10 The Canadiah Statesman, Bowmanville, April 14, 1976 Breakfast Meeting Proves Effective For Kiwanis Club A new experiment being conducted by the Bowman- ville Kiwanis Club appears to have received a satisfactory acceptance by the member- ship last week. The club embarked on a new meeting time on April 7, as an experiment in encouraging new membership, now meet- flie Iruvil' *uuroe . OTTO RICHTER & SONS Equipment Ltd. 12 Heritage Rd. Ste. 5 Li Markham 294-1407 OGRAVELY LIKE NOBODY ELSE. ing on Wednesday mornings. 7:45 a.m. for a "breakfa meeting". The decision to switch to th breakfast meetings was ma at a recent directors meetin of the club at which Lt.-Go for the Division Dennis Swee ing was present. As the club expressed to M Sweeting the difficulty th were experiencing in obtai ing a substantial number( new members, he recor mended to them that they least try the morning sessi which has proven successf for other clubs in the divisio An extra hopeful note wî added to the breakfast mee ing with the induction by M Sweeting of Bob DeBlois, the club's newest member a! Club President Doug Barb was congratulated for intr ducing Mr. DeBlois1 Kiwanis. Mr. Sweeting congratulatE the club on the chang advising that whether or n they remain a breakfast cl is not important, b rather that they are at lea trying something to keep t] club alive. The Kiwanis willbe contin ing to hold their alternatiE Monday evening sessions wi the boys at Pine Ridge Scho mainly involving sports, aft which they will hold ti directors meetings. The Easter Egg Hunt isc for Easter Sunday, April 18,j Memorial Park at 2 p.m. Youngsters will be dividE into three groups according1 ages, those age 4, 5 and starting first at 2 p.m. to hu for hidden tockens, which w be exchangeable for traditio al easter treats at the co clusion of the hunt. The next thing on t! adgenda of the club's coi munity activities will be Work-A-Thon on April 24. The club will have yout available to citizens of Bo' manville to do odd job mainly involving spring clea ing of windows, wall washin maybe even wash and poli one's car or help tidy up garage, basement, or attic. Announcement of oth coming events in the divisi reminded that the annu elections for Lt.-Gov. ai Lt.-Gov. Elect (for the follo SAVE with these Sprng Specias CLARKE'S East -End Texaco 18 King St. E. 623-7113 Bowmanvi le From April 15th to May 1Sth Lubricat ion Special $ .88 includes oi, filter, lubrication Minor Tune p Specia Palrts extra (most modecars) Minor Tune-Up Special<14 8C8Y. Complete Undercoating S erv ic e Small Cars $29.8 Full Size $39 88 1/ Ton Trucks *44.8 I . A~ 5 I1.. Engine Shampoo $8,188 1 wA A 5 l 1111 Pair Sale Polyg lasT.M. tires GOODYEAR CUSTOM POWER CUSIION POLYGLAS TIRES SINGLE PAIR SINGLE PAIR SIZE TIRE SALE 5SZE TIRE SALE 8 $33.95 2for$59 H7814 $41.95 2 for $80 C78 14 074-14 34.95 2 for $64 F78-15 3595 2 for $68 F7814 3595 2 for $66 G7815 3895 2for$74 G7814 38-95 2fo $74 H78 15 41.95 2 for $80 WHITE WALLS $3 EACH, EXTRA * A A 5 'S s * - I With Each Pair Purchased CHARGEX - MASTERCHARGE - TEXACO TRAVEL CARD at ist he de ng v. et- r. ey mn- of m- at on ul n. as et- r. as nd er o- to ed e, ot ub ut st. he lu- ng th ol, er he on in ed to 6 nt ill n- n- he m- a hs w- is, n- g, ýsh Case Load Increasing for Credit Counselling Service Faster than Ontario Grants In his report to the Annual General Meeting of the Osh- awa and District Credit Coun- selling Service, held recently, Martin Shaw the President, drew attention to the growth of the service since inception. In 1970, it had 28 cases with 216 creditors for a total debt of $113,000 while today the fig- ures are 238 cases with 1326 creditors for a total debt of $1,373,440. Although it was obvious that the need for the Service is growing, he sounded a note of caution, which was echoed in the report of the Executive Director Nancy Chamberlain, that growth would be limited to the ability of the Commun- ity to provide adequate funds. The Ontario Ministry of Com- munity and Social Services provides 60 per cent of the approved budget with the remainder being raised from donations received from the United Way and various credit granting agencies. In the past year the case load had increased by 28 per cent and there were no signs that the rate of growth was slowing. In line with their general cost cutting policy, the Province could only in- crease their support during 1976 by 5.5 per cent which will cause greater reliance being glaced on donations from usinesses and the United Way to sustain the operation of the Oshawa and District Credit Counselling Service at the level required by the community. The executive elected for 1976 were as follows: Presi- dent - Martin Shaw, Vice President - Roy Barrand, Second Vice President - A.S. Oakman, Secretary - Angus Smith, Treasurer - Mrs. Marg- uerite Gillies and Directors - Ian Bellingham, Ronald Cook, Jack Gibbons, Tom Hogan, Oswald Houston, Joel Palter, Rev. Max Preisler, Patrick Quinn and Gordon Ward. was small but the ladies were quite pleased with the sum received. President, Dorothy Dewar, would like to thank all those who donated articles and all who patronized the sale. Roy Hamilton and Roy Gaynor have been busy hand- ing out cigars recently. Congratulations to Lynda Strong who placed first in the Intermediate Public Speaking at Grandview on Wednesday night. Her subject was "The Olympics." Deanna Vivian of Janetville was judged first in the Junior Division. Saturday evening visitors with the C. Fallis' were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fallis of Rochester and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Fallis of Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. "Shorty" Moore of Bowmanville have re-purchased Drum School. Mrs. Leta Ford has been visiting this past week with her daughter in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Baxter have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bailey of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter are planning a move to Nova Scotia. Eleven tables of euchre were played at Ballyduff on April lst with prize winners Cecile Staples, Lila Kerr, Dorothy Dewar, Beulah For- rest, Cliff Curtis and Lewis Strong. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mitchell of Peterborough were weekend guests with Mrs. Margaret Wright and Stanley, Several from Ballyduf tended the show at O'Keefe Centre on March 3st- along with other members of the "Golden Stars" - Senior Citizens. The regular dance on Satur- day night was well attended with committee in charge - Lawrence White, Glen Brad- ley and Jack Mangan. Local L'iberals Choose Delega The federal and provincial riding association met on March 31 to choose delegates to attend the Ontario Liberal Party annual meeting in Toronto from April 23-25. The five delegates who were chosen from the provincial riding (East Durham) in- cluded Lynn Howsley, Kirk Entwisle Jr., Lorna Davey, PO We are glad to hear that Mrs. Earl Armitage will be released from hospital later this week and that Gordon Kirk is home following sur- gery. Nursery School in Pontypool will re-open on Wed., April 21st with Jessie Fisk in charge. Spring operations at Rich- ardsons' Nursery are under- way and several extra hands have been employed to help. a ing year) will be on Thursday, May 18 in Whitby. er Another important event is on that which takes place al tomorrow night, (Thursday, nd April 15) in Lindsay. It is the w- visit to the division by the Kiwanis Governor for the Eastern Canada and Car- ribean District of Kiwanis International. The Lindsay club are host- ing the visit at the Academy Theatre and expect about 500 in all to attend. BETHANY Sunday-élinner guests with Mrs. Irene MacDonald were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hughes,, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferren of Cavan. Manvers Nursery School parents held a very successful dance on Saturday evening in the Parish Hall in Bethany. The ladies were given lovely corsages on admission to the dance, and a number of spot dance prizes were donated by Grandview Nurseries, The Roebuck and Pontypool Esso (Gaynor's). The music waý supplied by Rudi Veltri and the Tornados, from the Red Barn in Oshawa. Mixed League Bowling The mixed league bowling results are as follows: Ladies High Single, Diane Wilson, 276; Mens High Single, Dave McReelis, 304; Ladies High Triple, Diane Wilson, 654; Mens High Triple, Dave McReelis, 641. Games over 200: Ken Sin- clair 284, Bunny Ambrose 236, Audrey Davidson 222, Heather Horslen 218, 209, 200; Howard Robinson 213, Beulah Robin- son, 210, Frank Ashby 207, Barb Williams 204, Vern Little Jr. 201, Kim Wood 201, Ruth Sinclair 232, 203. Congratulations Dave on your game over 300. That's two bowlers this year with games over 300. The teams started play-offs this week and Unpredictables took total pins. Senior Citizens Bi-Weekly The Senior Citizens Bi- Weekly bowling results for this week were High Lady, Marion Fisher; High Man, Pete Borrow; Runners-up, Belle Smith and Pete Rowett. St. Paul's Guild The April meeting of St. Paul's Anglican Guild Beth- any was held in the Parish Hall on the 6th at 7:30 p.m. It was decided at his meeting that since the . r tising representative from 'he cookbook company is coming in two weeks time, we had better start reminding people to complete their recipes and get them handed in to any of the members. It was also decided that we could cater for a banquet on the 1st of May at 6:30 p.m. with the help -of Mrs. Rene Smelt, we made up two menus of which the officers of the club could take their pick. We also decided that since we have such a large quantity of pies to bake for each of our bake sales that we purchase the necessary ingredients in quantity and make an evening of making and baking a couple of days before the date. Don't forget to order in advance if there is something special you would like. Our next bake sale is to be late this month in the Parish Hall. tes for Meet George Dryden and Harold Murphy. The sixth delegate will be chosen soon by their executive. The delegates who were chosen to represent the federal riding (Northumber- land - Durham) included Joe Richardson, Gord Cochrane, Betty Gibb and Tal Birze, with two positions left to be filled by the executive. Kirk Entwisle Sr., Jim Carlyle, Roger Kirkpatrick, Dick Lovekin, and Dr. Ian Wilson will also go as dele- gates to the meeting. Liberal party policy and a proposal to form two Liberal associations for provincial and federal politics will be discussed at the convention. NTYPOOL On Sunday morning the following girls were received into the membership of our church - Alice Anderson, Dawn Bailey, Julie Campbell and Darcy Vanderveen. Sev- eral family members were present for the reception. Mr. and Mrs. MacDougall of Nobleton were weekend visit- ors with their daughter, Mrs. Orville Anderson and family. Congratulations to Mill- brook Novice Hockey All- Stars who defeated Keene on Saturday for the Consolation Trophy. Manager of this team was Andy Sutch and local boys - members were Dwayne Medd (goal), Chris Dunford, Andy Sutch, David Gaynor, Russell Draper and Randy Woods. All boys played well and especially Andy Sutch who was named most valuable player on the team and was presented with the inscribed puck from the game in which he had scored 6 goals and 1 assist. Andy Sutch Mgr. was presented with a plaque in appreciation for the time and effort he hadput into his work. Congratulations, too, to the All-Star Bantams who re- ceived the Championship Tro- phy. Kelly Neals was Captain of this team. At the Hockey Banquet in the Miss Diana Restaurant in Peterborough on Saturday night, special mention was also given to Danny Bazinet (tiny but terrific) who was a valuable player on the House League Novice. The banquet was the wind-up to a very busy but rewarding season. Following the explosion in Millbrook the arena could no longer be used, ice time had to be found elsewhere for the many Mill- brook teams and this meant a great deal of additional work for those involved. Pontypool boys were members this past season on many Millbrook teams and parents were kept busy going to Bewdley, Orono, Newcastle, Ennismore, Have- lock, Norwood, Omemee, Warsaw etc. A special men- tion should be given to Ken Mayhew, an amputee and resident of Pinewood Estates, who put so much vigour and zest into coaching one of the Pee Wee teams. Congratulations to Susan Propp and Gary MacDuff who were married on Saturday in Cambridge St. United Church, Lindsay, with reception fol- lowing in the Red Carpet Inn. The bride had been honoured at two local showers - one in the church basement by the Pontypool ladies and the other at the home of Diane Picker- ing. On Good Friday local young people from Pontypool and Bethany will commence their annual march from Pontypool at 7 a.m. and will arrive in Bethany for an 11 a.m. Good Friday service. All are wel- come to participate in the walk and to attend the service. Tt,*,,Sunday is Easter Stnday -a time for rejoicing. Wont you help fill the pews at Pontypool United Church at 10 a.-n.? There will be special music with Mrs. Shirley Campbell, soloist. Winners at the final euchre party on Thursday night were Cecile Staples, Ruth Richard- son, Percy Beggs, Frank Frape and Bertha McGill. A collection was taken for a box of fruit to be given to Gordon Kirk who was ill and unable to be present. Some of our local bail teams are already practising for the coming season. A Park Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 12th. Achievement Day for 4-H Clubs was held in Clarke High School on Saturday. Attending from Pontypool were Mrs. Shirley Campbell, leader and assistant Thea Brandenburg and members Nancy Gros- kopf, Julie Campbell, Wilma VanderValk, Beverley and Barbara Bazinet. The morn- ingwas spent judging mater- ials, discussion groups and a quiz. Following lunch there was a display of exhibits. Julie Campbell spoke for 3 minutes on the topic "Variety in Leisure Wear". A Fashion Show followed with each girl modelling her completed art- icle of leisure wear. Wilma VanderValk was commenta- tor for the local group. All who had completed the course were presented with silver spoons. In September the club will again convene with "Physical'Fitness - Knitting and Crocheting" as the topic. Thea Brandeburg will be leader with Shirley Campbell as her assistant. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frape, Peterborough were Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dewar. On Saturday afternoon the Pontypool U.C.W. held a bake sale and bazaar. Attendance I 1 i