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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1976, p. 12

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112 t. u - SI k' ~ uranvile, Apt-il ', îit Twins Celebrote lst Birthday - tiÀg Ms. ht, o. teoe atnhWdgh îr i-etî inek h .Pi andit heni. presnil aa cari, ac' anhi 7iri Woed-n1osùa' e Miessuion > iz « buacds fefc a..ti ly x .- a'c tho cial i~ i x ce<cn' o .,s-e presperity and for whom tswas the first opportunity efshaýring i heir problems and ccsîes ery rewarding for Ait te Howletts and those Uaricipating were the Bible ..tudy groups. Mrs. Holýett gave leadership in music and cooki..-g as weli. Education in .iapan is very regimentcd and 'thcîe's a terrific strugglc to pass rigid entrance exams for flhc hast schoois and colleges, so muchi se that many brilliant st dents rula their health and jeopardize their future in the procss. I Mrs. T. Smith, Newcastle in infroducing Rev. Floyd and Doreen Hewlett told the ladies, that lie had an M. A. as gree in Philosophy and .-sceived is Th. M. degi-ce in i964. Mes. Hewlett came from- .be' Lindsay area, attended "e cenant Coliege and served as lay supply near Parry Sound, before going to Japan. Mrs, Angus Blair, Trinity, Beowmanville expressed the apprcciation cf ail to Rev. and Mis. Hewlett,' Mrs. A.C. Ferries, _Presby- te.riai president, presided at both morning and afternoon sessions, for which the theme was 'Ye Are the Temple of God. Both Mrs. Ferries, and ýLis. P.T. Wright president cf i P '-mcny UC.W. extended a warm welcomne te ahl. Miss1 .ai Marlow was erganist for teday. Treasurer Mes. .J. Ta:rgave the treasurer's iPC,>, shewinYg among many a'natos, that te the Bursary und et $1,331, te Anduhyaun1 _Icusc cf $505, and te Worid ,'ýeveloproent and Relief $1,274. Mrs. Taylor presented a sustained Budget for 1976, Excellent reports were given - 'y Literature Chairman, Mrs. GuCthrie, Chairman of J-'pply Mrs. C. Avery, Bur- saiy C airman Mrs, S. Say- 11l, and Stewardship Chair- tien Mes. D. Redpath, who :cnoucnced a Stewardship ierar at Kingsvîew Church '-ct2<th on Wills, Bequests ai.. equeaths aise the Re- utnlMeetings October l8th - Port Perry and October tha[ Ebenezer witn guest uaerRev. James Seura- l ,Division of World- Out- 'ecUnited Chui-ch cf u. sCR. Whetham, presi- o~u f Quinte Conference U. C'.7!. breuglit greetings and *ioged each womnen te be a 'nsi uti eindividuai w ith M. -'ucge U. Duff and j. ,(ackow of Myrtle U.CW. cnducted the "In Memnori- am" Service. A most deliclous luncheon 'vas served by Harmony ladies. Greetings were brought by Mrs. T.J.H. Mori-j son of Harmony and by Chairman of Presbytery Rev. E.S. Lnstead, who challenged each te purge ber life of pessîlmism and te lift up her life and rejoîce. Ina the afternoon session Mrs. Carl Down chairman cf Nominations after thanking Mrs. Ferries, Mrs. A. Martin and Mrs E. White for their assistance, presented the slate of officers for election and installation by Rev. Lînstead. Mrs. Ferries, most graciously welcomed the new members on executive, thanked the past presidents and executive for their ce-eperatien and assis- tance with a special 'thank- you' te the four retiring members. She announced the School for Leaders at Camp Quin-Mo-Lac, Sept. lth - l12th with Rev. John Hunter as guest speaker. Developing the theme for the day, a most meaningful and inspiring Devotionial was presented by Port Perry U.C.W. members, Mesdames Robt. McNab, Robt. Brown, Albert Harper, Ben Pickard, I-vin Gibson and Agrant McDermott. Mrs. Ferries thanked ail who had shared in the planning and participation cf the day. Rev. Linstead prdnounced the benediction. Following is the siate cf officers as inducted hy Rev. Linstead, Past Pi-es. Mrs. Carl Dewn, Ebenezer; President Mrs. AC. Ferries, St. Ste- phen's Oshawa; Vice Presi- dent Mrs. Alec Martin, New- castle; Mrs. W.G. McLenn, Pickering and Mrs. B.E. Killens, Hampton; Recording Secretary Mrs. W.J. Bolton, Harmony, Oshawa; Cor-e- sponding Secretary, Mrs, S.J. Taylor, Simcoe St., Oshawa; Treasurer Mrs. D. Wood, Westminster, Oshawa; Chris- tian and Mssionary Educa- tien Mrs. R.V. Sheffield, Simce St., Oshawa; Steward-, ship Mes. A.P. Dicksen, Northmînster, Oshawa; Pro- gramme Mrs.,W.F. Guthie, Audley, Supply Mes. R. Hod- son, Brooklin; Literature Mrs. F. Johoston, Eldad; Press and Archives, Mes. OC. Ashton, Enniskiilen; Nominations Mrs, Carl Down, Ebenezer. Cannwington Fire Levelled Plant Pire is ne friend was a fact qulckiy evident te 65 em- Sloyees eft he Sullivan Strong cott lac. in Cannïngton ast week (Mai-ch 30) when a spaek landing in'paint caused their place cf work te be levelled te the tune of $500,000, The firee was reported te have started at 3:15 p.m. and These delightful twins, Karen and Brian were one-year-old on March 12, 1976. They are the children of Dan and Shan non Varcoe, Ottawa, and the darling grandchildren of Jack and Gwen Varcoe, Oshawa and Dick and Eileen Hall of Bredenbury, Sask. Mrs. Edna Brummell, Town, is their great grandmother. There was uright sunshine and lift. for the morning of this Passion The regular officiai board Sunday, the fourth week of meeting of the Hope township Lent, and a large congre- Pastoral charge was held at gation shared in worship at Canton Hall on Monday even- Welcome United Church. The ing, March 29th with Mes- girls of the Order of the dames Clarence Nichols, K. R ainbow, Port Hope, worship- Dinner and E. Barrowclough, ped, with the regular church and Messers Arnold Thora- goers and were a very dyke and. T. Wilson attending pleasant and welcome ad- from this area.j dition. . On Wednesday morning the Patty Johnson, who is a executive of the UCW met in Welcome girl and their worthy Welcome church and in the advisor, assisted Rev. R. afternoon, a sewing bee was Bartlett in conducting the held to make the drapes for service, during which she the additional room there. explained the purpose of the Spring rains are washing order, and their work for away the natural mud and others. The CGIT sang two debris of winter and removing songs, "Feelin, and "Keep the the last of the frost. They also Rumor Going that. God is reveal a different debris left alive". They were accompan- by the people along our roads, ied by Carrie Lynn Symons on botties, cans and papers. the guitar. Birds are very busy hunting The choir sang "O, God of nesting places and building Peace', with Mrs, C. Beatty nests; a pair of ducks inspect- as orgamist in the absence of ing last year's site with îM'rs. H. Reeve. A beautiful sufficient men still there that bouquet of daffodils added to the refreshment truck is seen the morning sunshine and occasionally. white, gold and bronze chrys- thanemums were placed in the George Tufford was in church in memory of Mr. consecon this past week te George Clar-ke whose death attend a rally to honour Mr-. occurred recently. Ken Lane who ig national Rev. Bartlett's message to president of the AOTS mens' the childi-en contained inter- club. His father Rev. J. F. esting reference to road and Lane, was minister on the other signs, one being that of Canton circuit many years restricted use of a certain ago. George Tufford is presi- bridge, contrasting an un- dent of the Hope township trustworthy bridge with a life club. made strong by constant it was a busy, week for practice of Jesus' teaching. George for he and Mrs. His brief sermon was based on Tufford attended the pot luck capturng the Spirit of Christ supper sponsored by the by living the words "I would Eastern Star at the Masonic look up and Laugh and Love Temple, Port Hope on Satur- kep t firefighters from Can- nington, Sunderland and Bea- verton on the scene until about 1 a.m. March 31, in order to make sure that welding equip- ment and compressed gas would not re-ignite the blaze. day nighit. He assisted with the programme hichfoilowed by> giving one cf his' pepuhar readings. Mrs. C. Dickinson and Clai-ke visited with the Wilbur lamily in Enniskillen on Sunday, April 4. We have many new lines every day in v the classified section of the Canadian States mon. Why don't you buy a few uînes the next fime you wont to 4Wseil a product or service, hire oen or make a special announcement. iiï ask about our Iow rates for classified ads. cons,ý lui, . cw IC pou encre, ce

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