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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1976, p. 11

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I - I Editors: Jack and Hazel Crago Ir. and Mrs. Stanley Powell visited on Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Don Manchester and family and her mother, Mrs. Olive Toms, Oakville. Miss Marjorie Clemence spent three weeks recently with her niece, Dr. and Mrs. John Westlake and twin daughters, Kathleen and Kristina and their wee baby son and brother David Thom- as, Kingston, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. George Kim- ball visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimball, Port Granby. Birthday greetings to Verne Rowe and son Robert Rowe, Pearl Rickard, David Rick- ard, Wayne Pearce, April Darrach, Marion Allin, Janet Crowther. Mr. Charles Parnell, Que- bec called at his old home on Sunday and was pleased to visit Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Spencer. On Saturday, April 10th, ten members of the Newcastle Horticultural Society enjoyed the day at Sir Sanford Fleming College learning more about gardening. During the morning session, Mr. A. Crawford gave a talk and showed slides about growing Water Lilies. Mrs. Florence Brown, Peterborough gave ideas for Junior Gardeners. After a lunch at Rock Haven, two ladies from Sunny- brook Hospital demonstrated tools and planting for disabled children. Mr. Les Brown spoke on gardening with pyramids. To amateurs like us, it sounds like an interest- ing theory. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Call were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gardiner, Toronto. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bud Stopher (nee Joan Call), Carson, Nevada, on their marriage. Mrs. Alice Quinney spent a i days with her daughter -. and Mrs. Harvey Partner, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coote and family, St. Catherines spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Martin McLay and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sher- man, Lisa and Donald and Mrs. Don Coulter, Downsview, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, Lake Shore. Many Newcastle residents enjoyed the 27th Annual Barbershop Harmony Show at Eastdale Collegiate on Friday and Saturday evening. Mr. Ross Allin and Mr. Stan Allin are mem'bers of' the Horseless Carriagemen Chorus. Mr. Lorne Johnson has returned from a week's holi- day in Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Omemee were Sunday visitors with ber mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. We welcome home Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Goheen who have been in Florida and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Simpson of New- castle Golf Course, who also -intered in Florida. The pnpsons will soon be very usy with their summer work at the course. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glanville on their 20th wedding anniversary. Patients in hospital include Mr. Clinton Burley, Mr. George Stoneburg, Mr. Alex Patterson, Mr. Eric Clarke. Mrs. Eleanor Perrin is convalescing at home after surgery in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Oh Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were in St. Catherines attending the 104th birthday party at an Oddfellow's Lodge and were overnight 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crawley. Newcastle Village Firemen have had a busy time answer- ing fire calls which have been mostly grass fires. Mrs. Rachel Dennis enter- tained the Monday Ladies Euchre Club at ber home on April 5th. Three bus-loads of students from the Pines Senior Public School departed on Monday, April 12th for a trip to Quebec City and points of interest along the way. We hope they took warm coats for the chilly breezes on the Plains of Abraham. The Take-a-Break Club last week enjoyed a lesson on Decoupage by Janet Lynn, a good way to use scraps of wood to make a beautiful picture. The ladies of the Club are planning a trip to the Metro Zoo again this year, since last year's trip was so well enjoyed. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Honeyman on the tragic death of her brother Mr. Noel Robinson on Satur- day, April lOth, at Hampton. Anglican.Church News At St. Saviour's, Orono, three new Servers, Stephen Clarke, Harold McKnight and Greg Johnson, were installed, while two new Servers, Mr. Wayne Linton and Michael Locke were installed at St. George's, Newcastle. Palm branches were bless- ed and distributed by young people at both churches on Palm Sunday, April lth. At. St. George's on Sunday, April 11th, Rev. Robert Hayne administered the Rite of Baptism to Heather Lyn Gibson, daughter of Barbara and Douglas Gibson, Orono; Alison Amanda McArthur, daughter of Dr. Rod and Melanie McArthur, Orono; and Kathleen Sara Minnis, daughter of Murray and Sally Minnis, Orono. On Saturday afternoon, Rev. Hayne united in mar- riage Mr. Michael Alldread and Miss Diane Peciak. On Sunday evening at St. George's» Parish Hall, the Sidesmen and their wives enjoyed a Pot Luck Supper and their annual meeting. Mr. Ron Locke was again nomin- ated for Chairman of the Sidesmen. On Easter Sunday, a mem- orial brass plaque will be dedicated to the memory of Miss Beatrix S. McIntosh. Tickets are still available for the Roast Beef Dinner on April 25th. Holy Week Services this week include Maundy Thurs- day Communion at 7 p.m., Good Friday Solemn Liturgy at 12 noon (St. Saviour's, Orono, at 10 a.m.), Holy Saturday Evening Prayer at 5 p.m., Easter Sunday Regular services at 8, 10 and 11:15 with Holy Communion. On Friday evening, Rev. Thomnas Smith performed the wedding of Miss Diane Henry to Mr. Donald Holmes. On Sunday, April lth, Rev. Thomas Smith raised the question 'Should the Drinking Age be Raised?' Will we as individual members of the congregation write letters to the government urging that this be done? Basing his sermon on the verse 35, John 11: Jesus Wept, Rev. Smith spoke on Sorrow. After the church service, a coffee break was enjoyed until Rev. Schamerhorn of St. Paul's United Church, Bow- manville, arrived to conduct a Pastoral Relations meeting. Mr. Francis Jose, Chairman of the Pastoral Relations Committee, explained the method of getting a new minister. The congregation accepted the conditions pre- sented to them by Mr. Jose on behalf of Rev. David Spivey, Oshawa, who will take over his duties at the end of June. On Good Friday, Brooklin and Newcastle Choirs will present a Cantata, "The Temptations of Christ", at 7:30 p.m. From Saddle Bags to '75, the church history book written by Mrs. Marion Farr has some interesting pictures in it. Trying to think of the names to match the pictures bas proved very interesting. There are lots of copies left and one would make a good Easter gift for a friend. DRIVE A NEW DATSUN B210S For Less Than Datsun B210S 2995 MIDWAY DATSUN 1300 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-6828 Lionettes Meeting On Thursday evening, April 8th, 13 members of the Newcastle Lionettes Club met at the home of Mrs. Eva Hoar. Plans were made for the May Meeting when retarded adults from Whitby will be entertain- ed at the United Church Sunday School. Education Week at New- castle Public School was a very busy week. The school presented two different pro- grams. Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning, the primary grades presented their performances. The junior grades (4, 5, 6) gave their program on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. To climax the week, a special performance was given for the Senior Citizens and residents of the village Rest Homes. This was indeed a very kind gesture. The programs were as follows: Program - Alley Cat, Leroy Brown, The Entertainer. Kindergarten Morning Class - Conductor - Mary Lou Campbell; Cymbals: Anna Flaminio, Frank Sargeant, Richard Topfer, Chris Will- sher; Triangles: Marten Wind, Howard Sikma, Scott Rekker, David Zietsma, David Meadows, Cindy Koenderman; Bells: Jack Glasbergen, Brent Erb, Mathew Hayward, Jeanette Collinson, Kelly Farrow, Tam- my Yarema; Sticks: Billy Prosek, Jamie McRobbie, Tracey Weatherup, Marilyn Wybenga, Tracy Dobbie, Kerri Wilson, Tammy Riddle, Samantha Shetler; Tambour- ines: Jill Cunningham, Mich- elle Riddle, Paula Warner, Blain Smith, Paul Foster; Sand Blocks: Robert Pollard. Afternoon Class - Conductor - Stephanie Oke; Cymbals: Michael McArthur, Sean McMackin, Christine Mont- gomery, Ryan Burdett; Tri- angles: Tyrone Sluymers, Greg Wilks, Brent Fisk, Leanne Kent, Michael Van Drunen, Michelle Gregg, Kelli Faris; Bells: Bob Falzon, David Hutchison, Tracey Kelleher, Debbie Schryburt, Scott Moon, Darren Hirsch- feld, Leslie Dobroshinsky; Sticks: Tanya Brady, Lisa Paulin, Jamie Glasbergen, Wayne Henning, Jody Jones, Sean Daniels, Gregory Ander- son, Christine Ferguson; Tambourines: Delann Chard, Lisa Darling, Sherri Rogers, Janet Wind, Laura Kozak; Sand Blocks: Paul Pfeiffer. Peter Rabbit, Grade 1 - Characters: Peter i Rabbit - Jeff Francis, Mrs. Rabbit - Kelli Heffernan, Flopsy - Lee Ann Cayley, Mopsy - Erin Empey, Cottontail - Russell Verch, Mr. McGregor - Clint Ellis, Gardeners - Michael St. Pierre, Peter Vohsemer, Will Farrow, Freddie Millson; Bunnies: Dwight Collinson, Andrea Johnson, Tony Bend- er, Steven Muscat, Derek DeJong, Kelly Randall, Brian Ward, Mark Cameron, Jacqueline Whyte, David Green, Michelle Coolahan; Birds: Jennifer Montgomery, Amy Powell, Stefanie Martin, Teresa Tryon, April LeBlanc, Tracy Holland, Aimee-Jo Brunton, Edith Carter,, Danny Cayley, Darrin Heasman, David Hole; Gardeners: Bradley Lawrence, Steven Hill, Greg Turk, Lori Rowe, Shelly Portsmith, Rickie Miles, Richard Fischer, John Gregg, Sammy Kelly, Paul Rahme, Donnita Huber. Grade 2 - Songs: He's Got the Whole World in His Hand, Chiapanecas; Mexican Hat Dance: Rosalie Daniels, Kev- in McWhirter, Tony Gregg, Joy Wind, Michael Waterfall, Brian Couvier, Laura Malette, Debbie Kennedy, Andrew Yates, Sonya Glasbergen, Tammy Rogers, Johnna-Lynn Chard, Shawna Kelly, Blair Smith, Scott Webb, Steven Crockett, Troy Foster, Kim Ellis, Jim Beam, Ilene Cur- rab; Clap Dance: Merridy Stephenson, Murray Jose, Penny Montgomery, Jenny Ibbotson, Troy deVries, Cam- eron Langstaff, Bert Green, Todd Petherick, Patricia Verbeek, Frank Miller, Carri Clark, Roger Yates, Michael Mills, Angela Helmer, Julie Paulin, Michelle Carter, Susan Meta, Carol Dawson, Joanne Lake, Darryl Stere, Raymond Massie; Bo Peep Dance - All. Country of Neyer Mind - Grade 3 -Cast of Characters - Marigold: Beverley Hender- son, Old Witch: Linda Reid, Johnny: Rusty McLay, Old Mother Hubbard: Rhonda Kennedy, Little Bo Peep: Elan Rickard, The Three Little Kittens: Tim Abbott, Troy Brady, Layton Burke; Four Witches: Danita Heas- man, Lisa Potter, Crystal Anderson, Anna Schmiegelow, Prince: Jamie Burns, John- ny's Playmates: Scott Mea- sor, Kevin Bryant, Ricky Carlson, Shepherdesses: Krista Rudman, Lynn Hawes, Stephanie Yaxley. Chorus: Patti Tilling, David Cowling, Scott McNabb, Michael Housley, Michelle Hope, Lee Anne Currah, Nigel Cave, Kim Cameron, Greg Henning, Lester Farrow, Matthew Yates, Barry Rowe, Gary Brazeau, Karen Heffer- nan, Susan Ward, Jeff Cobble- dick, Rhonda Bentley, Frank- B. Madill 200, B. Kentner 232, R. Good 268-230, J. Pleasance 230-205. Youth 125 and Over G. Martin 168-133, K. Wil- lems 202, S. Fisk 149, R. Nickolson 210-177, B. Pollock 141, R. Kidd 154, F. Glasber- gen 126-229, W. Dobbie 183, K. Gilmer 174-160, S. Sinclair 144-156, P. Berney 139, G. Couvier 140, S. Quinlan 171, D. Glover 164-148, T. Glover 159-175, J. Berney 126, T. McNabb 153, V. Kidd 130, W. Luke 181, R. Hoogkamp 153, L. Kent 163-144, B. Forget 286- 268, J. Carr 182, D. Nickolson The Newcastle Independent K im Richards Wir illila uffl The Canadian Statesman, Bov is F irs t elephone 987-4201 ie Daniels, Sheila Porter, Lorraine Belliveau, Tim Hayne, Robert Hoogkamp. Primary Co-ordinator - Mr. Chrisomalis, Kindergarten - Mrs. Cronkwright, Kinder- garten-Aide: Mrs. Southern, Kindergarten Helper: Mrs. Tordiff, Grade 1: Mrs. Munro, Mrs. Beam; Grade 2: Mrs. Nesbitt, Mrs. McClure; Grade 3: Mrs. Dupuis, Mr. Chriso- malis; Accompanist: Mrs. Lesle Campbell, Costumes: Mrs. Glasbergen, Mrs. Water- fall, Mrs, McWhirter, Mrs. Petherick and Mrs. McCul- loch, Stage: Newcastle Lum- ber, Scenery: Susan Housley and Debbie Cave. Grade 4 - Presents a musical fantasy - "A Genie is Better Than a Jet" by: Marian Schafer - from "Instructor" - February 1963. Main Characters: Mary - Joy Richie, Jane - Cheryl Martin, Michael - Peter Hole, Bert - Ken Tait, Lady S. - Judy Malette, Agnes - Sharon Beales, Harriet - Kim Tordiff, Quincy - Chad Crosbie, Bal- loon Man - Mark Randall, The Bobby - Wade Rowley, Genie - Michael Collinson, Announcer - Phillip Libby; Ireland: Grace Ton, Jeff Lake, Wendy Couch, Kevin Hayne, Angela Johnson, Chris Dion; Pen- guins: Zory Lesnick, Darcy Huber, Terry Bould, Garnet Duetta, Darrin Towns, Man- fred Reuer, David Kelly; Fashion Show: Commentator - Vicky Wallis, Models - Robert Branning, Tracey McKenna, Linda Graham, Cameron McDonald, Cheryl Hendry, Judy Cobbledick; Hawaii - Jane Lowry, Denise Couvier, Donna Brazeau, Diane Moir, Patti Cosman, Debbie Martin, Michelle Kimmerly; Mexico: Cathy Batherson, Michael Werheid, Audra Goorbarry, Diane Carr, Becky Crockett, William Kean; Phillipines: Joe Berney, Billy Sla'ck, Ken Tait, Tony Fischer, Rodney Glasbergen, Tim Hennng; Indians: Joey Dammon, Linda Kozak, Tracy Millson, Kim Verch, Gary Martin, Debbie Wind, Mark Tryon, Diane Preston. Grade 5 - Room 13 - Parents are People. lst skit - Judy Walker, Donna Kimmerly; 2nd skit - Michele Tpfford, Kelly Reid; 3rd skit - Beth Bowler, Mary Powell, Susan Pfeiffer, Steven Talsma, Ter- ry Smith, Fred Vierhout; 4th skit - Michael Wilks, Chris Tait; Chorus: Tammy Clark, Lana Collier, Neil DeJong, Robi Dobroshinsky, Colleen Flynn, Gordon Jose, Robert Kelly; 1Tom Mayhew, Andrew McWhirter, Donna Nicholson, Jacob Wensvoort, Michael Tryon. Grade 5 - Room 7. Two original plays written by the pupils. First "Vinster's Birth- day" by Lisa Wind and Sandra Stommel. Second "The Im- possible Class" by Kathy LeGresley, Karine Hayman and Angie DePlaa. New- castle's youngest and most successful rock group, the Newcastle Bummers perform- ing their bit song "Saturday Night". Grade 6 - Room 6. "The Farmer's Daughter". Farmer Hiram: Jeff Cryderman, Matildy: Shelly Pickering, Bessie: Sandy Jones, Homer Bradley: Paul Bromley, Vil- lain-Whiplash: Jamie Mont- gomery, Fuller Brushman Dunlop - John Wind, Prompt- er: Tony Voshemer, Cos- tumes: Sally Simpson, Harry Hirschfeld, Props: Danny Burns, Stage hands: Scott Fisk, Angus Fennell, Epi- logue: Greg Lowry. Grade 6 - Room 8. Choral Reading. 1. Roadways, 2. Jim, 3. If, 4. Daddy Fell Into the Pond. Junior Choir - Grades 4, 5,6. 1. Getting to Know You, 2. April's a Lovely Lady, 3. Una Paloma Blanca, 4. He. Grade 4 - Mrs. Vondracek and Mrs. Ten-Westeneind, Grade 5 - Mrs. Gray (Room 13), Mr. Dupuis (Room 6); Grade 6 -Mr. Noble (Room 6), Mr. McMahon (Room 8); Grade 4, 5, 6 Choir - conducted by Mrs. Gray and Mrs, Vondracek. Special thanks to: Accompanist - Mr. Doug Dewell, Artist - Mrs. Crockett, Stage - Newcastle Lumber, anyone who may have helped in any way. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY BOWLING Friday 200 and Over L. Willems 213, A. Vogels 205, H.M. Munro 247, F. Wright 218, S. Powell 209-234, M. Burley 208-213, J. Holmes 241, T. Sluymers 202, A. Pearce 201, N. Hoogkamp 207, E. Embley 205, T. Embley 231-259, R. Burley 205-275, E. Darling 205, A. Delaat 285, J. Barchard 207, L. Pearce 228-214-253, B. Call 208-273-209, taw gar onui at evrpyaylow 4 Cu. Ft. Peat Moss For successful lawns, plants and trees 49 STORE MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, HOURS: THURSDAY; 9a.m. to 6 p.m. Sl FRIDAY 9a.m.to9p.m. SATURDAY 8:30 a.m. to5 p.m. 143-167, K. Wade 128-154, R. McKenna 160-152, K. O'Boyle 165, C. Young 138, J. Boyd 154-127, M. Willems 133, I. Brereton 131-128, S. Gooch 140, M. Gooch 127, K. Rahme 137-159, M. Zegil 199-194, A. Bonsma 201-157, M. McPhee 138-158, R. Metrailler 131-134, W. Couch 148, S. Orme 152, M. Nesbitt 144, D. Rowe 141, C. McLuhan 125, L. Kozak 156- 136, T.Dobbie 131, J. Walker 143-167, T. Brazeau 156, S. Miller 132, F. Miller - 126-143, M. Malette 134-146, S. Stere 128, S. Reicheld 158, D. Gooch 133, P. Willems 145-142, B. Glassen 131, T. McKenna 150, S. Webb 140, T. Abbott 128, D. Burns 162-127. Ladies 200 and Over D. Gregg 240, N. Williams 222, R. Sinoss 236, B. Peth- erick 240, B. Meta 220, J. Stere 220, B. Sandercock 204, E. Kidd 226, B. Major 256-219, D. Langstaff 238-221, T. Lang- staff 265, I. Brown 231, M. Wade 200, M. Foster 225, A. Buckley 221, D. Mercer 242- 229, D. Neal 226, H. Couroux 211-239, K. Mercer 207-213, S. Foster 242, D. Forth 203-279, F. Wright 216, A. Gagerty 210, M. Burley 254, J. Holmes 230. Men 225 and Over J. Forrester 225, E. Taylor 290, F. Stapleton 229, S. Powell 236-252, J. Graham 263, J. Schultz 226, G. Kimball 261- 267-291, G. Cowling 313, M. Henry 231-256, B. Farrow - 231. On Oral In Pines Kim Richards, with a speech about man's aged old fear and persecution of the timber wolf, was the grand winner in the public speaking finals held at The Pines Senior Public School on Thursday, April 8th. In second place was Marie Carr, with an imagina- tive speech on visitors from outer space. Third place, winner was Pamela Frank, speaking on the subject of pet rocks. Kim and Marie will now go on to compete in the Western Area finals of the Northum- The Jolly Tryers 175 and Over T. Rice 217-239, R. Wright 234-196, C. Richter 222-176, J. Richter 201-192, J. Wright 177-176, P. Gilray 223-199, C. Szymezak 268-204, G. Tomkins 196-224, M.J. Tomkins 178, C. Gilray 184, D. Bailey 181. Thurs. 200 and Over B. Forget 228, S. Dunlop 237, W. Forget 220-355, M. Lewis 202, F. Lewis 226, B. Glanville 297 201, J. Forget 228, 0. Herd 201. Mi l So-Green So-Green Beaver's Weed Killer Fertilizer Grass Seed Formula 10-5 10 controls Ideal for flower gardens, All purpose lawn seed. weeds prevents grass damage. shrubs. hedges & trees. Covers 500 sq. ft Q95 49 189 ~40Ibs. 30-lb. 2-lb. Communications School Festival berland and Newcastle Oral accompanied by Mrs. Marie Communications Contest. Pedwell. Judges Mrs. Sharon James, Ushers for the evening were Mr. Dan McIvor and Mr. Sherry Smirle, Paisley Stutt Derek Boutelier performed and Brett Crosbie. the difficult task of selecting from among eight semi final- DBITUARY ists, who included Nicola Schmiegelow, Diane Jacobs MILTON D. BROWN Carol Selby, Andrea Williams Well-known and respected, and Kendra Kemp. MiltonD. Brown, aged75, died In his remarks at the suddenly at Hillsdale Manor, conclusion of the competi- Oshawa, on Thursday, April tions, vice-principal, Mr. S. 1st, 1976. Green, commended all speak- Son of the late Dwight and ers on the quality of their Emma A. Brown, he was born speeches and on their poise and educated at Leskard. In and delivery and reminded the December, 1920, he married audience of parents and other the late Ruby M. Burley. pupils that all of the speakers A farmer by occupation, he addressing them that evening had resided at R.R. 3, New- were winners, since they had castle, residing in Oshawa for been selected as semi-finalists the past 30 years. from a large field of speakers. Left to mourn his passing The evening included some are his children, Evelyn fine musical solos from Cor- (Glover), Stanley, Mildred inne Turansky, Karen Quan- (Porter), Jean (Harness), trill and Mark Konzelman on Hazel (Donoghue), Fred, Mar- piano. Also performing were ilyn (Mikajlovu) and Myrtle Kevin Lowery on saxaphone, (Belsey). Two sisters, a bro- accompanied by Mrs. Lowery ther Clinton Brown of New- on piano and Miss Finnemore castle, 31 grandchildren and with three trumpet solos, 25 great grandchildren. He 246 KING STREET EAST 623-3388 fA MAN'S CLOTHES WILL ýMAKE HIMBUT NIS WFE'S REAK HlM.J B3YAM FLUMBING &NEATING and AIR CONDITIONING TYRONE, ONTARIO Phone 263-2650 wmanville April 14 196 il was predeceased by a son Jack. Reverend E. Schamerhorn officiated at the service held on Monday at the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Home Interment was in Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonville. Ontario Hydro co-operates with segments of the electrical industry in developing per- formance standards for appliances. c@- o u R

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