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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1976, Section 2, p. 7

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Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvil le.pril 21, hiÎ6 7 >Solina W.I. Aprîl Meeting, The final meeting of the year for Solina W. was held in the hall on Mon. April l2th, ,ith Baker's Group, Mrs. W. lills and Mrs. H. !Milison in -"charee of the program. The 4-H Club Girls were our guests. After the openîng, with Mrs. F. Watson, our presîdent in charge, Mrs. Hilis was asked to take th chair for the program. Group singing with Mrs. D. Taylor at the piano, set the mood for the Fashion Show to follow. The 4-H Club Clothes for Leisure, Wear was just completed, so! it was anl ideal time for their show. The leaders are to becqmpliment- ed on such a professional performance by ogir 26 girls modelling their attractive out- fits. Mrs. D. Taylor, Mrs. Bernice Watson, Mrs. R. Rowsell and Mrs. lýon Metcalf have had a busy time for the last eight weeks, but one can see it was truly worth while. The stage was attractively arranged in a summýer setting and soft music blended along wxith the enjoyment of the a'y A.2 PLUMBING & NEXTi N and AIR CONDITIONINO TYRONE, ONTAý1O Phone 263-2650« overaîl performance. Laura Kapteyn began the commentating into the 'Land of Make Believe'. The story was continued as ench model appeared from Red Riding Hood to the Big Bad Wolf (Faye Langmaid) (Janice Yellowlees)., one can hardly begin to describe the variety of clothes made by the girls. Long robes over dainty nigbtgowns, sbortie nighties, bathing suit cover ups, lounging wear, sports wear, some long, some short, and some more short set off by the girls youthful figures it was a sight to behold. We don't need to bave Eat ons put on a Fashion Show. We can have one b', our own young ladies. Amber Taylor commentatéd for the second baîf. Wee Sara Metcalf and bier mother Brenda stole the show in the newest mother and daughter costumes. The girls chose their material pattern and trim to suit their own taste. We are envious of their talents and wish we too had the opportunity for this train- ing wbile we were young. Those modelling were Tina Hiemstra, Pauline Taylor, Janice Yellowlees, Faye Langmaid, Joyce Hancock, Annette Taylor, Colette Taylor, Brenda Metcalf and Sara, Katbryn Knox, Laura Kapteyn, Jane His, Penny Traviss (absent), Francine Taylor, Grace Hiemstra, Donna Hancock, Alice Hiem- stra, Nancy Traviss (absent) Valerie Taylor, Catherine Baker, Carmela Fanara, Katherine Koczulab. Lvnn Dimbleby, Barbara Kapteyn, Amber Taylor, and Susan Best. Wben this was concluded, Janice Yellowlees and Tina 11-emstra asked the four leaders to come to the front. Eacb was presented with a rose coloured hydrangea plant by the 4-H, club girls, in apprecion for their leading the club. We add our 'Thank You' also. W.INEWS Now available in Durham Region 24 HOUR SERuVICE by the Durham Home Owners Service ltd. The Co0mpan y was formed by the many yeors combined experience ci respected controctors in the Durham area. Its primary purpose is ta safeguard members from overchargîng and poor workmanlhp. MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS . 24 Hour Emergency Service e*Day or Night Protection e Double Guoranfee a Free Estimates e Guaranfeed Complet ïon e Specialized Service " Latest Methods and moteria!s " One Coul Convenience " Credif Convenierice " All trodes avoulable " Convenient central billing " Expert odvice Lord Elgin School. Choir Leads in Festival Mrs. W. Hulis asked ber group to give their skit on 'How to Deal with too many Door to Door Salesmen.' This idea sprang f rom one member hearing about another group performing a similar theme. Mrs. Hilîs and each member of the group had a part in making up their linEs. The Motto for the evening - Advertisîng should flot be allowed to dictate our decisions', lent itself to the Skit Idea. The openingscene began where a busy, frustfrat- ed housewife (Ida Bray) was frantically trying to get ber housework of washing, iron- ing, and preparing meals done, but kept being inter- rupted by a knocking sales- man. She wanted to attend a WlI. tea, but couldn't leave 50 much work undone. Jean Taylor, ber frieridly neigh- bour called for ber to go but stayed to show Ida how she outwitted the interrupters. She said she insisted on an instant demonstration of the product to show its worth. First was The Maple Leaf Soap - Man - (Mrs. R. Rowsell). She ended up doing tbe Washing, using her pruduct. The next was The Canadian Rocking 'Chair seller, Mrs. H. Milîson; then 'a Clean Sweep Broom' Man (Jerri Aird) who bad to sweep the floor rather unsuccess- fully; Another was an Egg- beater salesman (Ruth Mill- son) who made the dessert for suppcr from 3 large eggs, beaten by ber gadget. Mrs. Grace iem-stra was next with a Super Electrie Iron. She bad to iron the clothes. The final caller was Mrs. Hilîs selling the Book - 'A Place Called Solina'. The comical costumes and humorous dialogue, ail led to the point - Make a Salesman show real proof of theý wortb of their product. Don't buy an article just to get rid of them. Our Better Business Bureau is investigating many frauds. A person must use their common sense, neyer sign an agreement tilI you are sure of yourself. Take days to think over if you really need the item. Talk it over witb your family. Neyer be hasty and sorry later. Once tbe dishonest tradesman is caught he'll be twice shy the next time. Mrs. His and ail the ladies taking part were very enter- taining and at the same time gave us some preparation on bow to receive the fast seller. Our own business fcllowed: Mrs. R. Fraser reported on the Consumer magazine. Uer main theme was also along the same fine as the Skit. Don't sign anything. Mrs. Fraser also read an Easter Card from Lao Ching to the Institute ladies. She was pleased to meet Mr. Bruce Taylor -on bis recent trip f0 China. Mr. Taylor took two pictures of Lao Ching which were passed around for ail to sec: She is looking forward to coming to Canada to meet us ail some day. Mrs. Wm. Ashton reported on the new floor in our hall kitchen which is admîred by all. Suggestion were made on bow to improve our Spring Luncbeon in the future. Al present were well satisfied witb it's resuits. Mrs. D. Pascoe, on behaîf of the Hall Board said they are agreeable if the WlI. wish to go further in covering the basement floor at the hall. Mrs. H. Yellowlees an- nounced that the Eldad U.C.W. will be holding a Bake Sale and hope ail our churcb ladies will donate baking for tbis. A District Fun Fair will be held at Nestieton in October. Our District Annual was announced by Mrs. B. Tink, our District Director. It is May I lth at Trinity Church,ý Bowmanville. We send four delegates besides the district director. Our President, Mrs. Watson, Secretary, Mrs. H. Milîson, P.R.O. Mrs. W. Yellowlees and members at large Mrs. C. Bray. The Annual Business Meet- ing followed Mrs.,H. Milîson giving Secretary Treasurer's Report. Convenor's Reports were giv *en by Mrs. M. Vice, Mrs. R. Davis, Mrs. Wm. Ashton, Mrs. D. Flett, Mrs. H. Milison, Mrs. H. Yellowlees and Mrs. W. Yellowlees. Our Roll Caîl - 'Why We Should Buy Canadian', was given as, each member paid their membership fee for the comn- ing year. We think Canadian goods are best. Mrs. R. Davis reported for the Nominating Committee. The following are elected as Officers for the coming year- Mrs. R. Fraser in charge of Installation, President - Mrs. F. Watson, First Vice Pres. - Mrs. R. Best, Sec. - Mrs. C. Langmaid, Secretary Treasurer- Mrs. H. Milîson, Ass. Sect. Treas. Mrs. M.,Vice, District Direct- or - Mrs. B. Tink, AIl'ernate - Mrs. T. Baker, D.R. Officer - Mrs. W. Yellowlees, Curator, Mrs. H. Yellowlees, Pianist Mrs. C. Langmaid, Ass. Pian- ist, Mrs. R. Pascoe, Branch Directors- Mrsý H. Yellow- lees, Mrs. L. Spires, Mrs. B. Tink, Mrs. H. Knox, Mrs. W. Hilîs,.Committee Convenors - Mrs. R. Cryderman, Mrs. E. Hockady, Auditors- Mrs. M. Vice, Mrs. G. Knox. This concluded the meeting part. We bad a brief glimpse of tbe 4-H Record Books, before we were invited down- staîrs wbere a delicious lunch of meats, breads, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, relishes were atfractively displayed centred by an Easter Basket. We generously served our- selves making sandwiches to suit ourselves or salad plate. Plates of Easter eggs decorat- cd the tables. Mrs. His and ber group certainly wound up our year witb a real "Bang". We look forw~ard to the coming year witb enthusiasm. Mrs. Watson announced the Execut-ive Meeting to plan the new programs for Mon. April 19th. The annual meeting of the W. 1. was held on April l2tb at 8 p.m. in the C.E. Hall. The Roll Caîl was 1. Pay your fee 2. Name a flower beginning with the initials of your first name. A letter was read from our adopted cbild in Korea. An invitation to Honey- dale W . was on May 6th was accepted. Mrs. H. Bradley and Mrs. G. Moffatt will be responsible for items for the program. Ifwsdecided ta-vote $10 on our local school for their tea and bake sale etc. on May 8tb. Mrs. S. Morton, District Director gave ber report of a District Executive meeting. The District Annual will be beld on May Iltb at Trinity United Church in Bowman- ville.. The delegates will be Mrs. H. Bradley, Mrs S. Morton, Mrs. C. Swallow with alter- nate Mrs.' S. Jeffery. The Annual Meeting min- utes were read and the Secretary's report given by Mrs. S.iDoyle., The Financial Report was given by Mrs. Doyle, showing over $600 raised by various projects and $167 being left in tbe Treasury. Mrs. E. Foley gave the Auditors Report. The following reports were gîven: Agriculure and Canad- ian Industries - Mrs. Wm. Polak, Citizenship and World Affairs - Mrs. H. Eeuwes, Education and Cultural Activ- ities - Mrs. G. Besse, Famhîly and Consumer Affairs- Mrs. C. Greenbam, Public Re- lations Officer - Mrs. H. Cryderman, Resolutions- Mrs. G. Moffatt, Curator- Mrs. G. Greenham, Good Neighbours - Mrs. W. Brown, Membership - Mrs. S. Swal- low, Presidents Report - Mrs. H. Prescott.- Mrs. L. C. Snowden seconded the reports as eacb convenor had moved their adoption. Mrs. W. Brown gave the Nominating Committee Report. Miss Pearl Leach, Bo-,mtanville -conducted - the- election of Officers and was in charge of the installation. Mrs. S. Doyle moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. H. Prescott for ber 2 years as President. Mrs. G. Besse, was in charge of the prograrn in Culture. The Motto Grant that we may realize it is the littie things that create differences, that in the big things of lit e we are one was commented on by Mrs. Besse. She said 'We have to understand our' differences and we need to. study to find out how we can live in harmony. We need wisdom for ahl our problems. The common denominator in our lives is love. We need to learn to love our fellow man in spite of difference. Love is patient and kind and slow to anger. We must look to God for guidance. Mrs. Bes se read a short article from a 1939 newspaper wbere the Minister -of Agri- culture was commending the work of W.I. women on their various activities. Tbe new President, Mrs. H. Bradley closed the meeting with asking everyone to repeat 'The Collect' in unison. A Brancb executive meeting will be held on May 3rd at 8 p.m. at Mrs. H. Bradley's. The group in charge served sandwiches, pickles, tea and coffee. the Garden" and "He Chose the Cross" as sisted on the electrie organ by Mrs. Ralph Pfoh. EIders James Gray and Clarence Page assisted the ministers in the service. Little Miss Dianne Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gray, returned home from a Tor onto Hospital on Wed. of this week af ter a brief stay there. Mrs., Etta Robinson of Cavan was a Sunday visitor with the Ray Robinsons. Sorry to report Mrs. Orval Quackenbush was admitted to Port Perry Hospital this week. How high CI an niewvo I nto g07nf jiùBn t ÎÎ OL Nr)n t r10 tees M L the Càt so' jU ArredokrF or s o pln, g ciill aind men-r an hry cm ir, e t aiiarr fo r the tforir )O ' ,Of ]0C1rr1 : L rnn i f s Co bt r y'rs illte r ir r '(L .t 1 1ý O tg y WITTHE CAMADIAP4 YELVRTONCANADIAN FORCES RECRU ITING On Sunday, Communion 25 Sf. Clair Ave. E. rvicc was hl at Yelverton Toronto, Ont. (416) 966-6564 United Church with Rev. Joblin of Lindsay assisting Mr. Ted Powers in its ob- servance. Miss Pamela Stin- son sang two fine solos - "In NOTICE2riTie Mo'bile Recruitlng .Teami.-willb4e in Oshawa. en.-. Wednesday, April 28, 1976 at the Canada Manpewer Centre befween 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. CH ARTERWAYS DAILY BUS SCHEDULE CHARTERWAYS CO. LIMITED 623-381 1 A.M. WEST130UND- MONIJAY TO FRIDAY 5:45 6:45 7:45 8:45 9:45 10:45 11:45 P. M. 12: 45 1:45 2:45 3:45 4:45 5:45 6:45 7:45 8:45 10: 30 6:10 7:10' 8:10 9:10 10:10O 11:10 12:10 1:10 2:10 3:10 4:10 5: 10 6:10 7:10 8:10 9:10 11:00 6:15 7:15 8:15 8:22 9:15 9:24 10:15 10: 22 11:15 11: 24 12:15 12:22 1:24 2:20 3: 20 4: 20 5: 20 6:20 7: 20 8: 20 9: 22 11: 05 8:25 8:27 8:28 10: 25 10: 27 10: 28 12:25 12:27 12:28 9:25 9:27 9:28 6:18 6:20 6:23 7: 18 7:20 7:23 8: 31 9:26 10:31 il1.30 12:31 6: 26 7:26 8:36 9: 32 10:36 11:32 12: 36 1: 30 1: 32 2: 22 2:25 3:24 3:26 3:28 3:32 4:24 4:26 4:29 4:32 5:22 5:25 6:22 6:25 7:22 7:25 8:22 8:25 9:31 9:36 11:10 11:15 6. 32 7:32 8:43 9:38 10:43 11: 38 12:43 1: 34 2: 28 3: 35 4:35 5:28 6:28 7:28 8: 28 9: 38 11:20 6: 33 7:33 8:44 9: 39 10:44 11:39 12:44 1:38 1:39 2:33 2: 34 3: 37 3-38 4:37 4: 38 5:33 5: 34 6:33 6: 34 7:33 7: 34 8:33 8:34 9:43 9: 44 11: 23 1: 25 6: 35 7:35 8:49 9:40 10:49 11:40 12:49 1:40 2: 39 3: 39 4:39 5:39 6:39 7:39 8:39 9:49 11:30 A.M. WESTBOUN D SATU RDAY 5:45 6:10 7: 45 8:10 8: 45 9:10 10:45 11:10 11:45 12:10 P. 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EASTBOUND SUNDAY 6:00 6:15 6: 30 6:32 6:45 6:48 6:50 6:52 6.55 7: 30 7:33 7:35 7:40 7:42 7:43 7:45 7:48 7:49 7:50 7:55 8:20 P.M. P. M. 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:32 2:45 2:48 2:50 2:52 2:55. 3:30 3:33 3:35 3:40 3:42 3:43 3:45 à: 48 3:49 3:50 3:55 4:20 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:32 5:45 5:48 5:50 5:52 5:55 6:00 6:03 6:05 6:10 6:12 6:13 6:15 6:18 ý6:19 6:20 6:25 7:00 10:30 11:00 11:10 11:12 11:20 11:23 11:25 11:27 11':30 11:35 11:36 11:37 11:40 11:41 11:42 11:43 11:45 H:-59 12:00 12:05 12:30 This advertisement is copyrighted and not to be reproduced by photo or other process without permission f rom this newspaper. The Lord Elgin Grade Five Choir lef t their mark on the Kiwanis Music Festival in Peterborough on April 8th, winning first prize over seven other competing choirs. The choir was directed by their teachers, Shirley Sykes and Rosemary Merkley. .FOR SALE 100% Fresh Pure Maple Syrup Apples and Potatoes et GIBSON OIRCHARDS Corner of Concession St. and Townline PHONE 623-3358 I JUST PHONE us We Pick-up and Deliver -SERVING THE DURHAM REGION - Protect Your Investment Rustproofing with SU PERIOR RUSTPROOFINGI GUARANTEED in writing for 10 years. Superior ,UOR ustproofing TRUCK 40 Russett Drive Oshawa Phone576-6141 Between BOWPMANVILLE - OSHAWA,- WHITBY WITH CONNECTIONS FOR G.O. TRANSIT MEMBERSHIP FEE ONLY $25 YEARLYI 51"9w5070O oel sei ý 1

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