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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1976, p. 8

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8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 21, 1976 St. Marys Cernen t Juven iles Win On tari ochnampions hipCrw Immediately following the St. Marys Cement Juveniles win over Essex here on Sunday night, Capt. Gerald 'Duke' Brunt, right was presented with the Mitchell Hepburn Challenge trophy signifying his team had won'the Ontario Juvenile 'A' championship. Ed Grimshaw, Executive Member of the OMHA from 'Stouffville made the- presentation, and at left the Essex. Captain Keith Waldron extends congratulations. The St. Marys Cernent Juveniies ended the season with a 6-0 win over the Essex Juvenile team on Sunday, April l8th, after tying their game on Saturday with a score of 3-a. The victory gives them the Ai-Ontario Juvenile A Championship titie and the Mitchell Hepburn Challenge trophy. In the fif th game of the series played in Essex on Saturday, Essex openeà the scoring in the first minute of play with a goal by Keith Waidron, assisted by Jim Martin and Greg Buhier. The Essex team scored again at the 10 minute mark on a goal by AI Pluimers. Then Bow- manviiie's Rick Scott scored assisted by Gerald Brunt to bring them their first goal of the game. With their lead on the Bowmanvilie team, Essex received their third and final goal of the game when Dave Roth scored assisted by Jim Martin at the 7:15 mark in the second period. Bowmanviiie came back on a goal by John Hogarth assisted by Jim Hutton and Gary Nemisz, finishing the perîod with Essex ieàding 3-2. Early in the third period, Bowmanvile's Jerry Leddy scored assisted by Gary DEPARTMENT 0F PARKS & RECREATION GIRLS, INTERESTED IN PLAYING SOCCER.... The Newcastle Parks and Recrea- tion Department wiIl hold registra- tion for Girls interested in plýaying Soccer. Registration will be held from Monday, April 26th to Friday, April 301h from 8:30 a.m. tb 5:00 p.m. in the Recreation office, Town Hall, Bowmanville. The age caîegory is 7 and u nder 14 years of age as of January lst of the current year. The registration fee is $5.00 per person. DEPARIMENT 0F PARKS & RECREATION Chi*ldren's and Teensý' Tennis Clý'inic Bowmanville High School Courts: The Boys and Girls 7 years of age and Up: From 9:30 a.m . t 12:30 p. M. to start Saturday, May 15th, May 29th, June 5th, 121h and 191h. Registration fee is $2.00 per person. Registration to be held i i the Bowmanville Recreation Of fice, Town Hall. Starting on Monday, May 3rd to Friday, May 7th ý f rom 8:30 a. m. 10 5: 00 p. m. Nemisz and Rick Scott to tie the game up 3-3. There was no scoring during the overtime period. Bowmanvilie received 12 penalties, two of themn in an overtime period, and Essex was given 10 during the game. The teams travelled back to Bowmanville for their final game on Sunday. Bowmanville's Kirk Kemp scored their first goal assisted by Dave Down at the nine minute mark in the first period. In the second period, Jerry Leddy tallied the first goal for, the St. Marys team at the 43 second mark. Then John Conboy scored a quick goal for the team assisted by, Rick Scott. George Bowen received bis first goal with an assist long wear. This shoe does more than look good. It its and wears good, too. Try a pair on your boy. You can count on Buster Brown and us for quality andfit. Buster Brown, 7Newcastle 'Village Registration Registration for Soccer, T BaIl, Baseball and Girls Softbaîl will be held ini the Newcastle Town Hall on Friday, April1 23rd from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and Saturday morning, April 24th from 10:00 a.m. ta 12:000 noon. REGISTRATION FEES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Soccer $5,00 per pla ver T Bail and Basebaîl $4.00 per player Girls Softbail $4.00 per player AGE CATEGORIES: SOFTBALL Squirt 6 -7 -8years Pee Wee 9 - 10 - il years Ba nta m 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 yea rs'of a ge as of Jan. ist. of the current year. BASE BALL: ~'y'ea-s of age. Pee Wee Il - 12 - 13years of age as ofJan. 1sf of the current year. from Kim Rasmussen. Kirk Kemp scored his second goal of the game at the 14 minute mark in the second perioû assisted by Dave Down, giving the team a 5-0 lead at the end of the period. Jim Hutton scored the final goal of the game assisted by Kirk Kemp at the 4:11l mark in the third period, ieaving the final score at 6-0 for Bowman- ville. In the final game of the series, Bowmanvilie received 16 penalties with Essex taking 12. Bob Koczulab was outstand- ing in goal for the St. Mary's team in their final two encounters. Legion Ladies Team Standings Joan Sutcliffe 29 points, 42,960 pinfail; Mary Gray 27, 42,940; Diane Howarth 17, 41,908; NyhI Sheehan 17, 40,662. High Single Joan Sutciiffe. . ......... 301 High Triple Joan Sutcliffe ........... 782 Top 10 Averages Joan Sutcliffe 231, Nyhl Sheehan '211, Virginia Fairey 206,ý Mary Gra 'y 20ý1, Anne Plazek 199, Diane Howarth 196, Denise Annaert 194, Mary Bates 192, Wilma Bates 186, Bermice Partner 188. Liberty Belles Bowling Team Standings Coombes 26,856 pin fali, 33 points; Roberts 26,127, 3112; Nickerson 26,233, 28; Partner 25,607, 2512; Bons 25,510, 22; MacDonald 25,589, 171/2; Ail- dread 26,069, 17; Foran 25,437, 17; Spear 25,172, 151/2; Forsey 25,440, 15; Pearce 25,193, 14; Lewis 24,981, 13. High Single May Alidread ........... 325 High Double Emma Bragg ........... 486 Top Averages C. Roberts 205, L. Nickerson 204, M. Pearce 204,- M. Aiidread 204, W. Coombes 202, J. Spear 202, M. Gibson 200, E. Bragg 199, P. Forsey 197, J. Phillips 194, S. Robinson 193, E. Dadson 191, A. Bons 191. Members of the St. Marys team were a happy group as indicated by their joyous smiles in this picture. Soon after. they took off for a tour of the town in the Fire Chief's station wagon, followed by many cars. Members of the Ontario Championship team with John Conboy missing because hie had broken his arm about five minutes before the final game ended, are. front row. left to right, John Hogarth, Dave W. Frani The Bowmanville W. Frank Real Estate Major Pee Wee Toros participated in the annuai Oshawa L.N.H.L. Tournament at' Donevan Complex on April 16, 17, 18. Game one on Fni. morning was a 3-2 loss to Oshawa Homnes Canadiens. Scoring the opening goal for the Realtors was Todd Hooper with assist to Mark MacLean. then Mark Abbott scoring with assists to Paul Dadson and Brent Thompson. Grant Brad- ley and, Paul Adams shared the goaltending chores during this early game. Game two on Sat. afternoon was a 3-1 win over Oshawa Banks Black Hawks. Todd Hooper opened the sconing with Jon Janack assisting, then Janack scored a picture goal unassisted after stealing the puck at the opponents blue line. Kent Wilcox closed out the scoring with Mark Abbott assisting. Paul Adams in goal played a strong game for the Toros. Game three early Sun. morning, was a 4-3 comeback win over Peterborough Hol- iday Ford. Doug Dilling scored the opening goal with Kent Wilcox assisting and one second left on the dlock. Peterborough scored three consecutive goals for a big lead over the Realtors. Jon Janack started the uphill battle by scoring and Diiiing assisting, then Todd Hooper scored with Kevin Tink ýassist- ing. Randy Lake scored the winner on a slap shot from the right point with Dilling assist- ing, to complete the three goals in one minute and 21 seconds. Grant Bradley con- tinued to play a strong game in goal for the Realtors. Came four on Sun. after- noon for the consolation final, was a 2-1 ioss to Oshawa Dines Red Wings. Todd Hooper opened the scoring -for the Realtors, with bis fourth goal of the tournament and Doug Dilling assisting, then the Wings scored 2 quick goals on defensive errors. The Toros continued to appiy pressure but unable to score during the final eight minutes of period CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE DEPARTMENT 0F PARKS AND RECREATION SWIMMING We are very sorry toinconvenience persons taking the Recreation Swimming Course this year. Due to maintenance work at Pine Ridge School we have been forced to cancel the past two weeks of classes for reasons beyond our control. Classes wuil resumne April 19 and 21, 1976. T. A. Fanning, Recreation Department. 7Newcastle Golf Course %open April6h Daily Green Fees and Membership 18 Holes - Yardage 6,485 Electric Carts - Snack Bar One Mile East of Newcastle,, on Hwy. 2, and 1/ Mile North on Golf Course Road Telephone 987-4851 three. piayec throug This (29 wi leagu, elimin game Consol South Silve] elimin the C. Lindsi atedi overti Cham] Collinl Major Pee Paul Adams in goal Champior i a strong stand Up game Little N.J1 ihout. eiiminatei icompleted the 1975-76 the Conse )n with 68 games played Little NJ- ins, 31 losses, 8 ties). In Championi ue playoffs Markham finaliy1 1ated the Realtors in Tournam No.-6 (best 3 of 5 series); Consolatic olation winners at the Ail tean iCentral Ontario Region and man, cr Stick Tournament: thank W. ýated in game No. 2 of for the 'onsolation series at the Major PE say Tournament; elimin- parents fo, in game No. 2 after 3 during the ime periods of the the Cana( pionship series at the their exce. gwood Tournament; games rel Down, Dan Wilcox, Gerald Brunt, Bob Koczulab, Kirk Kemp, Tom Nowlan, George Bowen and Coach Dave Wright; back row,, Byron 'Duke' Brunt, assistant; Brian Martin, Ted Trudeau, Jerry Leddy, Neil Ryan, Joey Burns, Gary Nemisz, Rick Scott, Kim Rasmussen, Steve Hlogarth, Jim, Hutton, Manager 'Red' Scott and Terry Sarginson. Wees ns for Region N. 8 I.L. representatîve; 1d in game No. 3 of olation series at the I.L. Tournament of ns, Parry Sound, and Oshawa L.N.H.L. ent elimination in on final. .n members, coaches iger would like to Frank Real Estate sponsorship of the ee Wee Toros and )r their keen support e1975-76 season, aiso han Statesman for ýlient coverage of ail iorted. 7 TIRE S ALE RADIALS MrWHELS[ $60.0 $31001lI per Set of 4 [e] SIZES TO FIT MOST CARS Pi*neridge Ti*re Sales 27 Simpson Avenue Bowmanville Phone 623-4866ý Automobiles iPampered!1 Any car can be re-painted and re-condtoned ta make it appear to be un perfect shape 1 I but Iet's face if . when buying a used car, the previous care and maintenanc2 thatI the car has received is the single, most important consideration. That's why a one owner automobile is the safest buy. Almost every one of these cars has had only ONE I ORIGINAL OWNER. (We'II gîve you their name.)I jOnePâOwner Sale" et iy obd * Denotes one owner automobile* 1973 BUICK CENTURION 4-DR. HARDTOP Luxury Buick with air conditioning, power windows, 1976DODE DRT 4DR.-SPCIALEDIION rer deoggr, otchacksea, viyl opbod * 6 cyl., ato., power steering, vinyl roof, mouldings, mouldings. Lic. EM6 Ziebarted. Lic. KMC318* 1972 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR **1975 ASTRE 2-DR. COUPE (Demonstrator) Navy Blue with complimenting blue cloth interior, Just 10,000 miles on this 4 cyl., automatic, radio, wheel white vinyl top and body mouldings, deluxe wheel- I discs, radial tires. Lic. HRD871 discs, automatic, power brakes, power steering, radio. I *j<1975 DODGE DART SPORT Lic. EBE546 6 cyl., automatic. Lic. JZD069 1972 PONTIAC LE MANS 2-DR. * 194 MG COVERTBLEOnIy 35,128 miles on this extra dlean V-8, automatic, 11,000 miles on this immaculate sports ca r. EAN383 * Rustproofed. Lic. JMP556* 1969 CHEVROLET STATION WAGONI *1974 OLDSMOBILE DELTA ROYALE 2-Dr. Hardtop V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. * Fully equipped with air conditioning, power windows, Lic. EBE108 vinyl top, radio, detogger. Lic. APB199197CERLT4DO 1974 automaticpower O oW rbrkeONado 6 cyl., automatic, power steering, radio. Lic. DZA281 V-,*tmtc oe steering, *oe rkerdo 1966 METEOR 4-DOOR * power tailgate. Lic. HRD030 Showroom condition describes this car. V-8, a'utomnatic, * **1974 CADILLAC DE VILLE 4-DR. HARDTOP power steering, power brakes, power seats, rustproof- Too many options to list. Only 37,127 miles on this ed. 54,130 miles. Lic. EBD614 * luxury car. SoId and serviced by us since new. Lic. * 1964 PONTIAC 4-DOOR H RK356 6 cyl., automatic, power steering, radio. Lic. EBD635 M 1974 VOLKSWAGEN *This popular economy car has lust 18,000 original miles and teatures a sliding sun roof. Lic. .. AS436 I 1974 BUICK CENTURY * Sharp car with bucket seats, console, landau vinyl roof.US DTR CK Lic. HRC533 U E T U K **1974 PONTIAC LE MANS 2-DIR.* 1976 GMC '/-O PICKUP Just 18,000 miles and immaculate. V-8, automatic, V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio, power steering, power brakes, radio. Lic. HZV883 rear step bumper. Company driven parts truck. 5,500 I **1973 PONTIAC LE MANS 2-DR. miles. Lic. D74326 6 cy. uoaic ai.Lc BRH492* 1974 GMC 3/-TON PI1C KU P V-8, 4-speed transmission, radio, mags, wideoval tires, sliding rear window. Lic. E32665 * rustproofed. Lic. EC7 **1973 PONTIAC "GRAND AM" * 1974 GMC 1/2-TON PICKUPI This classy sports lob comes fully equippedwith V-8, V-8, automatic, radio. Lic. D42255 auto., power steering, power brakes, power windows, 193GC-T1O bucket seats, console, mag wheels, radial tires. Lic. *17 M -O * EBB703 12' stake body, V-8, 4-speed, radio. Lic. D40180 **1973 PONTIAC LE MANS STATION WAGON* 1972 GMC 50 SERIES Popular intermediate sized wagon, fully equipped. Lic. 16' aluminum van body, V-8, 5-speed transmission, DX0758 2-speed rear axie, power steering, radio, heavy dutyI *1973 FORD GRAND TORINO STATION WAGON trame and equipment. Purchased fromý General ILuxury Ford wagon with air conditiorqing. Lic. CRU820 Motors 4-5-76. Lic, D38108 * ~1973 LAU RENTIAN 4-DR. Just 31,125 miles on this Bowmanville car. V-8, auto.,* 1971 GMC TOW TRUCK * power steering, power brakes, radio, defogger. Lic V-8, 4-speed, 400 Holmes wrecker, dollies. Lic. D74333 M.DX0757 _ ICorne in to-day and see Cedric Russell - Cliff Moore'- Weldon Brown or St .ew Prestoni À "Th e I Homel> * of OId-i Fashioned* Hlospitality"o * Telephone 623-3396I

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