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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1976, p. 7

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Remember, Bowmanville Figure Skating Carnival and the Shriner's Circus are two major events in the area, comîng Up very soon. Try to include them in your plans. Mr. L.B. Nichols returned home after spending Easter with his son and daughter-in- law Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nichols, Kingston. Courtice Secondary School Drama Club are presenting "South Pacifie" from Wednes- day through Saturday of this week. We have seen some scenes in rehearsal and know and illuminate and a- dorn the reality of Man with divine graces. BAHA'I Writings Further Information <.O Box 36 you'l enjoy it. So join the crowd. Mr. and Mrs. AdJ. Hoar bave returned home after a pleasant holiday in Flonida and Key West. Mr. Harvey A. Hardy was the lucky winner of $25. in the Wintario Draw beld Thursday, April lSth. Mr. and Mrs: dack Roughley bave recently neturned from vacationing in Nassau. 1,200 Barbershop Singers from ail over southern Ontario will compete in Peterborough ai PCVS auditorium this Friday and at Memorial Centre for the finals on Saturday. In'Monday's Toronto Star, in the feature by Robert Sutton under the heading "1Wbatever became of," Air Marshal Roy -SlemOn was featured. The item follows: Air Marshal Roy Siemion should bave been named Cool Hland Roy for averting World War 111 one day in 1960. Be was in the "hot seat" that Oct. 5, substituting for an absent U.S. commander, when the operations screen in the 7: 0 p. . . .. avai n Me tn Bs srvicaprvideo 35DsonStreet WEEKLYASTIVITES Scout - M nday Guie s ue sda Cub -Wenday Sh rnies - ThusaW 11:0 a dies..... HFel ssip hi 7:0 T. ....Sday - 8:00eping FoBustservinepoddfor62-87 WELY CMEAWITS Cu. - W esa , Brwnes-Thrsa Par ou, SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES 10: 00 a.m. - Adult, in Upper Roomn 10: 00a.m. - Classes for all ages, 9and up 11:00 a.m. - Nursery Baby Care, Toddlers and Kindergarten 11: 15 a.m. - Primary Dept., ages 4 to 8 Sunday, April 25, 1976 lla.m.-MISSION SUNDAY MISS FRANCES STEVENSON of Toronto, Guest Speaker Messengers, Explorers, C.G. I.T. and Hi-C Members wilI meet in Church Hall at 10:45 and enter Church in a group. A Warm Weîcome for E veryone Wednesday, 10 a.m., Bible Study Group ini Church Parlour April 25 has also been designated as Participation House Sunday and donations may be Ieft with Howard Anyan Cîerk of Session. Items for newsîetter wiIl be received in writingj at Church Office, or caîl Mrs. J. Martin, 623-3224. i St. Paul's United Minister: Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M. Div. Or ganist: Gerald K. Burgess SUN DAY, APRIL 25th il1:00 a.m. SACRAMENT 0F'HOLY BAPTISM NURSERY irents are invited to bring their pre-school children to rplay and Iearn nursery whiîe they attend Church. FRIDAY, APRIL 23 8:00 p.m. Participation House Benefit Euchre Party in St. Pau's Church Hall Pentecostal Church .75 LIBERTY STREET SOUTH Sunday, April 25 HEAR Rod McMurray Accordionist and Quartet PLAYING AND SINGING in bath 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. services. Items oflInterest Phone,623-3303 TODAYS BIBLE JESUS saith unto him, Thomas because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have flot seen and yet have believed. And many other signs truly did J ESUS in the presence of his disciples which are flot written in this book. But these are written that ye might believe that JESUS is the CH RI ST, the SON of GOD; and that believing ye might have life through his name. ST. JOHN 20:29-31 Man says: Show me a sign and 1 wilIIbelieve. Jesus says: Believe and 1 wilIshow you a sign. Please Write Box Ili, Blackstock Ladies Curling Club Gives Trophies Colorado beadquarters of Nortb 'American Air Defence Comm nd (NORAD) lit up wi tbh bips indicating a missile attackfrom the U.S.S.R. Bad Slemon panicked, all-out retaliaion would bave been the reýponse by the missiles and bombers of Strategic Air Command (SAC). Instead, hie waited until it was determined there h~ad been a malfunction in the four-day-old early warnifig system in Greenland. The supersensitive radar there was picking up moon reflections. Wben hie was assignedto NORAD the Win- nipeg native was the only member of the original 1924 gradu4ting class of pilots still with tthe Royal Canadian Air Force. Before World War Il lie belped map much of the Canad an, Artic and in 1942 took cýommand of the all- Canadian No. 6 Bomber Group wbicb had 24,000 personnel in England. Af ter VE Day hie was named to command all RCAF forces against Japan. Today Siemon is still living at Colorado Springs where he. bas been executive vice- presid nt of the Air Force Acade y Foundation since retiring from N0RAD in 1964. Fa lily members with Mr. and Ms. Gordon C. Martin on Easter Sunday were Mrs. Frank Bingham, Colleen, Deanne and David; Mr. and Mrs. Alec G. Martin, Tom, Greg, Don and Irene Vogels;1 Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Bar- vey, Sara,,and bisa. Winoers of N.B.L. Lions Hockey tickets in April for play-off games are Clare Shank, Ken Marden, Ralph Amnes, Art Farrow, Don Wood, John ýeffrey, Christine Tay- lor, Myaurice Conway, Rod Stork-iand Bob Stevens. "0f Buman Bondage" will open at the Robert Mcbaugh- lin Gallery, Oshawa, April 28-ý May 23rd. Forty-four works are inçluded in this exhibition. St. Paul's United Church members attended Good Fni- day service at il a.m. as guests of Trinity congrega- tion. Rev. Arthur Amacher condu'çted the service and Rev. N .E. Scbamerborn of St. Paul's brought a most inspir- ing message. Trinity Senior choir under direction of John Crookshank led in the singing and contributed an anthem. on E ster Sunday, under the direct on of Trinity Christian Education Committee, a Sun- rise Service was held at 7 a. m. with a good attendance. Mrs. dame s Martin conducted the service, assisted by dack Mund y and Rev. R.C. HoP- kis4he guest speaker bad a timely. and appreicated ser- mon in keeping with the Easter Season. Rev. Amacher gave the benediction. Mrs. Keith Billett contributed hier talent as organist. The Hi-C under the leadership of John Croolkshank, sponsored the annual pancake breakfast at 8 o' dock, servmng until 9i:30. This as wl aroie nd kept lie volunteer belpers in the kit1chen busy supplying the servers, Hi-C members, witb a delicious product. Rev. R.C. Hopkins asked the blessing. The service at 11 a.m. was cond tedby Rev. W.K. Pace, assis ed by Rev. Arthur Amaçber. Miss Isobel Allen, Mr. and Mrs. dan Boersma, Steveý Norman and Richard Boers ma were welcomed into full communion of the United Church of Canada and Trinity congr gation on Certificate of Tranfer. The ministers were assisted by Clerk of Session Howard Anyan. The choir proviided pleasing Easter music and Rosemary Merkley contributed the solo "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth". Rev. Pace, speaking on "The Lord of Death" tbrilled the large, congregation witb bis presentation of the message of <the resurrection. A former Bowmanville resident, Anna (Murp)hy) Marmora NMinister Coming tu The congregation of Trinity 1 United Church, Bowmanville will soon find themselves under the guidance and, lead- ership of a new minister, Rev. John Peters from Marmora. Rev. Peters bas served tbe congregation of St. Andrew's United Church in Marmora for the past six years, baving come there in September 1970 from bis first parish at Burn Bay Arm in Newfoundland where be bad five charges under bis care. In Marmora, -Rev. Peters bas been responsible for Zion Cburcb in Marmora Township and Cordova Cburcb in addition to St. Andrews. Be is looking forward to the simplification of administra- tion and eliminating a lot of travelling witb only one charge under bis care bere in Bowmanville. Rev. Peters, bis wife Nancy and two cbildren, Anny, 8 and Andre, 6, will be leaving Marmora at the end of dune to begin their work here in July, replacing Rev. Wesley Oake who bas assumed a new charge in London.' Rev. Peters' wife will no doubt be a capable suppiorter of bis work bere as sbe bas been teaching at Earl Pren- Guest speaker Trinity United Sunday il a.m. Miss Frances Stevenson, B.A., was born in Montreal and educated in Toronto. SI- received bier B.A. from Vic- toria College, University of Toronto, and is a graduate of the United Cburch Training School (now the Centre for Christian Studies). She went to India in 1940, and during ber furloughs took courses in journalism, wnit- ing, hospital administration and art. Since 1964, she bas been engaged in literature publica- tion and distribution work. This involved some publish- ing, some speaking about reading, and finding suitable books for specific needs. One of the interesting pro- jects in which she bas been involved is the "Tin Trunk Libraries". Neat littie tin suitcasesare filled with about 100 good books, Christian novels, etc. and general know- edebooks. They find a family with plenty of neigb- bours who will undertake to lend books out. This encour- ages people not only to read, but to continue and progress in their reading. Miss Stevenson is now home on ber retirement fulough and will be guest speaker on Mission Sunday, April 25 at il a. m. in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. This will also be Participation Bouse Sunday in the churches of Durham Region, lending support for the Telethon on CITY-TV, channel 79, from 10 p. m. April 24 to 10 p.m. Apnil 25th. ballet and other torms la- cluding jazz will be given by the Lois Smith Summer School of Dance in Toronto. Perform- ances of various ballets will be given atBlue Mountain. Ful information can be obtained by writing to The George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology, P.O. Box- 1015, Station B, Toronto, Ontario. M5T 2T9. iTrinity tice Public Scbool since the spring of 1972. She filied in for the last term of that year and then began teacbing baîf days in 1973. As for ieaving Marmora, Rev. Peters naturally is "not looking forwand to bneaking ties with many good friends", but reminds that "friendships can continue even if we 'are living some place else". lie adds in conclusion that "lone goes where there is a need. KEN DAL Those attending Newton- ville U.C.W. Good Friday service from Kendal were Mrs, W.B. Foster, Miss Cath- erine Stewart, Mns. R. Elîfott, Mrs. G. Catbcart, Mrs. T. Stevens with ber grandsons the Bellebust brothers and Mr. Arthur Thompson. The guest speaker was Rev. E. Schamerborn, Minister of St. Paul's United Chunch in Bowmanville. Mrs. Mary COMES Stacey sang two duets accom- panied witb Mrs. F. Gilmer at the organ. After the service refreshments were served in the Sunday Scbool Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood were away over the holiday weekend to Kentucky. Mrs. M. Caldwell of Hamil- ton visîted with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foster. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Don Evans of Toronto to the community. They have moved into the bouse vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Greenwood. Mn. and Mrs. John Fonk spent the weekend witb bis father Mn. J. Fonk of Burk's Falls. Mrs. Fonk is in bospital. Mrs. Larry Evans beld a Coppercraft Party at ber home last Thursday evening. The ladies of Kendal W. quilted the Penny Sale quilt at the home of Mrs. R. Elliott last Monday. Mrs. L. Rans- berry and Mrs. H. Lowe ry from Kirby helped. A pot luck dinner was served at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Argus Curtis and Mr. and Mrs. S. Swardfig- ger went to Nashville, Tenn. over the holiday weekend. Sorry to report Mrs. Ron Frank is a patient in hospital in Toronto where she went under surgery last Tuesday. Boping she will soon be returned to bealtb again. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Keane and family of Scarborough spent Easter Sunday with their aunt, Miss Catberine Stewart. SBAWS NEWS Mr. Meine Oldejans, Bigb- way 2 East, accompanied hy bis daugbter-in-law, Mrs. George Oldejans, bas enjoyed a montb's holiday visiting friencis in Holland. In conver- sation about'this visit, we are told of the beauty of the farmers' fields, full of tulips, daffodîls, hyacinths and narcissi on. the verge of blooming. While The Nether- lands is famous for its agricultural production in dairy and meat products, still this Flower Belt provides this beautiful country with 'its major export trade in bulbs. Gail and Donald Rickard flew in to Toronto Internation- al Airport on Tbursday even- ing returning from their winter's travelling and on Friday, along with Gail's parents, Mr., and Mrs., Doug- las Williams of Mîssissauga, bad dinner witb Mr. and Mrs. C. Rickard. They report an interesting trip full of new adventures. We hope to hear more about these when time permits. The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. April 21, 1976 7 Mrs. G. (Pete) Martineil of selection Robin Ibbotson and Hastings visited with Mr. and Donald Fonk sang a duet 'The Mrs. Larry Evans and family Old R ugged Cross' accompan- over the holiday wx'-ekend., ied by Mrs. A. Foster at the There was. a good dLttnd- organ. The, Sacrament of Holy ance out to church on Faster Communion was observed. Sunday. Our minister, Rev. G. Greeter at the door was Mr. Montgomery, who had been ill, Leonard Falls. for several days, was able to Mrs. A. Mackenzie of Toron- be wîtb us. He chose as his to spent Easter Monday with Easter Messziee 'There is a ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Resurrection'. F~or a choir Wm. Turansky. THn'E STYLE SHOPPE is proud to Redken Acîd BaiQnced PH plus", For S kin and Psyche Hair Conditioning Perms to Condition your ha jr, Ieaving it soft and mnanagýabIe. STREAKING - COLORING BLOW DRYING Redken Products Availab le Exclusively at The Style Shoppe 37 King St. W. Bowma'nville Telephone 623-5455 BEV DONNA - ANN MARIE wiII be pleased to salve your hair problems. TO B ow m a n vi01ie One of Western Canada's Ieading shoe retai lers proudîy announces the opening of a famiîy shoe stor 1e at 1 i7King Street East Ili ' ý a] Dress Sandal -Dole in terra-cotta 2 .8 brow lethe ona, /2"platform.$2 b] Nunn Bush - A cîassic Monk strap fashioned f rom soft kid leather. Choose black or brown. $51,I 98 c] Fa shion Boot - Black or brown è$ A%98 leather high on a one inch platform. 4 dl The CIog - Burnished brown leather studded to a fashionable wooden sole. $19,98 111-i d S HOE S 7 King Sreet East Roy Nichols Curling trophy winners were team skip, Norma Gay, Barbara Bray, Lorraine Lever and Donna Preston, who was not present when the photo was taken. Ken Nicks trophy winners included skip, Vivian Cowan, Helen Glaspeil, Peggy Rowe and Ella Trevail, also missing from the photo. Winners of the Ad Goheen trophy were skip, Norma Gay and Marilyn Dow and two players who are not in the photo, Dorothy Hartford and Ella Trevail. TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 67 King St. East - Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario, LlC 1N4 0 , % OFF To celebrate aur opening we offer this seasons fine quality handbags at this big saving. zm

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