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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1976, p. 13

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s. -* * I-e CLOSS - Christian is pleased ta announce the safe arrivai of his baby sister, Jennea Mich- ele, born April 20, 1976, 8 ibs. 2 ozs. Pmaud parents are Mich- ael and Jeannine. Grandpam- ents Pat and Camai Caneli, Bowmanvilie and John and June Closs, Oshawa. Great g randpaments 'Jack and Olive Class, Auora. 16-ix CRYDERMAN - Cari and Bey (nee Burgess) are pleas- ed ta annaunce the birth of their second daughtem, Rebec- ca Kate, born April 15, 1976 at Guelph Genemai Hospital. A sister for Susan. Proud grand- parents are Syd and Eteanore Burgess, Oshawa and Howard and Florence Crydemman, Bowmanviile. 24th greaf grandchild for Mrs. Robert Vickemy of Oshawa. 16-lx HAMILTON - Roy and/ Madelîne are happy, ta an- noiînc-p the safe arrivaI of their son, Bruce Roy, born March 31, 1976 at Peter- boroug h Civic Hospital, wei ghin g 9 t bs. 4 ozs. A brother for Lisa, Pmoud gandmother s Mrs. Verna Hartwig of Kittatoe. Speciat thanks ta Dr. Chambers and maternity staff. 16-1 MOTHERSILL - Patrick and Lynn (nee Adams) are proud ta announce the safe arrivaI of their second chitd Jody Lynn, a sister for Jason, on April lSth, 1976 at Memoriat Hospi- tat, Bowmanvitte. 16- lx NIXON - Bob and Helen (nee Stec) wish ta announce the birth of their son 8 lbs. il ozs,. Apr-it 14. A brother for Robbie. ud grandparents are, Mr. a Mm,,s. Ken Nixon and Mr. nd Mrs. Adam Stec of Orono. 16-1 STEPHENSON - James and Judy (Maxwell) are proud'ta, announce the birth of their second daughter, Elizabeth Ann, on March 16, 1976 at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville weighing 7 tbs. 12 ozs. Her happy sister is Jennifer. Gandpaents are M. and Mrs. Russ Maxwell and Mm. and Ms. Jim Stephenson, att of Bowmanville. 16-i Mm. and MrVs. Lyte .1-. CarraIt of Kendai, Ont. are pleased ta announce the engagement of their daughter, Cathy Dawne Ogden ta Brad- ley Date Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mý.urray Adams of Bowmd'ivilie, Ont. 16-1 Mm. &Mrs. Maurice Proctor, Bockviile and Mrs. Percivat LeGestey, Paspebiac, Gaspe, announce the eng agement of their ch ildmen, Susan El iza- beth, Prorctor and Barry P. LeGresley. The wedding wili '-e place May 8th, at the ýt Presbyterian Chumch, e 6-0- Mm. and Ms. Bud Perfect are happy ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their dlaughter,-Joan Loreen, ta Mr. Kimbemly James Burtch. The, mamiage ta take place Satur- day, May 29, 1976, St. John's Anglican Church at 3 o'ciock. 16-1 x PRESCOTT- At Extendicare Nursing Centre, Oshawa, Sat- urda, April l7th, 1976, ýAly- mer ýesctt, in his 86th year, dear brother of Alfred, Osh- awa, Edgar, rooklin, and Mavise (Mrs. Wilbert Smith), Oshawa. Service was held in the Marris Funerai Chapel, Bawmanville, Monday affer- noon. Interment Prince Albert Cemetery. 16-1 SAUNDERS - At Bowman- ville Hospital, Tuesday, April l3th, 1976, Ruby M. Saunders, wife of the tate Harry Saund- ers, Sm., dear mother of Harrm G. Saunders, dear grand- mother of George, Brian, Jennifer and Michael. Service was held in the Marris Funeral Chapet, Bowman- ville, Thursday evening. Cremation. 16-1 he tamîy af Arthur SMain- ton, naw inta his 92nd yeam af living, extend a wamm invita- tion ta aitl its fiends at 1 reception in his hanour. The place- the home of his daughfem and son-in-law Eiteen and Tom Sobit, R.R. 3, Bawmanville, on Satumday, April 24th, 2 ta 4, and 7 ta 9 p. M. 15-2x Mm. anld Mrs. Walter Snidem, 333 Gibb Street, Apt. 5, Oshawa, will be at home ta their friends and relatives at the Oshawa Free Methadist Church on Trull's Road South, Courtice area, ta cele- brate their 5Oth wedding anniversamy on May 1sf, between 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. No gifts please '- Iusf best wishes. ,16-1 .............. VENNING - Robert Orr. At Ross Memomia1 Hospital, Lindsay, on Sunday Aprit il, 1976, Orr Venning (late of Cabocank and Blackstack) deariy ioved husband of Edna Thompson, dear brother of Alice (Mms. E. Hale) of Coboconk, alsa predeceased by several brothers and sis- fers, in his 68th yeam. Rested at the chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, Port Pemry. Ser- vice was heid on Aprit 2Oth. Interment Unian Cemetery, Cadmus. 16-1 COWLING - AT Oshawa Hospital, MondayApril l9th, 1976, Richard Murray Cawl- ing, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, aged 51 years, dear brother of Stanley, Bill, Audrey (Mms. Lloyd Snowden), Kathleen Tennant, mrena (Mrs. George Tabb), Liii (Mrs. Flayd Smith), George, Hilda (Mrs. Etton Brock) and Fred Clair. Service was heid in the Morris Funeral Chapet, Bowman- ville, on Wednesdlay affer- Pnoan. Intemment Bowmanville Cemetery. 16-i MOU NTJOY - H. Donald. At MountForesf Hospital, April 14, 1976. Beioved husband of Elteen Jones, dear father of Keifh, Toronto, Janet <Mrs. Robert McManus), Mount Forest, Linda (Mrs. Jim Murray), Lorie of Bowman- ville, son of Mms. Cecil Wood, Oshawa and the late Elgin Mountjoy, Haydon. Dear brother of Fabian, Bowman- ville. Funerai was held Aprit 15, 1976. Cremation. MARTIN - At Hittsdate Manor, Oshawa, Thursday, ApritlS1th, 1976, Winnifred (Mytes) Martin, Haydon, aged 85 years, wife of the tate William Martin, dear mother 0f Delberf, Fiorida, Giadys (Mrs. John Potts), Haydon, gmandmother of 6 grandchild- ren and 7 great-grandchild- ren. Service was heid in the Marris Funerai Chapel, Bow- manville, Saturday affernoan. Interment Bethesda Ceme- tery. 16-i CARNATION For AIl Yaur Flower Needs STOP IN AND SEE URWEEKEND SPECIALS THEY'RE HARD TO bEAT Carnaftion Flowem Shop 33 Division St, 623-7141 "F Iowers Say it SBest" VAN BELLE DAILY Delivery f... Oshawa - Bwmanville Are& Phone 623-4441 43-tf Since 1912 IFlowers by JACKMAN. .. .sayîtbest! 12PHONE 623-3365 12King Sf, E. BowmanvilJe 45-tf Durham County's Oldest Fu neral Service MORRIS FUNERAL CHAPEL 4 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE TWO OFF-STREET PARKING AREAS Phone 623-5480 Day or Night Serving this district for 96 years. Funeral Home Service to your needs . . . . our f irst concern. So that you wilI be relieved from worry and detail. 53 DIVISION STREET, BOWMANVILLE 623-5668 16-1 KING - At Scarborough Generai Hospital, Friday, April i6th, 1976, Eva King, aged 43 years, beloved wife of John (Jack) King, dear moth- er of Patricia, -Marilyn, Bar- bara and Gloria. Service was held in the Morris Funerat Chapet, Bowmanvitte, on Monday afternoon. Interment Bowmanvitle Cemetery. 16-1 CHAPMAN - In toving mem- ory of a dear husband and father Chartes who passed away April 26, 1971. Always a smile instead of a f rown Always a hand when one was down Always true, thoughtful and kind, Wonderful memomies he teft beh ind. - Lovinaly remembemed and missed, Ruby and tamily. 16-1 MULDREW - In loving memorv of a dear sister, Viola, who passed away Aprit 241h, 1914. The months have grown day by day, It's now 2 years since she went away Thoughtsý are full and hearts do weigh Without hem here ta shame the way Time may duil the hand of fate But memomy forever, wiii recaîl this date You still tive an, in the heamts and minds 0f the ioving famiiy you left behind. - Sadly rnissed by sister Elva, and brother-mi-aw William. 16-1 SHACKLETON - In loving menoory of a dear Father, Gmandfathem and Great Gmandfather who passed away Aprit 20, 1973.' Our heamts stiti ache in sadness And secret tears stili fait What if meant ta lose you No one wiit ever knaw When the day is sad and ianeiy And evemything goes wmong We seem ta hear you whispem Cheer up and carry an, Each time we see your pictume You seem ta smiie and say Don'f cmy t'm aniy sleeping WeIl meet agaîn someday. -Lavingiy remembemed and dearty missed by his famiiy, Edna and Stewart Jarvie, MrR u sl arRt famiiy, Fred, Shirley ai-nd ai!iy. 16-1lx For the surprise pamty gîven n honor of aur 35fh wedding anniversary heid at the Dufch Oven, Aprit lOfh, we wish ta express aur sinceme thanks and appreciation toalaitrela- tives, and friends for their gaod wishes, cards, fiawers and gifts, especially thase who came such a long distance ta be with us an this vemy memomable occasion. Special thanks ta aur chiidmen,- Jim and Lise, Ed and Sylvia, John and Linda who made this anather unfargettabie day for us ta cherish. Thank yau again and God Biess. Rem and Laura Vanhaverbeke We wish ta express our sinceme thanks and appredia- flain ta relatives, fiends and neighbors for floral tributes, cards, donations ta The Cana- dian Cancer Society and ail expressions of sympathy and kindness shown ta us in the ioss of a beloved husband, ,father, -gmandfather and brother, Lesiie Roy, Graham. Special fhanks fa Rev. E. L. Bigby and Northcuft Eliiott Funerat Home for their thaughtfulness. Mrs. Ethel Graham Mr. and Mms. Roy Graham and tamily, Mm. and Mms. James Graham and famiiy, Mrs. Hilda Crossman 16-lx The famity af the lafe Berwvnne Tillcock wishes ta express their sincere fhanks and deepest gratitude ta ail who heiped during aur recent bereavement. Many thanks for the beautiful floral tri-, butes, the donations ta the Cancer Society, and the lovely cards we received. A speciai thank you ta aur neighbors, to the Bridge Club, to the Mamtha qrmoup ao St. John's, ta Rev, Gracie, and ta the Nothcutf Eiliott Funerai Home far ait their kindness, help, and undemstanding at this tîme. Rita, David and Mary Tii lcock 16-1 The Saunders famiiy would like fa express a pprestation and thanks fa Dr. E. D. Hubbard the nurses and staff of Marnwoad Nursing Home, and Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviiie for their kind- ness and help fo Mrs. Ruby Saunders and ta neighboms and friands wha assisted in a time af need. 16-1 M y amily and 1 at this time wou (Id like ta express aur thanks ta aur neighbors and friends for their kind thaught- fuiness at aur tîme 0f ber- eavement. Mrs. Sadie Landry and tamily. 16-1 vve Zwls T) express Vur heartfeltthanks and apprecia- flan ta aur relatives, friends and neighbors for floral tri- butes, donations ta Ihe Cancer Fund and expressions of sympathy showr us in the los of a loving mother and gandmther. Special thanks ta Haydon Club U~ Ladies fom servi-ig lunch,' ta Rev. Etgby anîd Marris Funerai Chapel for their kindness. Delbemt and Margaret Marlin andi family, Jack and Gladys Patts Sohina Hall SATURDAY, APRmIL 24 Music by Ray Avery's Orchestra 16-1 cubs Boif le Drive April124, 1976 Time - 9:30 -10-00 a.m. Have ail returnable baffles and sheils ready and the boys wii11 be araund ta pick fhem up. T HAN K 'OU Wolf Cub Boy Scouts af Canada Bowmanville Amea West Durhamn District Bowma nviI le Badm'intnCu LAST CANC Please pu,&a ikef o May 1sf dance by Saîuday, April 24th. Contact Marg Bain affer 5 p.m. 623-2661 Lindsay Little Ilheaire pre- sents Thornton. Wi!de rs' ciassic "Our Town- directed by Roy Higgins an eveing of nastaigia, laugi-fer and t"sars! Thursday, April 29; Friday, Aprit 3Ofh ,and Saturd-yy May 1, 8:30 p.m. Aaem etr Lindsay. Ti.kets $2 5,'No Reserved Seais. Speýci'al 3fu- dent and senior ci-' r -ticket price -Thursday, Ap h Yo': $1.50. CatiAcademy Ibst-,e 705-324-9111.16 Dance-Pntpo Co, April 24 -Tlhe BLue LI as $ couple. Reresfý mens 16-1 Club Annrene D-ce a nd Banquet' Hall aalb"for your graup's tund raîsing activities. Book your next year's dates naw whiic chaice dates are stîli available. Contact Don Armnstrong at 576-5522 or 576-6599. 48tfi MONSTER BINGQ New Startïng Time ITHURSDAY -7:30 PM. Sponsored by, Oshawva Minor SoIftball JUBILEE' PAVILlON OS H AWA WOODVI EW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO NEXT MONDAY' 7:45 P.Mý RED BARN - WAYNE ST. OSHAWA 21tfI Kendai W. i.Penny Sale, Aprit 24th in kendat Public. Schooi. Draw te begîn at 8 p.m. 16-1 Country and WesIern Dance, Part Hope Lisons Centre, Safurday, Apr i 24. Music by Fay Adams andi the Country Hîts. Dancing9 - 1. 16-1 x Pancake supperApr!i-4, 1976 , 5 p.m. to 7 ar35 Division St., Sal tfonn y Sth Bovwrnanvilîl-eu. c Cubs. Admission $.(. 16-1 House foui, spansoreci by Bowmanville Kineffes, May lSth, 10 a.m. f04 p.rr. $3,00. Tickets available tram Kin- eattes or cati 623-4735. ATTENTION Ail Single, Separated Divorced, Unattachesi Adults A super new club fomming, otfering a dance every Saturday nighfý Weekend bus and Air tripsonceE-e mn en jayrenf t imge pers-ans Weaown aur own dînce hall and travel ager&y Membemshîp $5.00 yearlv For information Cati 725-4344 UNAkTTACHED ADULTS CLUB DANCE Club Annrene Scugag Iland Every Saturday Night For information Phone 725-4344 15-8 Sunshine Party Tours Mystery Taur Sunday, April 25 Lanark and Perth WKitten Sweaters and Naturatizer Shoe Outiet) Wednesday, May Sth. Rochester Liac Festival May 14 - l7th. For information write: SUNSHINE PARTY TOURS Box 214, Port Hope or P2HONE 372-9961 15-2 Pairticipation Housý-e Benef it Euchre Party Friday, April 23 8: 00 St. Paul's Unifedl Church Hall Admission 31.00 FUN - PRIZES REFRESHMENTS Sponsored by: Sf. PauI's Golden Years Club Praceeds ta be given to Participation House Appeal 16-1 Courtice Secondary Schaal1 Drama Club presentS SOUTH PACIFIC - Starts Tonight - (Apr 121 - 24) 8:0p,m at B.H. S. Auditorium Tickets available at door at 7: 00 p. m. Aduits $2.50 Students 31.50 The C.S.S. Band wiII play fram 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. Rummrage Sale SPECIAL ALL ITEMS lOc FRlDAY, APRIL23rd 7-9 p.m. K'naxChýý,ristian Schoal 16-1 Wall Hanging and Macrame Exhibit, Now At BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 62 Temperance St., Bowmanville 623-7322 Dance in Kendal Orange Hall, Saturday, May 1 st. Sponsored by the Orange I osge. Music by Coupie's Club O r ch est1r a. Evemyone welcome. 16-2 DANCE St. JsphsHall Sa t., LMAy 19 - 1 a. m. Music by "The Saphires" $4,00 per couple 16-2x MAPLE GROVE EAST P.S. Bazaar & Tea Bake table, handicraff, games, white elephant etc. PROCEEDSTO Playground Equipmen. Came and have an enjoyable Saturday affemnoan. May 8, 1976 1 - 4p.m. 16-3 Grand OIe Opry NASHVILLE TENNESSEE Four days ta Music Cify U.S.A. Fram $115 per persan. May 24th Weekend We have twa buses f rom fthe Oshawa area. ARMSTRONG TOURS 81 Richmond St. W. Oshawa Phone 725-4344 15-3 BINGO NE WCASTL E COMMUNITY HALL Tues., April 27th Eamly Bird Gamnes 7:30 Regula r Binga 8: 00 $400 in Prizes PLUS $500 JACKPOT Sponsored by NEWCASTLE LIONS ___ URGENTLY REQUIRÉ We have cash buyeî! Newcasf e arS homes in the Bowma and Rereaion area. Perhaps your A Girls Gymties isia be pleased fa appraise wili be heid at te Bwa- you and help you local ville High School o atma "home ot yoÛl- dreams" April 24th beçginnin a9:0 friendty efficient sale of a.m. The GymnesiCasi is home, cail P. & R.F under the direionof Company, Realtor, BE Miss Barbaia Anig Rd, and No. 2 Hwy., Bol152 ville 576-6120. CORN planter, 4 row, trait type, Ford modet No. 311. Cati 623-7176. 16-1 STRAW for sale. Phone 623- 2111. 16 lx 36" ADMIRAL electric stove, white, 4 burner, in good condition. Ideat for cottage. Phone 623-4158. 16-1 7 HORSEPOWER ridtng trac- tor with mower, snow blade, chains. Best offer. Phone 786-2441. 16-1 1973 COLEMAN hardtop tent trailer. Sleeps 6, has canopy, 12 volt converter, Coleman 68 quart icebox, 3 burner range, 12 gallon watertank, etc., in excellent condition. Price $1600. Phone 623-4824. 16-1 SWIMMING Pool: Deluxe, Redwood, above g round pool. 16 x 24. 1 yr. old. Repossessed by bank, sacrifice 12 price. Caîl Mr. Harvey, cottect, days or evenings, 416-625-8819. il tf COMPRESSORS, generators, electric motors, grinders, drill presses, heavy duty power 0oos, etc. Saws sharpened. Wc selI, buy and trade. Open Saturdays. Ace Machinery, 859A Nelson St., Oshawa. Phone 723-0933., 46-hi LIKE NEW 24,000 B.i.U. Westinghouse air-conditioner. Air conditions full size home. Cati 1728-1122. 12-tf FILM P ROC ESS ING CHIL DR E N'S PHOTOS Camneras and Photographic Supplies 78 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2404 Swimming Pool Sacrifice Leading. Manufacturer and distributor has above ground alumninum pools left over from 1975 season, 1/2 price, guaran-' teed installation and terms. Cali Credif Manager, collect, Mississauga 416-625-8819 daysý or evenings. S-tf PETERSON Music Ca. 390 King St. W., Oshawa. Phone 723-2259. We buy and selil, new and used organs and pianos. Organ, piano and guitar tessons. 15-3 Fuller Brush Products CONTACT Clarence Bell 137 Liberty Street North Phone 623-5939 A salesman in Dartington Township. 15-tf MASSEY Ferguson Super 90 and Massey Ferguson 65 with or without motor. M. H. Pedwell 987-4331. - 16-1 POTATOES - Kenebec. Cali Bruce Taylor, 263-2741. 16-1 HAY, 200 bales. Phone 263- 8814. 16-1 Sale of Repossessed Furniture'Etc. New ADMIRAL HI FI Sterea Multiplex wifh changer i beaufiful walnuf cabinet. Record and tape deck storage. Vaîued af $429.00 - Sale $226.00 2 PC. CHESTERFI ELD Valued $589.00- Sale $387.00 COLOU R TV $229.00 - B & W TV's, Low Boy $83,00 LOVE SEAT Value $295.00- Sale $187,00 New MORSE ZIG ZAG machines -ironing boards, baby strollers. On view Safurday, Apri 124 af 1 p.m. or caîl 623-7684. Add Fed. Tax. AIl Sales Final. ELLENDEL MULTICOM -52 Queen Street, Bowmanville 16-1 FREE ESTIMATES Sof fit - Facia - Eavestrough - Siding - Storm Doors and Windows' AAMCO HOME S IDING 623-6828 SAVE YOURSELF!! Rotary Club of Bawmanvilîe wiII be holding a Giant Bazaar Sale of first class merchandise (No Rummage), on Safurday, May 1, at the Bowmanviîle High School. Proceeds for senior citizen, youth and playground projects. 26 days remaining for all citizens ta rest up. Games, free baîloons, entertainment and refreshments. Donations or A-i merchandise will be gratefully accepfed (Please No Clothing or Rummage). Rotary wiII be canvassing Bowmanvilîe on Saturday, April 24. BOWMANVILLE - GET READY!! Citizens ivirig outside Bowmanvjlle interested in danating items may drop their contributions off at: ORONO - Orono Weekîy Times Office HAMPTON - Sfoch's ShelI Service Station and Lunch COURTICE - Reg. Johnson, R.R, 3, Bowmanville (South East Corner of Nash and Preston Road) N EWCASTLE - The law office of Sam Cureatz, 35 King St. W., opposite the Town Hall. 15-1 Purina Pet Food Specials 1 - 50 lb. Bag Dog Chaw $10.47 10 - 50 lb. Bags Dog Chow $99.00 10 kg Bag Caf Chow $7.80 10 kg Bag Seanip Dinner 37.52 1 - 50 lb. Bag Rabbit Chow 34.40 40 - 50 lb, Bags Rabbif Chow $166.00 50 lb. Bag Pigeon Checkers 35.45 50 lb. Bag Racing Pigeon Checkers $6 .25 Vanstone Flour & Feed Mill i3owmativiIIe 62 16-1 OSHAWA * SCREENED SAND GRAvEL & STONE LIMESTONE PRODUCTS îc ALL SIZES FOR ORIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS ~~ DI TOi'SOIL & OIRT FILL C- DELîVEREO OR REMOVEO rs for TRUCK<S & LOADERS FOR RENT anville SNOW REMOVAL home ?Well Sif for ite the i.For )f your Realty ýennett SOLINA RD. N. yvrnafl 1 MILE NORTH 0F HIWAY 2. SAND & GRAVEL SUPPLY The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Aprit 21, 1976 ~ DEA D LINEl AFOR CLASSIFIED Tues-$,12nooný m-... ... FRIOGE - stave. Best offer. Phone 623-3303 16-1 BOYS' ten speed bicycle, good condition. Phone 263-2940. 16-1 GARDEN Rota-tiller, 3 h.p. north star; gaod condition. 37 Prospect Street. 16-1 1971 WOODS tent trailer, sleeps six, prppane tank and stove. Caîl 623-7788 after fîve. 16-1ix ELECTROHOME cassette tape deck, records and plays back,, asking $150. Phone 623-2661 atter 5 16-1 INFANT car seat, mesh car bed, jolly iumper with stand, electric sterilîzer, baby lounge and-pram with 13 inch whee Is. Ail are in "like new" condi- tion. Sald as a group anly. Caîl 623-7456 after 6 p.m. 6l 30" MOFFATT range, auto- matic aven, rotisserie and timer, excellent condition. Norge dryer, good condition. Phone 1-986-4737. 16-1 CHESTERFIELD suites, dressers, cedar chest, dres- sing table, lîbrary table, platform rocker, typewriter, liquor cabinet, exercise bike, portable sewing machine, hi-fi set, aid radio, diningroom table, coffee tables, baby articles. Towne Used Furnt-- ture, 19 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. 16-1 1974 HARDTOP trailer with sink, stov, !ce box and hydro hookups. $1250. Phone 623-2849. 16-be 1972 ARCTIC CAT, will trade for camper, 1 boy's 20" bike, 1 g i rl's 18" baike. Phane 579-5957. 16-ix 14' CEDAR strîp boat, $200, winclshield, steering wheel and contrais. Phone 623-4821. 16-1 BRIGGS and Stratton 5 horse garden tractar; 8" plow for tractar; cultivator for tractor; circular saw and table for tractor; camplete package ý riced ta seli. Apply ta Alex rew, R.R. 3, Bawmanviîle. Phone 728-2122 after 5 Manday ta Friday. 16-1 x MANURE, Phone 728-2410. 16-1 x ANTIQUE CLOCKSý -REPAIRED- Parts available for most ant-i, que- docks, packet watchesý' and modemn watches-and, dlocks. Our repairs are done witK imodemn up-ta-date equipmenti and qualified Swiss, trained watchmater. HQOPER'S JEWELLERS LT O. 29 King St. East Phone 623-5747 34-f Wharfside Marine Supplies AIl your canvas needs. Customn boat and sali covers, sun awnings, boat cushions, upholstery, seat recovering, tarps and repairs. Phone 623-6551 15-2 McCORMICK seed drill, fer. tilizer and hay seed attach- ment, 15 disc. $400. McCor- mick combine, 6 ft. with mator $500. Phane 728-5919. 16-1 ONE Cooey autamatic 22 calibre rifle, 2 magazines, A-i condition $65. One 12 gauge pump action Mossburg shot- gun like new, in case, $165. Phane 623-6397 af ter 9 p. M. 16-1 TWO boys bicycles in goad working order. One $20 and one $25, 104 King St. E., Bowmanvil le, 623-2473. 16-1 APP LES on special this week anly. Secands - macs $2.25 and seconds - delîciaus $2.50. Cali Bill Feddema at 263-2074. No Sunday sales. 16-1 SEED FOR SALE Certif ied Oafs, Barley and White Beans. PEDIGREED SEED DOESN'T COST IT PAYS. 23-777 Ceresmore Farms )23-5777dM - ~ 623-3552 or 623-7233 16-6. HAY a pproximately 400-500 bales. Phone 623-7538. 2 15-tf Pioneer& Stewart Seeds We sfill have some fa, performers available for grain or silage. We also have ALFALFA, SORGHUM and TREFOILin stock. Cali John Baumchen BLACKSTOCK 986-4774 15-5x TEAKWOOD, Scandinavian, Danish, bedroom, comnpiete; dininq roam, 9 plece; living raom; wall unit, cotTee laries, new fumniture, very measan- able. Phane 1-247-4377. 10-tf ""RADIALS"' Sizes ta fit mast cars. $160. Per Set of 4 PINERIDGE TIRE SALES 27 Simpson Ave. Bowmanville Phone 623-4866 13-tf "Mag Wheels,'" Sizes ta fit most cars. $35. each PINERIDGE TIRE SALES 27 Simrpson Ave. Bowma nvi île Phone 623-4866 13-tf SWIMMING pool for sale: Moving - will seil you 16 x 32 abave graund Modular Red- wood Pool at sacrifice price of $3000. Savings of $2100. 1975 model, caîl 416-625-2719, days or evenings, collect.' il-tf PADDY'S Market now naý new furniture, apptiances, T.V.s and stereos and atsc, used furniture and appl iances Witl accept trade-ins. Paddy'E Market, Hampton, phone 263 2241. 33t, USED Furniture and Appti- ances. Paddy's Market Hamptan 263-2241. 26-t. SWIMivtlNG Pool less thar. one year aid. Fanta Sea above ground redwood 16 x 24, cost $4,500. Must seil immediately, wîll. sacrifice- savings of $2,000. Caîl Fanta Sea Service Centre at 1-416-625-8817 days or evenings collect. CARPETS ot ail kinds, custum made dreipes and sheers, hard- surface flaaring, profession V>, installed. Free estimates Your one stop shopping. F. A. Kramp, 37-41 King St. E., Bowmanville. Furniture, Car- pet and Drapes. 3t USE D pilano for sale. Best offer. Phone 728-1675. S14-tf .WH ITE'S T.V. TOWERS ~~Tower, UHF, VHÉ, Aerials, Rotors & Repairs .APartment & Homes Pre-Wired Ask About Our uurne Phone - - 576-5606 - 30-tf BUNK beds, 100 sets, brand new, cheap. Cati Harr 488- 7911, 3368 Yonge Street, Toronto. 16-4x CEDAR rails, antique stove, swivel chair, steel bed with springs and go cart with or without motor. 1-705-277-2512. 16-2 ANTIQUE Gun Show and Sale, Sunday, Aprit 25. Kins- menl Commu nity Centre, 109 Caibomne St. W., Oshawa. Doors open 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Admission $1.00. Ladies free. 16-1 CULLIGAN water condition- er, Lazy-boy chair, canapy bed, and C.C.M. Targa Girt's 10 speed bike. Phone 623-4974. 16-1 WALNUT and brass floor model tri-lamp. $22. or best offer. Phone 623-2088. 16-1 TRAYNOR Bassmete ampli- fier, excellent condition. $120. Phane 623-2752. 16-1 Table Potatoes Also smal11 potatoes for seed. Excellent quality.- PHON E 623-2847 15-2 TRAI LER - Golden Falcon, 21 ft, excellent condition, fuîtl equipped, licensed for '76. Cari 987-5045 after six. 15-3x Ems0 In the Estate of John Albert Fry, late of 117 Scugag Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Ail persans having dlaims ag ainst the Estate of John Abrt Fry, late of 117 Scugog Street, Bawmanviite, Ontario, who died on or about the fîrst day of March, 1976, are hereby required ta send fuit particu- lars of such dlaims to the undersigned on or befome the 3Oth day of April, 1976, atter which date the Estate's assets wiii be distrib 'uted having regard only ta dlaims that have then been received and the undersigned witi not be hiable ta any persan of whose dlaims she shail not then have notice. Elsie Blanche Fry, Executrix, by hier Solicitars, Lôvekin and Cumeatz, Box 9, Newcastle, Ontario. 14-3 1 1%"El

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