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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1976, p. 3

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Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Rowe, of Viewlake, were Wednesday dinner guests witb Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer, a belaàted birthday celebration., The 7th Annual Talent Night, beld in Newtonville Scbool Gym, an Thursday, April 16. was, as usuai, a successfui evênt. There were Puppet Shows, Gymnastics, and sangs, by Grades 1, 2, and 3; Dancing of variaus kinds, including Ballet, Rock and Rail, Tumbling, Highland, and Square, by Grades 4 a Judo demonstrati ing a Pyramid, an types of sangs, bat] modern, also other tics, etc. ending "School Finale," thoroughly enjoyec large audience. M r ector- Mr. D. Director- Mr. J. Producers- the five Mrs. Campbell, Mi Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs, Rowe. EýD kg CQea.ttm Chu( Two boxing managers were discussing the forthcor "At the end of'the second round," said one, "your mi mine and he wiIl go down for the count." "No, no", protested the Cther. "Not in the second rou seventh or eighth. We mustn't cheat the public." CLOTHES CARE HINT: PAPER BACKED BELTS are unserviceable andq c lea ned., BACK A FIGHTER Please Support the-Rotary Club Annual Easter SealCamnpaigr ~ Bowmanvill Cleaners Lti E GIT 8,ing St. W. COTHIS "e Sp eciafize in Shî CIEA.NER Launderîng" PARFUM ceealanLd..r CALANDRE . . . the perfume of F Rabanneý. A "new elementl' in fragranc different . . . recognizable, and of Iasting ýchic. Packaged in a ur metal-edged flacon of classic sim pli Calandre is the perfume of today. Introducing the Small Aton SPECIAL $0,.50, PRICE O Made, Packaged and Sealed in Fran( MIDTOWN MALL- OSHAWA , 5, and 6; Steven Carr, Antbony ion,' Build- Winters, Bernie Angi. Stage- id variaus hands - Dean Trimble, Bob ,h old, and Stiles, Tim Gardner, Mark rGymnas- Brown. with the Visitars an Goad Friday, and ail with Mr. and Mrs. Jim id by the Adams, were Mr. and Mrs. usical Di- Robert Steele, of Scar- Dewell, barougb. Veldbuis, Vsitors on Friday, with Mr. teachers - and Mrs. F. Gilmer included ýrs. Haass,' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, and McDonald, Lynn, of Port Hope, Kim Ushers - Gilmer and Cindy Innis. - The annual U.C.W. Good Friday afternoan service in Newtonville Cburch, was well attended, with visitors -from Newca stle, Kendal, Sbiloh, and Welcome, as well as a rnin fiht.a goadly number of aur awn an will hit lais present. Guest speaker, Rev. E. und; in the Scbamerhorn of Bawmanville introduced by President Inez Baugben, gave us a stirring message, as usual, and two enjoyable vocal duets, were cannot be pravided by Mary Vinkle and Marlene Stacey, with Vilet Gilmer at the argan. We were sarry tbat ill ness ) Is prevented Rev. Montgomnery 1 wisbhlm a speedy recovery. The attractive Easter lilies, adorning the altar, were le much admired. Refresbments were served, downstairs after the service by the Social Us Committee and enjoyed by ail, including several gentlemen, 623-5520 as weîî as ladies, we were glad irt ta see. Rev. Thos. Smith, of Newcastle, expressed the ap- preciatian of the visitors, and extended an invitation toa ah, ta attend the "Cantata, being presented in Newcastle United Church, that evening. Mrs. Mary Wade was down from Barrie over the weekend and bad Mrs. Leone Lane as a supper guest, Friday., Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tomp- kins, Sbelly and Robert, were at their cottage at Rice Lake over the weekend and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tompkins visited them on Sunday., Wtb Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, aover the Easter weekend were Gary Stapleton Mrs. Tiend LaneadHamil, atd an ron . Brc only ThreladtLriCAnat,ofPote ChrchForioday evin, oy the cone n adncois f rok capr ustle with Mrga.staMr clud ed Mr. and fMrs. S.t Lanc aster r.and Mrs."TM. Joes, Mr. andof rs"W. rown of inNewcastleUnwerd supehuests, Fryeveiday, wit tecMr. nd crs. T.Hendron,- lind familyincudindaugh- e l, for the nisummer LoralGeoge aHendrsnof- Porctoe, was ansupprgst Froda,wt Mr. and Mrs. W Fiod HendMrs, ontgandCary holday w ekend. Mr. and Mrs. riantswll LesiewndofJefry l, weratr dsupper guests rdywithMr vsdMr. and Mrs. GaHedron anurley, nd Mrs.ine urley Pacrorn haa, honmeatrd aer Mr. andors.hil drso,of e..or B Haie, Kim ad Keuspet long Sariday with Mr. and Mrs. i~ým iqe arnceKinmerton ona-h cityowada, wekNY. ber.fatherMr. . Brucae, a Lslatd. ry er atr Suday supper guests withr Mr. and Mrs. LredCenden lie vswee Mr.- and Mrs. Gen Paoi sawto, aon Sunday. ce ~ M an Mrs Bew hendersan ,n andstepsabeaileofBon Celebrated First- Bîrthd"ay_ Hi! My name is Gregory Wallace MacKay. I was one-year-old on April 18, 1976. My mommy and daddy are Donna and Wallace MacKay, of Bowmanville. My grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barnes of Hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. John MacKay of Dorset.' - McRobbie Photo ville, were supper guests with the Fred Hendersons. Greeters at the Church door, for aur Easter Sunday morn- ing service, were Wanda Kimbali and Lena Clysdale, and Rev. Montgamery's tapie was "The Supreme Victory," stressing the importance of a true belief in the Resurrec- tion. Evelyn Stacey provided an enjoyable sala "He Touched Nie,' and after the sermon, the Sacrament of }IayCoin in.union wsadmni -stered,' with Eiders Jessie Best, Bea JonesAmelia Lancaster, and Jack Kimbaîl assisting the minister. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cliard and girls, of Newcastle, were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster, on Sunday. With Mrs., Agnes Burley, Sunday visitars were Mr. and Mrs. E. McEwen, of. Peter- borough, and Mr. and Mrs. Gary McEwen and Shannon of Smiths Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farrow, and Karen of Gati- neau, Quebec, were weekend vîsitars with Mrs. Iva Farrow, and Sunday callers were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brignaîl, and Melissa of Bowmanviile, Doc- tors David and Jean Byers, with Susan and Paul, and Mrs. Carl Farrow, ail of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hisher, with, sons Eddie, and Richie, went ta Havelock and Trent River ta visit his parents, over Easter. Sunday visitors with Mr.' and Mrs. F. Gilmer included Mm. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap, Oshawa, Mrs. Alice Rowe- Sleeman, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer, Blaine, Kim and Ken. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fletcher weme husy calling on friends in Bawmanville, Sunday after- faon: Mrs. James Hall, cele- brating her 8th brthday, Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Maindonald, and Mrs. Sadie McAllister. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Jones taak Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leuty, of Port Hope out ta dinner, Sunday, ta celebrate t"-je latters birthday. That reminds us, congratulations are in order. nat anly ta Mrs. Leuty, on Sunday, but ta Mrs. Kay Ormistan, of Bowman- ville, and Mrs. Olive Hender- son, and Mr. Frank Gilmer, of aur tawn, on Saturday! (We want go -into details on the variaus ages - the limit here is 39) SMrs. Lerie Lane was a supper guest, Sunlday, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray, and girls, Orono. Our U.C.W. will meet in the Sunday School hall on Wed., April 28, at 8 pim. Unit Leader Mary Jones and her group will be in charge of Devotional1, anîd pragram, a nd Mr. CM. Jones will show pictures. OurSenior Citizen group has decided ta discontinue the regular meetings each Thurs- day afternoon in the Lihrary Room at Newtonville School, until next faîl. Notice will he given in advance before they are resumed. Remem ber the Department of Agriculture and Home Econamics' Short Course, entitled , Choosing and Using Fabrics," and will be in charge of Miss Heather Bar- nett, and held in the Gym in N EWON VILLE The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviiile, April 21, 1976 3 YELVERTON i oronlao. AI oult- , guests were present ta banour Lais fram Orillia ta Peterborough. Miss Laurie Hofstetter of Plattsville was a weekend guest of the Ray Robinsons. Mrs. Hank Boon Sr. of Holland is currently visiting ber daughter Cornie and family - the Harvey Malcolms this week at Malcolms - in time ta observe her three score and ten plus on Manday, April l9th. Easter weekend brought the usual horde of close relatives ta visit with their kith and km - particularly coupled with weather that bas been unsur- passed for this time of year - an Sat. and' Sun. the aid Farenheit thermameter pant- ed its way up ta 87 degrees in tbe shade wbich must be a record for mid April. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beggs and Crystal spent the weekend with bath their parents - the Norman Wilsans and tbe Percy Beggs. Mr. Don Whittaker of Ed- monton is currently spending a few days at the Haward Malcolms. Mr. Bryce Jimmo spent a few days with Dans' before reparting ta bis new job outside Edmonton. Miss Candy Malcolm spent the Easter weekend witb a girl friend in Deep River. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gundrie of Barrie spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Terry Malcolm and Tad. Mr. Adam Lee, wba lives in an area outside London, England, is currently visiting Mr. and Mrs. Art Rawan during_ bis extended visit ta, Canada for tbe next several montbs. Adam is a cousin of Doris Rawan. Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter of Pembrake spent tbe weekend witb Janice's parents, the Fred Staceys. Mr. and Mrs. David Rabin- son of Stroud and Mr. Vern Maare of Oshawa were week- end visitars of the Balfour and Oram Moares. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Kirk wba were married in Yelverton United Cburcb an Friday. The White churcb was weli attended on Sunday witb regulars and a large number of visitars present.\ Special flawers (Easter Lilies) were placed at the front by Mrs. Audrie Brown in memory of bier late busband, Mr. Donald Brown. The Yelverton Rackets were organized for tbis year's Sr. Men's Bail season in the Lake Scugog League as follows: Pres. Dale Stinson, Vice Pres. Vaugbn McGiil, Treasurer Ian Page, -Captains Charlie McCullough and Trevor Nes- bitt, Coach Harvey Malcolm. Tbe unseasonable warm weatber stirred the lads into premature activity witb prac- tise on Sun. arn. The lads are having a dance on Sat., May 8th. Mrs. Ray Robinson held a shower on Sat. evening for bier niece- bride-elect Miss Lais Henderson, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Henderson of Corrective care for split naius. 3. HAIR CARE We teach you how to look after your hair between salon visits. Gini's Hair Fashions 103 King St. E. Bowmanville loe ee1A-1"Flowers wth Feeling" For Any Occasion Tel. 623-3377 CLOSED WEIDNESDAY AFTERNOONS 133 Church Street Rowmanvî lie Fresh Flower and Dried Flower Arrangements for FUNERALS - WEDDINGS HOSPITAL and HOME Be sure and take a Iook atour Bridai Showcase in aur window. A Salon that meets ail your Beauty Needs! 1. FACE MASSAGE TREATMENTS Get professional help- for problem iskin. 2. MANUCURES

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