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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1976, p. 11

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The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville April 7, 1976 i Orono Arena Packed for Colorful Figu-e Skating Carnival The Orono Arena was packed both Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon up to the professionals. The two hour program featured 26 separate numbers 1 skaters for the Sunday show were Barbara Underhill and Jim Sorochan to watch "Musical Showtime" presented by the Orono Figure Skating Club. neluding those shown in the photos. At left, these two young ladies are part of centre, who are champion skaters from the Oshawa Figure Skating Club. A Well over 100 skaters participated in the event from small youngsters right on a group which performed "Raindrops" complete with unbrellas. Guest right is the finale of "Sugar Shack". Iditors: Jack and Hazel Crago We notice that our Post Master, Jack Wade is back on duty again after a Florida holiday. Sympathy is extended to the friends and relatives of Mr. Milton Brown, formerly of Lake Shore, who passed away on Thursday, April lst. Condolences also to the friends and family of Mr. Philip Landry whose funeral took place on Saturday, April 3rd. On Monday, March 29th, the Ladies Euchre Club was entertained by Mrs. Bessie Dean. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell called on Mr. and Mrs. Bob Whalen and babe, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shetler and family, Oshawa. Birthday greetings to Shir- ley Allin, Dorella Chard, Jack Chard, Johnna Lynn Chard, Aimee Brereton, Grace Couch, Eric Wicks, Colleen Powell, Robin Alldred and Bruce Alldred. Master Michael Pearce visited with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce, while his mother, Mrs, Larry Pearce, was in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pedwell and girls and Mrs. H. Youngblut, St. Catharines, have returned from a two- week holiday in Florida. Mrs. Kate Sleep and Mr. Bill Hall, Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred, Lake Shore, were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Alldred, Bowman- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe, Annette, Don- na and Barry. This was a birthday celebration for three members of the family, Ann- ette Rowe, Bruce Alldred and Robin Alldred. Mrs. Evelyn Embley enjoy- ed the Allied Beauty Associa- tion Show at the Four Seasons Hotel, Toronto, the last week end in March. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Len Jones and family on the death of her mother, Mrs. Gladys Rees. Mrs. Pat Bernard, Flesher- ton, visited last Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. The annual Milk Producers' Dinner and Dance was held at the Newcastle Community Hall on Thursday, April lst. Mr Arthur Wilson, Calgary, on his return from Iran, spent a few hours Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Pacey. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pacey and family, Pontypool were Sunday dinner guests with Mrs. Pacey, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hovey and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Ste- phenson enjoyed the week end with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reid and Bernie, Brampton. While there, they watched their grandson play hockey in a Minor Pee Wee Tournament and were very pleased that Bernie's team wep the Championship. ,ut 12 couples of the r astle Lions Club attend- ed' he Lions Mini Convention at the Holiday Inn, Oshawa, on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Edmund Majer was elected Zone Chairman. Many local residents enjoy- ed recent holidays in the Sunny South. Mr. and Mrs. Talbot Alldread have returned home from Florida. Anglican Church News We welcome home the Rector and his family who have returned after a week's vacation at Daytona Beach, Florida. Rev. Robert Hayne conduct- e the services April 4, the Passion of our Lord according to St. Luke. A coffee hour was held after the services, thanks to the Anglican Church Women. Easter plants as gifts or in memory of loved ones would be welcomed by the flower convenor, Mrs. George Farn- comb. Next Sunday, Palms will be blessed and distributed at all services. Six new Servers will be installed in their churches next Sunday. Holy Baptism will be conducted at 11:15. Any parents interested, please con- tact the Rector immediately. At six o'clock Sunday even- ing the Sidesmen and their wives willhave their annual meeting and Pot Luck Supper at St. George's. Major roof and steeple repairs will begin shortly under the supervision of the Wardens and Repair Commit- tee. Three memorial plaques will be installed and dedicated to the Glory of God and in memory of Beatrix S. McIn- tosh, Annie May Pinnegar and Helen LeGresley. Archdeacon Fred Ongley made his annual Pastoral visit to the Parish on Tuesday, April 6th. The Rector attended St. Peter's, Cobourg, on Sunday evening to hear their brilliant choir perform the Cantata, 'From Olivet to Calvary'. Last Tuesday at the Oshawa Hospital Annual Meeting, of which this Parish is a mem- ber, Mr. Harry Erkes spoke on Stress To-day. The annual roast beef din- ner served by the Fellowship Club will be held on Apr. 25th with three settings. U.C.W. News Last Wednesday, March 31st, the Oshawa Presbyterial U.C.W. Annual was held at Harmony Church, Oshawa, with 261 present. A good representation from our local area enjoyed the guests, Rev. and Mrs. Floyd Howlett, missionaries on furlough from Japan, who were introduced by Mrs. Margaret Smith. The Howletts, with the aid of slides, told of their 22 years of mission work at the Christian Centre at Sayoro in the northern part of the north island of Japan, about the same latitude as Lindsay, Mrs. Howlett's home town. Newcastle United Church News On Sunday, April 4th, Rev. L.M. Somerville, Bowman- ville, supplied in the pulpit for Rev. Thomas Smith, who was attending a funeral for a member of his family in Houston, Texas. Rev. Somer- ville's sermon titled Not Conformed but Transformed, was based on verse 2, Romans 12: Be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. On Sunday, April lth, a congregational meeting will follow the morning service for the pastoral relations commit- tee to present the name of the incoming minister for the congregation's approval. On Good Friday at 7:30 p.m., Newcastle and Brooklin Choirs will prsent the Cantata "The Temptations of Christ." On Easter Sunday, a beautiful window donated by the family of the late Frank Rickard will be dedicated. Hockey News Newcastle Atom Rec. Team Wins Championship and Grand Championship in Little N.H.L. Tournament. Coaches - Joe Berney, Dennis Rudman. Manager - Gord Millson, Tom Millson. This week-long tournament was held in Omemee with teams from all over Ontario. The first game of the tourna- ment was played on Monday, March 22nd between New- castle and Orono, Orono winning by 3-2 in overtime. Scoring for Newcastle were Drew McOuat and Joey Dam- mon. On Friday, March 26th, Newcastle played Keene for the Cons. Championship. This was another close game with Newcastle winning 2-1. Scor- ing for Newcastle were Jake Zondervan and Rob Hoog- kamp. On Saturday morning, Maréh 27th Newcastle again travelled to Omemee to play for the Grand Championship against Little Britain. New- castle won by a score of 3-1, scorers being Tracy Millson, Joey Berney and David Kelly. Due to the rules of this tournament only 17 players could be dressed in each game and Newcastle having 19 players had to sit boys out. A special thanks to these boys for their understanding, 1st game Rob Hoogkamp, 2nd game Rodney Glasbergen and Joey Dammon, 3rd game, Peter Hole and Drew McQuat. Team players are Mike Collinson, goal - Jake Zonder- van, Tracy Millson, Brian Millson, Peter Hole, Terry Smith, Drew McOuat, Joey Dammon, Rod Glasbergen, Geo. Chrysler, Simon Buma, Chad Crosby, David Kelly, Tim Henning, Tim Sharpe, Ted Lawrence, Rob Hoog- kamp, Kevin Bryant, and Joey Berney. On the week end of March 27th and 28th, Carveth Motors Major Pee Wee won the Beaver Valley Athletie Pee Wee Association Tournament at Thornbury, Ontario. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY BOWLING The top team of Youth for the season was the "Roadrun ners," Steven Orme, Jamie Burns, Maurice Nesbitt, Wen- dy Couch, Donna Rowe, Barry Rowe. The consolation win- ners are the "Flintstones," Kevin Wade, Jo-Ann Kent, Bob Forget, Doug Nickolson, Rickey McKenna, Jeff Carr. The ladies finished the season with the "Wildcats" taking top place. Dorothy Mercer, Doreen Neal, Helen Couroux, Kathy Mercer, Shir- ley Foster, Donna Forch. "Johnson Fuels" took top spot for the men, Gord Cowling, Ron Stucliffe, Bill Farrow, John Ogden, Harry Clark, Merril Henry. The top team for the Jolly Tryer was the "Diggers", Ted Rice, Ron Wright, Coleen Richter, Stephanie Szymczak. Thursday night the "Wing Dings" rolled into top place after holding second place for several weeks. The happy bowlers are Carol MacGregor, Wesley Forget, Mabel Lewis, Jayne Danford, Julian Allard and Evelyn Cornish. Congatulations to these win- Telephone 987-4201 ners for the 1975-76 season. Now with the play-offs in progress there will be some of the more interesting evenings at the Newcastle Bowling Alleys. Good luck to all bowlers, some teams will be on top. Gladys and Merril BETHANY Mr. and Mrs. W. McMahon ;pent the weekend with Mr. md Mrs. Ernest Wallace, Malton. Mrs. Ina Palmer and Mrs. Mildred Bristow spent the weekend with Mrs. Rhoda Johnston in Peterborough. Mrs. Palmer dined with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Palmer and boys, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hully, Peterborough, for sup- per Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGill and Marilyn left last week to attend the funeral of her father, Mr. Maurice Durling of Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, on Monday. Our sym- pathy is extended to Wanda and members of her family. Sympathy is also extended to Mr. Donald Lane and family on the passing of his wife, Margaret, last week. Mixed League Bowling The mixed league bowling results are as follows: High Lady Single, Heather Horslen, 255; Mens High Single, Frank Ashby, 243; Ladies High Triple, Heather Horslen, 635; 4-H Club - Achievement Day Congratulations are the order of the day to Heather Southwell and Susan Pleas- ance on receiving their Pro- vincial Honour Certificates and Pins, also to Marlene Craig and Laura Lynn De- Mens High Triple, Steven McGill, 619. Games over 200; Bill Stas- iack, 241; Bunny Ambrose, 231, 212; Ken Sinclair, 221, 216; -Diane Wilson, 219, 206; Fred Marshall, 217; Howard Robin- son, 205; Buelah Robinson, 203; Dave McReelis, 202. Ladies Afternoon Bowling The Ladies afternoon re- sults are as follows: High Lady, Bunny Ambrose and Runner-up. Rene Smelt. laney in receiving their County Honours Certificates and Pins at the 4-H Achieve- ment Day held at Bowman- ville High School last Satur- day. One of the highlights of the day was a fashion show, the theme being "Stunning styles for leisure time". Our girls presented themselves in the outfits they had made and accordini to all reDorts can indeed be proud of their achievements. Well done, girls! Me, Myself and I Photography Contest The congratulations of the community go to Debra Van Dorp on winning 2nd Grand Prize in the Me, Myself and I Photography Contest, also to Leeson Clifton on winning 2nd prize in the Grade 7 & 8 section awards. Several of our other young people had some of their photographs chosen for display in Bowmanville Library. It would be well worth while to pay a visit there to view the display and see the budding talent of the young people in our commun- ity. Euchre Scores: Winner. Beatrice Morgan, 86 points; 2nd, Bertha White, 85 points; 3rd, Olive Gimblett, 84 points; 4th, Lorna Richard, 82 points; 5th, C. Gimblett, 81 points. Low scores - Marg Hall, 44 points; Tony Horstmann, 39 points. 50-50 draw winner - David Craig. Tyrone Athletic Assoc. Reg- istration Drive reports 138 baseball and soccer players signed up. More will be accepted by the individual Liberty Belles Bowling Teams Standings Coombes 22,717 pin fall, 27 points; Roberts 22,280, 2512; Partner 22,080, 2312; Nicker- son 22,437, 23; Bons 21,977, 21; MacDonald 21,934, 1612; For-F sey 21,798, 15; Alldread 22,410, 14; Pearce 21,693, 14; Foran 21,750, 13; Spear 21,614, 122; Lewis 21,011, 8. High Single Wilma Coombes .......321 High Double Wilma Coombes .......5...22 Top 10 Averages M. Pearce 209, J. Spear 208, C. Roberts 206, Mary Alldread 203, L. Nickerson 203, W. Coombes 200, M. Gibson 200, P. Forsey 197, A.Bons 193, S. Robinson 193. The Newcastle Independent TYRONE

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