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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Mar 1976, p. 5

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Masons Honor Their Ladies At Annuai "At Hom( by John Manuel On Saturday evening, Jerusalem Lodge honoured the ladies at their annual "At Home Night". Although the winter break kept many away, almost 200 Masons, wives and guests filled the Lions Centre to capacity to enjoy the evening of food, entertain- ment and dancing. The ladies of the Enniskillen U.C.W. served a hearty beef dinner and home-made pies, after which Wor. Bro. Cliff Trewin introduced the head table consisting of the officers of the Lodge and their wives, and Rt. Wor. Bro. Garnet Rickard, who represented Grand Lodge for the evening, with his wife, Annabelle. Wor. Bro. Everett King, Master of the Lodge, wel- comed all to the dinner and summarized the proceedings. A toast to Grand Lodge was presented by Bro. Malcolm MacKenzie, who made refer- ence to the unrest and conflict in the world, and the necessity of associating with great men as represented by the ded- icated masons who comprise Grand Lodge. Rt. Wor. Bro. Rickard, a former Deputy District Grand Master, re- sponded to the toast, by reminding the brothers and guests of the importance of the Bible in our daily lives as we share in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. Brother Ray Walker, Junior Warden of the Lodge, ad- dressed a short dedication of welcome and tribute to the BETHANY Mr. Bill Sheen has returned from a winter vacation in Florida; he reports that he had a wonderful time. Tickets are now on sale for the dance in April being 3ponsored by the Manvers Aäursery School parents. Call Bob Ryley or Heather Horslen now if yau wish to purchase one as they go like hoteakes, when everyone, knows they're for sale. Bowling The mîxed league results are as follows: High Lady Single, Diane Wilson, 277; High Mens Single, Steven McGill, 274; High Ladies Triple, Diane Wilson, 654; High Mens Triple, Steven McGill, 710. Games over 200 - Helen Melville, 253; Pieter Engles- man, 247-203; Howard Robin- son, 236: Dave McReelis, 222; Kim Wood, 213: Heather Horslen, 212; Buelah Robin- son, 210; Muriel McReelis, 204. Senior Citizens Bi-Weekly Bowling The High Lady was Marg- aret White and High Man was Pete Rowett. Runners-up were Florrie Driver and Pete Borrow. The Senior Citizens start their playoffs in three weeks which means only two more weeks of regular games, for them. 20% Off Ail Fabrics SINGE R'S Oshawa Centre SALE ENDS SATURDAY APRIL 3rd ladies, which was graciously responded to by Mrs. Vera King, wife of the Worshipful Master. A draw for door prizes provided by Marr's Jewellery and Carnation Flower Shop was lead off by Mrs. Annabelle Rickard who drew the first ticket belonging to Mrs. Faye Jones. Other door-prize win- ners were Mrs. Hosken Smith, Marg Welsh, Marie Moses, Geraldine MacKenzie, Dor- othy Anderson, Annabelle Rickard, Velma Sutton, Jean- ette Lynn, Sharon Tapp, Isabel Harris, Eleanor Walk- er, Marg Ashton and Marylin Dow. The entertainment was pro- vided by the Ukrainiani National Youth Federation Salemka Dancers under the direction of Orest Salmers. In traditional Ukrainian dress, these lively youngsters pre- sented a colourful and ener- Last Monday evening, six of our Senior Citizens were among those attending the Euchre and Bingo Party in Orono's Oddfellows' Hall, sponsored by The Great Pine Ridge Kinette Club. They were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher, Mrs. Iva Farrow, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Bea Jones, and Mr. Raymond Bruce, and four of them came back with a prize, while ail were given a carnation cor- sage, after an enjoyable eveing. Mrs. Fred Rowe and daugh- ter, Mrs. D. Pemberton of Port Hope spent Tuesday here with Mrs. Gertie Rowe, while Mrs: Neil O'Connell, of Co- bourg, was a Wednesday visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clysdale were Tuesday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer. Mrs. Leone Lane accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and girls, of Orono, to Gananoque, a week ago, where they visited Mrs. Doris Lunman over Sunday. All then drove on to Watertown where they spent several days before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher with Mrs. Lucy Fletcher, Paul, Becky and Donny spent a few days in Kingston last week and had lunch with Mrs. Lemmon in Napanee. Callers with Mrs. Agnes Burley last week included Mr. Clarence Nichols, Mrs. Lorch- en Adams, Mrs. Lena Clysdale and Miss Catharine Stewart of Kendal, the latter a supper guest on Tuesday. Sunday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Earl McEwen, Peterborough and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley of Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Lancaster were in Toronto, Friday, where they attended an O.R.F.E.D.A. meeting, and dinner, at the Canadiana. Misses Jan Moyer, Maureen Victor and Rena Martin of Kalamazoo, Michigan were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Henderson and Doug. On Saturday the young ladies and Doug were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Martin and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones were Saturday evening visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson. Greeters at our Church door Sunday morning were Bea Jones and Gertie Rowe. Rev. Montgomery's sermon for Lent was entitled "The Unwanted Man", while the Six New Menbers Join Kinsmen Club e' Night getic variety of dances with a lively accompaniment by Mr. Salmers on the organ. Steve Salmers, brother of Orest Salmers, with his wife, Mary, and two of their daughters, Genie (on piano) and Daria (a beautiful so- prano) presented three Ukrainian songs including the ever-popular Bandura Song. The presentation climaxed with a well-executed "Sickle Dance" in which a charming group of young working girls was systematically invaded by a team of amorous young men with more than dancing in their hearts. Enthusiastic applause and rhythmic hand- clapping from the audience punctuated the evening's entertainment which was en- joyed by all. Bev Smith and his orchestra provided music for the bal- ance of the evening for a dance which left many couples still dancing at 1:00 a.m. choir sang "Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross." Our minis- ter had a busy day, as usual, as he was visiting the two Rest Homes, Nel-Gor and South Haven, as well as taking his regular services here. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fletch- er, of Downsview, were Sun- day callers with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Rowe, Janet- ville. Over 60 young people, quite a few of them from Toronto, as well as several of the oldet generation, were in atten- dance at the party in Com- munity Hall Saturday evening to help celebrate the twenty- first birthday of Jennifer Payne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne. Con- congratulations! Good crowds attended the Skating Carnival in Newcastle Saturday evening, and Sunday afternoon. Local young people among those taking part included Shelly Brown, Deb- bie Veldhuis, Vicki Kimball, Sherry McInnes, Tim and Leslie Gardner, and Evelyn Smith. Mrs. Myrtle Barker of Peterborough is a visitor with her brother, Mr. Raymond Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Brown of Newcastle were supper guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer and family, in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Irwin of Roseberry Hill returned home Sunday after a holiday in Florida. Newtonville U.C.W. met in the Sunday School hall, Wed., March 24 and President Inez Boughen opened with the singing of "Happy The Home" followed by the.Lord's Prayer in unison. Report of previous meeting was given by Secre- tary Shirley Stapleton and the financial statement by Trea- surer Sandra McInnes. The amount of the Special Account was read by Violet Gilmer. Work of the Sunshine Commit- tee was reported by Bernice Henderson, and votes of appreciation read from those so remembered. Oshawa Presbyterial will meet at Hampton March 31st, regis- tration at 9:45 a.m. Estimates are to be request- ed for the proposed new outside windows for the Sun- day School. Rev.,Schamerhorn of Bow- manville will be our speaker Six new members were recently inducted into the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club by Club President Lorne Tink (centre). New members include (from left) Doug Snodden, Gerry Masterson, Ron Etcher, and (from right) Dan Neamtu, Doug Moore and Cory Kuipers. Photo by McRobbie One-Year-Old on March l7th This happy little guy was one-year-old on March 17. Anthony is the son of Jim and Sandra Richardson, Lindsay. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. N. Lywood, Lindsay and Mrs. C. Richardson, Pontypool. Great-grandparents are Mrs. Wm. Lywood, Mrs. M. Loshaw, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Nichols. for the Good Friday service and Mary Vinkle and Marlene Stacey will assist with special music. Our Social Functions group will arrange for the refreshments and Kendal, Shiloh, Orono and Newcastle groups are to be invited to our service. Th.e ushers for Good Friday agreed to act on May 30th, also. Flowers for Good Friday and Easter are to be pur- chased and Mary Jones agreed to look after that. On Tuesday, May.18, three of our U.C.W. groups are Ferorn W esJ l ns Ma een Terry West, Joan Whillans, Niatthew Sacco, Lee Hiemstra. sponsoring a "Luncheon is Served," in our Sunday School hall, at 12:30 p.m. Mrs. Alice Hoskin will be in charge and tickets may be purchased from Bea Jones, Olive Henderson or Mary Jones, or members of their units. Guest speaker for our Anni- versary Service, May 30, at 9:45 p.m. will be Mrs. Am- acher of Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, and special music will be provided by the Beatty family of Welcome. A pot-luck luncheon will be provided for those taking part in the service. An invitation was read from Newcastle U.C.W. to attend their Easter service on Tues- day, April 20 at 8 p.m., when Mrs. Brawn will be the speaker. Easter cards are to be sent to the shut-ins, as they were remembered with gifts at Christmas. Unit Leader Margaret Elliott was in charge of the Devotional, assisted by Marion Edgerton, Phyllis Peck and Mary Vinkle A vocal solo by Mrs. Montgomery "Bless This Church", was most enjoyable and Mary Worrall gave an interesting description of the holiday trip to Mexico, recent- ly enjoyed by herself, ber husband and brother-in-law. Appreciation was expressed to those taking part in the program and lunch was served to the twenty-ine ladies present. In Canada, approximately 50,000 car accidents each year involve mechanical mal- functions most of which are caused by lack of proper maintenance, says the Ontario Safety League. One item most often neglected in the im- portant spring car check is the windshield wiper. Wiper blades are generally not expected to last over six months in good or bad weather Here's how to test them: When off the road, run your washers a few minutes. If the wipers clear off the windshield without a smear within a few swings, they're fine. If not, the next spring rain will find you peering through deadly optical illu- sions Enniskillen Although the Lent IV Sun- day brought March almost to a close it was windy and sunny suggesting that since the month entered like a lion it had possibilities of going out like a lamb. 68 folks attended the Sunday a.m. Church service with an additional number arriving for the S S. session. Ray Ashton at the organ led his 12 member Sr. Choir who had learned another new hymn and sang it as a musical message. in the Children's story "The Road Sign" our minister was on a pretending trip and found that the Church is a sign post only but "The Way". The heading of Rev. Bigby's sermon "God's Mes- sage Concerning Our Salva- tion" was introduced with the question, Are You Saved? which he said had various replies. Keeping the Law is insufficient as it is too flexible e.g. The Jews put limits on the Laws and our standards are not God's due to short com- ings. In order to be saved from our own ego, we should have Faith and God will save us. Ia conclusion he invited ail by saying "Come on in and share our happiness, God Bless You All". Flowers at the altar were in memory of the late Leslie Graham. The mid-week Bible Study was Wednesday in the Christ- ian E. Wing of the Tyrone Church. Our Youth Group with referee and umpire Shirley and Maurice Pollard met in the school gym Sunday even- ing at 7 p m. U.C.W. Presby- terial was held in Harmony U. C. Church Wednesday, in Oshawa. Full report next week. Please remember to donate items to the Enniskillen Stew- ards for the Fair to be held in the Darlington Arena in early June Our Y.P. group study meet- ing will be on April 8 at 7 p.m. in the Sunday School room. Guest speaker will be Mr Ron Worboy. Several popular March holi- days had many ways of being celebrated, among these were family parties for Charles Ashton and his mother at the Genosha Hotel Rib Room, also at the homes of Keith and Lois Worden and Karen and Charles Ashton. Lttle Ehisabeth Worden, Bowmanville no. 2 was' a weekend visitor of Margaret and Orville Ashton, also Dr. and Mrs. John Dalton, New York City, who joined with the guests at the Masonic Ladies' Night at the Lions Centre where once again our U.C.W. group proved they are culin- ary experts in the catering area, one of our local mem- bers was lucky in winning one of the lovely door prizes. We are deeply saddened by the death following a brief illness of the late Leslie Graham. We all loved him dearly as lie served us in sa many capacities for several years. We shall miss him and extend to his sorrowing wife, sister, sons and families also other relatives our sincerest sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wearn, Peterborough, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp's. Mrs. Gertie Lyons is spend- ing a few weeks with her family at St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. George Kloos and family, Bowmanville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Gary Groenveld and family. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and family attended the Ked- ron U.C. service on Sunday of the Dedîcation of a new organ The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 31, I97f 5 and redecoration of the and family were recent supper Church. guests of Mrs. Meta Reid, Mrs. Gary Hanewich, Osh- Haydon. awa, Mrs. Allan Werry and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Murphy, Mrs. E. A. Werry were Toronto were Sunday lunch- luncheon guests recently of eon guests of Mrs. Jessie Mrs. J. D. Cole, Bowmanville Slemon and sister Helen and her daughter Mrs. Peter Millson. Leentjes who is visiting her Mrs. Jessie Slemon and mother. Mrs. Helen Millson were Misses Janet and Jill Wray, Sunday supper guests with Orono, have spent some holi- Mr. Eileen Van Nest. Bow- days with their grandparents manville. the L. Lamb's. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry and Mr. and Mrs. Herman family visited over the week- Haass, Nancy and Gary end with Roy Werry's and Bowmanville were Sunday David Cecchetta's. visitors at Keith McGill's. Master Jas. Werry was the Mrs. F. Thomas, Niagara weekend guest of David Reid. Falls, Mrs. P. Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and Bradley and Marie, Picker- family were Sun. evening ing, were recent visitors with dinner guests at Joe Rekker's, Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick. Newcastle. On Wednesday last week Mrs. E. R. Taylor accompan- OBITUARY ied Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor, of Solina to visit his sister Mrs. Effie Balson at CLARE T. PENFOUND Kingston. Clare T. Penfound, died Mrs E. R. Taylor, spent the suddenly, the result of a car day with Mrs. Gordon accident, Friday, March 26, McLean, Bowmanville. 1976. He lived at R.R. 4, Master Andy Piggott spent Oshawa. the weekend with hisgrand- Born Nov. 8, 1954 at Bow- parents Mr. and Mrs. James manville, he was a son of Mr. Piggott, Bowmanville. and Mrs. Sim Penfound. A Mr. and Mrs. Douglas resident of Darlington all his Ashton and baby Paul were life, he formerly attended Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Courtice High School, and was and Mrs. Harold Ashton and employed by C.B. Foster and Mr. S. Kersey. Son General Construction Mrs. Donald Lamb and Mrs. Company- Dwane Trew, Bailieboro were He is survived by his Saturday visitors at Lorne parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sim Lamb's. Penfound, of Courtice; two Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobil brothers, Mark and Todd, of Taunton, Mr. Frank Lee, Courtice. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Brian A brother, Lee Penfound Lee and family Kedron were died before him. Sunday afternoon guests of A memorial Funeral Ser- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry in vice was held at Courtice honor of Frank Lee's birth- United Church on Tuesday. day. "Congratulations" In lieu of flowers memorial Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon donations to Courtice United Susan and Fred, Haydon were Church or to the charity of Sunday visitors of Mr. and your choice would be grateful- Mrs. E. R. Taylor ly acknowledged. Rev. James Mrs. D. B. Kay, Toronto Hendry officiated. Cremation Mrs. Harry Gregg, Glen followed. Burnie Md. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sharp, Kathy and Gordon, Mr. ** and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Judy and Laurie were Sunday guests at Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharpe to help celebrate Mrs. Keep your piano free from A. Sharp's'birthday Congrat- dampness, away from steam ulations Gertie. pipes or stoves, and out of Mr and Mrs. Wayne Piggott drafts. DELUXE FUIHI NG , Your Choice of, Silk Borderless I 4 4 4 ( 4 4 ALL ATl"MONEY - SAVING" PRICES! Quality Guaranteed by Charles Abel Photo 67 King St. E. or Bonus Prints 623-2546 L I Ease ekn pca Apri15 Ari119 Pinto Runabout- Maverick, Hatchbac Maverick, 4-Door Elite, Power Steerin Custom 500, 4-Door k g r - - - - - 13.95 Day ~14.95PeDa Per Day 1Per Day Per Day Per Day MAXIMUM 500 ILES PER WEEKEND .rldarn& ve unisex SPECIALIZING IN MODERN HAIRSTYLING TECHNIQUES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Announcing Our New Staff We Also Specialize in: Afros-Roller Sets Perms Colors and Hair Relaxing We are located at the Four Corners of King and Temper- ance Streets. Please call us any time No Appointments Neces sary Also open Wednesdays. Telephone 623-4191 ft to right. 21 Temperance St. S. N V 1 L f C nm li Bowmanvillé

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