? The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 7, 1976 mi ~ONE T/M-E WHEt< A WOMANf ,ooESN)T/lAVE MTII! lAST WOfVp.W/iEN $H£e; ALKIN#G TO0 ANOT//ER WOMAN MA RTY'S Auto Repaîr 3 Queen St., Bowmanville 623-3896 Region Budget (1'rom Page One) cent from $565,439 in '75 ta $699,719 in '76. Clarke Township's assess- ment is up from $392,105 last year ta $473,676 this year, an increase of $81,571 or 20.803 per cent. Darlington faces an in- crease of 24.192 per cent or $137,828 from $569,721 in '75 ta $707,549 for '76. Newcastle Village paid $82,477 in '75 and faces an increase of $17,785 or 21.664 per cent ta $100,262. High School assessment shows Darlington facing the highest percentage increase of 31.324 per cent, up by $147,107 from the '75 figure of $469,631 ta $616,738 this year. Bowmanville cames in a DELOUTTE, HASKINSIL SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES Bell Canada Building OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Partners: Josef Adam, B.Sc. (Econ.), C.A. Gordon F. Sedgewick, C.A. Burt R. Waters, F.C.A. Phone 728-7527 - 839-7764 Town of Newcastle Planning Advisory Committee NOTI7ý1C E CÇANCELLATION 0F MEETING The regular meeting of the Planning Advisory Committee scheduled for Monday, April 12, 1976, has been cancelled. Thenext meeting of the Committee will Ille held at 7:30 p.m. an Manday, April 26, 1976, in the Municipal Building, Hampton. H.R, BEST, SECRETARY, Planning Advisory Cammittee, Town aof Newcastle. Umm UNRESERVED PUBLIC PRIME FAMMACHINER-Y &IMPLEMEI'4TS SAT. APRIL 24th '76l ""Ï MILTON -ONTARIO, (100 Market Dr.,Milton, '.tmi south of 401 off Hwy #25) J We have a fine selection. of Farnr Meufi ery & ferlemnevis ivcluing-ivqFARM TRACTO RS , 2 &,4 vheel drWve 30,,fo 130 h.p. a WHEEL LOAOtRS 2 & 4 veheel drive a FORAGE WAGONS; self propelled e BAIL WAGONSe PLOuGHs 2_7futriow, 3 pi H ifi1& irai ltypes e COMBINES e FORAGE HARVESTERS a DISCS 0 FEEDERS e MIXERS e BAILERS e MANURE SPREADERS e PLANTERS e SEED DRILLS * ETC. e ETCý I addition we hava a large consignment of Tobacco equipment. Wafch for our coorpiefi1Es of equpment iv laie, edifions of ifis publication. Anyone inferesied vn consigvîve erfermevitle this Auction should Phove Bob Cark i< Chirie Dune ai (416) 270-0023 Phone write or wire for complete brochure ai, strong, second wîth an in- crease of $144,228 or 29.997 per cent, up from $480,804 in '75 ta $625,032., For the current year, New- castle Village wiIi be assessed $86,408, an increase of $19,072 Juvenilies Break Even. In First Two Finals (28,324 per cent> over tne by Shawn Marshall 1 $67,r336. Bowmanville's St. Marys Finally, Clarke must meet a Cernent Juveniies won their 27.618 per cent increase, up first game in the finals against froma the '75 assessment of Essex 6-2 in the Bowmanville $322,147 by $88r969 to $411,116. Arena on April 3. The next day The total overaill assess- Esxto h aewt - smhoot for bthewhle tond ig score, making it even for the schools or 26.133 perwn i first two games in the final up by $770,840or2.3pe series. cent from $2,949,660 in '75 to On Saturday, Jim Hutton $3,702,500 for the current year. opened the scoring for St. The Region levy which ay the51mrkite yar will e o$1,6,26for '76,first period. About 30 seconds year wll be 1,6392 er6 later, the Essex team scored up by $263,640 or 92pr and tied it up for the rest of the cent. period. E 1arly in the second, Geordie Bowen scored for Bowman- 0shawa VVom 0nville assisted by Tom Nwa (FromPageOne) and Jim Hutton. Then, Randy (FromPageOne) Cascadden scored the second Second prize of $150. was and final goal for Essex at 8:33 won by AI. Munro of R.R. 6, in the period. Jim Hutton Bowmanviile for his ticket No. scored again for Bowmanville C 5889 purchased from Harold assisted by Gerald Brunt to, Kirtley, a' co-worker in the finish. off the second period General Motors. giving the home team a 3-2 Third prize of $100. went to edge. Mr. J. MacDowall of 28 Jane Bowmanville Juveniles St., Bowmanville for his ticket scored three fast goals late in No. C 1586 purchased fromn the third period to, maintain Don Wright. Fourth. prize of their lead. Neil Ryan made the $50. was won by Barry Brunt first goal of the period on of 35 Southway Drive, Bow- assists from Gerald Brunt and manville who got his ticket Rick Scott. A minute later, from his father, Carl Brunt. Gary Nemisz scored, assisted Fifth prize, also $50. was won by Gerald Brunt and Tom by Wes Luxton of Newcastie and his ticket was purchased CLARKE WINS DEBATE from Legion member Frank Clarke High School won Gilmer of Newtonville. The the First Annual Northum- sellers of the last four prize berland and Newcastle winnîng tickets received,$15., Board of Education Debat- $10., $5., $5. respectively. ing Festival held yesterday During the month, the in Campbellford. The Clarke following donations were debating team of Paul Quin- made from. the Lottery Fund: ney, Greg Winterhelt, and - Bowmanville Electrans $50., Gordon Cochrane lead Easter Seal Fund (Rotary against East Northumber- Club) $25., Public Speaking land High School, Bowman- Trophies and engraving - ville and Campbellford on $102.45, Building Fund $520. the question of whether Next draw is to be made on government bas a right to April 28th at the Ladies censor any medium of com- Auxiliary Bingo. but a print- munication. In the first de- ing error on the ticket shows bate Clarke argued infavor the draw date as being April of censorship andin the final 27th - so, for the last minute two were told to oppose it. buyers, tickets purchased on April 28th, Wednesday, will stili be in time for the draw. Denim Blue choir sang. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Dennis LT and Collene, Tyrone, were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Kovacs. Mr. and -Mrs. F0O. Smith, Mrs. George Armour and Bowmanville, were Sunday Miss Bertha Armour, Hamp- supper guests of Miss G. ton Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Smith. Cornish, Shannon and Ken, Don't forget Club 50 Tues. Tyrone were Sunday supper evening April 13. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk Cornish and Misses Mary and visited Mrs. Gladys Sowdon Wendy Cornish. and son Earl, Woodstock, Mrs. Joe Leavens and Miss Sunday. Linda Leavens, Haydon, were Saturday evening guests and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Goble and boys, Blackstock and Mr. Chris Jamesr Toronto, weres a Sunday supper guests of Mr. s and Mrs. G. Baker. e Mr. and Mrs. Ron Glass and family, Bowmanviile, were Royaf Gra=ndeu=r- Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and boys. Royal Lace- Mrs. G. Kovacs and Judy attended Trînity, United- rity Church service Sunday morn- Afer ing when the M.J. Hobbs1 Nowian. The final goal of the game for the St. Marys team was scored at the 15 minute mark by Jerry Leddy on a pass from John Hogarth. The home team received eight penalties ta Essex's 13 in the first game of the finals which left Bowrnanville with a one game lead. Essex scored the oniy goal of the first period in the second game on Sunday. The goal came at the 9:35 mark by Essex's Don Leitch assîsted by Keith Waldron. Essex received the second goal early in the second period on a shot by Chuck Vlasic assisted by Randy Cascadden and Don Leitch. Terry Sargin- son scored Bowmanville's first goal unassisted. Then Essex quickly scored again on a goal by David Roth. Bow- manville received the final goal of the period an a score by Brian Martin assisted by Jerry Leddy and Kirk Kemp. The visiting team took the first goal of the final period at the 9:21 mark when Kevin Flood scored assisted by David Roth aud Jeff Kuhum. Bowmauville hit back quickly wlth Kirk Kemp netting bis first goal of the game assisted by Terry Sarginson and Jerry Leddy. With less than a minute left in the game, Essex player Kevin Flood scored the final goal of the game, making the final score of the game 5-3 for Essex. Bowmanvilie received nine penalties and Essex had 10 for the second game of the series. The next games in this best of seven series will be played in Essex. Local ladies attending the annual meetine of the Oshawa Presb-yterial U.C.W. held in Harmony United Church, Oshawa last Wedaesday, were: Mesdames Iva Farrow, Mary Jones, Inez Boughen, Amelia Lancaster, Bea Jones, Olive Henderson. Guest speakers were Rev. and Mrs. Floyd Howiett, United Church Missionaries, home on furiough from Japan, where they have served since 1950. Mr. and Mrs. Richard MacCarl, of Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. Mason Parliament, of Cannington were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher Wednesday, and Mr. Keith Fletcher of Downsview was also a calier. Luncheon guests, Thursday, with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones were Mrs. Winnie Cameron and her sister, Mrs. L. Cousins of Belleville, Mrs. G. McMulien of Bowmanville, and Mr. Charlie Cooper of Orono. Sympathy is expressed ta Mrs. Janet Paeden, on the death of ber brother, Mr. Archie Thompsan, of Rock- glen, Saskatchewan, recently. Congratulations ta Mr. and, Mrs. Keith Burley, of Water- loo, whose Twenty-third Anniversary was April 4th. Miss Mary-Ann Veldhuis was amang the students who enjoyed a week's holiday, abroad, recentiy. They visited Rome, Sorrento, Tivoli, Capri and Pompeii, returning home, a week aga. 1Rev. and Mrs. Gordon le Community, Silverpiate 5-Pc. Place--Settinq $2800 Spanish Crowný Modern Baroque, 1881® Rogerse, Silverplate 5-Pc.Pac-tin $2000 <Regular SuggestedReaf Heirtoom* Stainiess 5-Pc. Place Setting 114 <Sggsid efu $25e) Baroque Rose- Scandinavia- Beflefontane' Col onial. Raphael, Communlty-- PauIlevle*Stainless A 5-Pc. Place Settting Frostf ire ,f9 (Suggevted Retafl Venetia Prîce) Lou sng (Rvgular Suggesed Reied) Madrid- Oneida* Deluixe Cherie-Stainless 5-Pc. Place Setting C h a f e a J~ 7$ 49 Puice) Mýodemn Anfî que,,_ $1200 Capîstrano,-- (RegelerbSug gested Refaîl) Nordc Crwn Tradem,rrkS of Ove ia d Shop Now!!l Sale Ends May 31, 1976' Hooper 's Jewelliers 623-5747 gave resounding bandclaps of approval to ail the entertain- ers as well as individual thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- son with Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Henderson of Bowmanville were among those attending the "Jamboree"~ in Orono, Sunday afternoon, coming back to Fred's afterward for supper where they were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Peter Henderson and Stephanie also of Bowmanville. Mrs. Bea Jones, Mrs. Helen Webster, Miss Margaret El- liott and Mrs. Leone Lane were among those attending the Skating Carnival at Orono Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lane remained to have supper with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray and girls. Local people attending the "Sugaring Off," at Mr. and Mrs. Alan Downes' Sunday, afternoon sponsored by the Masonie Lodge included Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. M. O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. Ail ladies of the community and- surrounding district are invited ta attend a Short Course entitled "Choasing and Using Fabrics" ta be held in the Gymn in Newtouville School on Tuesday, April 27 at r uW'hat's Good f or Library Staff Us Not for Day Care Newcastle Councii's Fi- nance Committee may be guiity of discriminatory action following the continuation of their budget deliberatians Thursday and Friday. The committee supported the issuing of courtesy park- ing passes to, library em- pioyees for the police building parking lot but declined ta allocate such passes to person- nel from the Day Care Centre. .The Canadian Red Cross Society is one of 122 Redr Cross, Red Crescent, and Red Lion and Sun Societies belong- ing to the international organ- ization known as the League of Red Cross Societies. FLO"%WERS eDRIED eFRESH oTROPICAL CGREEN PLANTS Montgomery did some visiting down east, last week, stopping in Gananoque, first, they stayed at Vankleek Hill, visiting friends there for several days. Wednesday, they drave ta Mantreal calling in at Pointe Claire ta visit ather friends, then on ta Longueil, Quebec, ta visit their daughter, Mrs. J. Harreli. They returned home on Thursday evening. Attendance Thursday after- noan at aur regular Senior Citizen meeting was the smallest in some time due ta illness of one kind or anather. Constable Brenton, of New- castle, who was ta have addressed us, was unable ta be present but films were shown, illustrating many of the things hie was ta have told us, about self-protection in aur homes etc. Attorney Win. Wyatt of Part Hope was present ta assist with Incarne Tax Reports and joined us later for aur usual Coffee Break. Cards were played and a sing-song enjoy- ed. There were 912 tables in play at the Card Party in Community Hall Friday tiight - the last one this season. Winners - High lady - Mrs. K. Inch, Low lady - Mrs. I. Farrow, High gent - Robin Alidread, Low Gent - David Thrawer. 50-50 - Charles, Zeatsma. Sympathy is expressed ta members of the farnily on the death of Mr. George Clark in Part Hope and District Hospit- ai an Wednesday, March 3lst,_ Funeral service was held on Friday afternoon at the Ross Chapel fallowed by interment in Welcame Cemetery. Mrs. Bea Jones spent Fni- day in Orona at the home of Mrs. C. Cornish, and with the latter attended the Band Concert at the High School in the evening. This was a mast enjoyable affair, entertaining the vîsiting High School Band f rom Chicago, whose members were hosted by relatives of the Clarke High School students. Mrs. Mary Jones attended the samne concert with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl who had two members of the Chicago Band, as guests while here. A dance was held inter in the evening with music being supplied by the bands of bath schoals. Mr. Wesley Luxton of New- castle was the lucky winner of the sth prize in the mouthly draw at Bowmanville Legion, and the persan who sold hlm- the ticket was Frank Gilmer. The latter nearly fainted frorn shock when he was informed hie had won the $5 for seliing Mr. Luxton his ticket!! Mrs. Mary Worrall was a Wednesday afternoon visitor with Mrs. Agnes Burley and Sunday visitors with the latter were Mr. and Mrs. .flou Burley, of Newcastle and Mr. Gerald Zealand of Elizabeth- ville. Greeters at aur Church door Sunday morning were Jessie Best and Leone Lane. Rev. Montgamery's Lenton message was entitied ".A Lenton Confession", while the choir sang "The Old Rugged Cross". Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Joues were Saturday evening visit- ors with Mn. and Mrs. Harve Brittan of Newcastle. Miss Penny Webster enter- tained Miss Jane Reid as a guest, at Trent aver the weekend and bath attended the formai dance at Lady Eaton College, Satunday even- ing. On Sunday the twa girls and their friends drove out to Orono ta the Skating Carnival and, ail had supper later with Mr. and Mrs. E. Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher witli Mr. and Mrs. Franîk Gilmer attended the Annual Vimy Supper and enterlain- ment in Bowmanville's Legion 10 a.m. ta 4 p.m. This is spansored by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Home Economics, and Miss Heather Barnett will be in charge. A guaranteed number mtst be assured sa please phone your name ta either of these ladies: Mrs,ý Fletcher, 786-2616, or Mrs. Buckley - 987-4329. ATTENTION FARMERS! _WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON PREMIUM QUALITY GA:r-.DES:LFUEL MTROIL I Please Ci olc PrOILW1S eDx668-3381 Spring AllWeather Coats 7 King Ste W. 623-5854I I BowmanvilleI N EWTON VI LLE 0e,, Like a Spring Cliieken In Last Year's Shelli! CorneIn and See OurNe... Easter Parade- Gear! Beautiful Spring Collection of Fashions Co-ordinated Pant Suits Ltd. 29 King St. E. Dresses -- Coats for