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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1976, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 21, 1976- ~0~ MI." ;ee0o .4 Millbrook District Lions Club 11lthAnnualI Pw»'AN CAKE FESTIVAL Saturday and Sunday April 24 and 25, 9: 00 a. m. 10 6: 00 P. M. One Mile South of MillIbrook Bake Sale - Crafts Pony Rides and other attractions Enjoy a plate of deliclous tancakes smeared with fresh maple syrup. WaIk in the relaxed atmosphere 'of the beautiful Sugar Bush. See how Maple' Syrup is made! "Breakfast Sausage Available as an Extra"'. Aduits $2.00 Children $1.25 mDENIS5'S PIZERIA UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Sunday 4.00p.m.12ý:00 a. m. Monday - Wednesday 4:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. Thursday - Saturday 11:OOa.m. - 3:00 a.m. WE SPECIALIZE IN ITALIAN FOODS For Two Weeks Only LASAGNA.............. RAVIOLI............... RIGATONI ............. SPAGHETTI (Meat Sauce) ...$2.00 .$1.90 .$1.75 .$1.50 -also - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday April 19 - 21, and April 26 - 28 You wiII receive 50c off the purchase of any medium Pizza and 75c off any large or extra large with the Presentation of this Advertisement. -PICKUPS ONLY - 8 Simpson Avenue Bowmanville Phono 623-3301-02 Participation House Telethon Gets Underway This Saturday Pieuse HeIlp with TYour Pletdgeâ The Participation House across Ontario. Canadian and U.S. Radio, T.V. Project is one of bhc activities The Oshawa and District and Movies are'donating their of the Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy Parent Coun- lime and talents for this show. the Cerebral Palsied and its 26 cil for Crippled Children is This is their way of reaching member groups across sponsoring our own Participa- out to touch the lives of the Ontario. tion House, Durham Region to physically handicapped young The Cerebral Palsy Parent provide for the needs of the men and women of Ontario. Council of Toronto was the severely physicaliy handicap- Please watch. catalyst in building and man- ped young adults in our area. WHI you reach out, too, and aging the first Participation The 24 hour non-stop Parade "Touch a Life' ? We invite you House, a residence and néec- of Stars on CITY-TV Channel to paricipate. Caîl 576-9101 e ssary facilities for the 79, Cable 7 from 10 p.m. Sat., during the 'telethon to make severely physically handicap- Apr. 24 to 10 p.m. Sun., Apr. 25 your pledge or challenge. Bell ped in Markham. It has heen is being produced to help us to Tower in Oshawa will be' in operation for two years and collect money to help with our staffed with volunteers from bas proved effective and local program. the area to receive your caîl at workable, and is needed Over six dozen top Stars of that time. Local Planning Needed For Great Canadian Race by Shawn Marshall Corne wha t may, the Great Canadian Race is coming to town. An organizer for the Great Canadian Race Corporation, Havoc Franklin asked a small number of 'Bowmanville citizens who attended a CICR meeting on April l4th to form a committee to come up with proposais for the towns in- volvement in the event. Beginnîng at the Canadian National Exhibition grounds in Toronto on June l9th, the race will travel as far as Bowmanville on the fîrst day and arrive at Man and His World in Montreal, hopefully eight days later. At the present time organ- izers of the race are ti ying tu choose a focal point an overal landing site in Bowmanville ~owia~vQQe tgte k~at Ig Caknw[aQ Friday and Saturday. April 3Oth, May lst Friday Evening 8:00 p.m. Saturday Afternoon 2:00 p.m. FEATU RING Miss Andrea Derby - Oshawa'Skating Club and Mr. Stanley Tisnovsky - Newcastle Skating Club (Canadman Novice Bronze Medal Winners) Members of the Bowmanville Figure Skating Club THEME "FOUR SEASONS"5 ALL SEATS RESERVED ADULTS $1.25 CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS.50c Tickets may be purchased a? the Recreation Office, Town Hall, 8:30 a.m. f0 5:00 p. m. Monday through Friday and at the Bowmanvle Memorial Arena, Monday and- Wednesday from 5: 00 p.m. to 7: 00 p.m. sponsorAd by the Departrp- - of Recreation, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. for the participants to finish on the first day of bbc race. Although Soper Creek Park and the Bowmanville High School w ere under consider- ation as central locations, Memorial Park is also being considered as well. 1The CICR corporation was told that the Kinsmen will also be holding their annual carni- val in the park that day, Mr. Franklin said. If there is enough space in the park for hoth the CICR and the Kinsmen Carnivai, sharing the facilities there could have advantages for both events, he suggested. The GCR corporation is expecting between 1500 and 3000 people to participate in the race in addition to an unknown rnumber of specta- tors from the surrounding areas who will corne to Bowmanville for the cvént. The GCR is also trying to encourage the various towns and cities where they will stop, to organize their own events, both leading up to and on the day that the race arrives, Mr. Franklin said. Canada's top tennis player, Dale Power, who is expected to bounce a tennis hall from Toronto possibly aIl the way to Montreal, will be coaching tennis clinies for people at the stop-over points. At 0111cr stopping points, dinners, dances and other activities have been arranged for the day the racing event arrives, he said. In Bowmanville, the major- ity of the participants will be staying in Darlington Provin- cial Park overnight unless other accommodations can be found for the large number of people participating. Mr. Franklin told the gathering that if an agree- ment can be inad)!c with Bowmanvilie ïilih School, some of the part icipants might stay in the gymnasiumi of the school. But at the present time no concrete plans have been made between the CICR cor- poration and the various clubs, groups, stores and people of Bowmanville, he said. The public library, however bas made plans for an essay contest for the race, a competition for models or pictures of an imaginary vehicie- and is also entering a float in the race to go as far as Newtonville. The next meeting will be held April 2lst at 7:15 p.m. in the basement of the public library. List iingos Programs, Wednesday, April 2lst to Tuesday, April 27, 1976 Cablecast 6, Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville and Brooklin, Wednesday, April 21 1: 00 Science Fair Awards Presentations 3:00 German Culture 4. 00 Soleil, with the French Canadian Club of Osh- awa 5:00 Durham Report 5:30 MJ.'s Place 6: 00 Evening Report 6:30 Performance 7: 00 Whitby Then & Now, with Brian Winter and Jim Quail 7:30 Education Scene, with George Pearce 8:00 Hotline bo Heaven 8:30 The 3B3s, with Separate School Activities 9: 00 Rescue 10:00 Sign Off Thursday, April 22 2:30 W.B.M.H.A. Hockey 3:30 Science Fair Awards Presentations 4:30 Whithy Then and Now 5:00 Education Scene 5.30 Pre-School Fun 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Performance 7:00 Rescue .7:30 To Be Announced 8: 00 Soleil 8:30 Oshawa Chamber of Commerce Presents: 9:00 W.M.B.H.A. Hockey 10:00 Sign Off Friday, April 23 3: 00 Expression, with Al-Anon Members & Cancer Month Promp 4: 00 Wh at Does the Bible Say? 4:30 To Be Announced 5:00 Vita Italiana 6: 00 Whitby Report, with Blake Purdy and Steve Porter 6:30 The 3R's 7:00 Sign Off Sunday, April 25 11:00 Shalom, for the Jewish Community 12:00 Vita Italiana, with Er- cole Foresta 1:00 Hotline to Heaven,,with a Variety of Guests 1: 30 Faith Baptist Church Service 2:30 What Does the Bible Say? with Ron & Bob Kirkland 3:00 Greek Panorama, for the local Greek Com- munîty 3:30 Sign Off Monday, April 26 3:30 Pre-School Fun, with Susan Paton and Pauline Baxter 4: 00 Shalom 5:00 Greek Panorama 5:30 To Be Announced 6:00 Evening Report, with Wally Donaldson and Dave Stewart 6:30 University Women's Club Presents: Local area Guests 7:00 Counterpoint, with a Christian Viewpoint 7:30 Expression, with Al-Anon Members 8:00 Whitby Council Meeting Coverage 1:00 Sign Off Tuesday, April 27 1:00 Whitby Council Meeting Highlights, 4: 00 German Culture, for the German Community 5:30 Counterpoint 6:00 Evenîng Report 6:30 Vita Italiana' 7:30 Durham Report, with Brùce McArthur and Jack Gearin 8: 00 Performance, music with Larry Chupa 8:30 M.J.'s Place, with Mur- iel Jane Weber 9:00 Hotline to Heaven 9:30 Science Fair Awards Presentations 10:30 Sign Off NOTEý: Ahl prograrns are subject to change without notice. PARTICIPATION HOUSE BENEFIT EUCHRE PARTY Friday, April 23, 1976 8:00 P. M. St. PauI's United Church ADMISSION ..................... $1.o0 Fun - Prizes - Ref reshments Sponsored by St. Paut's Golden Years Club Proceeds ta bhe given to Participa ,tion House Appeal. Indoor Pool, Proposai As a resuit of two publie meetings held te, discuss the addition to Bowmanville High Sehool of a Community Indoor Pool and squash co)urts, a committee has been tormed to get the bail rolling and the water splashing. The current members are Bob Stevens, Dr. H.B. Rundie, David Cook, Dr. John Higgin- son, Ted Samuel, Winton Bagneil, Merrili Brown, Jack Brough, and Mrs. Pat Rundie. Many other interested per- sons have indicated a willing- ness to, assist on sub-commit- tees for publicity and'fund- raising. At an organizational meet- ing held April 7, the commit- tee voted to prepare a visual presentation to be shown at club and group meetings throughout the area to broad- en community knowledge of the projeet. The group will apply for the right to, collect monies as a tax-deductible fund-raising organization under the name of the Town of Newcastle SPLASH committee. Watch for ads regarding a poster and photo contest to start the advertising campaign rolling. 1980 Olympics watch out for, those Town of Newcastle swimmers. Keep your piano free from dampness, away fromn steam pipes or stoves, and out of drafts. Coroliatiort RESTA URANT MONDAY -THURSDA' 6 a.m. - 12 p.m. FRI1DAY & SATU RDAy 6 a.m. - 1 a.m. SUN DAY 7 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. Serving Deliclous Chinese Food Ta ke-Out Orders ASpecialtys Free Delivery in Bowmanville w on Ail Orders of $6.00 or More Full Course Meails in a Homne- Like Atmosphere. 9 King St. W.623-5412 -B-ME - KINSMEN E" SUPER DINGO PA PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTR1E 7: 30 p.m. Fri*day, April 23, 1976 :>6,3OO, in Prizes 4 EARLY BIRDS 20 REGULAR GAMES - $50. Each Three K insmen Arena Game $150 Games $300 Pot of Gold I soopc $800 In 55 Numbers s $100peèr Line or tessùr $= ~$500Puill Card Consolation Win $2,500 Jackpot if won in 53 numbers $1500 Must Go $100 Free Lap Card Gamne Save $1,001f (CLIP AND SAVE) SAVE Sponsored by KINSMEN CLUBof PETERBOROUGH \for "COMMUNITY PROJECTS" audwamm KINSMEN SEE.JHE GREAT HTETIIONS LEAPS IN THE .MDFMUB THRILLING WALT DISNEY S "MIRACLE 0F "AIRS ABOVE THE WHITE NHE GROUIND'-,SAtN" A BREAHTKING PERFORMANCE 0F U~.TRADITION & BEAUTY, INSPIRED BY THE FAMED RIDING SCHOOLOF EUROPE! SEEN BY MILLIONS IN Z, ARENAS &COLISEUMS EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION INCLUDING Direct From Europe . .. MADISON sq hý: "THE WORLD RENOWNED" ~ SPANlî The Spanish Riding School I NG S OUT or The Aistria,n Governmeîit With their Internationally Famous TO SEE HORSES AND HORSEMEN' Tlhursday, GATEYTEQUINE April 29thEXTRAVAGANZA' *m (ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY) ADMISSION: $6.00 - $5.00 - $4.00 Chîdren under 14 - Haîf Price - TICKETS ON SALE AT AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE ONLY- OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM N EWCASTLE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE invites you to AN OPEN MEETING to discuss future programs, courses, etc,, at the Visual Arts Centre Ti me: 8: 00 p.m. WED.I APRIL 21, 1976 Place: Cream 0of Barley Miii Simpson Ave.- Bowmanville N EWCASTLE VISUAL ARTS CENTRE presents Chil1dren's Art - Ages 7 f0 10 B EG IN NING Saturdayprl24 for 10 weeks 10Oa.m. to Noon Teacher: Mary Doezema Fee: Members - $13.00 Non-members - $15.00 For Registration Phone June Stephens - 623-3724 Place: Cream of Barley Mill Simpson Ave. - BowmanvilIle ««mmmý a tau v-wâât--m-

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