am In the Estate of John Albert Fry, late of 117 Scugog Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Ail, persons having dlaims aglainst the Estate of John AlIbe rt Fry, late of 117 Scugog Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, who died on or about the first day of March, 1976, are hereby required to send full particu- lars of such daims to the undersigned on or before the 3th day ýof April, .1976, after which date the Estate's assets Mill be distributed having regard only to dlaims that have then been received and the undersi.gned wiII not be hiable f0 any person of whose dlaims she shah flot then have notice. Elsie Blanche Fry, Executrîx, by-her Solictors, Lovekin, and Cureatz, Box 9, Newcastle, Ontario. 14-3 RELIABLE.aduifs would like country house ta rent. Within commufing distance of Oshawa, 1-705-292-7121. 10-12x STORE space ta renf or sub-lease in Bowmanville area. Phone 683-1166 or 683- 8359. 14-1 BOWMANVI LLE, Newcastle or Port-Hope area. Space in old garage or barn f0 park my car. Phone 623-7083. 14-ix FARM Land or pasture in Hampton or Bowmanville area. Phone 263-2578.' 1 4-2x B - -s Furnished Bedroomis by month, week or day, shower and bath, Iýcenced premises, reasonable rates. CASTLE HOTEL Bowmanville 623-7072 1 -tf PORT Hope, three bedroom house, appliances, fireplace, garage, vacant, $260. monthly. Phone 1-266-7945 Scarbarough. ONE bedroam. Stove' and fridge included. AIl utih.ifies pai d $150.00 per monfh. Phono 623-3773. 13-tf TH R EE-year-old bungalow for rgnf $295. per monfh. 112 Liberty Street, North,' Bow- manvillo. Cali 1-983-5959. 14-1 BOWMANVI LLE downtown, large, fhree bedraomr aparf- ment. Adults proferabîy, wiIi cansider one chihd. No pets. $275. monthly plus hydra. First and, hast months rent. Caîl Bowmonf Holdings 728- 5123 before 5 p.m. an 725-8333 Ovenings. 14-1 RESULTS'COUNT!I Multiple Listinig Service Oshawa & District Real Estate Board tf SCRAP paper bargains. We have a real bargain in scnap papen fan you. Ail sizes, sfldpes and colons in bundies of 50 cents and $1.00. Great for dnawings, ieaving messages, Sroup draft wark, etc. The tatesman office. 42-tf Lm * . DUE ta expansion, 1 need several mature people to play records and MC at dances. AIl equipment and records sup- plied. Cali, Music By Ross Jackman, 623-3365 for inter- view. 14-1 CONTRACTORS General contractors re- quire~d in Durham Region. Roofers, pavers, plumbers, general etc. Mlust be fnde- pendent businiesses. Cali 579-5070 9-tf PERSON ta do s pring dlean- ing, must be relia ble and have references. Apply in writin gf0 Advertiser 609, c-o Canadlian Stafesman, P.O. Box' 190, B3owmanville, Ontario. 13-2x MANAGE RESS FOR Fast Food Outlet in this area. Attractive saîary and, prof it-sharing. CaîIl 884-2264 Richmond Hill - Evenings or 745-9320 Toronto Day 14-1 PART time he lp needed for general work in six acres of dwarf apple trees. Please cali I623-5234. 11 14-1 Ba r-Tender for BOWMANVILLE COUNTRY CLUB also a Golf Course Worker CONTACT» Thelma Mosher 623-2670 14-1 INDIVIDUAL ta train as receptionist-socretary in new dentist's office. Typing essen- fiaI. Reply stating qualifica- tions in brief. Write Adver- tiser' 612, c-o Canadian Stafesman, P,0. Box 190, Bawmanville. 14-1 WAITRESS, full time or part time, experienced. Apply Coronaf ion Restaurant or phone 623-5412. 14-1 WANTED, Parts Persan for counter and deliveries. Apply Ron Avery, Mac Donald Ford, Bowmnanvihhe. Phone 623-4481. 14-1 SALES PEOPLE - Canvassing in the Durham Rogion. -- FulI or parf-time. -Advertising suppliod. CatIl 579-5070 8-tf MARR IED farm help for modemn dairy farm, separate houso wvifh canveniencos. Write pdyerliser 6-1l' c-p. Canadian Sta3tesrnan, P.d0. Box 190, Bowvmanvihhe, Ont. 13-2 Cafeteria Cashier NIGHTS 3 p.m. ta close. For interview cal: MR. J. BOURKE 623-3373 Fîying Dufchman Motor Inn 14-1 Hampton Junior Public School Requires a suitabîy qualified Ki ndergarten teacher for the period May 3 t0 June 30, 1976. Please repîy in writing stating experience, qua lif ications and tehephone numbor ta Mr. Gernot Gleibs, Principal, Hampton Junior Public Schooî, Hampton, Ontario. 14-1 Town of Newcastle SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD MALE OR FEMALE Required for the downtown area of Bowmanville. Duties ta commence on April1 20, 1976. Apply ta: J. M. Mcllroy, Town Clerk, 40 Temperance St. Bowmanvi île. Tehephone: 623-3379 14-1 CAR ETAKE R Applications will be received by the undersigned until Thursday, April 15, 1976 for the position of Caretaker, 40 hours per week a? the Courtice Secondary School. Good knowîedge of school caretaking procedures and, cleaning methods. Ability ta work from verbal and written instructions and to get aîong with people. Reply in writing stating quali- fications, address and tele- phone number to: M. A. Mac Leod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion, Box 470, 834 D'Arcy Street, Cobourg. K9A 4L2. 14-1 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN CREDIT AND COLLECTIONS? Full training given with a progressive company. Commencing salary $135 plus car expenses. Apply by phone: 725-6535, 14-1 Applications a re now being accepted for employmont commenciflg in late May with DELTA FAUCET OF CANADA LTD FOR ASSEMBLY AND MACHINE OPERATOR POSITIONS. No experience is necessary. Application Forms are available at plant site, corner of Base Lino and Cemetery Roads. s - * e BiII's GLASS and IMIRRORS LTD. 7 DivisionSt., Bowmanville Ontario. Phono 623-5187 *Sheetand Float Glass Seahed Units,- Strm Windows Store Fronts, - F loat Mi rrors Pattemned and Colored Glass and Glazung. 17 tf NVATE'R Wells bored, 30" file. Ward's Well Boring. Tele- prhane 342-2030. Representa. fIve. Harry L. Wade. Tohe- phono 987-4531. 16-tf Maple Grove SmaIt Engineý Repains tfalahi makos of Lawn and Garden Equipmont 14-tf CUSTOM upholsfening, recov- oringr-styling, vory reason- aework guarantood, 20 years Free estimates. Please cail collecf 1-986-5072. 26-ff Complete Electrical .Service Wiring, New - Alterations' Portable Tools - Maintenance.- Appliance Repairs - Smail Appliances. WILLIAMS ELECTRIC 623-5149 43 Prince St. Bowmanvillk 1 2-4 C &C JAN ITOR SERVICE Carpet - Upholstery ProfessionallIV Cîeaned FREE ESTIMATES Phone 623-3624 BOWMANV ILL E 3-tf Remodeling PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL SPRINKLE SYSTEMS CALL KEITH 623-6892 13-4x Jim'«s Qua lity Painiýng Decoratiýg R& pape#'ragi- GENERAL REPAIRS Phone: Courtice, 728-7843 Ontar!o 12-7x RON"S FLOOR CARE Includes Homes, Offices, Etc. Rug and Carpet and Upholstery Shampooing Wall Washing CA LL Ron Turcotte at 623-7966 49-tf PHOTOGRAPHY Commercial - Weddings Portraits WAYNE HUNT, PONTY POOL. 705-277-226 a1 29-tf KG RENOVATIONS Rec. Rooms, Kitchens, Etc. 623-6056 50-tf Peter Sutherland Alumînum Prod. Sidling - Soffit - Facer Eavestrough - Windows Doors - Awnings For Free Estimate 45-tf INSULATION, blowing mefh- od with rock wool, workman- Isupguaranteed, Sealdaire nslation, phone 705-742-0272. Representative Harry L. Wade, phone 987-4531. *uUMESTIC & COMMERCIAL REFRIGEPATION UNITS .and APPLIANCES SALES & SERVICE Kool Enterprises PHONE 623-3221 24 Division St., Bowmanville 2>-ff DARLI NGTON MASON RY Brick, Block, Stone CI-IMNEY & FIREPLACES' CHIMNEY CLEANING Phone 623-2176 45-tf NURSING care prov.cîed by Regîsfered Nurse in your 0v.r home. Reasonable rates. Tele- ohone 623-4054. Monte Nennessy Carpentry - Renovating Fencing, AIl Types Floor Sanding, Concrete Work Farm Buildings and Maintenance Phone 579-5957 14-2 J. A. HAYES (SMO< MEATS Custom Cuttir 12 Cents Lb. f FREEZER ORDEI 174 Ritson Rd. S. Oshawa Phono 579-8011 or 623-1 JACK BURGEI' OIL BURNERS-FURNi CLEANED PLUMBING REPAII PHONE HAMPTOh 263-2151. MAIL ADDRESS:, P-0. Box 43- Bowmai BOB BEERS 137 ELGIN STREEI Plumbing - Heai Pressure Systems New Work and Ropa ir Service and Estimate Cail621 24 Ref rigerali ion ai AppIianc- Servii Commercial and Dames Refrigeration - Milk Coo PHONE BERT SYEI Days .............. 623 Nights ........623 Lander Hardwa and ELECTRIC D. Beers & Soir CONSTRUCTION New Homes -Renov Roc Roams Repa irs of ail1 types, PHONE 623-2263 Income Tax Rot urns - Bookkeeping Services Office OverIoad Qua lified Accounfant $5.0and Up Af office or your home. FRE IN'S 19 Division St., Oshawa Specializing in Farm and Business Taxes. Bowmanvi île W. S. Witherspoon 623-3449 - Mr. Atkinson Oshawa 579-8241 n 623 ALLIN COLE'S MOBILE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MECHANICAL REPAIRS (Tuno-ups - Brakes - Etc.) Allwork done by Licensed Cîass "A" Mechanic At your home or place ofbusiness. AIl parts and labor guaranfeed. Terms cash. PHONE 623-5045 Bowmanvi lie a. * CASH for gold, silver, coins, ANTIQUES, dlocks, lai guns, dlocks, jewellery, dish- books, etc. Phono 1-983-96ý es, furnifure, cracks, paint- ings, sealers, appliances. Friendly FleaMarkef, 23 King -JSED Furniture and AI West, 725-9783. 38-tf ances. Paddy's Mari Hampton 263-2241. Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorc-yc es Snowmobi les. For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5 Residence 623-7 :EY) nîg .7056 14-ff s ,s [ACES RS NJ nville 30-tf T fing rs S 33-tf OSAW ASAND &GRP SCREENED SAND GRAVEL & STONE LIMESTONE PROOiJdTS AIL SIZES FOR DRI VEWAYS & PARKING LOTS DELIVEREO OR REMOVED TRUCKS & LOADERS FOR RENT SHOW REMOVAL 725-0232 SOLINA RD. N. HGWY 1 MILE NORTH OF HIWAY 2. -m rA e m dI lot us help you make the sel ection SIMPSON MIEMORIALS 49 Lavinia St., Port Hope, Ont. 416-885-6434' Evenings Cal, Mauni Simpson, (416) 885-4443 Wednesday, April 121 Auct ion sale of farm machinery and dairy equip- men ,h property of Jack and Judith Durham, Lot 23, Con. 7 Emily Twp. 2 miles north of Fowler's Corners and /2 mile east (former property of Nelson Davis). 1974 Int. 574 diesel tractior wifh 1850 man- ure loader. Int. 434 diesel tractar with 1501 manure loader, hydraulic'bucket. Int. 3-14's trioi beamn olouah 3 Pt. New Holland 268 Baler PTO M.F. 7' dyna balance power mower 3 p t. M.F. hay cand'i- tioner PTO, 2 John Deere roller bearing wagons with racks- John riDeere manure spreader PTO, Dempster 15 dîsc seed drill, Allied snow blowor, 1973 Chev. 1/2 ton V-8 truck, heavy dufy, standard, radio. Fulll une of farm machinery. DeLaval 2600 lb. srainîess steel bulk milk tank. 3 Surge units, De Lavai stainless steel double wash tanks, other items. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1: 00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Aucfion- eer, Reaboro, Ont., 705-324- 9959. 14-2 Saturday, April 24th- Farm Soid - Auction Sale of Market nd Gardening Equipment, Farm ice Mach inery and Hprshol stic Donald Horner, Lot 25 (on 8 loers Hope Twp. 8 miles easf of IR Kirby of Hwy.,115 or 8 miles -5774 west of Hwy. 28 on County -3177 Road 9 or 2 miles west of Gardon Hill. Delhi aufomatic re single row planter. Delhi single row tomato planter, 2-tf Calsa field sprayer, Int. potato digger PTO, Grey and Snider potato picker, Trescott elect- ns ric patato grader, patato moulds, quantity of seeds and 'ating sprays, Kennoox seed -pata- toes, corn or bean cleaner. onian bags, baskets, counfers, cash registor, scales, large quanfity of gardon tools, large quantity of market gardon 2O-tf equipment. 1975 M . F. 135 ___diesel tractor, power stee ring, apprax. 200 hrs., snaw bla de for front end. 1974 Triple K 8' cultivafor 3 pt. John Deere 3-12's trip beam pîough. 3 pt. Deer Barn, cultivator or scuffler, M.F. 2 raw corn planter 3 pt. plates for beans. Spray tank- 2000 lb. pressure, 1961 Int. 12 ton truck good motor. Fertilizer spreador PTO, M.H. 15 disc seed drill, high wire gates, 1963 Int-. 1 ton truck with box, 2 Cackshuti 3-49tractor manure spreaders, A.C.60 combine, 1966 Chev. 10-6 Bel-Air Car 6 cylinder auto- - matic, chain saw, lumber, cedar posts, gas tank, ail tank, full lino of machinery. McClary coal and wood stave, McCiary eiectric ciothes dry- ýrs,, 2 chrome tables and 6 chairs, waoden table, desk, Admirai refrigerator, Viking -heavy duty stove, rugs, coffee tables, lamps, pictures, books, beds, drssers, Quebec heater, many other articles. Terms 52-t Cash. No Reservo. Furniture Sale at 11:00 a.m. Market Gardening Equipmenf at 12:30 p.m. foliowed immediately by farm machinery. Carl Hick- mp, son, Auctioneer, Reabaro, 10. 1Ont. 705-324-9959. 12-4 14-3 ?ke.t, An outstanding sale of 20 33-tf Charolais bulîs,' 40 Charo- - lais femnales, 5 Charolais show calves, Purobred and [cercen- tage, selling at the Kawarfha Select Charolais Spring Sale, Peterborough Livestack Sale Arena, Peterborough, Satur- day,' April 10, 1976. 12:30 p.M. buils soîl at 3 p.m. For Catalogues contact Sales Man- Sa gers: LiptaY Auctioneers 7112 Ont. 416-263-2117 or 705-652- 45t 3517. 114-1 Salurday, April lOth - Farm Sold - Auction Sale of Farm Machinery and Household Furnifure. The property of R. M. (Bob Goodram) Lot 19, Con. 10 Rawden Twp. 9 miles north of Stirling on Hwy. 14 and west 2 miles on County Rd. 38 or 9 miles northeasf of Campbellford on Counfy Road. 1972 M.F. 165 diesel fractor, 1880 hrs., power sfeering, complete. Leyland 270 diesel fractor power steer- ing 3 pt., with Allied fronf end loader - good. Leyland 270 diesel tractar, power steering 3 pt. M.F. 3-14's trip beamn p lough. Int. chisol p[ough, Kongskilde 12' culfivator. Int., 16, run seed drill, A-C 2 row corn planter, M.F. 110 bus., manure spreader, Ferguson side rake, 40' hay elevator with undercarriage, 3 rouler bearing wagons with racks, Danuser post hale digger, full mie af modemn machinery. Humidifier, 2 ehectric heaters, china cabinet, trench doars, antique table,, Hoover vacuum, smalhl household items, sm-ail tables, many ather articles. Roy Williams and Carl Hicksan, Auction- eers. 14-1 Saturday, April' l7th 1sf Annual Absolutely Unrosorv- ed Auction Saleof New and Used Farm Machinery. The property of Nixon Equipmenf Sales Ltd. (Bob Nixon M.F. Dealer) 2 miles east of Peterborough on Hwy. 7. 20 tractors, 1975 M.F. 135 diesel fractor - power steering 22 hrs. new 1972 M.F. 1150 diesel fractor, cab, power steering, real good. M.F. 165 diesel tractar, power steering 1600 hrs, wifh M.F. 90 loader - gaod. 1972 Leyland 384 diesel fractar, power steering, good. ý2-M.F. 165 dciesel -tractors, M.F. 175 diesel tractor, 2 M.F. 180 diesel tractors, M.F. 135, diesel tractor, power sfering, 1042 hrs. - like new. 2-M.F. 35 gas tractars and others. (See sale posters for camplefe listinci). 2 M.F. ciarden trac- tors 7 H. P. with mowers, Case 444 gardon tractor with maw- or, blade and snow blower. 2-M.F. No. 10 Balers - 1 with bale thrower, New Holhand 68 Baler, New Holland 270 Baher, M.F. 110 manure spreader, New George White 100 gallon field sprayer. New George White 34 taoth culfivafor,, New Idea self unhoading forage, wagon -new. New Holland 717 - 2 row forage harvester, M.F. 39 -'2 raw corn planter 3 pt. M.F. 92 self prapelled com- bine, David Brown 3 furrow plough, Int. C-28-7' power mower, M.F. 32 - 7' power mower, John Deere 9 - 7' power mawer. Many other pieces of farmn machinery. An, outstanding sale. Plan ta attend. Terms Cash or finan. cing avaihable prior fa sale. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Rea- bora, Ont. 705-324-9959. 14-2 Sale by Public Auction, Pefhick's Auction Shed, Hay- don, 1 mile east of Enniskillen on Saturday evening, April 10 at 7 p.m. This is one of the largest sales we have had in aur shed of new and used funniture. Deep freeze, 'two new bednoam suites, new kitchen table and four chairs, new two seater chesferfield, large new chesterfield and chair, grandfather dlock with Westminster chimes, good dishes, silverware, new dining noom suife, coiored T.V., electric stove, 30", band saw fable saw, large quantity of tois, iawn chairs and table with umbrella. This is only a part of what we have in our barn. For a preview of this fine funnitune come on Friday night between 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. This househoId of furni- ture cames from a private home in Toronto. Na neserve. Tenms Cash. Ciiff Pefhick, AuctiQneer. 14-1 The undensigned auction- eers wiil soul by public auct ion for the estate of the late Ray Degeen, allhis farm stock and .farm implements on Good Friday, April 1ôth, 8 miles nonfh of Bawmanville on new road 57 and one mile east of Enniskillen. 9 cows, 2 heifens, 5 calves, 2 sows, 1 boar, 9 pigs, a bo ut 100 1ibs, two sets of tea m hanness, 2 smali box stoves, fende posts, steel posts, snow fonce, wine fonce, 500 baies of hay, 500 bales of straw, quantity of sacks, ail the farm implements, some for trac- tons, and several pieces of horse dnawing machinery. 30 Massey Harris Tracton and 101 Massey Harris tracton, 2 wagon ioads of smali articles. Ail machineny and everything n good condition. Sale af 1:00 p.m. No resenve. Tenms cash. Lawrence Harris, cienk. Peth- ick and Werny, Auctioneens. 14-2 Auctian sale, Saf., Apr. 10,, 1:15 p.m. at Shamrock Cot- tages in the Village of Bewd- ley consisfing of oak desk, chest of drawers, Duncan Phyfe table, chairs, dishes, glassware, oil lamps, cracks, stained glass fireplace screen, T.V., electrical applicances 3nd beds. Other items being :onisigned. Rager Bannister, Auctianeer. 14-1 Auction Sale Grist Mill Auct ion Barn Newtonvil le, April 9t1, WiFriday, 7:00 p.m. Wngback chesterfield, re- cliner, covered love seat, lamps, coffee tables, fridge, stove, washer-spin dryer, automatic clothes washer, bunk beds. carpets,- rugs, buffet,' large office desk, school desk, lawboy chest, new box springs, antique hall rack, aid chests and trunks, exercising bike, T.V., round picnic table, children's swing set, hardware items, dishes, glass and numerous other articles. Note: Remember Friday evening 7:00 p.m. Stapleton Bras. Auctioneers 786-2244. 14-1 Monday, April 26 Annual Spring Stocker Sale Coîborne Livesfock Sales Coîborne If you have any stock or cattie to seli and wish ta consign please let us know as soon as passible. Furfher information please contact Wm. A. Collins, Prapriefor and Auctioneer. Phone 416-355-2725 14-3 Tuesday, April 20 Holsteins - Machi nery Complete Grovendale Hol- stein Dispersai for Harold Gorve, R.R. 4, Sunderland, 2 miles south of Sunderland then 2 miles east on Con. 4, Brock Twp. 2 Excellent, 6 Very Good - a top herd with deep full pedigrees, several calves eligible for 4-H work. Features include 2 excellent cows due ta Starlite. A Very Good Neyer Fear - a very fancy yaung cow. A 2-year-old by Citation R. Maple scored at 84- this heifer is due again in Sept., a very beautiful udder. A Holstein sale you won't wanf ta miss! Machinery: John Deere 4020 diesel tractar complete with cab, heater, power steering, power shift, dual contrais only 2000 haurs. J.D. 5 furrow 16' auto-reset semri-mi-ounted plow, White. 161 2' hiydraulic cultivator wit h levcetinrghrrw (nw >t seasonî), Whie 504 12' S.P. swather, J.D. '1120 diesel tractor with loader anly 600 haurs, 6 furrow 16" Hydreine plow auto-reset, Glencoe 14' cultivator,ý Fox 2000 forage harvester with 3 heads - hay pick up - 2 raw corn - 6' Flail head, N.H. Forage blower whirifeed'(new), Dion forage wagon with roof, Grave forage wagon, gravity grain box, 1972 Dadge 1 tan truck with new 12' tipping platform and racks and hoist (certif ied). An excellent uine of machinery. Lunch available. Machinery at 11:30, Cattle 1 p.m. Lloyd Wilson sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge 852- 3524. 14-2 Soling Saturday , Apr 11 1Oth, at 1 a'clock sharp the farmn machinery, imploments, hay, sfnaw and orain of Mn. Orn-e- Falls. 11/2 miles south of Kendai and 1 mile easf. lncluded in this sale is a M.H. 13 disc seed drill, M. F. 3 point hifch mowen, Ford tracton (good fines), two-furrow plow, cockshutt culfivafor, Inter- national side rake, disc, rub- ber tire wagon, 4-section harrows, 24 ff. bale elevatan, Wood's gninden, a new chain' saw, quantity of steel fonce stakes, wheol banrows, one heavy dufy barn jack, cattie clipper, two sets of scales, plus tanks, chains, and shovels etc., also 1300 baies of goad hay, 300 bushel of Rodre; oats, hausehald items incliude biankof chest, two dressons, sewing machine, antique cup- board, one 12 cubic foot fridge smai antique fables, croc ks, twa ail lanfenns, canpenter's fool chest and tools, chrome dinoffe with 6 chairs, twa dressons, beds, plus many more items fao numerous ta mention. Charlie Reid, auctioneen, and Lawrence Harris, cienk. il-4 Wed., April114, 1:Ou p. m. Hoisteins Hay - Dairy Equipment Complote Ringstafo Holstein Dispensai owned by Ray Heeninga, R.R. 2, Blacksfock. Lot 35, Con. 9 on Danlington East Whitby Towniine. 5 miles south of Pont Penny thon 21/2 miles easf an 21/2 miles east of Raglan thon 12 mile sauth. 50 head, Registercd, C assified, aIl home nred. ail by popular sires - 6 'by 'Starlite', 12 'Perseus Mark', 12 'Pontiac Chieffain', others by 'Wayne', 'Herdmaster' and 'Thornlea'. Theso cows are veny dainy with a great desine ta work. Udders are up fi ght with beautiful quality. Th is i s a yaung herd such as Rig state Lassie Stalte Ana G.P. 83. A fancy 4 year old by Starliie wiIl be fresh by sale time. Also solling a service age bull by 'Empenor' from a veny good 'Rockman'. 2000 bales hay, qu. baied sfraw, 4 Surge milkens, 2 electric sepanatons. Sale called on short notice due fa back iiijur y. Llcjyd Wilson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer, Uxbridge 416-852-3524. 12-3 Saturday, Apr. 10.- 1 p.m. Farm Machînery Auction sale of farm mach;n- ery. The, property of the Estate of Roger Halîman, R.R. 2, Markhamf. 1 mile south of Ringwaod on Hwy. 48 then 1 mile west on 19th Avenue or 4 miles north of Markham-ta l9th Avenue and 1 mile west. International 574 diesel trac- for with cab, power sfeening, front weights (like new only 36«7 hours), Inter. 434 gas tractor and loader 4bb nrs., Inter. 624 diesel tractor, Inter. 46 4-furrow piow, Inter.- 111/2' vibra shank cultivafor, Inter. 10' disc on wheels, Inter. 990 haybino 7', 1Int. 47 baler, Int. 14 side rake, Little Giant 34' elevafor and motor, hay trailer wifh dual wheehs, bale buncher, transport auger 32' - 5" PTO dniven, Int. 10 seod drill semi-mounted, Int. 251 2 raw corn planter - 3 pt. hitch, Turnco grain box, Century trailer sprayer, Int. 91 10' combine self propelled, Int. 8 fiail chopper, Int. 350 forage niarvester -i row, int. 47 forage blower and pipes, Badger distributar, Dio2 for- age wagon, Pittsburgh scuff- hon - 3 point hitch, Int. 175 bu. manure soreader. Aras 3 point scraper, Arps snow bîower, 5 section harrows, Cadet 60 riding lawn mower, Clhev. 12 fon pickup truck 24-000 miles. Note:,This is one of the best machiner y sales of the season. AIl mac hinery in new condition. Lunch avail- able. Lloy d Wilson and W. D. Atkinson, Sales Managers and Auctioneers, Uxbridge 416- 852-3524. 13-2 Tuesday, April 2th - Annual Sprin g Sfocker Sale at Lind- say Community Sale Barn, Angeline St. North, Lindsay, Ont. Stocker steers, heifers and calves sold in fruckload lots or ta your satisfaction. Alwavs a good quaiity sale. Plan fat attend. For consign- monts or funther information contact Carl Hickson, Pro- priofor and Auctianeer. 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. 12-4 Q, Kn t. EFO mnv9 l REALTOP Just reduced! Asking only $56,900 for this 41/2 year aid brick bungalow. 3 bedroom home with finished recroatian room with firepiace. Addition- ai bedroom in basement. Close ta schools, churches, and 401 exit. 4ýrank Street, Bowmanvilile: 3 bedroom brick bungalow home, 1 bedraom basement aparfment with separate on- france. Landscaped lot. Waverley Ro ad, Bowmanvilhe 4 bedroom, 2 starey twî n home with 2 baths, finished roc. roam, car pool, fenced yard, waîkout from dining room area ta patio and numerous ext ras.ý 14-1 Pat Marjerrison 623-4115 Ken Nicks 623-4050 Dolie Davey 786-2256 (Newtonville) COUNTRY BUNGALOW Neat, 2 bednoom trame house on 12 acre lot, 2 car garage and workshap. ideal retire- ment or starter home, $39,900. full price., O'DELL STREET Neat fhnee bedroam brick bungalow in good nesidentiai area. Close ta downtown. Recentiy decorated. Good starter or retirement home. Onily $44,900. TYRONE VILLAGE One bednoom bungalow, large lot with heafed workshop. Ideai for hobby shop, furnitune netinishing, antiques, etc. $36,500. full pnice. 14-1 o 7 ROOM home on large lot near 4I01 and, park. New wiring, new sîdIng, carpet and corlon floors, huge kitchen, metal storage shed. Best buy n fown at $36,900. Terms arranged. NEXT TO SHOPPING - j: bedroom "spic and span" semi with low taxes. Recenfly instahled furnace and 3 pce. bath. Aluminum sformis and screens. True value at $35,900. Te r ms NEWCASTLE - 6 raam ranch bungalow with fireplace, rec. raom, and extra bedroomn in basement. 20' x 40' ingraund swimming pool. Panoramic saufhern view. $58,500. Terms arranged. BLACKSTOCK & lA -Former gasoline ouflet and repair garage, and 8 room home. Ideal location for any type of business, subject fa appraval by municipality. Asking $68,000. Terms. NEWTONVILLE - 40 acres vacant land wifh stream and bush. Frantage on fwo raads. Permîts available. NORTH OSHAWA - Cozy two bedroom bungalow with part i- ally finished rec. room. Well landscaped 52' x 125' lot. Priced at $44,900. Terms. 14-1 10 Sim-ca St. S Oshawa, Ontario LOVELY i2 storey 4 bedroom home. A pleasure to see, large rec. raam il 2 bat hs. Large'8¾/ per- cent mor-tgage. Phono Morle-y Robinson, at 723-5281 or affer9 pm723ý-92 24. $4,500.00 DOWNý Spacious 3 bedroam brick bungalow with finished rec. roam and tire- place. Call Gerry Wattam 723-5281 or affer 9 p.m. 728-3496. 14-1 62 3 -39%11 NEWCASTLE AREA- com- pact 2 bedroom bungalow with rec room and extra basement bedroom, halhywaod kitchen, broadloom throughout and fenced lot, asking $49,900. ORONO AREA - excellent family home, 2 storey 4 bedroam, extra large kitchen, separate D.R., double garage and workshap heated and many other extras. Caîl for mare information. BOWMANVILLE - 2 starey 3 bedroom home with separafe D.R., north end area, clhose to school, asking $40,700. BOWMANVILLE- 4 bedroam sem i back-spl it wifh 11/2 baths, rec raam, fenced lot and good 9 per cent mortgage, as king $44,900. COTTAGE LOTS - we have some on Esson and View Lakes from $10,000 ta $12,000. BUILDING LOT - 150 x 404 in the Milhbrook area, lovely frees and facing on good road. 14-1 LOOK HERE Hehp keep the price down on aur two storey semni by buying privately. If has three bed- roomns, 11/2 baths, Hollywood kitchen, $42,900. Cal 623-7946 14-1 The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Notice of Application fa change name af Lycett Street. TAKE NOTICE that trhe Council of The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hàs applied ta change the name of portions of Lycett Street in the Town of Newcastle as fol lows: (a) To change the name of that part of Lycett Street shown on Registered Plan No. 652 f rom Lycft Street ta Mutton Court. (b) To change the namo of that part of Lycott Street between the sauth lirnif of the portion of Lycett Street closed by By-Law number 75-37 of Thi, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and north limit of Baseline Road tram Lycott Street ta Simpson Avenue. AND TAKE NOTICE thaf the application wilh be considered by the Judg e of the Counfy Court of the Judicial District of Durham on Thursday, the 29th day of April, 1976 af the hour of 10:00 o'clack in the farenoon at the Judgo's Chambers at the Court House, 605 Rassland Road East, Whi tby, Ontario, at which time and place those advocafing and apposing the change wiil be heard. 13-4 14 The Canadian Statesman