1975 GRAND AM LE MANS 10,000 miles, under warranty, one owner, if your in the market see thi:ý beautiful sports modeL. Asking $5,700. Phone 723-6890 evenings. 13-1 197.5 COURIER haîf ton truck, only 4,100 miles, rust. proofed, radio, 4-speed. Ask- ing $3,100. Phone 623-4481. i 13-1 '69 CHEV. Impala, good condition, low mileage. Phone 623-4545. 13-1 '72 OLDS Delta 88, good condition, automatic, power steering, power brakes, Ask- ing $2000. '71 Sno Cruiser, 1976 license, 20 H.P. $400. '71 Swinger Snowmobile, 10 H.P., like new. Speciai $225. 30 foot Cruisemaster, custom built, twin interceptor motors, ail conveniences. 25 foot Cris Craft, penyan huil, straight 8 Chrysler. '67 Harley David- son, electric start, shovel heads, rebuilt $2600. '67 Con- quest camper, good condition, sleeps 6. $250. 728-0394, 13-1 '67 VOLVO 122S, mechanically very good, needs a little bodywork on front end, 30 miles per gallon average, interior fairly good, tach, stereo and speakers, one year old radiais on Ford GT Rims, $700 f irm. OnIy serious enquir- les please. Phone 983-5228 at ter 6 p. m. 13-1 '73 CHEYENNE 20 -Camper Special1. 350 auto., p.s. and p.b. $31950. Phone 623-5734. 13-1 1968 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4 door, gaod condition includes safety check. Phone Dykstr's Food Market 623-3541. Best of fer considered,- 13-1 1969 G.M.C. hait ton truck. Fleetside, V-_8, standard, leat spri ngs,, very good condition. Phone 987-5205. 13-1 '75 CUTLASS, V-8, Ps and pb, radio, 13,000 miles. A-i condi- tion. Asking $4400. Phone 1-786-2458. 13-1 '68 EPIC S.L.B.C. car. Body and engine excellent. Best offer, uncertified. Phone 623-4084. 13-1ix 1969 VOLVO, 142 GT, 4 wheel power discs, overdrive, certi- f led. Phone 623-7746. 13-1 One-owner 1965 CH EV ýrimpala, 2 door harcltop, power steer- ing, 283 automnatic, 33,000 on rebulît engine, posi-traction rear end, heavy duty suspen- sion, clutch fan, new brake shoes, tinted glass <ail win- dows), radio, and many more options. Very goad condition for ear. Certified. Price $425. Cal Bob at 623-7602. 13- URGENTLY REQIIRED! We have cash buyers for homes in the Bowmanville area. Perhaps your home would bring top dollar? We'll be pleased ta appraise it for yau and help you locate the -home of your dreams". For fri,endly efficient sale of your homne, calI P. & R. Realty Company, Realtor, Bennett Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bawman- vil-le 576-6120. 17-tf A e - e ~ S THE NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION Applications wili be received by the undersigned until 12 noon April 7, 1976, for the position 0f: Sec retarialI Assistant Plant Departmnent Board Off ice Proficiency in typing and shorthand is preferable. Some knowledge of architectural and mechanical terms is desirable. Ability to take written and-oral instructions and cope with work load at peak periods of primary importance. Apply in writing stating quali- fi cations, experience and te le- phone number to: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ont. K9A 4L2. 13-1 YOUNG CANADIAN COMPANY REQUIRES A FULL-TIME SALES REPRESENTATIVE IN THIS AREA. Applicants should be ener- getic, confident, self-starters, able ta wark on their awn. Remuneration and future prospects excellent. Apply in stri ct confidence giving back- ground and previaus employ- ment ta Advertiser 607, c-a Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvi] le, Ont- aria. LiC 3K9. 13-i EXPANDING CANADIAN OIL COMPANY needs dependable persan who can work withaut supervision. Earn $14,000 per year plus bonus. Contact customfers around Bowmanville. We train. Write C. T. Dick, Pres., Southwestern Petroleum, Brampton, Ont., L6T 2J6. 13-1 You Should Be Selling LOTTERY TICKETS! Wintario & Olympic You wiil be amazed at the pgtential profit in selîiig these tickets! Seil themn to your friends, where you work or at your club meetings! For further information cali: W.M.G. Marketing 110 King St. W. Oshawa 576-9181 CONTRACTORS Generai contractors re- quired in Durham Region. Roofers, pavers, plumbers, general etc. Must be inde- pendent businesses. CaIli 579-5070 9-tf FULL and part-time earn $5-$e an hour calling on Fuller Brush custamners. Car neces- sary. For informa.tion cal 372-9969 or write Patrick Wiebe, 416 Wal1ton st., Cobourg. 12-2x e S S. SMALL riding lawn mower. Phone 983-5560, ask for Ben. 13-if WOODWORKING toals, band saw, drlil press, belt sand er, etc, Phone 725-0844. 13-ix Good used furniture, baby furniture, dishes, playpens, walkers, strollers. Phone Towne Used Furnifure, 623- 4681, Bowmanville, for instant cash and service. 10-4 rtSEÙ DFuniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market, Hampton 263-2241. ' 33-tf CASH for gold, silver, coins, guns, dlocks, jewellery, dish- es, furniture, cracks, paint- ings, sealers, appliances. Friendly Flea Market, 23 King West, 725-9783. 38-tf ANTIQUES,- docks, lampa, books, etc. Phone 1-983-9605. 112-4 USEO camper in gaod candi- tion. Cali Henry Lise 623-7807. 13-1 Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcycles Snowmobi les For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 ,Residence 623-7112 45-tf The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Notice of Application ta change name of Lycett Street. TA KE NOTI1C E that the Coun cil1 of The Corporation Of vie Town of Newcastle has applied ta change the name of portions of Lycett Street in the Town of Newcastle as follows: (a) To change the name of that part of Lycett Street shown on Registemed Plan No. 652 from Lycett Street ta Mutton Court. (b) To chang9ethe name of that part of Lycett Street between the south limit of the portion of Lycett Street ciosed by By-Law number 75-37 of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and the north limit of Baseline Road tram Lycett Street ta Simpson Avenue. AND TAKE NOTICE that the application will be considered by the Judge of the Courity Court of the Judicial District of Durham on Thursday, the 29th day of April, 1976 at tne hour of 10:00 o'clock in the foenoan at the Judge's Chambers at the Court Houise, 605 Rassland Road East, Wh itbv, Ontario, at which time and place liose advocati-g and ou1 the change wiil be heard. 1 HELP wanted - persan inter- ested in part time telephone answering service in your own home. Bowmanville residents only. Caîl 623-5349. 13-1 PERSON ta do s pring dlean- ing must be relia ble and have references. Appiy in wmiting ta Advertiser 609, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, Ontario. 13-2x FARM Laboumers wanted. Brookdale Kingsway Ltd. me- quires extra spring season field crew. This is a temporary position ta assist aur regular field crew in the digging and planting of trees and shrubs at aur numsery in Bowmanviile ta be employed on a cali-on basis, at a rate 'of $2.65 per haur. Applications received at 150Du ke Street, 9a. m. -5 p.mn. Mondayta Fmiday. .13-i DUE ta expansion, floral designer for Oshawa store. Must have expemience. Cali Van Belle Gardens at 623-4441. 13-1 EXTRA money. Earn top maney in your spare time shampooing', simanizing, per- farming oth er car came ser- vices. Cali 725-4461. 13-i MARRIEO farm help for modemn dairy famm, separate house with conveniences. Write advemtiser 611, c-o Canadian Statesman, P.0, Box 190, Bowmanvilie, Ont. 13-2 HOUSEKEEPER for two childmen, acied'4 and i. hours 7:30 - 4:30. Salary $50. per week. Caîl Newtonvilie 786- 2657 atter 4:30. 13-1 SALES PEOPLE Canvassing in the Durham Reg ion. F Fuil or part-time. Advertising supplied. Ca Il 579-5070 a FURNISHED one bedroamn apartment, central, adults. First and last months rent. Immediate possession. $160. Phone 623-7264. 13-1 UNFURNISHïED bachelor a- partment for warking waman. Phone 623-7737 t ram 9 a.m. -6 p.M. 1- MODERN four bedroamn bungalow and garage. Cour- tice area with eight acres of land available after April 22, 1976. 786-2211.' 13-1ix TWO apa rtments f or Apri1 l îst. Phone 623-7363. 13-1 2 BEDROOM secluded cot- tage. Fully winterized. On quiet pond. $150 manthly, hydro extra. 5 miles narth of Oshawa. Write Advertiser 610 wîth references, c-o Canadian Statesman, Box 190, Bowman- fville, Ontario, LiC 3K9. 13-1 SU BLET two bedroomn apart- ment, $225 month, hydro and cable included. Six manths on lease. Available immediately. Phone after 6 p.m. 623-9336. 13-2 PORT Hope, three bedroom house, applicances, rireplace, garage, vacant, $260. manthly. Phone 1-266-7945 Scarbarough. il-tf ONE large bedroam apart- ment, Newcastle area, avail- able. immediately. Phone 987-5147. 13-1 ONE bedroam. Stove and fridge included. AIl utilitieE paid. $150.00*per month. Phone 623-3773. 13-tf TWO bedroom upstairs, pri- vate entrance, stave, ,frig. $180. Newtanville. Available May 1. Phone i-786-2976. 13-1ix Furnishedl Bed roo ms by month, week or day, shower and bath, licenced premises, reasonable rates. CASTLE HOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 1 tf TWO bedraom aparfment. Available April 1. $170 manth- y. Phone 623-3651. 13-i am RýELIABLE adults would like country house ta ment. Within commuting distance of Oshawa, i-705-292-7121. 10-12x TWO or thre .e bedroomn home n Bowmanville area. Refer- ences if needed. Apply Adver- tiser 608, c-a Canadian States- ,yan, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- e'Ont. 13-i MATURE wîdow seeks self- contained accommodation, reasonable. Phone 623-6876. 13-f Saturday, April 3rd, time - 12 noon, furniture and anti- ques ta be auctioned at Prince Albert Hall. Auctianeer Mur- ray Jackson 1-985-2459. 13-i Auction Sale Grist MilI Auction Barn Newtonville, April 3 md. Saturday, 12 Noon The estate of the late Melvin Graham, Newcastle. R.C.A. color T.V., fridge, stove, leatherette day bed, several aid qulîts, small pine armoire, pine chest, gingerbread and shelf dlocks, wicker chair, wingback chestemt ield, set of 5 p essbacks, 5 pc. dinette suite, large school bell, 4 pc. aid bed roomn suite, (good condi- tion), garden tiller, mawer, also pool table and accessor- les, plus many other items. Stapleton Bras., Auctioneers, 786-2244. 13-1 .Auction Sale for John Coo- er on the Middle Road, 1/2 m ile straight north of Bowmanville on Saturday, April 3md at i p.m. Quantity 0f small articles on' the wagon, chain saw, '67 Beaumont car (as is), 3 furmow MF plow 3 point hitch, fertilizer spreadem, mowem for Ford tractor, aid tires, Int. 15 rung fertilizer dmill, 70' drive belt, harows, cultivator, tan- dem disc, manure speader, binder, ingle plow, Jubiîee Fard tractor in A-i condition. Cliff Pethick, Auctioneer. 13-i Auction sale at Pethick's Auction Barn, Havdon, one mile east of Enniskillen on Saturday, April 3. Large quantity, of funiture, again the barn is full and'it ail must e oSale time 7:00 p.m. Clift eth ick, Auctioneer. 13-i S ce J. A. HAYES,(SMOKEY) Custom Cutting 12 Cents Lb. FREEZER ORDERS 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phone 579-8011 or 623-7056 6-8 Complete Electrical Service Wiring, New - Alterations- Portable Tools - Maintenance- Appliance Repaira - Smnall Appliances. WILLIAMS ELECTRIC 623-5149 43 Prince St. Bowmanville 12-4 CUSTOM uphoistering, recov- ering, me-styling, very meason- able, wark guaranteed, 20 years experience. Free estimates. Please cail collect 1-986-5072. 26-tf Peter Sutherland Aluminum Prod. -Siding - Soffit - Facer Eavestrough - Windows Doors - Awnings 623-4398 For Free Estimate, 45-tf INSULATION, blowing meth- od with rock wool, warkman- ship guaranteed. Sealdaime insu lation, phone 705-742-0272. Representative Harry L. Wade, phone 987-4531. 43-tf DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNITS and APPLIANCES, SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanvilîe 26-tf DARLI NGTON MASON RY, Brick, Block, Stonie CHIMNEY & FIREPLACES CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf BiII's GLASS anld MIRRORS LTD. 7 Division St., Bowmanvilie Ontario. Phone 623-5187 Sheet and Float Glass Sealed Un its -S-'rm Windows Store Fronts - Float Mirrors Patterned and Coîomed Glass and Glazing. 17 tf ,N/ATÊ'k Wells bored, 30" tule. Ward's Weil Boring. Tele- phone 342-2030. Representa- tive Harry L. Wade. Tele- phone 987-4531. 16-tf EXPERIENCEO lea ne r would like work in house or office. Phone 623-2438 after 5:0 OP. M. 12-2x Jim's Quality Painting Oecorating & Paper Hanging GENERAL REPAIRS Phone: Courfice,' 728-7843 Ontario 12-7x YOUNG lady seeka babysit- ting and light housekeeping job in Hampton amea, live out. 263-2787. 13-1ix ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE WILL care for pre-schooler in my own home, Monday- Friday. Hot lunch provided. Bawmanvil le area. Phone 623- 2816. 13-2 D. Beers & Sons CONSTRUCTION New Homes - Renovating Rec Roams Repairs of ail types. PHONE 623-2263 20-tf RON'S FLOOR CARE Includes Homes, Offices, Etc. Rug and Carpet and Upholstery Shampooing Wall21ashing Ron Turcotte at 623-7966 49-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS,-FURNACES CLEANED. PLUMBING REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 1263-2151 MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 - Bowmanville 30-f BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREET Plumbing - Heating Pressure Systemns New Work and Repairs Service and Estimates Cail1623-2641 33-f PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL 705-277-2261 29-tf KG RENOVATIONS Rec. Rooms, Kitchens, Etc. 623-6056 50-tf Ref rigeral ion and Applianc,: .Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration - Milk Coolers >PHONE BERT SYER Days .........623-5774 Nights .........623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2~ Remodeling PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL SPRINKLE SYSTEMS CALL KEITH 623-6892 13-4x C'&C JAN ITOR SER.VICE Carpet - Upholstery Professiona liy Cleaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANVILLE 3-tf AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tune-ups - Brakes - Etc. AI l womk done by Licensed Class "A" Mechanic At your home or place of business. AIl parts and labor guaranteed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 BoWmanville 52-tf Income Tax Retuns - Bookkeeping Services Office Overload Oua ified Accountant $5.0and Up At office or your home. FREIN'S 19 Division St., Oshawa Specializing in Farm and Business Taxes. Bowmanville W. S. Withemspoon 623-3449 - Mr. Atkinson 623-3449 Oshawa 579-8241 10-6 Auction sale, private estate, modern and antique fumniture property of Mr. B. Ducharme, 305 Eulalie to be hé-Id at Stirtevant's Auction Hall, 27 Hall Street, Oshawa, Thurs- day, April 1 at 6 p.m. Reason for sale - moving to West Coast McClary-Easy brawn stove (like new), refrigerator, 15 cu. ft.de f reeze, chrome suite, rond dini ng room table with 3 leaves, hi-fi stereo set, port- able color T.V., chesterfield suite (good condition), 5 pce. modemn bedroom suite, 9 pce. diningroom suite (good condi- tion), Viking black and white portable T.V., writing desk, iecupboard, kitchen cup- oard, hall stand, coffee and end tables, 4 pce. bedroam suite, captain's bed (like new), 2 pce. bedroom suite, garden and carpenter tools, skil saw, table saw, 18' aluminum spring box boat complete with 80 h.p. Mercury motor in A-i condition with boat trailer. This is a large estate sale. Plan to attend. Terms - cash. Myles King, Auctioneer 725-5751. 13-1 Saturday, Apr. 10 - 1 p.m. Farm Machinery Auction sale of famm machin- ery. The pmoperty of the Estate of Rager Hailman, R.R. 2,Mamkham. i mile south of Ringwood on Hwy. 48 then i mile west on i9th Avenue or 4 miles nomth of Markham ta i9th Avenue and 1 mile west. International 574 diesel trac- tor with r-abi power steerin, front weights (like new onriy 367 hours), Inter. 434 gas tractor and loader 45ti nrs., Inter. 624 diesel t ractor, Inter. 46 4-furrow plow, Inter. 111/2' vibra shank cultivator, Inter. 10' disc ýon wheels, Inter. 990 haybine 7', Int. 47 baler, Int. 14 aide make, Little Giant 34' elevator and motor, hay trailer with dual wheeis, baie buncher, transport auger 32' - 5" PTO driven, Int. 10 seed dmi1l semi-mounted, Int. 251 2 row corn planter -'3 pt. hitch, Turnco grain box, Century tralier aprayer, Int. 91 10' combine self prapelled, Int. 8 fiail chopper, Int. 350 forage harvester - i row, int. 41 forage bîowem and pipes, Badger distributor, Dion for- age wagon, Pittsburgh scuff- ler - 3 point hitch, Int. 175 bu. manure soreader, Aros a point scraper, Arps snow blower, 5 section hamrows, Cadet 60 riding lawn mowem, Chev. 1/2 ton pickup truck 24,000 miles. Note: This is one of the best machiner y sales of the season. Ali mac h nemy in niew condition. Lunch avait- able. Lloyd Wilson and W. O. Atkinson, Sales Managers and Auctioneers, Uxbridge 416- 852-3524. 13-2 Seiiing Satumday, April loth, at i o'clock sharp the 'arm machinery, impiements, h-4y,, straw and orain of Mm. Orrr. Falls. 11/2 miles south Qt Kendal and i mile east. Included in this sale is a M.H. 13 disc seed drill, M.F. 3 point hitch mower, Ford tractor (good tires), two-f urmow plow, cockshutt cuitivator, Inter- national side rake, disc, rub- ber tire wagon, 4-section haraws, 24 ft. baie elevator, Wood's grinder, a new chain saw, quantity of steel fence stakes, wheei bamrows, one heavy duty barn jack, cattie clipper, two sets of scaies, plus fomks, chains, and shovels etc., aiso 1300 baies of goad hay, 300 bushel of Rodneý; oats, household items include blanket cheat, two dressers, sewing machine, antique cup- board, one 12 cubic foot fridge, smaii antique' tables, cracks, two ail lanterna, carpenter's tool chest and tools, chrome dinette with 6 chairs, two dressers, beds, plusý many more items too numerous ta mention. Charlie Reid, auctioneer, and Lawrence Harris, cierk. 11-4 Saturday, April 3rd. Absal- utely Unmeaemved iith Annual Stock Reduction Sale of New and Used Famm Machinery. The pmoperty of W.J. Lambert and S on Ltd. (M.F. Dealer) on the Beavertan. by-pass at Beavertan, 13 miles narth of Sunderland or 23 miles south. of Omillia. 23 tractors - M.F. Super 90 diesel tractor, 1976 M."F. 175 diesel tractor, 1972 M.F. 165 diesel tractar, -Fard 3000 diesel tractor with 1200 Ford manume loader, 2 - 1972 M.F. plaughs, 6 other ploughs, 1976 Kewanie 624 disc, 1975 Kongakilde 29 tooth cuitivatar' '3 pt. with roiiing harrows, Gyro fertilizer spreader 3 pt. Century 200 gaI. aprayer on wheeis 28' booms, power mowers, aide rakes, 1972 M.F. No. 12 Baier, Oliver 62T Baler, Int.* 46 Baler, New Haliand 68 baier, Owatonna 10' self- propelled swather 13' header with cab, M.F. 44 self pro- peîied 10' swather, M.F. 300 self propelied combine 13' header with cab, 4 self unloading forage wagons, 1975 Agro cement mixer, 1962 Int. truck tractor with Tag Along float - 14' with beaver tail, 1968 Int. truck with Grave rail back platform, 1975 M.F. 205 bushel manure spreader demonstra- tom. Garden tractors, riding lawn mawers, 1976 Little Giant 38' elevatar PTO, 2 - 1976 Turnco 180 bus, gravity grain boxes wilh Incor mun- ningo ge, Many other items. Forcapete listing see sale posters. Terma Cash or finanicing may be amranged priar ta sale. 10 per cent discount an ail parts day of sale. An outstanding sale of tarm machinemy. Plan ta attend. Absoiutely No Re- serve. Sale at 12 NOON SHARP. Carl Hickson, Auctianeer, Reabora, Ont. 7V5-324-9959 12-2 Thurs. April 8, 12:30 75 Hoîsteins Complete Holstein Dispersai for Jae Schaap, R. R. 3, Sutton West, 3 miles southwest of Sutton, 2nd farm south of Base Line on Con. 6. Fmom Hwy. 48 at Brown Hili, go 21/2 miles west on paved road ta Con. 6 then 31/2 miles nomth. 84 head grade Hoisteins - 50 milking age,-35 milking 16 springems, several due a t sale time, 15 bred heifers, il open year- lings, 2 service aige bulis. 1500 bales hay, wagon load of smali g oods. These are young fine uddered cows, many Ist and 2nd caîf. The herd maintains an average dairy test of 3.8 per cent. Many due for summer and fail. Mm. Schapp has mented the Ronkalin Farm for the past 8 yeams. The farm has been soid a. d Mm. Schaap is fomced ta selI immediateiy. Lunch availabie. Small goods 12:30. Cattie i p.m. Lloyd Wison, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge, 416-852- 3524. 12-2 Wed., April114, 1: 00 p. m. Hoîsteins Hay - Dairy Equipment Complete Ringstate Holstein Dispersai owned by Ray Heminga, R.R. 2, Blackstock. Lot 35, Con. 9 on Damlington - East Whitby Towni!ne. 5 miles south of Port Permy then 21/2 miles east or 21/2 miles east 0f Raglan then 1/2 mile south. 50 head, Reg istered, Classified, ai home Bred. a liby popular sýires - 6 by 'Starlite', 12 Perseus Mark', 12 'Pontiac Chieftain', others by 'Wayne', 'Hemdmastem' and 'Thornlea'. These cows are vemy daimy with a great desime ta work., Udders are up ti ght with beautiful q uality. This is a yaung herd such as Rigstate Lassie Starlite Ana G.P. 83. A fancy 4 year aid by Starlite will be fresh by sale time. Alsa seliing a service age bull by 'Emperor' tram a vemy good 'Rockman'. 2000 bales hay, qu. baled stmaw, 4 Surge milkers, 2 electmic sepamators. Sale calied on short notice due ta back injury. Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. 12-3 8th annual Brooklin and District, new and used farm machînery auction sale. Sat- urday, April 3rd - at 10:30 a.m. Tractors include Case 2470 W-Duals Cab and A-Cond., 3 P.T.H. 175 H.P.; White 1870 w-cab 100 H.P. (like new); M-F 1100 Diesel (excellent); M-F 1085 600 Hms.; Oliver 1800 diesel; O-B 1212 Diesel; D-B «1200 W-OD-B laadem and P-strg; O - B 990; O - B 880; Belarus "500- W-Cab 70 H. P.; M-F 711 F.WD. Skid-steer loader; M-F 135 O W-Loader; M-F 35 gap w-Freeman load- er; M-F 1200 gas industriai; M-F 200 loader; M-F 40tractom fork lift w-Seilick Mast 6000 lb. 14 ft.; plus many, many other models ta choose tram. Hay Equipment - M-F 120 baler (new); M-F haybine; used balers; mowers; makes; etc. Grain equipment - seed drilis, corn planters; wagons; har- vesters, etc. Tillage Equip- ment - discs; cultivators; plows, etc. Other Equipment - P.T.O. manure spreaders; wagons; mix-mili; iawn and garden tractors; snowmo- biles; trailers, etc. Auction- eems Note - again we are offering a superb line-up of quality tractors and ather equipment, ta meet youm annuai needa! Sa loin us, and >'au too will become a satisfied buyer! Location - Brooklin, Ontario <Heron's Lot), 3/4mile east of Brooklin, corner of Thickson Road; or Hi ghway 401 ta interchange No. 68 (between Whitby and Osh- awa), then 5 miles north on Th ickson Road. Terms cash, or cheque. Tractors selling'12:00 p.m. under caver. Refresh- ments and meals availabe. Kahn Auction Services, Sales MAanagers - Phone (416) 98581l6l. 12-2 Tuesday, April 2Oth - Annuai Spring Stocker Sale at Lind- sa y Community- Sale 'Barn, Angeline St. North, Lindsay, Ont., Stocker steers, heifers and calves soid in trucklaad lots or ta your satisfaction. Aîwavs a qood guality sale. Plan ta attend. For cansign. -nents or further information CHANGE 0F 1NAME Judith Eleanor Huber has resumned her maiden name, Judith Eleanor Rand. 13-i FINE QUAI ITY MARKERS A 0, r STAFFORD ~Ç~/ RIS.LTD. Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMI TE O Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. - Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 337 King Stre et W. Oshawa 5.76-3333 TEN ACRE FARM on edge of Oshawa, f ranting on two moads, circular paved drive, 50 x 60 ft. barn, metai feeding starage, three wells, 4-bdrm brick rancher with attached garage. ARE YOU? searching for a home with a hi gà momtgag e at a iower rate? How about aur 2-bed- roomn Townhouse with view of trees and greenbet area tram your living roam? $6,Ooodown, in Oshawa. KINMOUNT, 928 ACRES 500 ft.0f secluded shoreline on f ri vate lake, arched nature rails, goad ski his, wintemiz- ed 3-bedmoom, cottage wîth indoor facilities, Fran klin tire- p lace. Everflowing streamn large enough for, canoeing, large beaver pond. Excellent opportun ity for a group ta own their awn hunting. camp, or children's camp. Vehdor will hold momtgage, asking $196,00(). LOOKING FOR A SMALL FARM? on the edge of Sauina Village, 50 acres with great view of Lake Ontariagood gamdening soul, buiid the home of youm dreams. ROOM TO S PARE! You must sée this 5-bedroom, 2-stomey home, fireplace in dining moom, large family kitchen, unfinished family room, large entrance hall. Smal community of New- castle, asking $42,500. "THIS IS THE SCHOOL THAT JACK BUILT" into a beau tiful home, 2200 sq. ft. of customn qua lity intemior, 3 bedrooms, separate dining room, den, eat-in kitchen with pantmy, iaundry, iinen and utility rooms, centre hall Surrounded by a hait acre lot, Sulet hamiet 8 miles north of %owmanv il le. 1 GET OUT 0F TOWN! buy this clapboard bungalow on one acre, 4 raamns for awnem with natura, fire place and 2 goad bedroomrs. PLUS, a 3-moom apt. renting for $175. monthiy. Asking $53,500. SERVICE STATION PLUS HOM E excellent potential, business and rentai incame plus your own 3-bedroom home, with naturel fireplace, 2-bay ser- vice station, haist and pumps. 1700 sq. ft. building naw rented. Ail 3 buildings on prime commercial land. Ideal narth Oshawa location an main road, firmly established business. Owner retiring. Ask- ing $185,000. Ruby Ingelton 623-2627 Eaml Allen 725-7782 Janice Corley 576-6857 Fred Best 576-4178, Valerie Butt 985-2122 Maumeen Harris 725-1394 Herta Kuleshnyk 683-8245 Douglas Trivett 723-7390 Susan Riznek 728-8631 Bruce Scamlett 576-7593 George Twaites 723-2008 Kathleen Twates 723-2008 Tom Milis 576-3323 Joe Long 725-6735 Answering service after hours REALTOR 623-2503 13-i BUtLOER'S' HOME -- the fineat mateials, pride of workmanship and the latest ideas went into the construc- tion of this 5 bedroom split level home. Bmaadloam thmoughout, famiiy room with firepiace and-patio doors ta sundeck. Games room finish- ed in natural knotty aine. Double garage and many other features. Caîl ta see. $5,000 OOWN -- 3 apartments. Occupy one and let the incame tram the other two make the one sing le mortgage payment. Goad location acrosa tram Orono Park. Close ta shop- ping, schools and amena. Large 86 x 170' lot with trees. Owner moving. Asking $63.900. MARKET GAROENING FARM on 74 acres. New double garage with work area and loft. New implement shed. Four bedroom home. Front- age on 2 raads, close ta 401 hwy., near Newtonville. Ask- ing $125.000. ORONO - Attradtive 4 bed- roomn bungalow. Separate din- ing raom, large kitchen, 2 - 4 pic. bathrooms, finished mec raom aiso 5th bedraom in basement. Pool size back yard. Asking $57.900. HORSE FARM - 35 acres. Large modemn 4 bedroom home. 10 stali barn, impe. ment shed and feeding lof.. 2 creeka, one feeding a beautitul traut pond. $135,000 temms. 13-i REALTOR Pat Marjerrison 623-4115 Ken Nicks 623-4050 Doilie Davey 786-2256 (Newtonvilie) COUNTRY ESTATE Custom built home, 2-years aId. Pillars at front door, cedar and stone decor, 2 fireplaces, family roomn with bar. Walk-outs ta lower patio and upper balcony. Scenic two acre lot with birch trees. Ponty pool amea, 25 minutes tram Bowmanville, $93,500. LIBERTY STREET Immaculate, split-level, double garage, paved drive, 2 fireplaces, extra large lot, $67,900. COUNTRY BUNGALOW Neat, 2 bedroom tframe house on 1/2 acre lot, 2 car garage and warkshop. Ideal retire- ment or starter home, $39,900. full, price. 0O'DELL STREET Neat three bedmoom brick bunqalow in gooci esidential area. Close ta downtown. Recently decorated. Gaod starter or retirement home. On ly $44,900. TYRONE VILLAGE One bedroomn bungalow, large lot with heated warkshop. Ideal for hobby shop, furnitume refinishing, antiques, etc. $36,500. full price. 13-1 Swi m ming Pool ti me is i ust a few months away. This 6 moomn brick bungalow in Newcastle has a 20' x 40' ingrouind pool for yaur enioyment., Has mec. molom and tireplace. Real value at $58,500. Terms arranged, 3 bedroom semi in Bowman- ville near shopping. In excel- lent condition. Best buy at $35,i900. Tems.s This home is "-Spick and Span"., 40 acres with stream and.somne bush in Newtonville area. Frontage on 2 moads. Permits available, Terms. CoZy 2 bedmoomn bungalow in no ,rth Oshawa with partially tinished mec. moom. Large weii landscaped lot. Only $44,900. Biackstock and 7A. 8 roomn home and repair garage and former gasoline outlet, Suit- able outlet tom boats, trailers or any number of ventures. Caîl for details. Want ta seil? Cail us for assistance. 13-i 623-3911 Orono - Income pmaperty with, immediate possession., 2 bëd- roamsanard bath on the main level and also in the lower level' apartment. Separate entrances, on large lot aver- laaking the park. Vendar wiIl hald mamtgage. Courtice Area- excellent 4 bedroom family home with mec. roam, -i1/2 baths and separate D.R. on i acre fenced lot with small barn, asking $69,900. Caîl ta see this one. Millbrook Area - 3 bedroom brick bungalow now being completed on large 170 x 300 foot lot.' Caîl for information. Omono Area - 4 .bedroomn bungalow with mec. moom, fimeplace, workshop and terri- tic view of suraundings, lot 128 x 150. Asking $63,500.. Bowmanville - compact 3 bedroom brick bungalow in goad south end area, ideal starter or retirement home, asking $45,900. 13-i TWO-yeam-old detached house, 4 bedrooms, Wavemley subdivision. Phone 623-6323. 13-i x 12 x 60 MOBILE HOME. Living raom 131/2 x 181/2, air canditioned, avocada fridge and stave, washer, bmoad- laom, drapes, metai Sh~edS, p lus extras. $23.500. 987-5138 Newcastle. 13-i 2 STOREY, 4 bedroom piThÀ large dining raom, fireplace in the living roam in this aider brick home with sepamate g~arage. Very good location in Bowmanville. Aaking only $54,900. For appointments please cali Ait Czajkowski 723-6179. Jeannette Nugent Real Estate 579-4900. 13-1 n -~ - e e e S 1
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