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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1976, p. 11

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I The Newcastle Indepei IEditors: Jack und Hazel Crago In the report of lastv '-.ênor Citîzens Meetinj made an error. t was bi to our attention that it members of the Great Ridge Kinsmen Club of castie, Orono and Browr who will entertain the castle Senior Citizens' CI May luth at St. Geý Parîsh Hall, Newcastle. senior citizen in this area has need of transportatiý that evening, these ar numbers to caîl,( 983-9424, Newcastle 987-ý Mr. and Mrs. Alex H have returned from av holiday in Fredericton, Brunswick. Their son,( who has completed his year at University of Brunswick returned with his parents. The Her were lucky to avoid trouble, as the police wE strike in Fredericton ai one was enforcing the 1; Sympathy is extendi Mr. and Mrs. George Ste son and family on the de, her sister, Mrs. Lucy Toronto. ATTENTI< -WHqY# "'From Sad Newcastle Unit Marion1 COST - Francis m Mrs. Fari I on Sunday, M UP TC CASH For the purchaSE Etectrie Riding N Garden Tractor1 JuJly 311, 1976. Battery pc Morton's R.R. 2, Bowmar TE week's We extend congratulations with her parents, Mr. and ig, we, to Rose and George Graham Mrs. Murray Paterson., rought on their 47th wedding anni- Miss Judy Powell, Cobourg, is the versary recently. visited on Sunday with ber tPine On Saturday, April l7th, Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 1New- and Mrs. Ed. Barchard at- Powell. nsville tended thé wedding of Miss Mr. and Mrs. Donald 'New- Patricia Barchard, daughter Holmes enjoyed the weekend Iub on of Mr. and Mrs. Calvert in Brampton with Mr. and >orges Barchard, to Mr. Allan Paz- Mrs. Ted Walton. If any zolato, in St. Mark's United Mrs. Vi- Osborne, Bowman- a only, Church, Whitby. ville, spent the weekend with ion for Birthday greetings to Carol ber sister, Mrs. Marie Gibson. e the Gray, Joe Smith, Jack Crago, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce Drono Tracy Embley. enjoyed the 8th Annual Barrie -5052. Sympatby is extended to the Promenade on Saturday night, endry Miller relatives on the death of Apr. 24th and were overnight veek's Mrs. May Brookham, Oshawa, guests with their daughter, , New mother of Mrs. Marg Denney. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton, Grant, We are very pleased to Brampton. sfirst report that Mr. Clinton Burley Mrs. Pat Bernard, Flesher- New is convalescing at home after ton, spent last Tbursday with home surgery in Mernorial Hospital, her mother, Mrs. Nellie Spen- ýndry's Bowmanville. Mr. Harry Jose cer. 1any is also recovering at home. On Saturday evening, April ere on Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Mur- 24th, at Eastdale Collegiate ind no ray, Oshawa, were Sunday Mrs. Wilda Johnson and Mrs. law. visitors with bis parents, Mr. Pauline Storks attended the led to and Mrs. James W. Murray. first annual Awards Night for ephen- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Powell Volunteers, at the Durham ath of celebrated their 58th wedding Centre Development for the Hunt, anniversary on Tuesday, Apr. Handicapped. Mrs. Storks, 2th. To celebrate this event, received an award for one Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coulter, year's service. There are now Toronto hosted a family dîn- 112 volunteers and more are ner on .Sunday, Apr. 25th. always needed. The program Those in attendance were Mr. which ends this June will El and Mrs. Ronald Powell and resume again in September. ICIly Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mrs. Raye Friedlander, Powandell, Colleen and Kelly, Mr. Toronto; Mr. Dean Friedland- ,ist andMrs. Jack Crago, Miss er and Jason, Kitchener and Dorrene Powell and Mr. Miss Cindy Garrod, Humber Floyd Powell, Mrs. Don Coul- College, visited with Mr. and ter, Downsview; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gordon Garrod Jr. on the Harley Sherman,, Lisa and weekend. Donald, Downsvîew and Mr. His many friends will be and Mrs. Frank Rudge, Dale, pleased to know that Mr. R. David and Douglas, Malton, Brenton Rickard is progress- and of -course, the'bride and ing favourably in Toronto groom of 58 years. General Hospital and will Miss Gladys Allin has finish- hopefully return home later ed ber year at University of thîs week. Guelph and is home with her Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross son, Newtonville, were Satur- YAllin. day evening guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. David Milton, Mrs. Robin Alldred, Lake Ottawa, 5pent the weekend Shore. Saturday luncheon guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Kimbaîl were their niece and busband, Dianne and Ken Birney, Oshawa. Dinner guests Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Staple- ton, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hender- ~cf- son and friends, Brucefield g. ~ 10g were Friday evening guests 1? f~ ~ -,a~ with Mr. and Mrs. Harry vols Wade. e 1,14 We wis a speedy recovery to Mr. Wilfred Wood who has undergone eye surgery in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Britton, Belleville, were Sunday 58 R callers with his parents, Mr. IV F RM ER I'e and Mrs. Harve Briýtton. Upon his retirement, after PA 'Y ïM OR E ?etwthSlrLd. ht Mr. Harold Harris was pre- SAV E ON sented hast Thursday with a PR EM IUM QUAL ITY beautiful rocker recliner chair from the company. Constable Mark Alldread GAS -.DIESEL FUEL and his fiancee, Toronto, were MbTOR OIL Sunday visitors with bis mother, Mrs. Lloyd Alldread. I Prompt Delivery Welcome home to Mr. and Mrs. Art Tuson who have Please Cail ColIect enjoyed the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Allin - enjoyed the Bai-ber Shop u V L witff Y Singing Competi ion, n Peter- *1A~ borough Civic Auditorium last WNU 66-3381 weekend. 668-3381Anglican Church News On Sunday, April 25th, at St. _______________________ Saviour's Church, Orono, two dedications were made by i die ags t R751 aRobert Hayne, aBap- A history of Alfred Jakeman, given by his ted Church from 1824 to 1975 wife Velma and a Baptismal Basin in memory of Percy and by Jean Morgan, given by the (Rickard) Farr family. In St. George's Church, .$5,00 PER COPY Newcastle. three memorial plaques were dedicated, one in Order f ro m memory of Helen LeGresley sJose b8-79o h y ber husband, Reginald, one 987-489 o thein memory of Mabel LeGres- inister 987-4250 ley by St. George's Fellowship ____________________Club and the third in memory of nnie Pinnegar by the ,r wll be atthe church I hurcb and Wardens. Mr. > John Meachin was installed vlower or a Lawn and ferring from1 Centennial betwen no andUnited Churcb, Oýhawa. Rev. betwen-no andThomas 'Smith delivered a ~ sermon on Guilt. The Sacra- ment of Holy Communion was administered. On Sunday, May 2nd, Mrs. Marlon Rickard Farr who ower is better wrote the church history Su p pUy wilI be a guest and will Form upplyautograph copies of her book. L td. unday, Apr. 25th, the Elders nvill 6232219 and their families hosted a Pot ivi le 6232279 Luck Lunch for the families of those who joined the church, SHorizontal pre-fini extra strength and Imm rdentI elephone 987-4201 during the latter part of hast year'and this year. .On Tuesday evening, April 2Otb, the United Churcb Women beld their Easter Thank-Offering Meeting. The guest speaker was Mrs. (Rev.) Robert Brawn of Port Perry. Visitors were present from Orono, Kendal and Newtonville. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY BOWLING Ladies 200 and Over D. Holmes 203, M. Zegil 223, B. Major 219-205, M. Major 241, G. Gamsby 256, P. Irwin 204, N. Williams 209-215, R. Sinou 267, D. Mercer 246-276- 246, D. Neal 245, H. Couroux 232, S. Foster 266-230, D. Forth 246-243, J. Holmes 231, D. Langstaf f 244-216,. A., Lang- staff 212-225, T. Langstaff 204-222, 1. Brown 284-290, M. Foster 20. Men 225 and Over G. Watson 252, R. Niekolson 231, M. Henry 2'38, G. Kimbaîl 225, W. Flintoff 292-227, S. Powell 243, T. Embley 227, J. Graham 289, S. Glanville 256. The Jolly Tryers 175 and Over C. Szymczak 208-250-184, C. Rice 187, G. Tomkins 206-181- The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvi11e, pr i 28, 1976 il West Durham Cdn. Club Elects New Executive Easy as ail gtout Buildal makes t ieasy!. 1 Buildaîl s the home improvement centre that makes shelving, insulation, roofing, even bathroom var renovating a piece of cake! Want to add value ta your YOU can be sure that the value is there, too. Whe home? Add a room, panel the basement, re-shingle come to Buildall donthesitate to ask questions. $the roof, redecorate the kitchen, install some shelves, how you Iearn. And we're eager to teach everybc put up dividers or renovate the bathroom. Doing it be a do-it-yourselfer. Whatever project you ha yourselfis easy as all get outif you come to Buildallto mnd, its easy as ail get out . because Bi learn how. At Buildail you'Il find qual ' ty, name brand makes it easy. proqucts like lumber, exterior siding, panelling, paint, LUXACLAD ALUMINUM. THE ULTIMATE IN l"DO-IT-YZOURSE'LF"" MATERIALSe SIDNGsoi"fiTl-FASCIA EVESTROUGI] shed white with bonded backer 'board for Save on upkeep - No more painting. Easy May as weII complete the jobso you can throw aw to in1taiA+ente- soffi.andfasc- a id isultio 9'wiuI[I, cartoni covers aooui 88 sq ua re feet. Carton prefinished white. SO FFI T 16" x12"6" u FASCIA 811x lo' 61" 101, STOCK CLEARANCE OFF GREGG ACORNACAN CU PBOARDS Buy now while the selection is stili fairly good and save one-third off the original price. Modular units that y ou can instalir yourself. Just bring in your kitchen le measuremen is for a no-charge, no-obligation estimate. ECONO CARPET By Ozite May be used outdoors or below grade, 12' wide, colours gold, green, orange or cinnamon. e4 ON LY Square Yard 5.4'9 4.19 I READY TO FINISH C.UPBOARDS Smoothly sanded, welI made units that, you can take with you and instali yourself. Can be stai1ned or pai1nted. Baise Units 4', 6', 8' LONG AS LOW $77 AS Top Extra I. n Building a Garage, Carport, Cottage, Additon, Sundeck? Just bring us a M ~ T j ASOCIAE ST RE)TO 9 00 pm. OTHER CONVENIENT SELF-SERVE LOCATIONS. 22IBOBLO.NO1111R ST. EAST 0F OSHAWA W HITBY 226BRCK6T821 ICOU RTICE, 7 28- 1.u611 $67o12 ,109, G. Bailey 216, J. Richter 178-197, J. Wright 188-184-261, P. Gilray 198-185-208, T. Rice 211, R. Wright 221-184, C. Richter 206-243, M.J. Tomkins 201, C. Gilray 250, T. Myers 177-247, D. Bailey 194. Thurs. 200 and Over F. Lewis 200-235, R. Forget 218-235, B. Morgan 208, C. MacGregor 208, W. Forget 294, M. Lewis 223, M. MacGregor 234-205, B. Glanville 200, J. Forget .209-318-245, B. Forget 213. Friday 200 and Over M. Burley 213, J. Holmes 248, T. Sluymers 213-251, A. Pearce 220-207, S. Glanville 232, F. Couch 214, L. Willems 229-230-214, H.M. Munro 203, K. Powell 216, S. Powell 226, B. Madili 254-271, H. Guthrie 218, A. Guthrie 229-211-292, G. Henry 209, B. Kentner 216-220, R. Good 225, J. Pleasence 210-257, M. Henry 225, T. Embley 215-207, E. Darling 200-200, L. Pearce 266. Shaw's uir- . a. ne a ~a excp- Mrs. Barbara Lane and tional presentation of the- ittle daugbter, Honour, spent anucmn eadn h a couple of days last week with purchase of land on Con- One of the founding members of the Ontario Human R1Ulihts Commilission, Ross and Thelma Lane. cession St. E. in Bowmanvilhe. Albert G. Watson, left, spoke to members of'the CaainCu"fWs Rod and Marlene Stork by the Participation House Durham at their April 6th meeting. Beside him is club president Doug Hately. enjye lst husdy nEb'sProjeet (Durham Region) Ine. The annual meeting brought a new executîve to the club which includes N.H.L. game at Maple Leaf which bad been finalized just Gardens. Friday. We will certainhy be Recording Secretary Mrs. D. Cole, Corresponding Secretary Mrs. J. Coombes, Several ladies from the watcbing this project with Treasurer Mrs. Betty Baker, and four new directors, Mr. H. Jose, Mrs. M. Shaw's community attended iret intprop.qfPqvnpe Mr- D- Metcalfe and Mr. B. Dean. Che meeting especially for Women at Trinity Church last Tues. night. The four ladies from the newly-formed lVastectomy Service were just splendid as they represented a real cross section of women who must be concerned about the problems of cancer. These ladies were living proof that cancer can be beaten. A big thank you is due to Annabelle Rickard who has collected the news and written this column while the regular correspondent was slightly out of order. Her help was much appreciated. There were il tables of Euchre and Five Hundred last Saturday evening when Gar- net and Annabelle hosted a very enjoyable neighbourhood card party in their spacious new home. Ralph and Beatrice Camp- bell, Jane Derby, Barbara and Stephen Wood assisted at the Telephone Centre at the Par- icipation House Telethon last weekend. Mayor Garnet did a wonderful job as he appeared on the Durham Region desk at

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