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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1976, p. 11

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I Editor The Newcastle Independent rs: Jack and Hazel Crago Telephone 987-4201 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hayes and boys, Barrie, were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs Ed. Barchard and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cutler. Thursday evening dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Kimball were Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis, Newton- ville; Mrs. Clarence Turner, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stapleton, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port Hope. Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce were his sister, Mrs. Al Visser, Toron- to, on Thursday, and on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce, Vicki and Kirk, Beth- any; Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pearce and Kevin, Oshawa;, and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pearce, Michael and Jeffrey and Mrs. Varga, Peterbor- ough. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dodds and Jennifer, Burlington were re- cent visitors with Mrs. Rene Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. George Kim- ball visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Han- cock, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hancock and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson and babe were also at home. With Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Smith for the Easter weekend were their family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Phillips and family, Montreal; Mr. Peter Smith, Peterborough, and Mr. and Mrs. Vince Melnnes and family, Wingham. Easter Sunday dinner guests with Mr and Mrs. David Rickard, Jeffrey and Janice were Mr. and Mrs. Rick Rickard and Mr. and Mrs. John Rickard, Wood- ville; Mrs. Jean Shipley, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ilogg and Doug, Leaside and Ir. and Mrs. John Edwards nd Bob, Kingston, and Mrs. Frank Rickard. Mrs. Gordon Laking spent Friday and Saturday with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Sheehan and family, Bowmanville. Mr. Gordon Laking, Southaven Nursing Home spent Sunday afternoon at home. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Britton and family, Belleville, and Mr. and Mrs. Harve Britton enjoyed dinner on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Trewin, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mur- doch, Cars, were Thursday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade and accom- panied them to St. Thomas for the Good Friday Rally. The Ladies Euchre Club met on Monday, April 12th at the home of Mrs. Florence Ferg- uson. Mr. and Mrs. David Mills, Ottawa, were Easter visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Rickard. On Easter Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buxton enjoyed dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farr, Thornhill. Mrs. Jean Rickard enjoyed a holiday in Florida and arrived home Good Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Bonathon. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sher- man, Lisa and Donald and Mrs. Don Coulter,;Downsview were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell and family, Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago enjoyed a short Sunday even- ing visit with the Bedwin's, Lake Shore. Mrs. Charles Bedwin is looking well since her stay in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Col- leen, Frankford, were week- end visitors. Mr. and Mrs. William Wade and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade visited on Sunday with Mrs. Harry Wade's brother, Mr. Sid Haskill, Port Hope. Mrs. Irene Byers spent the Easter weekend with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Misener, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross and, daughters Jennifer, Brenda and 2 months' old baby girl Jaime, Cambridge, 2 Ontario, were Saturday guests of his aunt, Miss Marjorie Clemence and other relatives in Oshawa and Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniels and Neil, Oshawa, were Good Friday visitors with Mr. Charles Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and Cindy were overnight guests on Friday with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newton, Hamil- ton. On their return Saturday evening they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tinling, Oakville. Sunday visitors with the Scott's were Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Scott and Lorraine, Maple Grove and Miss Cathy Scott, Toronto. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sierd DeJong, Derek and Tammy were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrod and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Couch and family. Mrs. Rose Osborne has returned from a two-week holiday with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hockin, London. Mrs. Betty Brown, St. John's Convalescent Hospital, spent the weekend with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Hope, Michelle and Tom- my. Mr. Tom Buckley, Hunts- ville and Miss Cathy Howes, London, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown and Glen, Peterborough, were Easter visitors with her mother, Mrs. Pacey and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hooey and, family. Miss Chrissie Pacey, Ponty- pool, spent the Easter week- end with her cousins, Audrey and Edna Pacey. Mrs. Pauline Storks and daughter Candy enjoyed the holiday weekend in Nashville, Tennessee. While there, they enjoyed the tours of Oprey- land and visited with friends, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Parker. At the Take a Break Club meeting last Tuesday, Miss Nancy Lowry spoke on Nutri- tion and Children. Mr. Howard Quinney of Stedman's Store, Newcastle, brought this excerpt from an article, Main Street, Canada, in the Canadian Motorist, to our attention. The article written by Jock Carroll was a tribute to Canadian trans- portation pioncer, Dr. Perry Doolittle, who formed the Toronto Automobile Club when speed limits of 10 and 15 miles an hour were demanded and farmers petitioned the government to have cars banned from the roads. We quote: "In June of 1904 an editorial appeared in the Newcastle, Ontario, Independent, which said: "Is it not time something was done to put a stop to the automobile business? We can compare them to nothing but a lawless gang of hoodlums ... these people have no regard for us or our horses. But with our shotguns and barbed wire the laugh may turn." Miss Doris Spencer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Garnier, Mississauga, spent Easter Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Howard Pearce. On Wednesday, April 4th, the Newcastle Lions held their regular meeting at which Mr. Murray Walton and Mr. Ben Hoogkamp were elected to the Board of Directors. Senior Citizens News The regular monthly meet- ing of the Newcastle Senior Citizens was held in the Lions' Centennial Room in the New- castle Community Hall on Thursday, April 15th with thirty members present. This was a smaller number than usual but some members were away on vacation and some were sick. We especially wish, Mr. Clinton Burley a speedy recovery from his recent operation. We welcomed a new member to our club, Mrs. Knox, from Newcastle on the Lake. We spent an enjoyable two hours playing Progressive Euchre and then sat down to a tasty lunch provided and served by the following mem- bers, Mrs, George Allin, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and Mrs. Marjorie Pascoe. The prize winners for the evening were High Men's, Bill Morley; High Ladies', Myrtle Alldred; Low Ladies', Mrs. Gladys Belsey; Low Men's, Mr. Emerson Fisher. The most Lone Hands Prize was won by Mrs. Myrtle Alldred. To those members who were not there, an invitation is extended to our group to be present at a social evening in the Anglican Sunday School Hall at 8 p.m., May 10, the courtesy of the Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville. Newcastle United Church News, Bay of Quinte Conference for Women Ten ladies from the Oshawa Presbyterial attended the Bay of Quinte Conference for Women which was held in Stirling. There were three hundred and forty-five in attendance for the two-day session. The theme for the confer- ence was Participation, 1976. Theme speaker was Rev. Dr. Robert Bater, Principal of Queen's Theological College. The evening session began with a panel of youths who went to Kenya and Hong Kong last year for the 50th Anniver sary Project. Evening vesper was con- ducted by Mrs. A.C. Ferries, Oshawa and Mrs. Alec Martin, Newcastle. Retreat Leader for 1s 2n 3r Free Draw t Prize $50 worth of fabric id Prize $25 worth of fabric d Prize Passport to Durham Region - $11.95 Value Jolly Tryers 200 and Over T. Rice 228, R. Wright 203-230, C. Szymezak 202, C. Rice 240, G. Tomkins 239, C. Gilray 222, D. Bailey 200, J. Wright 259 202, P. Gilray 218. Thurs. 200 and Over L. Schmid 205, B. Glanville 218, J. Forget 215, Bob Forget 224-207-203. O. Herd 204, F. Lewis 207-280, W. Forget 211, M. Lewis 216, B. Forget 240, M. MacGregor 204 T Enjoy Cruise o Sunny Bahamc Wednesday session was Mrs. Dorothy Mundle, Cobourg. Rev Margaret Errey led the group in the closing Com munon Service, U.C. Women On Monday April 12, the United Church Women met at the Sunday School. Units One and Three invited Unit Two to join ghtem for this meeting. Mrs. Betty Adams Mrs. Marion Allin, Mrs. Jean Allin and Mrs. Marjorie Caswell conducted the worship ser- vice, the theme of which was Easter. Mrs. Jean Allin and Mrs. Marjorie Caswell, accompanied by Mrs. Marie Pedwell, rendered a duet, "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross". Mrs. Narda Hoog- kamp introduced the guest speaker, Mr. John Manuel, C.G.A., Bowmanville, who gave an informative and humorous talk on Income Tax, for which he was thanked by Mrs. Marjorie Paterson. A tasty lunch was served. Present Cantata On Good Friday, April 16, the combined choirs of Brook- lin and Newcastle United Churches presented the Can- tata, The Temptations of Christ by Eric Thiman. The soloists were Mrs. William Reid, Brooklin and Mr. Glenn Allin, Newcastle with organists Mrs. D. Payne and Mr. Norman Williams, This religious service was beautifully rendered and appreciated by the attendants. Easter Sunday On Sunday, April 18th, a memorial window, the Res urrection of Christ was dedicated in memory of W. Frank Rickard and Bessie Rickard and in honour of Clara Rickard. Mr. John Rickard on behalf of his sisters, Dorothy, Evelyn and Jean and his Iialf brother David, presented the window and paid tribute to bis parents and his step-mother, Clara Rickard. Mr. William Briffett, Richmond Hill, designer and installer of all the church windows was present at this service. While installing the Rickard window, he found square nails which were probably hand made and used when the church was built in 1867. Mr. Glenn Allin rendered a solo. Rev. Thomas Smith's ser mon was based on the sixth verse of Mark 16, "He is risen. lie is not here," which is the inscription on the new win- dow. On Sunday, May 2nd Mrs. Marion Farr who wrote the Church history, "From Saddle Bags to 75" will be present to autograph copies, a great number of which are still available. eTh Memorial Book, do- natediby the Keans, bas been brought up to-date and neatly written by Mrs. Madeleine Buckley. Members of Mrs. Pauline Storks -Girls Sunday School Class made Easter eggs for the residents of the Nursing Homes. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY BOWLILNG Fridag 200 and Over G. Henry 207, B. Kentner 225, R. Good 311-250, M. Henry 214-236, E. Embley 276, R. Burley 263, B. Delaat 203, L. Pearce 247, B. Call 202, H. Gurthrie 237-223, A. Guthrie 239-226, E. Couch 238, L. Willems 201-223, A. Vogels 209, H.M. Munro 224, S. Powell 256, S Nickolson 232-219, H. Nick- oison 221-208, M. Burley 265, J. Holmes 207, B. Sluymers 231, T. Sluymers 229, A. Pearce 216-330. Youth 150 and Over R. Metrailler 175-234, K. Wade 157 182, D. Chard 159, P. Willems 178, S. Stere 152, K. Jenkins 167, B. Forget 158-170, R. McKenna 169, J. Kent 151, M Zegil 184-164, A Bonsma 151, M. McPhee 182, J. Boyd 155, I. Brereton 202, T. Glover 151, G. Martin 151 175, D. Glover 1824170, T. Wind 152, R. Kidd 209, A. Rowe 167, F. Glasbergen 150, W. Dobbie 169-185, R. Nickolson 155 169, S. Webb 156, C. Opoka 162, D. Burns 187. Ladies 200 and Over A. Allin 207-231, I. Brown 229, F. Wright 211 201, D. Langstaff 274, A. Langstaff 222, H. Couroux 222, K. Mercer 217, S. Foster 213-224-230, D. Forth 238, B. Petherick 203- 214, B. Major 233, E. Meadows 202, D. Gregg 208, N. Williams 250-292, J. Miller 206, B. Sandercock 211, J. Stere 200, M. Zegil 208, B. Meta 202, E. Kidd 207. Men 200 and Over R. Sutcliff 213, M. Henry 244-239, B. Farrow 214, J. Ogden 243, F. Wind 209, P. Gardner 214, B. Stapleton 255, G. Kimball 276, W. Flintoff 258-237, F. Stapleton 206, S. Powell 200,- T Embley 228, J. Graham 236, S. Glanville 244-201, B. Lewis 209-285. day. Mr. and Camp ente Mrs. Glen family andi Dowson, Po brate Glen's BY BIZONICS-OUTSIDE Reg. $24.98 POWER FILTERS $ - ONE WEEK ONLY DYNAFLOW Reg. $24.00 FILTERS$ ONE WEEK ONLY. Great for travelling and vacations. PAD AND PENCIL GAMES ALL RAWHIDE FOR DOGS 25% Off Regular Price 20% Off Regular Price HO GAUGE LOCOMOTIVES 10% Off AND BOXCARS Reg RetaiPrice HO GAUGE 10% Off BUILDINGS Reg. Retail Price LARGE BAGS OF LITTER $.50 SHAVINGS NOW ONLY A SELECTION OF FISH FOODS 30% Off Bo wmanville Pet Shop 34A King St. West 623-2921 adian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 21, 1976 il Mrs. Larry Schryburt. cS 0.N.O.Meeting The April meeting of the O.N.O. was held at thehome of Diane Davies with 19 mem- bers present. The meeting opened with the reading of the minutes of the March meet- ing. Following a discussion of the summer recreation pro- gram to be sponsored by the O.N.O., a motion was carried to bus the children to Uxpool for swimming lessons. AIl O.N.0 members who wish to register their children for lessons, running five days a week for 3 weeks in July, are to do so at the May meeting. After this time the numbers will be filled with othe- registrations. A letter was read from the Robert Mc- Laughlin Art Gallery pro- moting guided tours. The treasurer reported a small profit on the Hard Times Dance and donations to the Red Cross and the Cancer Society. Two lights and a clock have been purchased for the Conference Room at the Recreation Centre. The O.N.O. Spring Dance is to be ehdl on Saturday, May 1st. With the Joey Van Quartet. There will be a bar and lunch served. Tickets are $15.00 a couple and are available from Sandra Hoskin. The meeting concluded with Roll Call - , pose for the make and bring a useful ine cruise ship household item to be auction- orida on a four ed Diane and her group lorid on afourserved a delicious lunch. Capital city of Winners at the weekly Senior Citizen Card Party with 19 tables were: lst Olive Gimblett 88, 2nd Doris Rohrer 85, 3rd - Carl Avery 85, 4th - Dorothy McDiarmid 83, 5th - Hubert Fox 83, 6th - Maxine Brock 81, Low - Edna Mrs. Harry Van- Larmer. Open house at Cart- ertained Mr. and wright Public School on Wed- VanCamp and nesday evening was well Mr. and Mrs. John attended. The musical pro- ort Perry, to cele- gram was thoroughly enjoyed. s birthday Mr. and îUý Z ý- .ý. . al Mrs. Maurice Samells were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Samells. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer and family of Pickering were Saturday dinner guests and Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, Scarborough, visited Tuesday evening with Mrs. Roy Taylor. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Roy Taylor were Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray, Manilla, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Stimson and family, Michigan, were weekend guests of Mr. and Vehicle Rocovered A vehicle recently recover- cd by the Newcastle OPP detachment was unfortunate- ly not as attractive as before stolen. The vehicle, a 1974 Dodge owned by Ted Cassidy of R.R. 3, Bowmanville was found in the bush area about a mile northeast of Burketon at 9:30 p.m. Saturday. Unfortunately, the vehicle had been stripped of its tires, rims and radio and the interior had been set fire. Don't Miss the Bowmanville Pet Shop's Fantastie Grand Re-opening Celebration 10 GALLON AQUARIUM Starter kits Regular $40.00 NOW $ .5 -One Week Only - ONE 50 GALLON Tank plus Stand and Canopy Reg. $180.00 $1 50-°° - One WeekOnly - 2 ODD SIZE TANKS Approx. 22 gai capacity. reg. $30.00 Each NOW - One Week OnIy - 50 GALLON TANK N ReïW g. $90.00 NOW $700 One Week OnIy - ALL PET SUPPLIES 25% Off Reg. Retail Price HOBBYCRAFT uplo10%710Off Reg. Retail Price AN ASSORTMENT OF Slightly Used Gasoline Powered AIRPLANE 10% Off MOTORS Our Already Low, Low Price MANY, MANY MORE ITEMS including BIRD CAGES - STANDS PLASTIC MODEL KITS I WE ALSO HAVE A NICE SELECTION OF PUREBRED POODLES AMERICAN COCKER SPANIELS Complete with papers of the new location of MOTHER MOD'S 34B King St. West 623-2826 Bowmanville Come in and meet our 2" Drapery Sewing Consultant in 4 Colors She will be pleased to help you solve your sewing ONLY • YARD problems. 10% Off Ail n-Stock Fabrics (except lining and interfacing) Huge Savings on Ail Remaining Ready-to-Wear Fashions Slippers and Panti-Hose 50% Off REGULAR PRICE Come in and see for yourself why we are famous for our selection of Tropical Fish! Here are just a few of the many bargains you'Il find on sale! One entry free with every purchase of in-stock items only. - BOWMANVILLE'S AUTHORIZED HUSQVARNA DEALER - CALL NOW FOR SPRING CUSTOM -DRAPERY SERVICE. FREE IN-HOME CULS Mrs. Susan Russell and daughter, Shelley, of Newcastle photographer on the Lido Deck, poolside, aboard the Costa Li "Flavia", just before sailing from the new port of Miami, Fl day mid-week sailing to the sunny Bahamas, visiting theC Nassau and Freeport - Lucaya. BLA CKSTOCK, Sympathy of the community goes out to the relatives and friends of the late Noel Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Robinson (Verna Gib- son) of Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duff and Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe arrived home last week from an enjoyable month of'visiting England, Ireland and Scot- land. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Graham Duff who were married recently in Uxbridge Anglican Church. Mrs. Annie Fowler, Oshawa was a last Monday visitor of Mrs. George Fowler. Miss Suzie Fallis and Miss Pam Stinson enjoyed a beautiful vacation in Acapulco. Congratulations to Janet Dean, Jennifer Jeffers, Julie maumm Veldman, Brenda McDonald and Diama Fletcher on passing their tap dancing exam on Wednesday. They are all pupils of Mrs. Linda Little, Uxbridge. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Graham and family were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family, Mrs. Courtney Graham, Mrs. geg Boundy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin, Diana and Scott Fletcher. Diana Fletcher entertained seven friends on Thursday to celebrate her ninth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ed- wards, Englehart, were Sun- day evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and family. Brian Dean entertained two little friends on Friday to celebrate his seventh birth-

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