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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1976, p. 13

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HOG-'Larry and Ronda (Tonnant) are proud to announce the birth of their .irst born, a son Murray Edwi.ard, weighing 9 lbs. 2 ozs. on March 15,. 1976 in Missis- saýuga Hospital. Proud grand- paýrents are Ed and Elsie Hogg, Cavan, Don and Joyce ennant, Orono. Great grand- parents Mrs. William Robn- son, Mrs. Arthur Tennant and r.and Mrs. Lyall Lowery. 14-1 x KINGMA -- William and katIherine (nee Nolan) are pr oud to announce the birth of tiTeir first born, a son, Jamie Nolan, born March 18, 1976 at Os,ýhawa Generai Hspital, weighing 7 ibs. 1 oz. Proud ra nd prents are Mr. and rs . D. Nolan, Bowmanvîlie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kingma, Victoria, B.C. Proud great ga ndfparents are Mr. and rs. Jake Buma, Enniskilien, Mrs. Nora McQuaid, Belle- ville, Mrs. Effie Nolan, Bele- ville and Mrs. Van Tellingen, Zeist, Holland. Special thanks to Drs. Milier, Spear, Hender- son and maternity staff. 14-1 PEARCE - Barbara and Larry would like to announce the safe arrivai of their son, Jeffrey Scott, April 1, 1976, weighing 7 lbs. 6 ozs. at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A brother for Michael. Speciai thanksto Dr. Cunning- ham and maternity staff. 14-1 RAYNARD - Kirk and Rich- ard are happy to annourice the arrivai of their sister Coralee April, born April 1, 1976, 7:01' a.m., 6 lbs. 7 ozs. at Oshawa Generai. Hospital. Proud par- ents Dckson and Sheila nee 'Mhn). Thrilled grandparents rand Mrs. Vernon Ray- ",.r-J, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Peîrcy Aluin, Cavan. Special Iha-nks to Dr. Beckett, 4th and 5th floor nurses. 14-1 x M.r. and Mrs. B. N. Whittak- er, Scarbarough, are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their oniy daught- er Susan Elizabeth to Alani Douglas Lane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lane, Bowman- ville. Marriage to take place at the Church of the Master, Scaýrborough, on Saturday, Ma3y 8, 1976. 14-1 x Sunday, April il is the 25th Wecddina Anniversary of Ai- bort and Trix VanderGaast (nee VanderLaan). Their fr _inds and relatives are irvited to Open House to be 11'ý aturday, April 10, from 8 q0 p.m. in the Maple Grove Crnmunity Contre. "And the Lord wili guide you continu- aly". lsaiah 58:11IA. 14-1 x HART - Herbert (Herb). Suddenly in Newtonviile on March l2th, 1976. Beioved father of Cindy Hart and dear friend of Helen. Dear brother of Mrs. Charles <Bud) Hazel- wood (Barbara), Picton; Mrs. Kehneth Dalpee (Diane), Beleville, Harold and Free- man (Bud) Hart, Trenton. Interment in Trenton. Thank you to friends who were s0 helpful. 14-1ix LAN DRY - At his residence, Newcastle, Thursday, April 1, 1976, Philip Landry, aged 65 years. Beloved husband of Sadie Landry, dear father of Norman, Victor and Ralph. Service was held in the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Saturday afternoon. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 14-1 NEAL - Munroe A. Neal Jr., agedSi, of Orchard Park, New York, suddenly at work, on Tuesday, March 3th, 1976. Beioved husband of Lois Schultz Neal, dear father of Munroe A. Neal 111, James Douglas Neal, and Jennifer Lynn. Son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal Sr., and brother of John L. Neal. 14-1 BROWN - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and g8randtather, Howard John Brown, who passed away April 9, 1967. Gone dear husband gone forever How we miss your smiling face But you ieft usto remember None on earth can take your place A happy home we once en oyed How sweet the memory stili But death has left a loneliness Theworid can neyer fill. - Sadly missed and neyer torgotten by wîfe Mary and fa mil v. BENNETT - Ian Bruce. At Picton on March 20, 1976, loving son 0f Ronald and Mary Bennett of 68 Crossiey Drive, Port Hope. Dear brother of Heather,ý Wendy (Mrs. Daryl Kinch), Laurie, and Scott. Dearest grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Pickard, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett, Cobourg and g reat jgrandson of Mrs. Lola Free- man, R.R. 6, Bowmanviile. Private funerai service March 22nd. Interment at Cobourg Union Cemetery. 4l BROWN - Milton D. At Hiiisdaie Manor, Oshawa, on iThursday, April 1, 1976, Milton Brown (formerly of R.R. 3, Newcastle) in his 76th year; husband of the late Ruby Burley; dear father 0f Mrs. F iGlover (Evelyn), Mrs. M. Porter (Mildred), Mrs. T. Harness (Jean), Mrs. A. Donoghue (Hazel), Mrs. P. Belsey (Myrtie), Mrs. M. Mikaiovu (Marilyn), Stan, Fred and the late Jack. Rested 1at the Northcutt Eiliott Fun- o ral Home. Compiete funeral was held Monday afternoon. Spring interment Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonviile. 14-1 CLARK - George Wesley at Port Hope and District Hospi- taI, Wednesday, March 31, 1976. George Wesley Clark beloved husband of Kathleen Lord, dear father of Fern (Mrs. Morris Uhrig) Toronto, Edna (Mrs. Vernon Brown) Port Hope, Lorraine (Mrs. Gardon Scott) Campbellcroft, Leona (Mrs. Gus Wilson) Orono, Walter, Port Hope, Kenneth, Newtonville and the late Aima. Brothery o Ha zel (Mrs. Re inald Peacock) Port Hope. Aso survîved by 18 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren . Service was heid at the Ross Funeral Chapel, Walton Street, Port Hope, on Friday, April 2nd at 2:30 p.m. Interment Welcome Church Cemetery. 14-1 FIowers Say i VAN BELLE DAILY Deivery te... Oshawa - B.wmanville Are& Phone 623-4441 43-ff $Ince 19i2 F lowers, by JACKMAN ... .sa y it best! PHONE 623rý3365 162 King St. E., Bowmnanvîlle 45-ff CARNATION Flower Needs STOP IN ANO SEE OUR WEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARO TO BEAT Carnation Flower Shop 33 Division St, 623-7141 Durham County's Oldest Funerat Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. Funeral Home T-k1>gýhtfuI selection of cemetery sites, for various reasons a eoncern to many people ... often far in advance of need. We have available information on ail local cemeteries, simply on request. This îs part of our service to the community. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 - s . A - e HAYWARD, Percy - In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Percy Hayward, who passed away April llth, 1967. He bade no one his hast fareweli, Ho said goodbye to none. The heavenly gates were opened. A ioving voice said, Come, i often sit and think of you, The things y ou used to say, I wonder why you had to die, Without a chance to say good bye. Stili missed, loved, stili mine, You wili live \with me ln memory. - In loving memory, Roseina and famiiy. 14-1 WELSH - In ioving memory of a dear'husband and father, Everett Welsh, who passed away April lOth, 1975. Sadly missed along iife's way, Quietly remembored every day. No longer in our lives To share But in our hearts he's always there. - Lovingiy remembered by wife and famîly. o Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dowson (Pansy), Mr. and Mrs. Way- burn Adams (Noreen) and their familles wouid like ta thank ail who by their many acts of kindness expressedi their Christian love to 0ne that -iîff,-red for so lana, a dear brother Douglas Olvor. Sin- core thanks and God's richest blessing be with ail those that did their best for Daug and brought comtort and love to his family to the end. "Capt. Scott Hewett", no wards cao every say thanks but we know that it is God's love that works through you. 14-1 i wouid like ta thank neighbors, friends and rela- tives for fowers, cards and visits whiie a patient' in Bowmanvilie Hospital. Spec- ial thanks ta Dr. Cunningham and Dr. Long and my famiiy. Harold Kennedy 14-1 'Ne wîsh ta say a very special "Thank You" ta Raiph Ormiston, Herman Fice, Stew Tr ipp, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Johnon, Mr. and Mrs., Bob Carruthers,, Mr. and Mrs. Martin 'Schouten, Mr. and Mrs. McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Don Weish, Percy Brown, Cal Patter, Mrs. E. Livingstone, ail the staff in DarlIingtan Sports Centre, and Bowman, ville Memoriai Arena, the Timekeepers, and girls on the door, the hockey mothers, and St. John Ambulance, they ail did a great job. Aiso a special "Thank Yau" ta Mr. Bud Fanning and Mr. Joe Kennett. Thank you each and every one for contributing ta the success of the third annual Pine Ridge Hockey Tourna mont. Mr. and Mrs. F. Leach 114-1 x It is with deèep gratitude that we acknowledge the sympathy cards, flowers, donations to various charities, and many acts of kindness from rela- tives, friends and neighbors. A special thank you to our minister Rev. D3avid Harris for his message of comfort. The Laird Family 14-1 x We would like to express our sincere thanks to our frîends and relatives for the goîng away party and beautiful gifts presented to us. The occasion wiIl always be remembered. "The Crosseys" 14-1 x We wish to express our sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to relatives, friends and neighbors for floral tributes, cards, donations to heart fund and expressions of sympathy shown us in loss of our dear son George E. McNair. Special thanks to Rev. Mont- q omery and Morris Funeral Chapel f or their kindness. Mr. and Mrs. Willis McNair 14-1 I would like to express my sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to my family, relatives and friends for their flowers and cards while I was a, patient in Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Helen May 14-1 I would like to express my thanks to my friends and to Branch 178 Royal Canadian Legion for visits, cards and fiowers while in hospital. Special thanks to nurses and staff of the 3rd floor Memorial Hospital, BowmanviIle and to Dr. Westgarth. Don Cameron 14-ix For the 35th Anniversary Party heid Saturday, April 3rd in Tyrone Comimunity Centre, we wouid like to thank ail our friends and relatives who helped make it such an enjoyable and long to be remembered occasion. Heart- feit thanks to ail who gave presents, flowers and gifts of money. A speciai thanks to our family Cecile and Ralph Bowers, Doug and Jean Park and to a special friend Mrs. Lorna Davey, who made this evening possible. Doreen and Walter Park 14-1 We wîsh to express our sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to relatives, friends and neighbors for the many ex- pressions of sympathy, flow- ers, cards and donations to Heart Fund in the passing of our dear father Milton Brown. Speciai thanks to Northcutt Eh iott F uneral Home and Rev.Schamerhorn. Thetfamily of the late ffilton Brown Bowmanvil le Unit of The Cancer Society Womený's Forum I'Care is a Beautiful Thing" The earîy detection and treat- ment of cancer. Tues., Apr. 20th 1976 at8:OOp.m. Trinity United Church Bowmanville. AIl1 womnen urged to attend. 13-3 EASTER CRAFTS fer ChilIdren Aged 6and Up Thurs., Apr. 15, 1976 4 p. m. BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 14-2 Club Annrene Dance and Banquet Hall avaihable for your graup 1s fund raising activities. Book your next year's dates now whiie cholce dates are stili avalabie. Contact Dan Armstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48-tf MONSTER BINGO ,New Starting Timne TH URSDAY- 7:30 P.M. Sponsored by Oshawa Minor Softbalh JUBILEE PAVILlON OSHA WA 50-f WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY 7:45 PM. RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWAý 21 -tt Rummage Sale at Knox Christian Schooi Auditorium, Friday, April 9, from 7-9 p.m. Rot reshments available. 14-1 It s custamary for us in Canada, and ail aver the worhd, f0 set days aside in which ta remember great historicai events and ta colo- brate their anniversary. These are good customs. They give us a link with the p ast and also make us hapotu i that in the future we cao laok toward other events that menit cele- brations and testivities. Easter is one of those histori- cal ovonts. Christians every- where oagoriy anticipate this great toast with which they remember in a speciai way how Jesus detied the confines of a grave to live again 50 that ail Christians may someday oxperionce lite and happiness that has no end. We, the parents, students, and staff of Knox Christian Schaol, invite you ta loin our assembly in this annual coiebration of Easter hnoaur schaol gymnasi-. um April 15, at 1 o'clack. 14-1 Bowmanvîlie Midget Hockey Dance, 9 p.m. toi 1 a.m. Friday, April 9, 1976 at Port Hope Legion (upstairs). Tickets $8 percouple. Avail- able at the daor. 14-ix Biackstock Agricultural Society prosents "An Evening of Music- by Concordia Pops Orchestra at Blackstock Roc. Centre Sunday, April il, 7:45 p.m. Aduits $1.50, Students 75c. Public Schooi free. 14-1 Dance, Pontypoal Commun- ity Contre, Saturday, April lOth, White Wator Country, $5. per couple. Refreshments. DANCE Solina Hall Saturday, April1 lOth Music by Ray Avery's Orchestra 14-1 Legion Monthly Dance APRIL 17, 1976 8:30 - 1 Alil People Welcome 14-2 Cou rtice Secondary School OPEN HOUSE Wed., April 14 -7 - 10 p.m. EUCHRE NIGHT Wednesday, April 14 8: 00 p. M. - 10: 30 p. M. at the Port Darlington marina Hotel Sponsoredi by the Waverley CommunitY Association PRIZES ADMISSION: $1.00 EACH SAVE YOURSELF!! Rotary Club 0f Bowmanvilîe will be holding a Giant Baz Sale of first class mnerchandise (No Rummage), on Saturd May 1, at the Bowmanvilîe High Schooî. Proceeds for ser citizen, youth and playground pro jects. 26 days remaining for citizens ta rest up. Games, free balloons, entertainment refreshments. Donations or A-i merchandise will be gratefully accep (Please No Clathing or Rummage). Rotary wilI be canvass Bowmanville on Saturday, April 24. BOWMANVILLE - GET REA DY!! Seed for Sa le CERTIF IE O Oats, Barley and White Beans Pedigreed seed doesn't cost <it pays. CERESMORE FARMS LTD. 623-3552 13-3 ""RADIALS"' Sizes to fit most cars. $160. Per SetOf 4 PINERIDGE TIRE SALES 27 Simpson Ave. Bowmanville Phono 623-4866 13-tf BINGO NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Tues., April l3th Eariy Bird Games 7:30 Reguiar Bingo 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS 14-1 APPEARING AT The Queen's Hotel Newcastle Country Expressions FRIDAY- SATURDAY Apri 9 - 10 Dancing 9 -1 1- Book Discussion Club Tuesdays at 2 P.m,. Beginning April 6th, 1976 Review new books, f rehash old ones. General discussion. Coffee - AIl1 Welcome Bowmanville Public Library 62 Temperance St. 623-7322 13-3 Fhoodiight'dance, Nestleton Community Centre, Saturday, April 10 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Music by. Gorald Eiiiott. Refrosh- ments and lunch pravided. Ail proceeds ta be donated ta- wards iights for Bail Park. 14-1lx Dance in Kondal Orange Hàall on Saturday, April llth sponsored by the Orange fLodge. Music by the Lowerys. Everybody welcome. 1- The Bowmanville Kinette Club Bake Sale at Cliffcrest Cloaners April lSth at 10 a.m. Proceods are for Cystic Fibrosis. 14-2 The Town of Newcastle Social Planning Council will mootApril 15, 1976 at 8p.m. in CourtRoom 2, Police Build- ingj, Church St., Bowmanvihle. Ai welcome. 14-2 Country and Western Dance - Janetville Community Hall, Saturday, April 10. Music by Fay Adams and The Country Hits. Dancing 9- 1. 14-1 x April1 Antiques and Folk Art Show Friday, April1 9th, 7-10:30 p.m. Saturday, April lOth 10Oa.m. - 10Op.m. FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR INN BOWMANVILLE Pre show lecture Friday afternoon 3 - 4 p.m. Dr. Loris Russell - l9th Century Lighting. Opening night ticket includes lecture. 14-1 Fitness Program WITH YOGA F R EE Demonstration on Registration Night Tues, Apr. 13, 1976 Phone 263-2638 FILM PROCESSING WW!AUICHILDREN'S PHOTOS Cameras and Photographic supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanvilîe 623-2404 10-10 COCKSHUTT 30 tractor, now clutch, new paint job, goad condition, $850. Farm-hand bale buncher $50. Phono 263-2662. 14-1 BOY'S CCM bicycle, 20" trame, reasonable. Phone 623-7448. 14-1lx UARI-5'L i..UIvertS lu 14-1 strolier) $35., hiqh chair $25. crib and mattress $20. sied - $15. Phono 623-5056. 14-1 TRENT barley for-seed. $5 per bushel. Phono i-655-3372. 14-2 BAL ED hay; 1969 Galaxie 500 Ford car, one awner; 1953 hait ton Fargo truck. Toiephone 14-1 263-2675. 14-1 EASTER bunnies-. Cail 987-4948. 14-1 ARMY Jeep with blade, '63 Ford Econoline van, '56 Pan- fiac, automatic, 6 cyl. 63,000' miles, box frailer 8' x 5'8", oxygen propane wolding torch, man's 10 speed bike, g rl's bike, .tolophane table. 14-1 Pho000987-5222.14, WOOL rug, sand beige 9' x 15', floor polishor, desk lamp, pale Izaar lamp, book shelves, bed- -day, sproads, fibreglass curtains nior (ail new). Cannister set, rail iuggage, record player and and speaker, portable T. V., single bed, chrome sot, wningor ýtdwasher. Phono 623-7490. 4x ;sing S'EVEN Hor se Yardmen 1 niding tractor with 32" lawn- mower in excellent condition. 14,1 Phono 263-2019. 14-1 PADDY'S' Market now haý new furniture, appliances. T.V.s and stereos and alsc, used furniture and appliances Will1 accept trade-i. Paddy'ý, Market, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33-t, USED Furniture and Appli- ances. Paddy's Market,, Hampton 263-2241. 26-t(~ ANTIQUE CLOCKS -REPAIRED- Parts avaiiabhe for most anti-; que dlocks, packet watches and modemn watches and dlocks. Our repairs are done witý ýmodern up-ta date eq uipmeni, and qualitied Swiss trained watchmater. HOOPER'S JEWELLERS LT D. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 1 TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Daoish, bedroom, complote; dining raom, 9 pioce; living raam; wali unit, cotteo Tanies, riew furnituro, very reason- able. Phono 1-247-4377. 0f MASSEY - Harris fertilizer, eleven disc drill (good). Phono 987-4772. 14-ix FOUR brand new Goodyear "Big Foot" radiais. J78-15. $250. Regular $350 now. Phono 263-2695. 14-ix CHESTERFIELD suites, dressers, chests of drawers, wash stand, codar chesf, bods, wickor rocking chair, wicker bar stools, drop-ioaf, desk, fable iamps, occasional chairs, also other good items too numerous to mention. Towne Used Furniture, 19. Temperance St., Bowman- ville. Swimmning Pool Sacrifice Leadling Manufacturer and distnibutor has above ground aiuminum pools Ieft over fromn 1975 season, 12 pnice, guaran- teed installation and terms. Cali Credit Manager, coîlect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 days or evenings. 5-tf SWIMMING Pool less than 000 year aid. Fanta Sea above ground redwood 16 x 24, cost $4,500. Must soul immediately, will sacrifice- savings 0f $2,000. Cali Fanta Sea Service Contre af 1 416-625-8817,days or ovenings collect. il tf C-0MW1RE1sO-RSgenerafo-si- eiectric motors, grinders, drill presses, heavy duty powerl tools, etc. Saws sharpened. We seli, buy ahd trade. Open1 Saturdays. Ace Machineryf 859A Nelson St.,'Oshawa. Phono 723-0933. 46-tfj CARPETS of ail kinds, custom made drapes and sheers, hard- surface flooring, professioniy instalhed. Free estimates- Your one stop shopping. F. A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanvilo. Furniture, Car- pet and Drapes. Redwood, above g raund pool. 16 x 24. 1 yr. aid. Repassessed by bank, sacrifice 12 prico. Calh Mn. Harvey, collect, days or ovenings, 416-625-8819. il-tf SWIMMING pool for sale: Maving - wilh soul you 16 x 32 above graund Madular Red- waod Pool at sacrifice priceo0f $3000. Savings of $2100. 1975 model, call 416-625-2719, d ays or evonings, callect. il-tf ORCHARD sprayer, bean sprayer 240 gal. tanks. 25,g ai. minute pump. 4 c ylin der, Wisconsin engine. C ail D. Cunningham 987-4294. 13-2x LIKE NEW 24,000 B.T.U. Westinghouse air-conditioner. Air conditions full size home. Cal l728-1122. 12-tf HORSE manure, 25c bushel, 983-5691. 13-2 STEEL dru m land rouler, culItivator and manure spread- er. Phone 623-5994. 14-1 GRAIN fed beef sides, 90 centsl lb. Leland Payne, Newton-ý v île, phone 786-2512. -r'i spaiiiei andlupartI ueagite pup, 5 months old, black and white, answers to "Mitzie" hast on Silver St., Friday, April 2. Phone 1-983-9277. 14-1 TWO mother cats with tags, Chaîkie and Winters also kitten Rolly. Courtice-Town- lune area. Good reward. Appiy David Reid, Castie Hotel, Bowmanvil le. '75 VOLVO, 242, under war- ranty, undercoated, radio, fuel injection, phone 623-4577. 14-1 x 1975 PONTIAC Ventura, 6 cyl, automatic, radial tires. $3300. Phone 263-2649. 14-1 x D17 6 cyl. diesel with power steering, wheel weights, pul- l ey, block heater, good tires. Run only few hours since complete engine overhaul. Phone 263-2185. 14-1 1974 ASTRA GT Hatchback 4 speed, low mileage, wide oval tires. E xcellenf condition, certif ied. Phone 623-3893 after 6 p.m. 14-1 1970 TRI1UMPH 500, very good condition. Phone 623-2147. 14-1 '69 DATSUN 2000, miii only, solex, 460 cam 4 To 1 headers, 170+ h.p., complote $400. Phone 623-7744. 14-1 '69 DATSUN 510, good body, excellent engine, certified, radio and trailer hitch, 50,000 miles, $700. Phone 623-7744. 14-1 '67 CHEV., good body and 9pood engine, certified. $475. Phone 576- 6594. 14-1 1972 HONDA.500-4, 15,000 miles, excellent 'shape, new headers, new tire. $850. Cal 623-3274. - 14-1ix '72 IMPALA,, 4 door sedan, Ziebart rust proofed, new tires, brake inings, shocks, ast year. Many extras, A-i condition, certified. 725-7525. 14-1 '68 AMBASSADOR Wagon, fully equipped, excellent fam ly car. $1200 or best offer. Phone 263-2501 after 5. 14-1 1969 VOLVO, 142 GT, 4 wheel power discs, overdrive, certi- f ted. Phone 623-7746. 14-1 196INTERNATIONAL Tan- dum Dump' Truck. Phone 987-4049. 14-1 1972 VEGA GT, ail sports GT options, 400 miles on new $500 motor, just tuned, cash or trade for truck or van. Phone 623-'5427. 14- 1, Joe Vanden-berg, wililnýo longer be heid responsibie for Glebts incurred in my name by my wife Elaine Vandenberg after this date. 14-1 x YOUNG girl requires room and board in Bowmanville area. Phone 987-4021. STORM door- white enamel aluminum, 34" x80", like new, ýhalf price. Phone 263-2649. 14-1 BOX trailer, average size. $30. Telephone 623-3927 atter 3 p.m. 114-1ix 17.1 CU. FT. FR 1DG E and 30" continuous dlean stove. Avo- cado green. Phone 623-3510. 14-1 SPY and 'deliclous apples. Quality No. 1 and 2 grade at reasonable prices. Phone 263- 8430. 14-2 GOLDEN Falcon trailer, 21 ft., excellent condition, fully equîpped, licensed for '76. Cal 987-5045 after six. 14-1 BATHETTE and crib $45. for both. Phone 987-4608. 14-1 DELUXE Beatty wringer washing machine. 5 years old. Phone 623-3734. 14-1 USED piano for sale. 'Best offer. Phone 728-1675. 14-tf TWO girls Raleigh bicycles, one standard and one three speed. Phone 623-2697. 14-1 ONE year old wringer wash- ing machine, square tub with timer. Phone 623-2127. 14-1 x MANURE, horse or cow. Delivered. Phone 728-2410. 14-2x WHITE'S T.V. TOWERS Towers, U HF, VH F Aerials, Rotors & Repairs Apartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our Guarantee 576-5606 COU RTIC E EAR PIERCING SERVICE Hooper's J ewel lers Ltd, Regular Price $12.00 NOW $10.00 with studs Special110 per cent reduction on first purchase of oarrings with the release form. Phone 623-5747 For Appointment ANN BRADLEY Permanent Hair Removal 90 Simncoe St. N. Oshawa 723-7682 CHARGEX RING-NECK dove, cage, etc, complete. $25. Phone 263-8448 or 728-6098. 14-1 FREE kittens, very friendly, six weeks. Phone 1-983-5248. 14-1 DALMATIAN puppies for sale. Registered and shots. Phone 725-6210. 14-1 Boa rd Your Dog! A home away from home. Long runs,cdean, veterinary service. R.T.J.J. Kennels Pho n e62 339 2 -13-tf WHITE Embden goshings. Allan Venema, Hampton 263- 8888. 14-tf ONE two year hoîstein bull, no papers, proven breeder, quiet disposition. Phone 263-2129 after 5 14-1 EQUESTRIAN TRAINING CENTRE LARGE INDOOR ARENA BOARDING instruction in Equitotion Jumping Dressage Schooling of Hunters & Jumpers Hunters & Jumpers Bought & Sold RR 3 BoWMNVILLE6 3 7.-w FREE removal of f resh, dead or disabled large animais, There will be a $5 charge on small calves and pigs. Cali Margwill Fur Farm, Hamp- ton, 263-2721. 46-tf URGENTLY REQUIRED! ! We have cash buyers for homos in the Bowmanville area. bPerhaps your home wouhd ring top dollar? We'Il be ploased ta appraise it for you and help you locate the "home of your dreams". F-or friendhy efficient sale of your home, cahi P. '& Rý Reaity Company, Realtor, Benneit Rd. and No. 2 Hwy., Bowman- v il1le 576-6120. 17-4,f Invitation To Tender SEALED TENDERS for the projects or services listed below, addressed ta the Regional Manager, Finance and Administra- tion, Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, 25 St, Clair Avenue East, (6th Floor) Toronto, Ontario M4T 1M3 and endorsod with the project Name and Number, will be received until 3:00 p.m. on the specified closing date. Tender documents cao be seen or obtained through the office of the Regional Director, Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario. Pro jects No: 641057DN005 - Reroofing, Federal Building, 41 Church Street, Bowmanvilîe, Ontario. CLOSING DATE: THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1976 Tender documents may also be seen at the Oshawa Construction Association, 627 Kenilworth Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. Enquiries: 966-5687, Area Code: 416 Instructions To be considered each tender must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Department and must be accompanîed by the Secunity specified in the tender documents. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B. R. Warren Regional Manager Finance & Administration Ontario Region Toronto, Ontario April1 7, 1976 mm=,_ YOUNGS POINT, ONTARIO TENDERS FOR SUB.TRADES Tenders wiii be received by the undersined untiIl a.m. Saturday,sMay 1lst, 1976, f or a 1 sub-trades required in the construction of three and four bedroom bungalows. Lowest or any tender not necessariiy accopted. Owner Builder Youngs Point Estates Lfd., Ontario. Contact: Mr. J. Meagher Arbour View Dr. Youngs Point, Ontario KOL 3G0 (705) 652-8208 - (705) 652-8091 10-4 ",Mag Wheels"'ý Si zes ta fit most cars. $35. each PINERIOGE TIRE SALES 27 Simpson Ave. Bowmanvi île Phone 623-4866 a

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