- I REALTOR 623-2503 BUILDER'S HOME - finest materials, pride of workmanship and the latest ideas went into the construction of this 5 bedroomn split level home. Broadloom throughout, family room with firepiace and patio doors ta sundeck. Games roomn finished in natural knotty pine. Double garage and many other features. Cal ta see. NEARING COMPLETION - Ail eiectric 3 bedroamn home, piastered wails and broadloomed throughout. Spaciaus kitchen. Large lot overlooking the country side for miles. Stîi time ta choose your color scheme, Only $56,000. $5,000 DOWN - reai opportunity ta invest in an income property. Three apartments bring in aver $600.00 monthlv. Good location across tram park, close ta school, and shopping.Asking $63,900. PORT HOPE - Older 2 storey brick home beautifully ref'nished and in excellent condition. Natural knotty pine floors upstairs. Lovely curved staircase, firepiace, utiiity roomn and double garage. One and one thîrd acre lot campletely fenced. Asking $89,000. ORONO- Attractive 4 bedroomn bungalow. Separate dining room, large kitcheri, 2 - 4 pc. bathrooms, finished rec. roomn also th. bedroom in basemerit. Asking $57,900. MARKET GARDENING FARM -an 74 acres. New double garage with 2work area and loft. New impiement shed. Four bedroom home. Frortage on 2 roads, close ta 401 hwy., near Newtorivilie. Askirig $125,000. HelIp Wanteo REAL ESTATE SALI We require a licenced real estate salespf attractive, weII equipped Bowmanviîle find friendly, heîpful people ta work wil commission on the sale of y( Why not drap in and have a ti Jack Ricard Mt.,1 123 King St. E., Bowma 623-2503 Umm. =-, Two storey, 4 bedroam plus large diningroom, fireplace in, ivingroomn in this aider brick home with separate garage. Very good location in Bow- manville. Asking only $54,900. For appointment please cali Ait Cza 1kows ki 723-6179, Jeannette Nugent Real Estate, Realtor 579-4900. FIVE building lots fuliy ser- viced only $27,500 each. Cali Aif Czajkowski 723-6179, Jea- nette Nugent Real Estate, Realtor 579-4900. 14-1 PRIVATE Parkway Avenue Custom bulit, 3 bedroom side split, 2 bafhs, famnily roomf, large lot. Asking $55,ooo. Phone 623-4201 14-1 REALTONS Private - Bowmanville lux- ury, 4 bedroom, detached, near ail conveniences. Two- years-old, 9 per cent. $56,900. Phone 1-292-2168. 11-4 TH IS IS 16 ACRES -STATELY BRICK HC A beautiful 2 storey with large fil bedrooms, ail in perfect condition You must see this hobby farm prie 3 BEDROOM BU NGALOW - 0Fe $48,900. This 7 year aid home has a drapes to stay. 145 x 210 Lot. Cali BUNGALOW ON A POND? Orono 3 bedroam home with finish Asking $49,900. Cail Bill Turansky CHOICE LOCATION- BOWMAN Owner transferred. Attractive 31 Finished recreation room, patio iý Terms. Cali Phyllis McRobbie. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - B Excellent aider type home. Centre1 living room. Large lot. Asking $60, BOWMANVILLE INCOME PROF 3 Apartment, stateiy 2 starey bri uptown . Must be seen. $79,800. Ter 11/ PER CENT MORTGAGE -1 11/2 starey brick 3 bedroom home a other features inciuding a 2nd fuil finance with $10,000. down. Asking HERE 15 VALUE - $59,900ý Side-split design, 3 bedrooms, L-sl fireplace, fully broadloomed, cust<i 93/4 per cent. Beautifuliy landscapE area. Cali Stan Lockyer. 9/ PER CENT IST MORTGAGI For this aversize split-level bui Hol lywood kitchen, iovely iandscap one. Cail Stan Lockyer. COUNTRY PROPERTIE One-third acre, 3 bedroom bunga bedroom ranch bungalow, firei bedroom bungalow, fireplace,$ bedroomn home, 2 barns, onîy 1 i Klompmaker. 9.21ACRE MINI FARM. CROOKI 11/2 storey 4 bedroom home, large through property. Priced at $67,500. BOWMANVILLE - $52,900 Excellent 11/2 storey home with attri attached garage. 65 x 165 lot. Teri 25 ACRES - VIEW FOR MILES Attractive parcel of market garder and pond sites on property. 800 ft. rcê 401. Asking $49,000. and terms. Opei OWNER MUST SELL 9 acre panoramic view near Bowmar Cali Peter Feddema. NOW 18 OFFI( Tielephone 623-3393 HEAD OFFICE: 234 King St. East Bowmanvilie Cc 623-3393 Real ~'Cru OME - CAMPBELLFORE iving room, dining room, ). Completely fenced witl ced at anly $59,900. Caîl RONO anew garage, large living ICharlie Reid. hed famiiy roam, bar, dlin Iy. MVILLE bedroom bungalow wîth Nith Bar-B-Q and firepiac ýWMAN VILLE ehall plan, open beam ceili i),400 . Caîl Phyllis McRobl: P ERTY rick home. Spaciaus roony rms. Cail Phyllis McRobt BOWMANVILLE on extra large lot. This or i bathroom, finished recr ig price $52,900. Cail Pat Y -haped living a nd dining fomndrapes. Ove r 1,600 sq.1 ped, double garage. Bownr E - $48,900 iqalow in Orono. L.sha iped lot on tree-lined streel ES -BOWMANVILL ;alow, fireplace, family roc ?place, barn, $85,000. 10 a $87,000. 20 acres, planted mile from town. $159,000. ED CREEK esing le garage, smali ba )o Ca ilChrista Winterhelt. ractive new addition sepai is. Cail Phylis McRobbie ýland. Would make beaul oad frontage and oniy 20 mr « ta offers. Cali ChrisfaY anvilie. 4 bedroom country ICES TO SERVE It takes ... T and DM C.C as to Coast i Estate Serice ntry ,den, sumimer kitchen, 4 h large barn on property. Charlie Reid. room, full basement, new hing area, bright kitchen. ipool sized 72 x 200 lot. ce. Priced ta seli $64,900. ng and fîreplace in 24 x 14 ,ie 'ns, 82 x 111 lot. Close ta bie. ne owner home has many eation roamn. Owner wîi '00. room, family roam with ft. Large lst mortgage at nanville's miost desirable Bped living-dining area, 4. Loads of extras on this .E AREA ým. $63,900. 5 acres, 4 cres with streamn, 4 1 ta apple orchard, 3 For details eall Tony rn, strang creek winds rate dining roam, double iful building site. Creek iles tram Oshaw a along interhelt. yhome. $125,000. Terms. YOU! GN. to seli a house 'otal Exposure ediceated People! Oshawa - 728-7518 Orono -983-9547 Toronto - 23-9174 Cust( wails, brick t, ioomed bathro( nnlv $U ski 723-ý Real E Pl 3 bedro a lum ini led. Gi plantiný Torontc $34,900' Lindsai onto 36, Estate 181 ( BOWMI - Fish and% his grandchildren which will remain a tangible reminder of the happy d occasion- Masters Chris and, Curtis E S PE RSON Cawker, grandsons of Mr. and erson ta work out of aur Mrs. Sam Cawker spent the ? office where youwill winter holiday br eak visiting ith. We pay 60 per cent at the farm. aur listing. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Cawker were Mr. and alk with us? Mrs. Charles Cawker, Scar- Rea Itor borough; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cawker and Mr. and Mrs. anvi île Grant Cawker and family, Oshawa. Mrs. Mabel Cawker, Area 14-1 Public Relations Officer, at- tended the Women's Institute Area Board Directors' Meet- ing held in the Provincial Office, Bay Street, Toronto, ta plan the fali Area Convention. ýom buiit with plaster This will be held at the Royal tastefully decarated YokHtlNvebr4. twin home, fuily broad-YokHtl vebr45 d, three bedrooms, 11/2 Friends are pleased that )oms, rec room. Asking Mr. Wm. Steel of Australia, a 6.900. Caîl Aif Czaikow- former Cartwright resident is -6179. Jeannette Nugent much improved following his state, Realtor 579-4900. recent illness. 14-1 Sorry ta report that Mr. Oscar McQuade was taken ta Port Perry Hospital on Sun- 'ONTYPOOL day. 'oo vilag b galw, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore um siding being instal- Watson and son Vincent of îarden area ready for Norland were Sunday lunch- ig. Commuter train ta eon guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'o close by. Asking Bruce Heaslip. .00 Caîl Beth Bovie, Miss Bulmer,,Deaconess of vY (705) 324-9126, Tor- the Presbyterian Church, 4-9941. W. Frank RealI accompanied a number of Ltd., Reaitor. young people from Sonya on Saturday for a week end with the Young People of Knox A LTQ R Presbyterian Church at Dun- das. The young folk were billetted in private homes and ~had a marvellous experience fof-fun and fellowship. 4 Plan ta attend the Nestleton Area Recreatioin Club dance in L ESTATE LIMITED the Nestleton Hall, Saturday, CHU RCH STREET Apri1 10. Ail proceeds will be tANVILLE, ONTARIO gîven toward the flaad-lights Li C IT8 for the park. The 50-50 draw 623-4428 One Acre Building Lot $22,500. AIl permits available. Near Hwy. 401. Only 4 miles tram Bawmariville. Terms. $33,900 4 bedroom charming country hame. Old fashioned veranda. Partly finished inside anid out. Bawmanvilîe Hospital Area A very dlean 2 bedroomn brick bungalow. Close ta shopping centers. Ideal retiremerit home. Cali ta inspect. Maple Grave Exceptionally clean 2 bed- roomn aluminum sided home. Attached garage on a 1/4 acre lot. $40,900. 1 Acre Country Praperty in Sauina. House and barri for $44,500. Callriow, if won't last. Ideal For Horses or ho bby farm. 5 room home. Barri 80 x 36. lngrourid pool. -On il-acres of good-agricul- tural land. Orly 12 mile north of Bowmanville. $95,500. 14-1 Friends are pleased that Mr. George Hicks who under- went surgery in Oshawa Hospital returned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers were Wednesday afternoon and evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Abernethy, Bowmariville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chapman and Dustin. North Bay were dinner guests on Friday even- ing with hier grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers and Earl. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Williams and Mr. Earl Bowers attended the party ta honour Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park on their thirty- fifth wedding anniversary in the Tyrone Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs attended the anniversary party on Saturday to honour Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mairs, Cannington on their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary. Miss Lillian Lawson, Lind- say, visited Saturday after- noon with Mrs. Ed. Lawson and remained for evening dinner. Congratulations ta Mr. Gra- haine Fish who observed his birthday on Friday. Guests for his surprise party were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smith and Penny, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fish, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jacob, Deanne and Rhonda, R.R. Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Holland, Newcastie; Mr. and Mrs. James Leish- man, Jamie and Michael, Reaboro; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bannister and family, Lind- say. About il p.m. a deliciaous buffet salad supper was enjoy- ed. A lovely birthday cake added ta the festive occasion. As Mr. Fish recently retired as Scugog Municipality Build- ing Inspector this party may also have beeri a "Welcome Home" Party. A number of pictures were taken of Mr. will also take place. See advertisement. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn visited on Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Lydia Stinson at Seagrave. On Saturday evening Mrý and Mrs. Grahame Fish attended a party at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Redknap, Oshawa ta honour Mrs. Redknap who has re- cently retired from the Hydro office, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freer, Orillia, spent Tuesday ta Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. On Wednesday, Mrs. Victor Malcolm, Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm, Mrs. Ralph Sadler and Miss Gail Malcolm attended the Oshawa Presbyterial at Harmony United Church,' Oshawa., The Nestleton United Church Women had a very succussful Bazaar and Bake sale at Zellers in Lindsay on Saturday. Mrs., Grahame Fish, Mrs. Arnold Williams, Mrs. Victor Malcolm were the efficient sales ladies and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm, the cash- ier. Thank you ladies for a job well done. .Bridai Shower On Sunday of last week bride-elect Miss, Jeeneen Reeder, Caesarea, was hon- oured with a community shower in the Caesarea Hall, The many lovely gifts were presented in a beautifully decorated wheelbarrow and watering can. Jeeneen and her mother were each presented with corsages. Assistîng with the gifts were the honoured guest's sisters. Jeeneen ex- pressed her appreciation and the ladies served a bountiful lunch. On Saturday, April 10, Jeeneen will be married in Port Perry with the reception DYKSTRA'S EASTER FEATURES MAPLE LEAF TURKEYS B UTT ER BASTED or REGULARGRADEA SWIFT PREMIUM BONELESS FULLY COOKED$ DINNER HAIMM . STORE SLICED OR BY THE PIECE A1STEK ASTEE SALE Sirloîn*7 Porterhousel. T-Bone -Winglb PRODUCE SPECIALS FRESH, CRISP sunkist naval CELERY, ORANGES Size 3029Stalk Sizel113 79Doz. SWIFT PREMIIUM.5 BREAKFAST BACON Lb. ARMOURBRAND ARMOUR BRAND WHOLE EAR MANDARIN TINY CORN ORANGES 7 inz.35CTi KENT WHOLE PEELED TOMATOES 280Oz. Tin 97 FROZEN FOOD FRICO BRAND SPECIAL McCAIN EDAM CHEESE French Style GREEN BEANS from, $j5 2 c I oz. Holland ILb. 29C . Try a Sa mple ON DISPLAY A Large Selection of EASTER CANDIES Chocolate Easter Eggs Chocolate Easter Bunnies Easter Baskets etc. COMEANDSEE TOASTMAST E RCHAPMAN'S WHITE SLICED ICE CREAM BREAD 2/7fw9 24 Oz. 2 Lit re Pkg. [ DYKSTRA' lDelicatessen Food Market 73-77 King St. W., Bowmanville THE PLACE WHERE QUALITY AND SE RVICE COUNT!!, being held in the Caesarea Hall. Annual Meeting of Cartwright, Bible Society On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Grahame Fish, president of the Cartwright Bible. Society presided for the Annual Meet- ing in Nestieton, United Church. Miss' Laurie Malcolm, assistant secretary, read thei minutes of the previaus meet-1 ing. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, treasurer, reported that the canvassers had collected $4381 from the township but over one hundred dollars had been sent in by mail. Lt was decided that there will be no canvassing in the township this year but an envelope will be received by each resident so that they may send their contribution direct. For the annual meeting next year a supper is being planned prior to the meeting. This will help to develop a friendly social evening. Reverend Rex Norman, Secretary of the Canadian The Canadian'Statesman, Bo Bible Society, Bay of Quinte District brought greetings and showed excellent slides of the work being done in Africa. Reverend Nbrman also pre- sided for the election of officers: President - Mrs. Grahame Fish, Secretary - Mrs. George Wolfe. Assistant Secretary - Miss Laurie Mal- colm, Treasurer - Mrs. Harry McLaughlin, Following the meeting a social time followed when refreshments were served. ýowmanville, April 7,1976 15 Legion Ladies Team Standings Joan Sutcliffe 25 points, 36,958 pinfali; Mary Gray 23, 36,812; Diane Howarth 16, 36,611; Nyhi Sheehan 14, 34,731. High Single Joan Sutcliffe.......... 338 High Triple Joan-Suteliffe...... .... 873 SPECIALI CUSTOM-MADE TOU-JOURS SHEERS 96" Fin ished Lengfh OnIy $9 Lineal Ft. Complete F.A. KRAMP FURNITURE 37 King St. E. 623-7071__Bowmianville MacDONALD'S MENU 1976 MAVERICK 2 - Door 219 King S t'OE. BOWMAN VILLE Hwy. No. 2 East of Liberty 623-m4481 Serving people is what we do best lrwin Sargent & Lowes Limited Realtor Mil/brook 932-2132 SE E ad 4COMP'AR E NEW HOMES'IN MILLBROOK by Marianna Developments -6 NEW HOMES 111/4%/ to 111/2%/ FINANCING -Prices f rom $44,900 - $48,900 -Downpayments from $2,000 -Low taxes -Quiet Village with ail services available your Hostess Will Be Elleen Powell ONLY 25 Minutes from Bowmanville MIROOK OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY NO. 401 2-4 p.m., $3434Plus Options Lic., Freight, Tax Extra [ISL] Âgnuagum 2, 'q --m FR EJ c