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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1976, p. 10

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10The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 7,1!976 Red Cross Blood Donor Citations Take Part in UCW Presbyteril S 1- WNER BREAK ar Piercing Special Now -$1000 nt Reg. $12.00O ai Ho.oper "s Jewel le rs .4- Kigst.7E. 623-5747 Besides giving citationis to their regular volunteer workers, the Red Cross included some of their blood donors who have given more than their fair share to the cause. These two donors, Mrs. L. Vanhaverbeke and Laverne Martin ~have given blood at least 35 times each. -Photo by Shawn Marshall If you're an aduit maie who likes good food or football or the opportunity to pick- up some valuable items at an auction sale, keep. the evening of April 30th free. On that date, a gala Com- munity Night will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall in Bowmanville to raise funds for Don Masterson, who is seeking the national Vice- Presidency of the Kinsmen in Vancouver this August. Even the door prize sounds well worth the $10 admission price. It's a 48 inch stereo, which has been donated to the cause by Ron Davis of K-Mart. The evening begins at 5:30 with a fellowship hour, follow- ed by dinner at 7 p.m. The guest speaker for the night is Lamar Leachman, an assist- ant coach of the Toronto Argonauts, who will likely predict a bright future'for the Argos and their newly- TODAYS BIBLE JESUS said unto him, thou shait love the LORD thy GOD with ail thy heart and with al thy soul and with ail thy mmnd. This is the first and great ~commandment in the law. And the second is like unto it, thou shaît love thy neighbor as thyseif. On these Iwo command- rhents bang aIl the law and the prophets. ST. MATTHEW 24:3740 GOD'S LAW SAYS WE MUST LOVE ALL OUR NEIGHBOURS NOT JUST THOSÉ WHO LOVE US. acquired star Anthony Davis. An auction sale of new items, including two portable black and white TVs wîll take place inter on. These and other goods will be on display at Cliffcnest Cleaners, 38 King St. East for the next thnee weeks. And to round out the evening's activities, a Monte Carlo night will -also be featured. If you'ne interested in at- tending this event, tickets are available at aîl chartered banks in Bowmanville and at Ken's Men's Wear. Your support on Community Night will help Don Masterson win the Vice-Pnesidency, and bis victory will benefit not only the local'Kînsmen, it wil benefit ahl of Bowmanville. Anyone who wishes to do- nate items to be put up for àuctiôn at this'event can get futher information from Martin McClay, Carson Elliott or Dave Sebben. YELVER TO0N Mn. and Mrs. Brian Gray's baby daughter wasadmitted to hospital this week for corrective surgeny in a Toron- to hospital. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Donald Lane of Bethany, one of Manvers' Township's valuable machineny operatons in the sudden passing of bis wife this week. Misses Pamela Stinson and Susan Fallis enjoyed this past week at Acapulco, Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mal- colm of Don Milis were weekend guests of Mn. and Mns. Howard Malcolm. Mrs. Emma'Malcolm of Uxbridge also enjoyed the Malcolm's hospitality on Sunday. On Sat. evening, the Harvey Malcolms attended a Silver Wedding celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Balfour Panke of Manotick, Ont. held at the home of Mrs. Barbara Gates of Port Credit. Those in attendance were Balfour's family and the original memn- bers of the wedding party of 25 years ago. A pleasant evening was spent renewing old acquaintances. U.C.W. News On Thurs, Apr. lst, the Yelverton U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Audrie Brown with 15 members answering the Roll Cal. In the absence of the President, Vice-Pres. Mrs, Agnes Howe chaired the meeting. Mrs. Ted Spenceley chaired the Devotional which rncluded a reading - "What is Pray-ër?" Scripture and Prayer and a suitable Hymn. In the absence of the seat, Mrs. Howard Malcolm read the minutes of the preceding March meeting. The Trea- surer' s report was provided by Mrs. Janet Spencely. Business included the plan- ning for the annual Garden, Party to be held on Ffl., June llth. A cash birthday present was voted to Pat Rowan in Picton who will be celebrating his 25th birthday on April 22nd. A bus trip is being planned by the ladies in May. A quilting bee was also arranged in April. The May meeting was invited to the home of the Clarence Page's on Thurs., May 6th. Mrs. Terry Malcolm showed some interesting slides of their trip to Hawaii and Eîleen Malcolm gave a brief account of their visit to Mexico. A delicîous lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Doris Rowan, Mrs. Eileen Malcolm and Mrs. Audrie Brown. lEAST ER SPCALS AT FREDERICK'SPHAMAC see Our iSelection of Easter Candies and Novelties BOXED, CHOCOLATES, BY SMILES 'N CHUCKLES King St..E. 623-2546 Guest speakers at the l4th Annual UCW meeting for 1 'b&e C~ were Rev. and Mrs. Floyd Howlett, missionaries in Japa, furlough- in Canada. From lef t ta right are Mrs. A. C. Fe Î Oshawa Presbyterial UCW, Floyd Howlett, Doreen îI1u, Linstead, Chairman of the UCW in the Oshawa Pres'_yi Wrig ht, President of the Harmony Rd. UCW. -ht Mr. Weston Banister assist- ed Rev. Robb Bartlett with services on Sunday, another Lenten Service. The choir sang and an excellent mess- age was given by Rev. Bartlett. It was Daffodil Sunday. Next Sunday, Palm Sunday, the Explorer choir will assist in our services. Our regular Good Friday services, will be held at Welcome for the three charges. h-ast Monday Mrs. H. Thick- son celebrated her birthday and had Mrs.. M. Langdon, Welcome and Mrs. M. Gardin- er. Mrs. H. McHolm was unable to attend. On Monday and Tuesday the ladies quilted a quilt for Mrs. Prouse, Port Hope at Mrs. B. Wheeler's home. In the evenîng, the Eliza- bethville Unit of the United Church Women met at Garden Hill and realized about $30 at a Stanley demonstration. Miss Wendy White spent a weekend with her sister Miss Mary Alice, Ottawa, recently. Mr. Jim Muldnew, Elliott Lake, spent the Enster break at home. -Misses Doris- ai-idDiane Beatty, Toronto, bave been home weekends lately. Several ladies in the anea went on the bus trip Wednes- day to Scarborough Centre ton w&' M a White Mori da-Y. Institute Mrs. il, Thïcks with the Shiloh ladies. The concert at Canton on Friday night is to be held again the 9th. Al neported an excellent concert. Several attended the Karni- val at Bewdley on Saturday evening. East Durham Women's In- stitute will cellebrate 75 years of Institute on April 13 with a dinner at Millbrook Legiîon Hall. Tickets are available through local Institute rnem- bers. Mrs. Brenda Fowlen and girls and Miss Debbie Cassel- Mns. Eva Kay, Toronto; NI s. Mng. Inene Gregg, Glen Burn- Kay ie~ le, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, 'on IV Mns. Ivan Sharp and Linda, Enniskillen, were last Monday Mi callens at the Lloyd Ashton homew home. sin Andy Piggott, Enniskîllen spent Satunday with bis grand- Mr._H mother, Mns. A. Read. wm i a Mn. and Mrs. Doug Black- Andcr burn and Wendy, Enniskillen, And i wene Sunday luncheon guests pilaiý of the Wilbur Blackburn faily. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Biack- b en~ humn andfamlly, Onono, had 2h. Sunday suppen With Mr., and ci- arg Mrs. W. Blackburn and fam- fraî~.G .king about -" these days. . .ý--ning - ""H are" Perms. -Coloring - Blow Drying in Hare" Cutting' îufcaIIly for YOU conditioning perms that soft and manageoble. Amino-Pon Ieauty Bar' The arganic protein non-soop thot cleonses and conditions the skin. Free of caustic aikalisrhot con S cause irritation. Helps protect skin's delicate acid montie leaving skin soft end smooth. 3 oz. bar Oft (Down "to yle Shoppv-e, 623m5455 i -.1e Marie wiII be pleased r'Qu y r hair problems CHARTERWAYS CO. LIMITED 723-7171 623-3811 A.M. WESTBOUND - MONDAY TO FRIDAY 5:45 6:10 6: 45 7:10 7:45 8:10 8:15 8:45 MO109:15 6:15 7:15 8:22 8:25 8: 27 8: 28 9:24 9:45 10:10 10:15 10:22 10:25 10:27 10:28 10:45 11:10 11:15 11:24 11:45 12:10 12:15 12:22 12:25 12:27 12:28 P.M. 12: 45 1: 45 2:45 3: 45 4: 45 5: 45 6: 45 7: 45 8: 45 10: 301 1:10 2:10 3:10 4:10 5:10 6:10 7:10 8:10 9:10 11:00 1:15 2:15 3:15 4:15 5: 15 6: 15 7: 15 8:15 9: 15 1: 24 2: 20 3:20 4:20 5:20 6:20 7:20 8:20 9:22 11:05 9:25 9:27 9:28 6:18 6: 20 6:23 6: 26 6ý 29 7:18 7.20 7:23 7:26 -7: 2ý 8:31 8:36 8:,;8 9:26 9:32 9:3M 10:31 10:36 10.38 11:30 11:32 Il 34 12:31 '12.36 12 38 1 1:30 2: 22 3:24 3:26 3.28 4:24 4:26 4.29 5:22 6:22 7:22 8:22 9:31 11:10 1:32 2:21 3: 32 4: 32 5:25 ý: 25 7:25 8: 25 9:36 11: 15 26:54 27:54 X 02 9'57 102 6:56 6:.58 7:56 7:58 9:04 9:58 9:59 10:00 11:04 11:5811:59 12:00 1:04 1:58 3:04 4: 05- 4: 07 4:08 5: 05 5:'07 5:08 6:04 6: 58 8:04 9:04 10:04 7:08 8:08 9:10 9:15 10:01 10:10 10:15 11:10 11-15 12:01 12:10 12:15 1:10 1:15 1:59 2:00 2:01 6: 59 7:00 7: 01 2:15 2:40 3:15 3-40 4:20 4: 40 5:20 5:40 6:15 6:40 7:15 7-.40 8:15 8:4C 9:15 9:-40 10: 15 10-40 12:15 12-40 A.M. ,WESTBOUND SATUR DAY 5:45 7: 45 8:45 10: 451 1: 451 12: 45 1:1 0 1: 45 2:10 2:45 3:10 3:45 4:10 4: 45 5:10 5: 45 6:10 6:45 7.10 7: 45 8:10 8: 45 9:10 6: 24 8:24 9:15 9: 24 10: 20 10:25 11:15 11:24 12:15 12: 24 10:28 10:29 10:30 1:25 1:27 1:28 4:25 4:27 4:28 9:25 9:27 9:28 6:30 8:30 9:26 10:33 11: 26 12: 26 1: 31 2: 26 3: 26 4:31 5:26 6: 26 7: 26 8:26 9:31 7:18 9:18 9:58 9:59 11: 04 11:5811:59 1:04 6:32 8: 32 9: 32 10: 36 Il: 32 12: 32 1: 36 2.32 3:32 4. 36 5. 32 6: 32 7:.32 8:32 936 il~02 04:.02 102 002 7: 748 10:25 10:55 11:05 11:0l 1:15Il:'i A.M. WESTBOUND SUNDAY 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:32 6:45 6.-48 65 P. M. 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:32 2A 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:32 10:30 11:00 11:10 11:12 H2 This advertisemeflt s copyricihted and noi 7: 25 9:25 10:00,10:01 10:10 11:10 12:00 12:01 12:10 1:10 2: 04 2: 58 2:59 3:00, 3:01 4: 04 5:04 5:5ý85: 59 6. 00 6:01- 7: 04 8:04 9:04 10:04 12:04 3:4ý9 6:19 11 59 3:50 6:20 12:00 2:10 1 3:10 4:10 5:10 1- 6:10 2:15 3:15 4:15 5:15 6:15 7:15 8:15 9:15 10:15 12:151 7: 55 9:55 11:40 12:40 1:40 2:40 3:40 4: 40 5:40 6:40 7:40 8:40 9 s6 1<i 1z - 7:55 8:20 3:55 4:20 6: 25 7:00 12:05 12:30 sýun fom this newspaper. Don Masterson GalaNight For Local Kinsmenm To Be HeldS EL ZAB ETHouVIËLLEF CHARTERWAYSD COA IMITED' i i i i Special Easte,7, ýâ-r Fetures 1 4 o z . B o x2 L B B O E LE GANT E ASSOR-T-ED TURTLES COOAE ONLY ONLY$3)9 DELUXE PHOTO FINIISH ING BY CHAS. ABEL PHOTO SATISFAC lION GUARANTEED i i i i i i 67 71 77 ý-w ly

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