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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1976, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, April 28, 1976 Ea e BEn yýisoTHAN-LlY Sunday visitors with Mrs. Roy Taylor of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank White Mr. Taylor is the grandson of were Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth the rector who built St. Paul's, Toorance and children, Jon Bethany, 100 years ago. and Heather, of Ottawa, and The Ladies Guild bake sale Mrs. Kenneth Syer of Cavan. was so successful that the gais On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Ben were ail sold out in an hour Myers of Ennismore were even though there was a afternoon callers. larger number of contribu- Easter Monday visitors with tions this time. Incidentally, Miss Laura Morton and Mr. we hope everyone had a Tom Morton were Mr. and chance to see the picture of the firstrector of St. Paul's and his wife thathwas on display. Birthday greetings to two more of our octogenarian residents, Mr. Clarence Rowan and Mrs. Harry Pres- f/lEl/M.f T/EGO16T ton. A special greeting to Mrs. FOAOW NET/N~fEPIIS Vercedes Strong who is soon to 92 years "young". St. Pau's A.C.W. The A.C.W. of St. Paul's, Bethany, enjoyed a delicious lunch at their meeting at Mrs.- Marion Woods. NMrs. Lorraine Smith opened the meeting, the theme -being "Sharing our blessings". We are only able to give what God has first given us. Rev. Sissmore extended an invitation to the ladies to attend the Crusade as a group. H A VEY He explained the necessity or DADT I ED need for the Crusade and PARTNER asked the support of each member. ORONO0983-5206, It was decided to send the ESSO HOME HEAT pennies to the amount of five SERVICE dollars to the Arctic. Gigantie End-of-Mon&th 'Clea itMCrrance of 1976 Demonstrators and One-Owner Automobiles ON E WEEK ONLY MANY WITH NEW CAR WARRANTY. Values in effect until Saturday, May 8, 1976. SAVE HUNDREDS C. DOLLARSI 76 CHARGER hardtop, silver metallic, red buckets, only 8,000 miles, air conditioning, see this- Only $6295. Licence No. K H LY721 75 DODGE MONACO hardtop, dark blue metallic, company executive car, 8,000 miles, new car warranty. Reduced to $4295. Licence J PN13o 75 DODGE CHARGER hardtop, gold metallic, bucket seats and consul, 15,000 miles, selling for the lowpriceaof $4495. Licence No. JSL464 75 DODGE MONACO BROUGHAM four door hard- top, silver wfth red ipterior, air coniditioning, fully equipped. Only $4595. Licence No. J LV390 75 DODGE MONACO BROUGHAM two door hard- top, red metallic with air conditioning, fully equipped. Only $4595. Licence No. JLV484 75 DART SPORT COUPE, six cvlinder with power steering, only 13,000 miles, Chrysler warranty. $3595. Licence No. JLV664 75 DART SWINGER hardtop, six cylinder with power steering, 33,000 miles, selling for only' $3395. Licence No. J LV438 76 DART SPORT, 2,500 miles, new car warranty, overdrive, 4 speed company car. Reduced to $3895. Licence No. KHY792 74 CHRYSLER NEW'YORKER four door hardtop, beautiful dark blue metallic, fully equipped, 45,000 miles, one owner, B ligf743nl $4895. Licence No. 74 CORVETTE STINGRAY bright orange, likeOnew. Fuly equipped, 4 speed. Only 9,000 miles. Don't miss this scarce model. Only $6995. Licence No. H PM470 No down payment wth acceptable credit Ibank financing available Don't miss this April clearance sale at . 75 DODGE CHARGE hadtp gl meaic 5o rie oat f 4495. Licn No. No 46 . C7aDDG 623-258 BOGHA M fourdoorhard 55 King St. East 623-4321 The bale collected contained many useful articles, especial- ly pyjamas, woollen slippers, sweaters, mitts, mother's bags, flannellette jackets, powder, pins, etc. The Ladies Guild is having another bake sale on April 24th at 2 p.m., and they are catering to the evening bowl- ers on May lst. Mrs. Marion Wood and Mrs. Rene Smelt are delegates to the Annual Meeting in Toronto on May 5th. The May meeting will be held at Mrs. Rene Smelt's on May 17th. Golden Star Senior Citizens The Golden Star Senior Citizens opened the meeting with their theme song and the president, Mrs. Belle Smith, read a modern version of the 23rd Psalm, beginning: "The Lord is my Pace-setter, I shall not rush He makes me stop and rest for quiet intervals, etc." Mrs. Winnifred Strong read the minutes of the last meeting. On April 28, the annual meeting will begin with a pot luck dinner -all members are especially invited to attend this supper and social evening. A Star Member certificate and sticker for good standing in the U.S.C.O. Inc. was given by Mr. J.L. Lertette, the president of U.S.C.O. The Senior Citizens Bowling banquet will be held at the Bon Fire Restaurant on May 11 at 5:30 p.m. The Manvers Coun- cil very generously gave a donation to help replace the trophy lost in the fire. A letter of appreciation will be sent. Since Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey of the Millbrook Bowling Alley have been most hospitable to the Senior Citizens it was decided to present them with a potted plant. An Easter Star patterned quilt is practically completed, and a Dresden plate patterned quilt is in the process of quilting. More craft work is being done under the leadership of Mrs. Jean Capeling. An afghan and cushion made by the Senior Citizens was displayed at the Antique shop of Mr. and Mrs. Whites', and was sold last week. Birthdays and anniversaries were recognized. The shuffle board has been painted by Jerry Ficko, and is under the leadership of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Staples. We hope many will enjoy the game. A letter regarding address labels was read, but left over for consideration until another meeting. Attractions of interest for the Senior Citizens were "The Scottish World Festival" at the Canadian Exhibition from August 14 to 17 and Memorial Centre in Peterborough "Lipizzan Stallion Show" on April 28 and a horse racing program. An invitation to be guests of the Blackstock Senior Citizens on May 19th was willingly accepted. A bus will be hired for transportation. The Senior Citizens Infor- mation Bureau in Peterbor- ough proved of benefit to members wishing informa- tion. A number of members paid the fine of a dime for failing to wear their Senior Citizen pins. Mrs. Lucy Borrow was convenor for the program which consisted of a reading "The Clock of Time" by Mrs. C. Rowan, and a sing song of Easter and Spring songs accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Lillian Fallis and led by Mrs. Violet Carr. Ten tables of euchre were played, the winners being Mrs. Boreena Clark and Mr. Tom MeKellar. A dainty luncheon of tea and cookies was enjoyed, served by the program group. a - Bowmanville RENT ALMOST ANYTHING: Power Tillers - Power Lawn Rakes Power Lawn Rollers - Aerators WE SPECIALIZE IN Do-It-Yourself Barn Painting Everything You Need for General House Cleaning - Spray Painting Power Tools Presidents Attend Inter-Club Dinner Presidents of the various service organizations in town who attended a recent interclub dinner meeting and ladies night were from left to right, Legion President Stan Dunn, Kinsmen Pres. Dave Crawford, Jaycees Pres. Larry Pooler, Rotary Pres. Neale McLean, Lions Pres. Moe Richards, Kiwanis Pres. Doug Barber and Chamber of Commerce Pres. Tony Brand.. A novel interclub meeting and ladies night was held April 17th at the Lions Centre when the Presidents and ladies.of the various service club organizations were feted. A few guests and club execu- tive members were also included. Kendal Kendal Women's Institute met on Wednesday evening, April 21st at the home of Mrs. R. Elliott with fifteen mem- bers present. The president, Mrs. K. Dykeman opened the meeting with the Institute Ode followed bv The Mary Stewart Collect. The minutes of the March meeting were read by D. Turansky and approved. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. T. Gosson. A Current Event was given by all members. Final plans were made for the Penny Sale coming up on Saturday even- ing, Apr. 24th. Annual reports were being made up to send to the District Convenors of the different committees. The District Annual is to be held in Bowmanville Trinity Church on May l1th. The Kendal Branch is to present the Memoriam for deceased members at the District Annual. Lunch was provided by Mrs. T. Gasson and Mrs. J. Stapleton. The May meeting is to be at the home of Miss C.W. Stewart. Those from Kendal who attended the Newcastle U.C.W. Thank-offering Ser- vice Apr. 20th were Mrs. W.H. Foster, Mrs. T. Stevens, Mrs. G. Cathcart, Miss C.W. Stew- art and Mrs. R. Elliott. The guest speaker was Mrs. Robt. Braun from Port Perry. Mrs. J. Caswall and Mrs. G. Allin, sang a duet. At the card party on Friday evening the winners were as follows. High lady - Mrs. Pearl Clark and low lady - Mrs. May Garbutt. High man was Law- rence Greenwood and low man - Don Hillis. The 50-50 draw was won by Mrs. C. Todd. This was the last card Tax Corner by John Manuel, C.G.A. With 1975 returns out of the way, we would expect to forget about taxes now until next year, and for most of us, this will be true. Some of us will still be left with a little house-cleaning, though. If a balance was payable on last year's return, it might be necessary to see that employers are deducting enough taxes. Perhaps the deduction for personal ex- emptions bas changed during the year. These details should be cleared away before this year gets too far advanced and the same problem comes up next year. Installment payments may be necessary on certain kinds of income. In fact if there is any kind of income where no tax is deducted at source you will probably have to make quarterly payments. The rule is that if more than 25 per cent of income is from a source where no tax is deducted (such as interest, rentals, business, etc.) and the difference in tax is more than $400, then 14 of the extra tax must be paid every three months during the year. The first installment was due on March 31st, the rest on the last day of June, Septem- ber, and December. The figure should be based on the 1975 balance or on the esti- mated earnings for 1976, whichever is less. If installment payments have not been made before, a short note should be attached to the cheque showing your name, address and account or Social Insurance Number. The first payment should be sent to the District Taxation Office (Belleville for most people in this area). Later ones can be paid at a bank when the proper forms come in. Failure to make install- ments on these taxes can result in a non-deductible interest charge next year. The event was sponsored by an interclub committee and designed to replace the costly practice of inviting the presi- dents and wives of other clubs to each ladies night held by individual clubs. Chairman for the evening was John party for the spring season. There was a real good crowd out to the W.I. Penny Sale held Saturday evening in Kendal School Auditorium. The ladies conducting the draws and calling the numbers were first Mrs. K. Dykeman and Mrs. Turansky and for the second half of the evening Mrs. T. Gosson and Mrs. J. Stapleton. The hand made quilt was won by Mrs. Jim English. The two special draws, the table hamp was won by Lyall Carroll and the knitted afghan was won by Mrs. B. Foster. An oil painting was won by Mrs. Qsborne, miqh,187 Wilson, representing the Kiwanis Club. Members of the Eastern Star served a delicious dinner, followed by the introduction of head table guests by Harvey Webster. His Worship Mayor Garnet Bowmanville. Following the draws lunch was served. The W.I. wish to thank everyone who contributed to and helped with the Penny Sale to make it such a success! Mr. Leonard Falls was at the church door meeting the people on Sunday morning. Rev. G. Montgomery's mess- age was entitled "The Differ- ence Easter Makes." During the afternoon Rev. Mont- gomery conducted services at the two nursing homes in Newcastle. Next Sunday will be the U.C.W. Thank Offering Service. Rickard was the impromptu speaker, recalling many of the achievements by service clubs over the years. The evening concluded with dancing to Ross Jackman's music with Terry Black as Master of Ceremonies. To celebrate Mrs. T. Steven's birthday last Wed- nesday, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes of Leskard, Mr. and Mrs. Cook of Orono, Mrs. W.H. Foster and Miss C.W.Stewart accom- panied Mrs. Stevens to a dinner at the Bon Fire Restaurant south of Lindsay, then all went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holmes. Miss Margaret Seens of Ottawa spent the weekend with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott. Sorry to report Mr. Roy Mercer is a patient in Bow- manville Hospital. ELIZABET HVILLE Easter Communion was Dekoker and while there held at Garden Hill on Sunday. visited Mrs. Sam Moore and A quartet of the choir sang. girls in Stayner. Rev. Robt. Bartlett spoke to Some of the ladies were a the children. He also wel- the Penny Sale in Kendk comed new members Mr. and Saturday night. Mrs. H. Hodgins and family to The Institute held a com- our congregation. During the mittee meeting to decide.more service a dedication of offer- about catering to a wedding in ing plates in memory of Mrs. May on Monday night. Viola Muldrew was made by Mrs. Blanche Muldrew is ber daughter Mrs. Don Whit- home again. Horner's had bred and granddaughters their sale on Satuday. They Carolyn and Elizabeth. These have bought a house in Port plates matched the pair that Hope. the U.C.W. gave in memory of Mrs. Muldrew last year. Rev. Bartlett spoke on "Ambassa- dors for Christ,". Followed with the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Next Sunday we have been invited to Kendal U.C.W. VN Thankoffering at 11:15, speak- er Mrs. R.V. Sheffield. The ladies put in a quilt at Florisr Mrs. Wheelers and finished it up on Wednesday. Several from here attended JOHN a miscellaneous shower for Miss Debbie Mercer held at IRADSHAW Campbellcroft hall on Sunday afternoon. She received many nice gifts and the hostesses served lunch at the close. Mr. and Mrs, O. Mercer M ay8,1976 were with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Provost, Lindsay, on Thurs- East Location day. Mrs. H. Thickson spent a couple of days with MrsvMJi MOPED SLE Saturday, May 1,11 a.m. Sunday, May 2,on pMoy BANKRUPTCY, INVENTORY LIQUIDATION Save Up ta 35 Per Cent Famous MOBYLETTE, French made. hoomilespergalme 8HPai55HRPM MOBYMATIC gear change - Teîeshocks etc. Lhst prace $479.SALE $299 Pîusthe-MERCEDES0F THEM ALL d GERMAN MADE ZUNDAPP Double shocks - fuîîy equipped - fast 2.5 HPat6000 P-I 30omiles pergaî. List price$579. SALEo$336 Se many Cther models from $227. ELLENDEL MULTICOM 52 QUEEN ST., BOWMANVILLE - 623-7684 Add i Sales Tax - Al sales final. Saturday1, MayS1R11la. S- w ~wPw - w=Il! *- -- - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- ------- ----- - "ý . . .... .I . * CMEUNAND SAMPLEi AM Àv I SWIFT'S FINE PRODUCTS Values are effective until closing Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday May 1, 1976 9:00a.m.to5:00p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ALL MEATS GOV'T INSPECTED CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY Tim's Rent-Ail Limited Sales and Service

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