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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1976, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 28, 1976 Local Kiwanians Hear Their Governor, Governor of the Eastern Canada and Carribean District of Kiwanis, AI Duf- field paid his officiai visit to Division 10' Thursday evening April lSth at the Academy Theatre in Lindsay. The event hosted by the Lindsay.Club was a great success and enjoyed by close to 500 members and wives from the division. Amongst those present for the occasion were Bowmanville Kiwanis President Doug Barber, left, and his wife Elaine and Kiwanian Bruce Colwell right, and wife Eleanor,seen here with Gov. Duffield, centre and his wife Lee. Mr. Duffield is a native Canadian now living in Jamaiea. -Photo by Doug Taylor. Coun. Lyaâmll Clarifies Town's Bourning Bylaw Apnil 24, 1976 -There is considerable mis- undenstanding in the Town of Newcastle -- especially in the former Village of Newcastle, concerning the burning of rubb)is.' This statement was -t T't16i MOBE A CHiLOD., eF YOi'QE NO/S Y Yom GET A £ /CKING, /F YOU;/qE QU/E7- A "CASTMR 0O/L" MARTY'S Auto Repair 3 Queen St.,, Bowmanville 623-3896 made by Councillor Kenneth 'Kel" Lyall in a weekend press release. According to Mn. Lyall, townspeople -- Spning cleaning their property after the win- ten, are bunning the resulting debnis -- which he says is not legal. Councillon Lyall stated that tbe laws quite dlean. Permits for burning rubbish or trash must be obtained -- there is no charge -- from Chief Fred Glanvîlle at the formen Vil- lage of Newcastle on at Fine Headquarters in Bowman- ville. "Burning debnis, rubbish on commercial trasb without first obtaining a fine permit is contrary to Town By-law 75-33 and is therefore illegal." According to Mn. Lyall, "The only exception to this nule is' that"Ithe burning of leaves in the former Village of Newcastle and the Darlington anea is penmitted between September and November providing that the leaf burning takes place on pivate proper- Mn. Lyall said tbat the reason for this exception is an undenstandable one. "The former Village of Newcastle has an inadequate surface water sewen system and surface water drainage in tbe anea greatly depends on ditches to run off Spning thaw surface water to the creeks." If the leaves are not burned in the Autumn, Mn. Lyall bheld, the leaves fill the drain ditches and tbe following Spring, surface water run off is impeded and nesidents get, water in their cellars. "It was for tbat reason that 1 nequested and obtained an amendment to By-law 73-33 in November 1975." Wben the change was made, Town Councillors nepresent- ing Wand One, Danlington, requested that thein area be included in tbe leaf burning exemption -- and tbe request was gnantcd. Bowmanville residents, with a garbage pick up system ihial is paid f'or out of Bowmnanville taxes, do not have the right to burn leaves under this By-law amendment and those people must put their leaves with the garbage to be disposed of in theusual manner. In conclusion,, Mr. Lyall said -Dont forget to get a burning permit if you want to burn rubbish or you might just get a visit from the Town By-law enforcement officer and a trip to Court." STARIKVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd and family had Sunday dinner with Mrs. Layng and Dyana. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls entertained a panty at the New Dutch Oven in Orono last Wednesday evening. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ewant Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Len Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Vanhaverbeke, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Trim, Mn. and Mrs. Jim Stark, Mn. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Mn. Jim Hal- lowell. Following the supper tbey ail went back to Mr. and Mrs. Falls new home in Bowmanville for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Len Falls attended the christenmng of their granddaughter, Rachel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Falls, Peterborough, on Easter Sunday. SMr. and Mrs. Dave Scott, Mr. Gerald Hallowell and Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Scott and Miss Susan -Scott spent Easter weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hlallowell. M rs. J0hri Layng and Dyana bad Saturday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Llew 1-WlowelI. Shiloh U.C.W. held its April meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs, Edna Dobson. The Pres. Mns. Brian Caswell opened the meeting with a prayer. The hymn "The Lord is My Shepherd" was sung. Mrs. Dobson- read the scripture and prayer. Mrs. Jim Stark read the March report and Mrs. Carl Todd read the Treasunen's report. Much business was discussed including an "Opportunity Sale" to be held in May, and also a Household effeets, good used clothing and Bake Sale 1l'wo factors contributed to an excuse for a lesser number than usual in attendance at the Sun. arn. services but in spite of the' wild weatber and spring ahead in time of one hour, there were 50 worshippers in the, pews for Cburcb. Ray Ashton presided at the organ and led his ten Sr. Choir mnembers in a new bymn -Comne Ye Faitbful, Alleluia", The congregation learned it and sang it also. Jr. Cburcb was led by Merle Avery. The cbildren's story came from Polland and said God was there in the well was really a reflection of uneself in the water. This is true as God lives in us. We are the temple of Holy Spirit and bebave, accordingly; our minister stated as he stood before the front pew. In his sermon entitled "The New Being" be introduced it as a question, "What is the significance of the human being? Is it size,, wordly possessions, intellect, prestige, or the question can be cbanged to wboam I? " If in Christ we are a new creature or person as suggested by a choir member. Reconcil- liation as individuals in bumil- ity and reunion with God was our Minister's earnest plea. A toucb -of spring in the Sanctu- ary was provided by a pretty vase of golden yellow daffodils f'rom the Taylor's garden. We are grieving sadly over the untimely deatb of Pearl Randie, Hampton (nee Adams, a former pretty local girl) and we sympathize with lier sorrowing husband, three daughters, sister and their f'amilies. ln the past are the Mid-week Study on Wed. held in the CE. wing of the Ty-rone Church. :Youth Group fun eveniag was, Sun. evening when our group and some friends -had a Bowling party at the "Liberty Bowl" alley. Keitb McGill was score keeper, with the top score of 247. Higb sconers for the Dolîs in Game one wene Barbara Ashton, Game two, Susan Werry, low scores in Game one, Susan Werry and Game two, Debby Pollard. Higb scorers for the Guys were Kyle Graham in the two games and low scores Brian McGill in game one -and James Werry in Game two. The Enniskillen U.C.W. met at Jessie Slemon's home on Wed. Full details next week. Future events are: Our- young peoples invitation to the Youtb Rally at Orono on Sat. Mav lSth wben Two, Young people from Zambia, Part III of the Youth Exchange will take part. May 9tb, Family Sun. (Motber's Day) parents with children for baptism should contact our minister as early as possible. We would like to dlaim a little space to correct sligbt errors or omissions in our delayed news last week due to printing or reporting viz: Ruth Stengers solo title "He Toucb- ed Me". Distributing bulletins were Meta Read, Margaret Stainton, Dorotby Sharp). Many questions were prompit- ed in the Question and Answer time. Thank You. Our Katbryn (Slemon) Coverly, Englisb specialist at Court ice Secondary Sehool bias once again "Chalked Up" a superlative success witb the expertise directing of ber C.S.S. Drama Club in the presentation of "South Pacific," played to a packed bouse in B'ville H. S. auditor- ium for four nights last week, ten young students from our area participated either in the casi, behind scenes or the band. lleartiest congratu- lations to one and alI. Margaret and Orville Ashton accompanied by Marj- orie and Harry Worden, Lois and Keith Worden, R.R.2 B'ville, to enjoy the excellent Musical "South Pacific". May we add our Happy Birthday wishes to the many for Mr. Arthur Stainton who is 91 yr. young and for whom bis immediate family held a reception in bis honour at the home of one of bis daugbtens to entertain bundreds of friends last Sat, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clark, Owen Sound were visitons wîth their motber Mns. Gertie Lyons who bas netunned home with them for a week. .1 Miss Winnifred Cole, R.N. Willowdale was last Wed. visitor witb Mr. and Mrs. E. A, Werry. Mr. and Mrs. George Lead- beater, Lori and Mark, Miss Candy Clark, Oshawa, were Sun. guests with Mn. and Mns. Leadbeater, Tom and Ross. The Piggott Twins Sberi and Laura bad a tonsil openation last week and are necovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, bad Sunday lunch witb Mn. and Mrs. M. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. John Borrow- dale, Rosedale were Sun. dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. H. McGills. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Slack and Holly, Oshawa, Mn. Locki McNair and Miss Bantlett, Toronto spent Sun. with Mn. and Mrs. Earl McNair. Mr. and Mns. E. A. Wenry, Mr. and Mns. Allan Werry and family wene guests. at the reception for Arthur Stainton at tbe home of Mr. and Mns. Tom Sobil, Taunton. Congrat- ulations to this 91,year old. Mn. and Mrs. Wiibert Smith, Oshawa, Mn. and Mns. Don Lamb, Bailieboro wene necent visitons at L. Lamb's. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pollard and family wene Sun. visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Art Pollard's, Brougham. We received with regret. the ENNISKILLEN NEWS IIC½\sof (fie death ot Donald Mountjoy, Mount Forest who was a former Haydon boy, and extend condolences to his family and relatives which include his Aunt and Uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp. The U.C.W. ladies catered f'or the Fouîîdry dinner Sat. evening. A surprise dinner party was held at the home of Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Sanderson, Columbus in honor of Mrs. Sanderson's approaching birthday this coming week, family guests wbo were present, were Mrs. Jim Tetty, Moncton, N.B., Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bodley, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ratz, Mr. Ray Ratz, Huntsville, Mr. and Mrs. R-ay Sanderson, Sharon and Carol, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Sanderson Rag- lan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright, Miss Betty Wright. The Youth Group had a brief business period some plans for May meetings were i Study meeting in the S.S. room Tuesday, May 4 witb films fromn the'librany. ii Box Social in Community Hall Fni. May 7tb. iii Fun meeting in the school gymn Sun., May l6tb. The S.S. session included a brief talk on Cerebral Palsy by Joyce Chambens. Donations will be gratefully accepted fromn S.S. next Sun. towards a possible Partici- pat.on House. Practice for, the Sun. May 23rd, S.S. Annivers- ary Service is in full swing under the direction of Ulah Chambers. ORONO F.A, KRAMP FURNITURE 37 King St. E. 623-7071 Bowmanville's Headquarters for Furniture - Carpet - Drapes Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hlarris, Richard, Kim and Glen were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mns. Lawrence Harris, Douglas and Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gin visited his brother and si, in-law Mr. and Mrs. Clarct,, Ginn of Nestîcton who recent- ly celebrated their 56 Wedding Anniversary. Congrat- ulations. The Durham Central Agni- cultural Society beld their annual banquet in the Orono United Cburch Main Hall on Wednesday, April 2Ist. Guest speaker was L.G. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. John Conforzie and son John of Toronto spent Good Friday with ber parents Mr. and Mns. Gordon Power. Denise Challice spent the Easter weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Murray Brown, Ciîndy and Debra of Petenbonough. Mrs. A. Quinney of New- castle has returned home after visiting her -daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner, Mr. and Mrs. Les Hnebrîcek of Toronto with her parents Mr. and Mns. Ken Baîl over Easter. Mrs. Wm. Robinlson was recently transferred to the Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville from the Oshawa General Hospital.

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