The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 14, 1976 7 I St. J oh n's I Anglican Church j Rev. Tomf Gracie, Rector I Temperance St. South of King St. GOOD FRIDAY "HORSERVICE" 12:Onoon-3:00p.mi.) Canon Arnold Herbert, Mr. Cliff Evans, St. Johin's Choir taking part. EASTER DAY 8:OOa.m. HOLY COMMUNION 9:30a.m. FAMILY COMMUNION 11:00a.m. CHORAL COMMUNION "J ESUS; crucjfied for me, alive in me- 7:30p.m. EASTER EVENSONG "the unbeîief of friends" Easter communions for sick and shut-ins arranged on request. Please phone 623-2460 or 623-5873. SUNDAY( AFTER EASTER April1 2th. 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Chidren's special offering service. 7:30 p.m. Youth Service aK, provided by Central Mortgage and Housîng Corporation. CMHC announced today, it has approved a $501,875 loan ta * the Ontario Housing Corpor- e r ~ i ation to caver 90 per cent of I \ the capital costs of a two- - Borden Taylor, Olive Reid -and ment building ta, be construct- storey, walk-up apartment 1Mrs. Beaucage. Ann Wilson. ed in Norwood will be financed building which will contain 28 had a very enjoy- A new senior citizens' apart- largely by federal funds one-bedroom apartments. .......... Sunday School ........ Worship Service ..Evangelistic Service Mid Weok Tuesda Y, 7:-30 p. m. Youth Meeting Wednesdlay, 7:30 p.m. Bible Study A Welcome for You in a Friendly Church SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10:00 a.m. - Adult, in Upper Room 10:00 a.m. - Classes for ail ages, 9 and up 11: 00Z m. - Nurse ry Baby Care, Toddlers and indergarten 11: 15a. m. - Prima ry Dept., ageS 4to 8 April 16'- il a.m. Good Friday Service Rev. E. Schamei-horn wiII be guest speaker. Sunday, April 18 7 a.mi. - Easter Sunrise Service REV. R. C. HOPKNS wilbe the speaker. <8t0 9:30 Pancake Breakfast S ponsored by the Hi-C il a.m. - Easter Service REV. Wm. K. PACE wi 11 be preaching. A Warm WelCome for Everyone Wednesday, 10Oa.m., Bible Study Group, in Church Parlour APRIL 25 IS MISSION SUNDAY Miss Frances Stevenson, quest speaker. U.C.W. BAKE SAL E Thurs., May 20, 10 a.m. to 12 Noon. ÉMA51ER SERVICES à& -St. Paul'stUnited Chureh *Rev. N.E. Schamerhorn B.A., M. Div. Organist: Gerald K. Burgess SUNRISE SERVICE 8:30 - Pancake Breakfast served by men of the church. 11:00 a. m. "The Miracle of Easter"l Bofli the Chancel Choir and the Senior Choir wilî present special Easter, MUSIC. Nursery care for Pre-schoolers. GOOD FR IDAY SERVICES 11:Oa.m. Trinity United Church Members of St. Paul's will unite with Trinitv. Rev. Arthur Amacher wiII conduct the service, Rev. N. E. Scha merhorn wiI11 preach on "Who really killed The Empty Toi Congratulations ta Janet Munclay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Munday, High Street, on placing first in the il and under competition of the Peterborough Music Festi- val, last Wednesday in Peter- borough. April 24-25 marks the major fund-raising effort for Partici- pation House. A telethon on City-TV (channel 79), emceed by Johnny Wayne of Wayne and Shuster will feature many stars of show-biz. In Bowman- ville, a one night blitz, during the week prior ta the telethon, will be conducted by service clubs and students. There will also be a major fund raising effort by community - minded staff and, students of B.H.S. where already almost $275.00 has been raised by a record dance. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bates, il Flett St., Bowmanville have just returned from a month's holidays in Florida. While in Florida they visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McNulty A New Democratic Party educational workshop was held at the United Church Camp at Bolton, Ontario recentIy and was attended by campaign workers from all over the province. Valerie Teravainen of Orono and Fran Moffatt of Kendal, were dele- gates from Durham East. There were continuing work- shops on electoral procedures and the participants were addressed on Saturday by Stephen Lewis, leader of the N.D.P. in Ontario, the Officia] rlfointheehst bath Tn hen thicof praysttho shaîW otb a sth hyocts are orii they loe o ra ran inte cresofthe t etr frwar e n int ur e and whvi en srend yFtere which Aeeth in seretsaîl rewardY uthe n fo math.on5- ..Box 36iniacsc Opposition in the Provincial Legislature. The twenty-fifth Wintario draw will be televised live from London, Thursday, April 15th at 9:00 p.m. Included in the 24,840 prizes available for this draw will be two grand prizes of $100,000 and two of $50,000. Presentation of St. Luke's Passion tdepiîcting the events leading to th e crucifixion was. masterfully done by Trinity United Church Senior Choir under direction of John Crook- shank, organist and director of music on Sunday, evening April il in the Sanctuary. Guest soloists, Ross Metcalf,' Evangelist and RossCotton, Jesus, gave fine performances as did the soloists fromn the choir: Pilati, Rudy Hart- mann; Soprano, Rosemary Merkley; Malefactors, Row- land Coombes, Mark Munday. The large audience participat- ed in the singing of four congregational chorales dur- ing the program. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the presentation and appreciated the many hours spent in rehearsals by this talented group and are eagerly await- ing their next musical treat. On April 6th, the residents and guests of Strathaven and Beau Villa had a very enjoy- able evenîng at their spring get-together. Over 100 people were present at Strathaven for the event and they were entertained by the Irish singers Iris and Jacky, who are presently appearing at the Forum. The entertainers were introduced and thanked bv Bowmanville iPentecostal Church I75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sundoy Services 9:55 a.m. 11: 00 a. M. 7: 00 p. m. S ecalv a ekntTu s CPAIN atND R.J A LEmyy "MOMl eeENSWIsTH THE MASTER"J SATURDAY - Youth Service 7:00 p.m. SUNDAY - 7:00 a.m. SUNRISE SERV ICE Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 7:00Op.m. A WELCOME AWAITS YOU. Items of Interes-t Phone 623-3303 mb testifies te the world that it is God who has the last word, and net man. s. s. ** -- - . ,. - e- - l*MMWÎsM.