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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1976, p. 12

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12' The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 21, 1976 Kiwanis Show lIntrs In Creek Development The Bowmanville 'Kiwanis Club are following in line with the Jaycees development of the Soper Creek Parkland by lending support to similar development in the Bowman- ville Creek floodplain. The Kiwanis have been considering the idea recently and as a resuit discussed it with Central Lake Ontario Conservation Autbority Gen- eral Manager Brian Howard at their March 29 meeting. Mr. Howard explained that there bas been talk about the development of the Bowman- ville Creek now for some 20 years which the Conservation Autbority, presently working on the acquisition of the lands, intend to concentratebetween $YOU NEED MORE BRAINS TO MAK(E 0<T YOUIR TAX FORM, M/A N TO MAKEF MI/E INCOMVE, MARTY'S Auto Repair 3 Queen St., Bowmanville 623-3896 Celebrates First Birthday Highway 2 and the Baseline Road. There are certain propert- ies,-among them that owned by Vanstones Miii, which are net ewned at present by thie municipaiity and would need te be negotiated for in order to properly, develop the fod plain in an uninterrupted iashion., Council have agreed te hiav the Conservation Authority proceed with the negotiations te acquire the necessary lands which would permit the intended develepment cf Bow- manvilie Creek. The Kiwanis Club decided foilowing their discussions witb Mr. Howard te advise council they are in support cf sucb an undertaking. The new monthly total at the single rate for persens re- ceiving botb tbe basic Old Age Security pension and max- imum Guaranteed Income Supplemnent will be $230.42. For a married couple who are botb pensieners, the combin- atien cf the basic pension and maximum supplement will provide a payment cf $439.56 for the couple monithly. The basic Oid Age Security pen- sion will rise in April te $13543 from the present $132.90. The maximum Guaranteed In- ceme Suppiement for a single person, or a married person wbose spouse is net a pension- er and is net receiving a Spouse's Alowance, wili go up in April te $9499 from its current $93.22. SAVE 150 Fireplace Accesso--rî Franklin Stoves stock items as mark& The 900 Hopkins St. Whitby4 sale ends April 30 /76 DurharmRegon 's EXPOSITION of GREAT LIVING IDEAS 3 BIG DY les 668-3192 GrandPiz AIL EXPENSE ADVENTURE TOURS TRIP FOR TWO To the GRAND BAHAMA HOTEL and COU NTRY CLUB, BAHAMAS Includes airfare, hotel and mfeals Travel arrangements made through Halcyon Days Travel, Oshawa. Trip to be taken anytime before I: Dec. 15, 1976 Watch Olympie gymnasts in action 'THE WINSTONETTES' 6 special exhibition appearances Performances. held at the MeacDonald Ford Booth Sat. and Sun. afternoons. Démonstrations by Durham Régional Police maigic of MR. T ED CURL Enjoy the harmony ofe t h THE COUNTY TONSINGERS Fri. and, Sat. at 7:00 P. M. Hi! My name is Jennifer Ann Easton and I was one-year-old on March 24th, 1976. My mom and dad are Linda and Alan Easton of Port Hope and my grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Don Easton, ail of Bowmanville. Separ teSchool Su ppo-rters Also Bing Hit by Tax Rise Net unlike supporters cf the public school system, those paying their sebool tax toward the separate school system cof Peterborough - Victoria - Northumberland and New- castle will face an increase. this year. The average increase te hit the separate sehool supporters in '76 wili be $30. As is the case with other boards, the Roman Catholie Separate School Board is receiving less in provincial grants this year as the governmeet moves te make local taxpayers bear more cf the burden for education speedieg. The budget for the separate sehool board is up 21.2 per cent over the 1975 figure cf $6230,497 te $7,551,328. Chairman of the board, Geraid OToole said foliowing the passing cf the budget iast week the board 'did every- thing we could" te keep budget costs down this year, OSHAWA AUDITORIUM Fri. - Sat. -,Sun. APRIL 23@24e25 Over 100 Exhibits Home Improvement, Decorating, Entertainment ,Crafts 'a,, ' Demonstration s, Films THE LITTLE EX ISTHE BIG EXPERIENCE DOOR CRASHER SPECIAL Friday, April 23rd 1:00Op.m. to 4:00p. m. ADMISSION 75c (Discount Coupons Not Valid) adding that "we would have loved te be mucb iower". Peter Roach, director cf education explained that "What the provincial gevern- ment bas told us is, 'You can spend more money this year. but you've get te get it yourself. Mr, OToole advised that more than haif cf the increase te taxpayers is a compensa- tien for the cuts ine provincial support. The separate schooi board conducted al cf ita ,budget deliberations behind closed doors while other boards have held budget meetings in public ie order te let the public be aware of the difficulty in making decisions this year. Salary costs are up 21 per cent over '75, transportation is up 40 per cent and inflation bas affected costs cf supplies and services Mr. OToole expiained. A total cf $65,000 will come out cf this year's budget for costs related te the radiation probiem at St. Mary's school ie .Port Hope. That school was closed in December '7 whee a higb level cf radiation was dis- covered. The board bas been forced te move equipment from the school te temporary, rented space while investing $40-45,000 on ventiiating machinery which failed te clear up the probiem. O.BITUARY BERWYNNE DAVID TILLCOCK Fami [y, relatives and friends were saddened te leare cf the death cf Berwynne David Tiiicock, aged 62, on Friday, April 9tb, 1976 in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. H1e had been iii with cancer for appreximately three or four monthis. Bore and educateci in Peter- borough, he was the son cf the late Herbent and Gertrude Tiilcock, formenly cf Peter- borough and Toronto. On dune l7th, 1939, he was married te Rita Eileen Caswell. A resi- dent cf Bowmanvile for 15 years, he had previeusly resided at York Milis Gardens, Leaside. Retired for tbree years and a haif, Mr. Tillcock had been empioyed as a saiesman for Eaton's fer 35 years and with Cliff Milis Motors, Hank Dicks Motors, Gus Brown Motors and Robson Moters. A great heme-maker, and family man, he enjoyed gardeeing, and wood-workîng as hobbies. A fornier member cf the R.C.A.F., be was aise a member cf, the Royal Can- adian Legion Brancb 178. H1e leaves te mourn bis passing bis wife Rita, a son David, daugbter-in-iaw Mary, and cne grandaugbter, Char- lynne Margaret. Reverend Thomas Gracie officiated at the funeral service beld on Monday, at the Nortbcutt Elliott Funeral Home. Paîl-bearers were 'Messrs. Kingsley Van Nest, Stewart McTavisb, Donald MacRae, Thomas Clements, Casey Den- hertcg and Jim Hutchinson. Henerary paîl-bearers were Messers Mark Rcegnik, Walton Pascee, Keith Jack- son, Leslie Coombes, George Young and Clare Oakley. Many beautiful floral offer- Durham East PC's Choose AnnualM Durham East Progressive1 Conservative executive metr recentiy inOsbawa te choose the delegate wbo will attend the Annual Meetings cf the Ontarie P.C. and Women's Associations. Delegates te the Ontario P.C. meeting on May 13 te 16 in Toronto are Deug Terwille- gar, Hampton; Sam Cureatz, Newcastle; Marlon Manders, Kendal and fromn Osbawa Dick Donald, Bill Austin,- Lorraine Operatior Copp Shees, a Vancouver based subsidiary cf Mahert Shees cf Toronto, bas taken ever the operation cf 21 Maher Shoe Stores scattered througbout the Province cf« Ontario. TheCopp firm, wbicb will seon celebrate its 5th anniversary, currently operates stores, mainly inj B.C. and Aberta. This move wili bring a change te the long-established Maher store located at 7 King Street, Bowmanviile. Management cf the new Copp store wiii remain in the capable and familiar bands cf Mr. Don Pattersen who, for ings attesting te the esteemn in which the deceased was beld were received, among which were ones fromn Cliff Milîs Moters, Generai Motors, Material Centrol, the Royal Canadian Legion, donations te the Cancer Fund. Interment was in Bowman- ville Cemefery. reeting Delegates Kudia and Betty Lunn. Alter- Street, Oshawa the. members natives are R-ay Lunn, Mike made arrangements for the Armstrong and -Peter Magda official opening of' the new ail of Oshawa. office, suggested fund-raîsing Attending the Ontario P.C. projects for the comning Womens Annual Meeting in months and discussed1 the Toronto on April .10 and 11 are interest being s ;iin Marianne Zakarow, Bowman- organizing a Y.P.C, Associ- ville, Betty Lunn, Oshawa and ation for the riding. alternate Marion Manders. The Annual Meeting and Kendal.Election of Officers of the Kennlh.PC cn Durham East P.C.'s will be eti n g oficte PC. cn- eld on May 10 in Bowman- stîtenc cflice on ing ville. ~s H as.Token O ver l of Maherr Stores many years, has been meeting Copp store is the wide the footwear needs cf Bow- selection cf hand-bags. Here manville residents in a friend- ly and knowledgeabie way. Sa Mr. Patterson is excitedNo about this transition -- partic- S f t l ularly as it relates to the m One pi ece steel re- merchandise. Higher grade, inforced concrete steps fine quality shoes will be i aeyted rvn stocked, including-such weîî- *safey reds reen known names as Gale, Nunn- 0 Maintenance Free Bush, Joyce, Ceiebrity, Sav- * nraeheauo age, and Baby Bear. your home Along witb these more a Expertly replaced in conservative brand-name hours notodays, by our types, Copp has a strong irained installation crews "young-fashion" image. Don M Many sizes ot sîeps Patterson says that this Copp and porches tradition of young up-te-the- minute styling wiii be carried Ceal MrUntQa into the Ontario stores, but not L -aali at the expense of quality; the Step for your emphasis will be on superior free estiat merchandise. Special attention will be gîven to the sale cf cbildren's shoes. Savage shees are buit on'the correct iasts for yeung growing feet, and these wiii be carefuily fitted by exp erienc- ed personnel' Another feature cf the new again, whether imported, from Europe, or supplied by Canada's leading hand-bag manufacturers, the quality- plus-f ashion guidelines will prevail. The customer will choose from a variety of styles and colours, many handsomr ly crafted from rich supp, leathers. Acidn William Cowell of 102 Rock- borough Street, Oshawa, is charged by Durham Regional Police, Division 16, (Bowman- ville) with failing to remaîn and additionally charged by the Oshawa detachment with impaired driving on being apprehended there. The accident occurred about 7:05 p.m. involving the Cowell vehicle, a 67 Pontiac which sustained damage of $125 to the right front and a 67 Chevelle operated by Doreen Youngman, also of Oshawa with $100 to the left rear. sValue ality ornamental io aln flabie in ail sizes PATIO SLABS &I UB O iA L I T PRE-CAST CONCRETE 623-4425 BOWMANV ILLE (Division of Port Hope Ready Mix) Drop by our CKLB Broadcast Trouler at the Civic Auditorium April 23- 24- 25 und say ýhellooI OF RE E- Metric Information *F R EE ExoSovnr (while they last) *Pick up your F REE7etryform, makig yo elgibl toWin ea ROPER Auotic Disých washe r (model 85 94) CKLB 1350- CKLB13 50- CKLB 1350 Your chance to win.. A specially decorated Olympic FORD MUSTANG or PINTO (for one month) Courtesy olf MacDonald Ford Show Hours:' FRIOAY APRIL 23 1 p.m. ta 10 P.m. SATURDAY, APRIL1 24 11 a.m. tla10 p.m. SUN DAY, APRIL 25 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. ADMISSION $1.50 Children under 12 accompanied à ý; ý 1, , 1 1 -'l, '- "Il,". -l- Illilàlllýlý,llý.iý 1 il 1 i 1 il 1 il mmmmllîllmujffl .............. 11 i i 111 ý 1111 i: i ! ýi : il 1 i 1 î il, il iill;il;lii, ils All iron raîling CURBS 'Y , M@mmmmmllý--

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