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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1976, p. 9

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BASEBALL - teams are endeavoring tu~ organize for the coming season. Men's Town League members should contact D & R Sports, or Frank's Variety. Electrons contact John Stainton. Town leagues in the nï inor set-up should contact the Recreation Department. GREEN GAELS - of Oshawa re experien- cing a lack of player turnout. Tom, Wreggitt of Bowmanville will be returning, but Ted Puk is flot expected to play with the Gacis this season. NYHL SHEEHAN - was elected, Sports Officer of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 178, at their recent general meeting. NyhI was also elected President., WE WELCOME - Leo Bradshaw to the area as associate professional at the Bowmanville Country Club. Leo has extensive experience in the golf profession and is an extremely fine teacher. He has won numerous professional golf tournarnents such as the 1972 Huntington Pro-Arn, the 1973 Saskatchewan Open (final round score of 66) and tied for 3rd in the 1973 Ontario Open. As well as being runner-up in the 1974 Ontario P.G.A. While competing in the South Africa Tour in 1974-75 Leo won the Reading Pro-Arn and in the last tournament of the South African tour finished with a score of 283 (5 under par) beating such players as Tony, Jacklin and Harold Henning. He bas also written articles for Golf Canada and bas given nurnerous golf exhibitions and clinics. I(a) Yes; the finy infant *THE KANGARO T then slowly crawls into BIRTHI ONLY ifs mother's pouch f0 (b) ... thaf we're long on service and short on price. Corne and see us at the place where complete satisfaction is second nature. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 28, 1976 9 TRACK AND FIELD - The new season for the Bowmnanville and Area Track and Field Club is' coming up soofl, and several athietes have already been working diligently for the coming season. Others who are interested are asked to meet at the Bowmanville High Sehool track this Saturday, May lst at 9 a.m. Ail ages are welcome, and organizer-s say that it would be beneficial to have al participants there this week. This year, the club has been blessed with a $250 grant from the Wintario Fund. Girls Western Area Basketball Champions Competing with four other schools, the Hampton Junior Public School Girls Basketball team became champions after winning- the Wester Area Invitation Basketball Tournament. The othÏer teams competing were from Vincent Massey, Maple Grove East, Maple Grove West and Enniskillen Public School. The team,ý coached by Hampton Public School teacher, C. R. O'Neill is comprised of (front row - left to right) Kim llaagmans, Lori Cook, Daphne Haagmans, Debbie Bedore, Kelly Martindale; (back row) Shelley Kingsley, Penny Brooks, Anita Rossi, Donna Holmes, Charlene Dallas and Jennifer Jarvis. Legion Ladies Hold Final Dart Playoffs The Legion Ladies held their final playoff for darts on Tuesday, April l3th and the league champions were Irene Whitney (Captain), Wilma Bates, Jean Buttn, Bernice Partner, and Ann Berry. Basebaîl Champs were Trixie Brown (Captain), Nan- cy Clowes, Rena Bathgate, Jessie Ligbtfoot and Kathy Ford. High Score, Anne Plazek (133). Most Double Ins, Nyhl Sheeban. Most Double Outs, Kay Barrett, Nancy Clowes. High Basebaîl, Trixie Brown, Judy Taylor and QUASAR Il 22" ýColor TV Youthil with Remote Bowling Banquets - Tykes, Contro i May 13,4:30Op.maiLiberty Regular $749.00 iors, 6 p.m. at 1. egitnt Hall, May 15. NOW ONLYPlayoffs - Winning. teams & F bowl at 11 arn., May lst. Tykes 49 lst Sebedule winners - Carolyn Connelly, Ken Roz- ema, Kyle MeLean, Steven Smith., 2nd Sebedule winners Carolyn Connelly, Mark Tripp, Tim Kirkton, Kathy DeSousa, Kyle McLean. Bantam Boys lst Scbedule winners - S. Wolley. S. Ricbards, R. Terry, E. \1Iliea,;d. 2nd Sehedule winners - F. > ~Tippins, R. MeLean, S. Mur- ray, G. Spear. Bantam Girls Ist Sehedule winners D. DEPARTMENT 0F PARKS& RECREATION CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F NEWCASTLE SOCCER JUNIOR SOCCER: Any boys between the ages of Ï4 to 18 years of age Who are interested in playing in the Darlington Junior Soccer League for a Bowmanvu lie Team please cali Mr. Robert Kennedy ait 623-2945. Praâmcti1ces T Bail: Saturday, May lst 9:30 a.m. '~Aom: Satu rda y, May 1st 9:30-a.M.' Pee Wee: Saturday, May 1lst 9:30 a. m. Memorial Park South Dia mond Lord Elgin Park Vincent Massey School Boys who have not yet, registered may corne to these practices or may register at the Recreation Department at 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville Town Hall. Nancy Clowes. Basebaîl 1-inn- ings, Virginia Fairey. Playoff champs Trixie Brown (cap- tain), Nancy Clowes, Rena Batbgate, Jessie Lightfoot and Kathiy, ,Ford, Skunk trophies, were won by A. Bate, R. Batbgate, M. Gray, A. Plazek, K. Barrett, G. Murdoch and H. Simnick. A new executive was elected for the fortbcoming season in September. President L. Downey, Vice President W. Bates, Sec.-Treasurer G. Murdocb and Statistician N. Colmer. Bowling Hancock, L. Smith, S. Land, L. Fenn, T. Burns. 2nd Schedule Winners - P. Knapp, L. Smith, S. Land, T. Burns. Junior Boys lst Sebedule Winners - R. Crossey, J. Rozema, K. Van Abbema. K. Rines, M. Char- land, R. Gibbs. 'Ind Schedule Winners - B. Richards, S. Zealand, K. Van Abbema, T. Sodhi, J. Wessel- ius, D. Connolly. Junior Girls Ist Schedule Winners - S. Roberts, P. Almond, D. O'Neil, S. Van Bakel, B. Connolly. 2nd Sehedule Winners - B. Fairey, C. Hooper, C. Crossey, S. Brooks, D. Stoneburg, T. Rowe. Senior Mixed Ist Schedule Winners -J Whyte, D. Sheehan, N. Van Bakel, M. Riggers, B. Hefi- ning, S. Holley. 2nd, Sehedule Winners - G.< Coombes, A. Cbow,.C. Mitch- ell, T. Morris, G. Austin. Seniors bowl Tbursday, April 29. WESLEY VILLE'P If variety is tbe spice of life, tben life in Ontario was surely spicy this past week. On E aster Sunday cbildren spent the afternoon in the outdoor swimming pool in at least one home wbile a week later on April 25th, the daffodils blooming so quickly in tbe heat, lay witb tbeir heads buried in snow in freezing temperatures. Out of season beat plays bavoc with blos- soms which open, tben are damaged in colder weatber. During last Winter's very mild days forsythia buds evidently swelled and were later frozen, for this spring many of the sbrubs have no bloom except on the very bottom branches which evidently had been protected with snow. Lt was a sbivery morning to get out for cburcb on Sunday LAWN-BOY SOLID STATE 21". Model 7265. With Catcher. The mower you can really push around! Light- weight engine and deck plus easy-rolI wheels. Solid State ignition for quick starts with a hotter spark and no points or condenser. Timing is per- manently set. Tune-ups are virtually eliminated. Exclusive LAWN-BOY 2-Cycle engine with sim- plified carburet'or. Extra-quiet, under-the-deck muffler. Up-front discharge for better catching. The dependable, quick and quiet LAWN-BOY. "We Service What We Seil" Brock's Service Centre Ltd., 20 King St. E. Bowmonville 623-5487 and driving conditions were hazardous too, especially after service. Lt was a special day at Welcome United ZION ,Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raby, Colborne were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Meneilley last Sunday. They were on Church with Communion ser- vice held. Rev. R. Bartlett was assisted by, the following eiders, Mesdames K. Dinner, Clarence Nîchols, J. Connelly;- Messrs. J. Groeneveld, Car- roll Nichols, L. Farrow, R. Baker and T. Wilson. Four new members were welcomed into the congregation by transfer, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lightle, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dunlop. A 1bvely pink hydrangea was he floral offering in memo.-y of Mrs. Violet Snell place 1 there by ber husband Perc;,, and their family, daugbter and grand- cbildren who w9re at 'the service. -1 The children's talk was introduced by reference to the swarms of hopel ul fishermen now lining the banks of creeks and rivers; Jesus had as bis disciples several fisbermen, possibly becise tbey, tbrough tbeir o«.-cupation, bad outreacb to the community about tbem. Hope townsbip fire equip- _ment was called out twice recently to fires in buildings. Tbe barn on tbe former Bruce Dinner farm caugbt fire over a week ago and a caîl was sent for assistance and last Wed- nesday afternoon ligbtning struck tbe Percy Hoskin borne at Welcorr e and considerable damage was done. There is mucb trucking stili on the access road but some of it is going to building sites at tbe west er d of tbe township. Two bouses on the Hope side of tbe town line and two more on tbe lakesbore are in the process of construction. Mrs. Clarence Nicbols re- turned last week from ber Easter visit to ber bome in Westmeatb. their way to Alberta wbere tbey bave purcbased a home and will be residing there. Mr. and Mrs. C. Meneilley and Raymond Titterington were in Toronto last Wednes- day. George Raby, Cornwall and David of Foxboro were visit- ing relatives at Roseberry Hill on Friday. David Geron, Pigeon Lake, spent, Easter weekend with bis mother, Mrs. C. Raby. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrard Goulah spent the Easter weekend with their parents at Tweed. Beautiful Flowers *.for Beautiful Peop1e. 162 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-3365 TIRE SALE. RADIALS MFG WEELJ $1 60oUI35J LPer Setof4 L ac SIZES TO FIT MOST CARS PinÜeridge Tire S'ales Fenelon Falls and ber tbree sons spent Sunctay afternoon witb Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Meneilley. Mrs. Leo Titterîngton and Raymond attended the Home Show in Toronto last Monday and Thursday visited friends in St. Catbarines. Mr. and Mrs. C. Meneilley had dinner Saturday evenîng with Mrs. C. Raby and David. Mr. and Mrs. John Meneil- ley and boys, Belleville and Mrs. Charlie Raby were Sunday afternoon callers on Mr. Fred and Miss Hilda Phono 623-4866 Sat., May I st is the Last Chance to Apply for participation in Bowmanville Men's Softball Loague If you're inte.rested, leave your nome 0f the store. Kids!! Look!! Just Arrivedl Kites - Frisbees - Roufer Skates ÇýjP 111111 27 Simpson Avenue' Bowmanville

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