Quebec. Brotherof Mrs. Russe!! Cross- man (Hilda). Also sumvived by. eight gmndchi!dren and four great-grandchildren. Rested al Northcutt Elliott Funerai Horne, Bowmanvilie. Funeral service was heid on Friday affernoon. Spring interment Hampton Cemetery. Legian service was held Thursday evening., Donations ta the Canadian Cancer Society wouid be appreciated. 13-1 PENFOUND - Clame T. Suddenly at Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, March 26, 1976, Clame T. Penfound, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Sirn Penfound and brother of Mark and Todd, ail of Cour- lice. !n his 22nd year. Prede- ceased by one brother, Lee. Crernation. A mernorial fun- eral service was held at Courtice United Church on Tuesday, March 30 at 7:30 p.rn., n lieu of flowers, memrnoia! donations ta Court- ce United Chumch or charity of your own choosing would be gratefully acknowledged. 13-1 MM= PANAS - In loving memory of a dear mother and grand mother, Mary Panas, who ý assed away April 3, 1967. e do not farget you Nor do we intend We lhink of: you often And wîill lo the end. Gone and forgotten By some you may be, But dear to our memory You ever will be. - Lovingly remembered by Bill, Bey and family, Helen, Dave and famlly. 13-1 LUXTON - In lovinq memory of a dear mother Emma Elizabeth who passed away Apr. lIst, 1952 and a dear father Frederick James who passed away Apr. 9th, 1959. As long as we live, we wiii cherish their name. n memory we see them ever the same. Stili in our hearts they are living yet. For we loved them too deariy to ever forget. A beautiful memory dearer than gold 0f dear parents whose worth can neyer be told, Alive and unseen, they stand by our side And faith heips us know death cannot divide. -Lovingl y remembered by daughter Dorcas, son-in-law Ceci! and family. 13-ix HART - Herbert (Herb). Suddenly at Newtonville on March 12, 1976. Beioved father of Cindy Hart and dear friend of Helen and children Debby, Anna, Belinda, John, Nancy, Jimmy and Richard Topfer. Interment in Trenton. Thank you to friends who were so helpfui. 13-ix OLVER - On Friday, March 26, 1976, Douglas Ronald Olver of Bowmanviiie, aged 61 years. Dear brother of Pansy (Mrs. Alvin Dowson) and Noreen (Mrs. Wayburn Adams). Service wqs held in the Morris Funerail Chapel, Bowmanvilie, on Monday afternoon. Interment Bow- manville Cemetery. 13-1 RE ES - At Memoriai Hospi- tai, Bowmanviile, Monday, March 29, 1976, GIad ys Rees, aged 89 years. Wife of th e late William Walter Rees, dear mother of Doreen (Mrs. Leon- ard Jones) Newcastle, and a son and.daughlers-inEngIand. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmianviiie on Wednesday afternoon. Cremation. 13-1 CARNATION Fon Al Your Fîower Needs STOP IN AND SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO BEAT Carnation Fluwer Shop 33 Division St. 623-7141 VAN BÉLLE DAILY Deliveryto... Oshawa - 80vmanvîll, Are& Phone 623-4441 43-tf JACKMA 1 PHONE 62. 162 King St. E., Bc FUneral Home Your thoughtfulness for others is our first concern. We wilI arrange for charitable foundations donations- (such as Heart or Cancer Society) to be acknow-ý Iedged anywhere in Canada with- the a ppropriate acknowledgement card pre- sent on the same day, with the other tributes. This is part of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 D'rham County's Oldest Funeral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. LUXTON - In ioving memory of m dear parents, Emma Eiaeth, wiho passed away April lst, 1952 and Frederick James who passed away April 9th, 1959. If i had ail the world f0 give Yes and more, to hear Their voice and see them sm ile And greet them at the door But all I can do, dear parents Is tend your grave and leave behind A token of love To the best parents God ever made i'd like ta think when life is done Wherever in heaven they be They'll be there standing at the door Up there to welcomTe me. - Lovingiy remembered by daughter Ethel. 13-1 ARCHIBALD - In ioving memory of a dear son and brother Donald who passed away April 1, 1970. We cannot have the old days back But secret tears and iovinq thoughts, Wili be with us forever. -_ Sadiy missed by mother, brothers and sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews. 13-1 ARCHIBALD- In loving memory of a 'dear husband and fat her Donald Archibald who passed away April 1. 1970. To some you may be forgot- ten, To others a part of the past, But to us who loved you and iost you Your memory wiii always last. - Sadly missed by wife Margaret, daughters Eliza- beth, Donna and Cathy, sons Bob and John. 13-1 COWLE - In ioving memory of a oving sîster Stella, who passed away March 25, 1972. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietiy remembered every day. No longer in our lite f0 share But in our hearts, she's always there. - Sadiy missed by sisters Loretto, Anne and brother-mn aw George. 13-1 BRAGG - In ioving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Otto R. Bragg who passed away March 31, 1975. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietîy remembered every day, -No longer in- aur l-fe 40 share But in our hearts, he's aiways there. - Lovingly remembered by his wife and famiiy. 13-1 x KERSEY- In ioving memory of a dear wife, mother ýand grandmother, Mildred Susan, who passed away April13, 1968. You toiled sa hard for those you ioved, You said gaodbye ta none, Your spirit flew betore '.ie knew, You work on earth was done. God's golden gate stood open, He sawyou needed rest, His garden must be beautîful, He only takes the best. -Sadi y missed and lovingly remem bered by dad and fhe family. 13-1 x MARTIN- In ioving rernory 0f my dear wife, Zillah M., who passed away April lst, 1975. One year has passed since that sad day, The one 1 iaved was dalled away, God taok hem home, if was His wili, But in my, heart she liveth stil!. - Lovingiy remembered and sadly missed by husband Arthur. 13-1 Since 1912 MARTIN - In loving remern brance 0f aur dean Grandma, Zillah M., who leff us April lst, Flowers M., who 1!eft us Ap i!l st, 1975. We had a grandma with a by heant of gold, Who was more ta us than weaith untoid; ýN.. Without fareweii she tel! best 1 With oniy memories for us ta keep. ý3-3365 - Remembered and loved 3wmanviîîe aiways by her grandchildren. 45-if 13-1 MARTIN - In loving rnemory of aur dear Mother, Ziilah M., who passed away April lst, 1975. In aur hearts yourreoy l ingers, Sweetiy tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear Mot hem, That we do not think 0f you. - Sadiy rnissed by the farniiy. 13-1 Heartfelt thanks toala!! ur friends, relatives and neigh- boums for wonds of sympathy and acts of kindness extended ta us during the loss of aur beloved husband and father. The family of the late George Ernest Purdy 13-if The farnily 0f' the late George Edwand McNair would like ta express their appreci- ation ta friends, neighbours , reiafives, Morris Funer'ai Chapcl, police and ambulance ci osfor kindness shown ta w-, on aur loss 0f a dean husband and father. Pauline and Stan Mc-Nair am We wou!d like ta express aur heartfelt thanks and apprecia- tion ta relatives, neighbars and fiends for the rnany expressions of syrnpathy, flowers, cards and donations ta the heart fund in the passing of aur dear brother Cyril L. Rundie. Special thanks ta the palibearers, Rev. Harris and Rev. Amacher, and Unit 2 of Trinity United. Aura HuIs Darothy Dumontelle 13-1 x i wish ta thank rny rany friends, relatives, neighbors and Durharn Ladge for their etters and cards of get weli wishes. Gladys Ovens i wish ta extend my thanks ta friends, relatives and neigh- bons for their flowems, gifts, cards and visits whiie i was a patient in -Memoriai Hospital. Special thanks ta the nurses of Emregency, Coranary Cane Unit, and first floar, aiso my 9 rtitude to Dr. Hubbard and Thank you Mrs. Norman Cowle (May) 13-1lx i wouid like ta thank the Fine Departrnent for their alertness in respanding ta my cal! and saving the building, also thanks ta Ron Johnson. Alfred Milisa7n 13-1 The Durham East Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society wish ta thank ai l those who contributed ta the Guata- mala Relief Fund. 113-1 i would like ta express rny sincene thanks toalal myý kind neighbars and friends for gifts, flowers, and well wishes sent ta me during my stay in hospital. M y deepest appreci- ation and th anks toaail those wondemful nurses for their kindness and attention. A very speciai "thank you" ta Dm. Singal, Dr. Ewent and Dr. Anfassi for their special cane. To Annie, my three sons and rny veny deamest Pat my humble thanks for aIl their concern and love. Emma Hooper 13-1 We would 1ike ta express aur sincere thanks ta aur farnily, relatives and friends fan thein cards, gifts and best wishes which made aur 2Sth anni- veNsgrý_oy such a memonabie occasion. Ray and Betty Westlake EAR IRCN SE RV ICE Hooper's Jewellers Ltd. Regular Pnice $12.00 NOW $10.00 wifh studs Speciai 10 per cent reduction on first purchase of earrings wifh the release farm. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment 45-tf ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGE-X MALE i-esan dat, one-year- aid, litter tmained. Free ta good home. Phone 1-786-2665. 13-1 Board Your Dog! A home away fnrom home. Long runs, dlean, veterînary service. R.T.J.J. Kennels Phone 623-6892 ville ta Oshawa Centre Area for 9:00 arn. Phone 62375833. 13-1 EQU ESTR IAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction in Equitotion Jumping Dressage Schooling of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & So!d RR 3 BOWMANVILLE 623-7336 if FREE nernoval of fresh, dead or disabled large animais. There wiIl be a $5 changeon srnall calves and pigs. Cal! Margwiîî Fur Fanm, Hanp- ton, 263-2721. 46-tf CARPETS'of ail kinds, customn rnade drapes and sheers, hard- surface flaoring, prafessioniy instailed. Free estimates. Your one stop shopping. F. A. Kmamp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanville. Furnifure, Car- pet and Drapes. 13-tf Swimmning Pool Sacrif ice Leading Manufacturer and distnibutor has above ground aîumninuni pools left over fromn 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaran- teed installation and ferms. Caîl Credit Manager, collecf, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 5-tf APPLES for sale. Joe's Or- chard, east of Bowmanvi!!e, 1/4 mile namth of No. 2 Hwy. on Line 3. 623-2017. Open seven days a week. 8-6x Dance, Newtonvilie Hall on Saturday, April 3. 9- 12 p.m. $2. per persan. Everybody welcome. -12-2 Auction & Bake Sale April 3rd 11:00 a.m. af MAPLE GROVE UNITED CHU RCH Anyone wîth donations for auction, please phone, 623-4153 - 623-2813 - 623-7623 af ter 4: 30. CHARLIE REID AUCTIONEER 11-3 MONSTER BINGO New Starfing Time TH URSDAY -7:30 P.M. Sponsared by Oshawa Mînor Softball JUBILEE PAVILlON OS HA WA SO-ti WOODY IEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 17:45 P.M. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 2-1-tf Bowmanviîle Unit of The Cancer Society Women's Forum "Care is a Beautiful Thing" The eariy detectian and treat- ment of cancer. Tues., Apr. 2Oth 1976 at 8:00 p. m. Trinify United Church Bowmanviîîe. AI l women urged f0 attend. 13-3 ORONO UNITED CHURCH Pancake Dinner Sunday April11 lth 12: 30 -3: 00p. m. Main Hall, Orono United Church Aduits $2.00 Chiîdren 12 and under $1.0 PAN CA KES. FRESH MAPLE SYRUP SAUISAGES COFFEE 13-1 Book Discussion Club Tuesdays at 2 p.m. Beginning April 6th, 1976 Review new books, nehash aid ones. Genemal discussion. Coffee - AIl1 Welcame Bowmanviîle Public Library 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 13-3 Lions Club Dan ce April 3, 1976 $3.00 COU PL E Dancing 9 - 1 Music by Ernie Archer 13-1 Bargain Basement SALE April 9 9 a.m ,-2 p.m. ST. PAUL'S United Church Ail kinds of good used cloth- ing, books and kitchen articles. Also qui Ifs and plants. Coffee and cookies served. 13-1 FRESH SMELT NOW AVAILABLE AT Port Hope Fisheries 119MiIIIStreet Telephone 885-4832 10-4 SECTIONAL chesterfield sute, -pe bednoorn suife, 3-pce. chroe suite, cedar chest, washstand and dresser - bath ready ta refinish, ibrany table, double dresser, rug-sîze 8 x il, portable sewing rnachines, space saver, pale amp, table Ilarnps, baby carniage, crib, Towne Used Furniture, 19 Temperance Street, Bawrnanville. 13-1 COCKSHUTT 30 tractor, new ciutch, new paint jab, gaod condition, $850. Farm- hand baie buncher $50., Phone 263-2662. 13-1 seed for Sale CERTIFIED, Oats, Barley and White Beans Pedigreed seed doesn't cost if pays. CERESMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 13-3 ""RADIALS" Sizes f0 fit most cars. $160. Per Set of PINERIDGE TIRE SAI 27 Si mpson Ave. Bowmanville Phone 623-4866 ""Mag Wheels"' Si zes f0 fit most cars. $35. each PINERIDGE TIRE SAI 27 Simpson Ave. Bowmanvilîe Phone 623-4866 Giant Rummage Sale - April 2nd 10 a.m. 9 p.m., April 3rd 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Salvation Army Hall, 35 Divi- sion Street, Bowmanville. 1- OLD Time Dance, Biackstock Town Hall, April -,3rd. Every- one weicome. 13-ix Bawmanviiie Recreation Baton and Tap, Ballet Ciass wilI mesume on Friday, Apil 2nd at the Lions Centre a-nd Satumday, April -3nd at the Bawmanviiie Town Hall. 13-1 3 Are you intemested in pur- -chasing goad giadiolus bulbs ton Spring pianting? Plan ta attend the Bulb Auction by the Durham, Regian Gladiolus Society ta be held in the Lounge of the Canadian Legian, 84 Queen St., on Friday, Apnil 2nd at 8 p.m. 12-2 DANCE St. Joseph's Hall Sat. Apr. 3, 1976 Admission $4.00 per couple. Music by Ted Koss and "The Cavaliers". 12-2 Rebekah Ladge rummage and bake sale, Friday, April 2. 10 a.rn. ta 2 p.m. Centennial Hall, Queen Street. 12-2x Card Party, Newtonville, Hall, Friday, April 2nd, 8:15 p.m. Ladies bring lunch. Everyone welcorne. 13-1 Newcastle Recreation De- partment, Orono Country Jamboree, Orono Youth Cen- tre, Town Hall. Sunday, April 4th at 2: 00 p.m. Aduits - $1.25, Chidren - 50c. Last show of the season. 13-1 DURHAM GOES COUNTRY Family Jamboree feafuning Senator Jini Coyle, the Cable TV Boys and others SPECIAL GUEST CHOO'S BILL JOHNSTON Saturday, April 3 8 p. m. TOWN HALL BOWMAN VILLE $2 - Adulf - 75C - Student Under 12 Free Sponsored by: Durham East ND P 13-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel Newcastle Cou ntry Expressions FRIDAY- SATURDAY April 2- 3 Dancing 9 -1 13-1 BOWMANV1LL E U NIT 0F THE CANCER SOCIETY invites you foaa DAFFODIL TEA af the home of Mrs. E.D. Hubbard, 132 Wellington Sf., Bowmanville, Wed., April1 7th, 1976 2 - 4 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME 12-2 Club Annrene Dancp and Banquet Hall available for your group's fund aising activities. Book your next year's dates now while choice dates are stîli available. Contact Don Arrnstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. '48-tf Jack & JilI Club SPAGHETTI SUPPER April110, 1976 5:00p.m. -6:30 p.m. TRI NITY UNITED CHU RCH HALL Advance Tickets Only -$3.00 adiults $1.00 childmen under 12 years. AIl you can eat! For tcketscall: 623-5045 or. 623-4383 Tickets a iso available at Fredenick's Pharmacy or James Insurande. Xz s na Wb ely HAY and straw for sale. Cal! 987-4758. 13-lx STRAW for sale. Walter Pingle, 725-6089. 13-1 QUANT!TY of good quaility m!xed hay. Phone 263-2082, Frank Haag. 13-1 HORSE manure, 25c bushel, 983-5691. 13-2 FRESH, large white eggs. Phone 623-2797. 13-1 15' KITCHEN cabinet, 2' vanity, gun cabinet, wringer washer, 39" bed, fish aquar- ium and baby carniage. Cal! 786-2457. 13-1 WR 1NG ER washer, 2 yrs. aid, excellent condition. Antique bed complete with spring and nîatfress. Phlone 623-4084.- 13-lx THREE standard bicycles - 24 inch wheeis. 2 girls CCM's, 1 boys C.T. Corp. Appiy 38 Duke St., Bawmanvilie. 13- lx BOYS' burgundy blazer and co-ordinated checked trou- sers. Size 18, like new. Phone 263-8832. 13-1 1,000 BALES of good quaiity hay. Phone 987-4865. 13-1 APPROXIMATELY 100 baies of wheat, straw, 60c per bale. Phone 263-8413. 13-1 SCRAP paper. Assorted. Statesman Office, 66 King St. W. .131If AUTOMATI1C washer and dry- er, harvest gold, excellent condition, 4 years aid. Aval!- able May lst. Phone 623-32918. 13-1 GIRL'S middy coat, 14x, $15. Hot pants suit, 14, $10. Boy's med pedal car, $7. Al like new. Phone 623-2862. 13-1 RIFLE RCMP Centennial, new, in the box. Phone 623-3986. 13-1 MIXED grain. Excell qua!ity by bag or truck Io Phone 786-2247. KEYSTONE rnags, B. F. Goodrich white-lettemed tires, size 14's - Chev. or Pontiac. Best offer. Phone 623-6635 after 5. 13-1 HAY for sale. Good rnixed hay. Easy boading conven- ience. $1.50 per a le. Cal!, 723-5945 or 723-1176. 13-1 A ONE-year-aid wringer wash- ing machine, square tub with timer. $135. Phone 623-2127. 13-1 Di1NI1NG ROOM table and four chairs. Excellent condition. $75.00. Phone 623-3697. 13-1 x FOUR piece Pioneer sterea, 2-cs-66g speakers, PI-l5Rturn- table, SA-7100 receiver. $600 or best affen. Phone 623-5528. 13-ix VIKING wringer washer in L.ES gaad condition. $50. Phone 623-4856. 13-1 FLEA MARKET - Open 13-tf daily on Base Line Rd., 21/2 miles west of Waveriey Rd. Antique furniture, dishes, dlocks, iamps, smaii kitchen appliances, used funniture, household furnishings, iewell- ery, clothing, chiidren's books, puzzlres,' camping LES needs, garden toals. 623-7490 13-2x FRIGIDAIRE washen, 13-tf McC!ary-Easy dryer, bath in working arder. Newcastle 'U987-4473. KENMORE washer and dry- er, oniy six months old. $500, for the pair. Cal! 623-3638 after 6. 13-1 ORCHARD sprayer, bean sprayer 240 gal. tanks. 25 gai. minute pump. 4 cylinder, Wisconsin engine. C ail D. Cunningham 987-4294. 13-2x JOHN DEERE, No. 4Otractor, excellent condition $1,000; aiso snowbiade $50. and bush hog $300. Phone 1-786-2935. 13-1 TRI P ta St. Petersburg, Flr;-- ida. For further information phone 623-3247. 13-1 SWIMMING pool for sale: Moving - wii sel! you 16 x 32 above ground Modular Red- wood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000. Savings of $2100. 1975 mode!, cal! 416-625-2719, days or evenings, coilect. il-tf LIKE NEW 24,000 B.T.U. Westinghouse air-conditioner. Air conditions full size home. Cali 728-1122. 12-tf House of Amberý's Sprîng Stock is Here Apritl st You are invited ta came out ta, aur home shop, north end 0f Hampton Village. Shop and Sarking at rear of large, red, rick home. View aur fine selectian of gift items tram places such as Itaiy, Mexico, Germany and England. We offer many services such as advice in home decorating, f lawer arrange- ments, gift wrapping and hand-made bees wax candies original ail paintings, hand crafted items and much mare. Came ouf and browse ta your hearts content. We wauid be pleased ta heip you choose that special gift. SPRING & SUMMER SHOP ,HOURS Monday and Tuesday cîosed. Wednesday by chance or appointment. Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. - 9p.m. Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. - 4p.m. Ca Il 263-2981 12-2 PADDY'S Market now haE new furnitume, appliances, T.V.'s and stereas andalsc used furnture and appl iances Will accept frade-i. Paddy'! Market, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33-t' USED Fumniture and Appli- 13-1 ances. Paddy's Market, - Hampon 263-2241. 26-tf Fuller Brush Products. Contact Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939' A saiesman in Darlingtan Township. 1 tf DOG & CAT SPECIAL Purina New Dog Meal 1- 50 lb. Bag - $10.75 10 -50 lb. Bags -$99.00 Purina Cat Chow. 4 kg. Bag -$.74 each 10 kg, Bag - $8.46 each Offer good dur îng March or until stocks Iast. VANSTONE FLOUR & FEED MILL 623-5777 OSHAWA 5CREENED SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS AIL SIZES FOR DRI VEWAYS j' & PARKING LOTS TOPSOIL & DIRT FILL ~ -" DELIVERED OR REMOVE O TRUCK<S & LOADERS FOR R E'N T SNOW REMOVAL SAND & GRAVEL SUPF 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. 12-2 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. lient load. Owner Builden Youings Paint Estates Ltd., Ontario. Contact: Mn. J. Meagher Arbour View Dr. Youngs Point, Ontario KOL 3G0 12-2; (705) 652-8208 - (705) 652-8091 10-4 PLY RESULTS COUNT! S Multiple Listing Service Oshawa & District RealI Estate Board YOUNG girl requires raom and board in Bowmanvi!le area. Phone 987-4021. C,,,ô Mi Event C0MPRESSORS, generafors, electric motors, griniders, drill -presses, heavy duty power tools, etc. Saws sharpened. We seli, buy and trade. Open Saturdays. Ace Machinery 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933. 464tf SWIMMING Pool Iess than one year aid. Fanta Sea above ground redwood 16 x 24, cost $4,500. Must se!! immediately, will sacrifice - savings of $2,000. Cali Fanta Sea Service Centre at 1-416-625-8817, days or evenings collect. il tf ANTIQUE CLOCKSý, -REPAIRED- Parts available for most anti- que dlocks, pocket watches and modern watches and dlocks. Our repai-rs are done wvith modern up-to-date equipment adqualified Swiss trained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LTD. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-tf SFPY and delicious apples. Quality first and second grades. Roy Orchards. Phone 263-8430. 12-2 SAVE money! Years of exper- ience and excellent workman- ship at $10.00 per hour Viking Plumbing and Heafing saves you money and "your satisfaction is my guarantee to the future." Cali todlayfor free estimates 263-2981. 12-2 FILM PROC ESSI1NG CH ILDRE N'S 5 PHOTOS Camneras and Photograptiic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 10-10ý SEED G RAI N Oats and Barley Wesley Yellowlees 263-2023 12-2x WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, vH F Aerials, Rofors& Repairs AParf ment & Homnes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee Phone 576-5606 30-tf GRAIN fed beef sides, 90 cents a lb. Leland Payne, Newton- ville, phone 786-2512. 44-tf SWIMMING Pool: Deluxe, Redwood, above g round pool. 16 x 24. 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 1/2 price. Cali Mr. Harvey, collect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. il-tf TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bedroom, complete; dining room, 9 piece; living room; wall unit, cottee TaDies, new furniture, very reason- able. Phone 1-247-4377. 10 tf BUSINESS opportunify fuli or part-time. Distributors need- ed for Bowmanville area. For appointment cal! 623-4851. YOUNGSPOINTONTAR 1 TENDES O If 1 ý D

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