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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1976, Section 2, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bawmanviiie, April 21, 1976 Section Two Exe pin ofShools, From rnB uii'în g P e rm is Defe afte db Y *5-2 Vot e by Daug Tyo renovatians and additions' ta sent at Moaday's nr On April 12, Newwrcastle be made ta Carke High insisted that as the pr Cauncil retreated on a recom- School. has lapproved of a certa mendatian regarding the Coun. Ken Lyall, chaîrman factor for the Clarke charging of building permit of the finance committee, work, payment of the fees for school construction. supported the request of theý fees would require Recent discnssions over board ta have them exempted deletion from the planc building permit fees braught from the fees with respect ta That brought Cour forth a recommendation ta Clarke High. Allia ta question wh dispense with chargîng the Coun. Lyaii stated that such board does flot include t] schaol board the usual permit casts, estimated ta rua ta the of the permits in the a, fees. aeighborhoad of $4,800, would tion ta the province. Fallawing the recommen- not be aecessary as hie did not The board expiained dation, the Northumberland feel there was a necessity for is lef t ont as they do not and Newcastle Board of Edu- the taw's building inspectors the total cost on whic] cation, over the signature of ta be involved with the school must pay the architeci Business Administrator and construction. The board inquired Treasurer, M.A.- McLeod, re- Coun. Lyall feit that with the what service they qnested that council waîve cast of the scbool construction, expect from the tawa snch fees with respect ta the highly paid architects and are ta pay the fee. the sehool baard's own eng- It was thought that ineers are going ta make sure town's building inspectq I , that proper quality for dollar making certain iasp( ____________________value is met. that the board could b, DOWN ON# THE FA RM Mayor Rickard, however,' the cost thronghout thr expressed considerable con- structian program b THEVA LL ASK FOR US. cern at taking such action as sending its own staff fiz THiEY KN#OW Wé Vl'JI he feit that exempting one duplicate inspections. WEE ulic funded body sncb as the There was also a qu 71HE AEA LY shoolboard, would require whether the tawn's bt 1 similar action toward others departmeat has sufi CAN VR\snch as the PUC, Hydro, time ta fulill the r Provincial government, and inspections, which br so on. ,assurance from Chief B: » -, The Mayor also tackled the Inspector Howard Wigt C2 argument of Coun. Lyall that inspections conld be m. A , the board has its own engine- they were before at Clh ers by reminding that several Assuring that he w. i , industries now, canstructing knocking architects, new quarters in Bowmanville Wight commented thatd Frand CS aiso have their own engineers their plans, everythingd Tennant but are not exempt from the go up flaw free, rem ~ NFuels building permit fees. that there were severa Although Mayor Rickard blems which came up R. R.1, Orano, sees the situation as mereiy Day Care Centre. Ont. 983-5693 being an accounting principle, As ta how much insp the board representatives pre- the board could expeci Vincent Massey Primary Choir Wins at Music Festival meetir )ovinc uin co, .e Hig perm Somr Is. n: Dû ry th the coç applieî 1that ý :addlt eh the ;'s fee 1as t migh if the Lif th tor wa )ectior balane he cor by no ,mak luestioi )uîdinl icier needei wough ýuildinj lrit tha ade a larke. vas no ;,Mr despiti loesn' nindin -l pro Sat thg )ectioi 'fron the building department, thi answer was simply norma IS inspections for which there i! no set criteria of once a day oi once a week but merel3 whenever the departmen tting feels it is necessary. .1 Coun. Kirk Entwisle ais( ng advised the board that it is n aa ity the responsibility of the town'. ?e ocjg, inspections on the require ent nspeted. ments of the board's archi 'l -"pctd tects but merely ta assure th( 3-2354 construction is in accordanc( with Provincial Buildinî Standards. Coun. Entwisi( SAVE with th e s eSpirg S p eciaclsà 218 King St. E. CLARKE'S East - End Texco 623-7113 Bowmanville From iApril i Sth to Ma fy i Sth Lubricot ion Special $â». R includes oil, filter, Iubrication. I Complete Undercoating Service SmaII Cars Full Size $39.88 /Ton Trucks $44.8 p e 's S - I Engine Shampoo. $ .88 c p S '0 I - i Pair Sale PoIygas TM tires GOODYEAR CUSTOM POWER CIJSIION POLYGLAS =TRES SINGLE PAIR SINGLE PAIR SIZE TIRE SALE SIZE TIRE SALE 700-13 B78-14 $3395 2 for $59 H78-14 $41.95 2 for $80 C78-14 ___ ____ 1171-14 ~ 2o$4 F81 55 2o 6 E781 4 j49 2fo $4 78-5 5_5 fo$6 F78-14 35.95 2 for $66 G7815 38.95 2 for $74 G78-14. 38.95j 2 for $74 H78-15 . 41.95 2 for $80 SWHITE WALLS $3 EACH, EXTRA With Each Pair Purchased CHARGEX - MASTERCHARGE - TEXACO TRAVEL CARD )st it le Dn ýst ýa- it to 't ay ,e as e '- Mrs. Stevens an the weekend. Mrs. Stevens returned ta Toronto with them far a few days. Mrs. J. Walton of Lindsay was at their summer cattage in Kendal last Sunday. These smiling students from Vincent Mâssey Public School had good reason to be happy after just winning first prize in the Kiwanis Music Jý estival in Peterborough on April 7th. Under the direction of their teachers, Mrs. Joan Anyan (left) and Mrs. Judy Dolan (right), the Primary Choir came first in the competition against four other choirs. The diay before, Linda Leavis, also a student at Vincent Massey took first place in the, music festival for the girls' solo, 10 years old and under. explained that this takes time )n by the permit fee, pi o ig Coun. Lyail agreed with gt Coun. Entwisle on that point ,d except for whether or nat the t charge was necessary. ig Coun. Lyaii reminded can. gt Entwisle that he had just iast is week calied the board's bud- get "outrageous" and yet ()t appeared to be making no r.attempts to reduce it by' e exempting the permit char- [tges. Ig Mayor Rickard made a g- conciuding comment that le perhaps if the board was >n charge then those withont 21children should be exempt le from schaol taxes. al Coun. Lyali, however, called is that suggestion an extreme, )r nating that he is "Just a nice [y gentie fellow, in the middle, It trying ta find justice on bath sides." A motion ta, exempt the board from the permit Is charges was defeated ia a 5-2 ýe recarded vote, Coun. Lyall and Entwisie being the sup- i-porters. ýe e .e KENDAL (Intended for Last Week) Kendal United Church Women, being invited ta the home of Rev. and Mrs. Montgomery, held their April meeting at the manse in Newtanvilie last Wedaesday afternoon. There were eight members and several guests present. Miss Catherine Stew- art presided in theane of the president Mrs. J. Staple- ton. The meeting, was apeaed by a reading entitied 'The Praying Hands' by Miss Stewart foliowed by the hyma 'Hosanna, Loud Hosanna'. Mrs,. W. H. Foster read the scripture taken from Math. 6 star ting at verse 25. 'lne ral caîl was answered by aaming a spriag flower. Mrs. A. Low was in charge, of the devotion- ai and read an article, 'The Heaiing Power of Com- passion'. Mrs. Stevens and Miss Stewart gave a report on the Presbyterial meeting in Harmony Church heid an March 3lst. The U.C.W. Thank Offering Service ista be held Sunday marning, May 2nd. The financial repart from the Patton Wedding was submit- ted and al bills authorized ta be paid. The May meeting is ta be held May sth, 8 p.m. at the home of Miss Stewart. Lunch was provided by Mrs. J. Stapietan. A vote of thanks was Riven ta aur hast and hostess Rev. and Mrs. Mont- gomery. Kendal Brownies and their leaders visited the sugar bush at Mr. Downe's on Wednesday evening bef are meeting for their week]y meeting in the schooi. There was a Camea Paint Party heid Wednesday even- ing at the home of Mrs. George Mercer. Mrs. Seweli of Oshawa demonstrated makiag flowers and other figures from bread daugh. Lunch was provided by the co-hostess,; Mrs. Mercer and Mrs. G. MacDonald. At the card party on Friday evening the prizes went ta the foilowing: - High Lady - Mrs. J. Moffatt, Law Lady - Miss Bernice Milligan. High Man went ta Rager Downes while low man was Dik. Zander. The 50-50 draw was won by Mrs. Jiil Hancock. There is ta be another card party ia two week's time, March 23rd. Members of the three-in-one Couples Club and friends were invited ta a pancake social at Mr. Ailan Downe's Sugar Bush on Sunday afternoon. There was a good tura ont. Mr. Leanardf Falls greeted the people at the church door on Sunday morning. Rev. G. Montgomery sang a solo 'The Stranger of Gaililee" accomp- Prices ln effect 'tiI Aprit 25,1976 _w t d w I CLARK PACKEF SPECIALIZING IN Custom Slaughtering - Cul Wrapping and Freezir Freezer-orders of Top Qu Park and Beef supplied from aur awn fee wrapped and f rozen. Ail Meats Governmer PHONE WELCOME 753

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