4 "rhe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 31, 1976 Section Two »A gricultural Junior Agriclturist Program the plant " 1976" p.m. prc( Once again Ibis year the the Stoc Ontario Ministry of Agricul- handling ture and Food will be conduct- facilities ing the Junior Agriculturist produceî, Program across the province p.m. proc of Ontario. The past three chance t years of the Program have MondayI been very successful in pro- first-hand viding a number of young marketinl people who are interested in developeè agriculture with a practical ber of yez learning experience on a We ha' commercial farm. As a resuit, sheep pro there are now a group of about th young people interested and anyonem capable of entering farm attending labour positions. As well, the with the Junior Agriculturists, their at il a. families and friends have Public Stc developed a greater apprecia- April 5th. tion of rural life in the food producîng industry. Two bai The Program is designed to witb the t provide a practical learning of. MilkE experience for young people will be1 from non-farm homes, who April ist have a serions interest in Peterboro agriculture and who had no VictoriaC experience working on a farmn. will begin As a Junior Agriculturist farm of B the person will be placed on a Oakwood selected commercial farm south of wbere bie, or she will perform Britain1 regular activities relative to boroughC that farm operation. In ad- begin at dition the Junior Agriculturist of Carl will have an opportunity to Peterboro develop an appreciation of 10, Conc. rural life through living with a Turn nort farm family and through cession al participating in the local 4-H uson Deal and Junior Farmer programs the River1 and in other rural and righl and community acivities. the first Junior Agriculturisîs are to hand side be 16 or 17 years of age and Topics must be in good physical and include:1 mental health and to this end of pipeline eacb Junior Agriculturist ES including required to have an examin- and s0o o ation by his or hier family looked at doctor to certify that hie or she requiremE bas no major disability and is types of able to witbstand very rigor- iation ra ous, physical and mental Valves an effort. The Junior Agricul- used - TbE turist are expected to remain system e on the assigned farm for the vacuum P full period of the program uine reser, from June 21st tI August 2tb system, 1976. Selection will be based in milking1 part on their reasons for being tion andi interested in agriculture and pipeline ir their plans for furtber educa- Resource tion in a career. Host farmers will be Mv are to be engaged in farming Agricultur ful l ime. The farm is 10 be a SimcoeC commercial operation and the staff mer farmer must be interested in Industry1 belping inexperienced, young Taylor, D, people develop the skills ist, with i required on a farm. Farmers of Agric are expected to have the Following ability 10 work well with and ventive supervise young people, and bring gre inust also have suitable ac- dairymar commodation. necessary A Junior Agriculturist will down time be expected to participate in the chanc farm activities for 12 days down or pE consecutively then have 2 a vital p consecutive days off. Tbe The opera normal days off period will be only how from after chores on Friday works,abu evening 10 before chores on inspection Monday morning. A Junior needs 10 ki Agriculturist will be assigned near-new wherever possible to a farm lîst and with the type of enterprise or gestionsi enterprises wich hie or she ils belp the d most interested. Tbe duties milking sy involved will vary consider- condition. ably depending on the indi- An open vidual farm operation, the ed to al demonstrated ability of the one of lbE Junior Agriculturist and the ings. The1 kind of enterprise Ibat is f ound samne attb on that farm. Each Junior are planni Agrculturist 'Ill receive a suggeste( training allownce of $1600 a especially day based on a six-day week. before con $6.00 of this will be provided Foot baths by the Ontario Ministry of both farrr Agricultureand Food, the host Recommni farmer will provid e $5001 per Winter 1 day in cash, as weîî as With th supplying room and board improved worlh $5.00 per day. Eacb ieties, sue Junior Agriculturist wll be Yorkstar, expected to provide bis or bier the straw own clolbing, suitable 10 tbe lodging rE aclivity being performed. A indicatest pair of steel-toed work boots, nitrogen w are mandatory and a bard bat tbe'spring isdsal. the Soils than May 1,1f976. received a York-Ontario-Durham Sheep actual nit Producers' Day Subtractinl A joint sbeep day 1976 wiîî. 80-pound be held on Monday, April 5tb leaves 68 starting a(Iil a.m. with Don nitrogen s Stevenson, Sbeep Specialist spring. Dr witb the Ministry of Agricul- that 10 acl ture and Food; Fred Campbell actual ni of the Ontario Stockyards and would nee Don Slnger, of the United per acre of Cooperatives Commission or using firm. At 12 noon, lunch will be would requ available at the Stockyards of that me Cafeteria. At 1 p.m. producers lbs. of nitr( will bave tbe opportunity to Mr. Sîfi visit Canada Packers small that theo division and tour the plant that ions for handles large quantities of apply. W] lamb and discussion can take additîonal place on Iis phase of the ments ofw Sheep Marketing Program in be topdre Canada witnb the manager of Marcb 10 e tl B.K. IShoy At 2:,i oducers will retUro 10 )kyards to see the g and marketing savailable for sbeep ýs in the province, At 3 oducers will have Lb'- to sit, in on thie Special Lamb Sale and gel a -d look at how Ibis ,g tool bas been ed over the past num- ears. ive sent ouI notices te .oducers in the County bhis day, however, wbo is interested in ý is weicome 10 do so, SProgram begînning .m. at the Toronto tockyards on Mondav, arn-meetings dealing topic of maintenance Elandling Equipment held on Thursday, t in Victoria and -ugb Counties. The County Barn Meeting ýat 10:30 arn. at the Bob Dykstra, R.R. 2, 1- iocated 2 miles Oakwood on Little Road. The Peter- County Meeting wili [:30 p.rn. aI the farmn [Bolton, R.R. 9, lugh- located ai Lot .9, Douro Townshîip. 'lbh on the 9tb Con- il the Massey-F erg- 1ler on Hwy. 7, go 10 rRoad 512 miles, turo d the Bolton larm i .farm on therigbt- 10 be discusseo Correct installation 'es, tanks, pumps, etc sizing, design layout ît. Other areas to be ,will be the vacuum ents for various installations - Pul- raios and rates nd regulators 10 be .e tests 10 determîne efficiency sucb as: pump capacity, pipe- ,rve, air leaksiri tbe etc., and proper procedures, sanita- udder healtb under nilking installations. epeople for the day \Ir. George Garland, uraI Engîneer, from Countty and former ember of the MV.ilk Branch and Mr. Don )airy Caille Special- thie Ontario iWinistry ulreand Food. ýg a program of pre- maintenance c in real benef ils 10 the i by eliminatîng on- -y service calis and ie, and by minimizing [e of a major break- permanent damage Io piece of equipînent. -tor sbould know not b is mnilking systema eul also what regular. )n and servicîng it keep il performffng at vefficiency. A check- maintenance sug- will be outlîned 10 lairyman 10 keep bis ,ystemn in top working i invitation is exifend-- Sdairymen 1o a;tiýnd hese two bain noi t Sprogramn will be the both meetings. If you ing on atlending, il is- Id Ibai barn clothes, ,y boots, be cleaned )ming, bothe meeting. hs will bc provîded ai is. Lndations Change for lVbeat Ferlilization the development of Jwinter wheat var- ich as Fredrick and .that-are shorter i ýw and show more resistance, research ;Ibat bigher levels of vould be beneficial in i. C.K. Stevenson of IsDivision ai the m the winier wbýeal atotal of 12 pounds of trogen aI seeding. mg 12 lbs. from tbe recommendation 68 lbs. of acluai still 10 apply inii the r. Stevenson statesý, chieve te 68 lbsý.uo' itrogen, producer s ýd 10 apply 200 ibs. )f ammonium nÊtrate 1urea, producers lire 150 lbs. per acre alerial 10 reacb 68 xogen. ,enson points oui other recommenda- winter wheal stili le says tiuit the 1nitrog -n require- ,vinter wbeat should. essed frorn mid- early Aprîl r Q *VPs Rovto Tiller Asolidsoli buster. .. no clogging or engine staHng.. ail the extra power you need ta dîg deeper, faster with minimum effort. Powershaft drive features forward, neutral and reverse gears. 5 h.p, 4-cycle engine. SO-GREEN 7-7-7 Lawn PepwEED Ferti Iizer WE A smart step ta take towards a Iush, green lawn. Convenient S40-lb. bag covers up ta 4,000 K IL LE R PLUS FERTILIZER . . . . 79Kilis Dandelion, Chick Weed, O0-lb. Clover, Creeping Charlie Rog Weed Bow R-ake .('Garden t-be Garden Shovel 14 curved steel teetb. Electric welded sFian type Steel, round nase blade, Ch n li k F n in Medium weight. 5' bandie. construction. 41/2' barile.bardwood 48" bandie. LnkFen in Extra protection for your property, 7499 chitdren and Pets. 2" galvanized R o Mut hovel Spadinig Fork D JHnde Spade HIwbac;k shovel with 271/2"~ 10" steel tines, D-handle, Su e nose steel blade, 'D andie. 9"x12" blade. fre-hardened forged steel.48'harwood handile. 5 __ _ 7 9Main Post 3 L STOE ON DAY, TU ESDAY, WE DNES)Y" HUS. -THURSDAY, 9a.m.to6p.m. FRIDAY 9a.m.to9p.m. SATURDAY 8.-30a. m.to 5P. M. 246 INGSTREET EAST 623-3388 Fre Deivry on Ail Orders Over $20 J MMMMO"M% AI%